Yep. I don't recall how long it took, but there was significant delay on my first few posts. I think it's an anti spam policy; if a new account is made and starts posting ads everywhere or something they can catch it before it even makes it to the site.
He joined in February though, and his first post in the thread was in April, so he should already have been determined not to be a spammer, when he joined the thread.
We all got cucked in the end, so we choose to not look back at the moment whatsoever.

For you, it is "back", but for me it is happening right now ...

With all my heart I want Lucan to die. If for us he is an enemy now, well, he needs to be found and killed. If he is a vassal, he must be sent to preach to the Abyss, converted to Tiamat in Seven. If he is our ally, then you need to kill him secretly ... anyway, he just has to DIE.
For you, it is "back", but for me it is happening right now ...

With all my heart I want Lucan to die. If for us he is an enemy now, well, he needs to be found and killed. If he is a vassal, he must be sent to preach to the Abyss, converted to Tiamat in Seven. If he is our ally, then you need to kill him secretly ... anyway, he just has to DIE.
It'll happen eventually. Just gotta be patient. Sometimes delayed gratification is the name of the game.

The Conclave was frustrating for all of us, but we got past it and things have been moving along nicely since then. Hang in there!
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For you, it is "back", but for me it is happening right now ...

With all my heart I want Lucan to die. If for us he is an enemy now, well, he needs to be found and killed. If he is a vassal, he must be sent to preach to the Abyss, converted to Tiamat in Seven. If he is our ally, then you need to kill him secretly ... anyway, he just has to DIE.
A good grudge is like a high quality bottle of wine; you have to age it more than a little, then save it for a special occasion when you can savor it properly. Just guzzling our vengeance like Yss going through a glass of Gelugon and fruit juice is a waste.

Edit: to be clear, I'm on board with the kill him train; I've even got the weapon picked and everything. Gloves of the Shortened Path and any touch range spell we like that we can't otherwise use in a fight. Things like this, this but with a permanence scroll, or more straightforwardly that.
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A good grudge is like a high quality bottle of wine; you have to age it more than a little, then save it for a special occasion when you can savor it properly. Just guzzling our vengeance like Yss going through a glass of Gelugon and fruit juice is a waste.

Edit: to be clear, I'm on board with the kill him train; I've even got the weapon picked and everything. Gloves of the Shortened Path and any touch range spell we like that we can't otherwise use in a fight. Things like this, this but with a permanence scroll, or more straightforwardly that.

So my hope that he was dead did not materialize ...
This is a spoiler in the full meaning of the word, it literally spoils my life.
That's right, why do we need to kill a man who kills magicians if they refuse to accept the Seven?

I sincerely apologize for raising a topic that everyone wants to forget, but reading this piece of the quest is physically painful.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 9, 2020 at 4:54 AM, finished with 61 posts and 18 votes.
Part MMMDLXXIII: The Sun in the Sea
The Sun in the Sea

Second Day of the Second Month 294 AC

The sea heaves and roils as the black blood of devils, the fetid ichor of daemons and the entrancing bright poison vitae of the asura flows into the surf. Foam crowned waves tall enough to scrape the overhanging stone of the sea caves rise from the depths as the Ferryman takes what is his, the deathless and the damned down into his watery halls. Though they are not his foes and he does not know well the taste of their blood, the Lord of the Depths drinks deep for from their deaths, and from which will be born a Herald of the deep waters.

The sea cat is the largest beast of its breed you have ever seen, its claws like swords and with teeth big heavy enough to bite through steel. If you were asked what such a creature might feed upon you would guess the leviathans of the depths without any hesitation. Yet still it sleeps, surrounded by a translucent membrane grown by the Forge. Its eyes would not open until the Ferryman makes it so, invested with His power and will upon the Spheres.

The beast is lowered into the water with an odd but surprisingly sturdy Bulabar-crafted crane, so that no living thing might touch the Herald-to-be in the moment of its awakening.

For a long moment there is silence as though even the sea itself is hushed, then light golden and orange like the dawn in the depths shines from the waters. A creature arises from those waters, like and unalike to the embryonic being you had seen moments before. While you can still see its countess, feline and piscine grace melded into one, diaphanous fins like veils shroud it as clouds shroud the face of the sun. The god of the depths has wrought more than you anticipated. This is not a being meant for battle against the Deep Ones, though it would be skillful in the task, but rather to hunt Down those lost souls who escape his grasp and wander the sea in sorrow and rage.

"Hail Viserys King, I am Aife, Keeper of the waves below." Not it, but 'she' you realize from the timber of the voice speaking the Old Tongue in a manner more ancient than any now alive do. "I know it is in your mind to ask my aid against the Scourge of Madness for you have spoken of these hopes with those who honor my Maker. This I may do when battle is near, but now I have other tasks, other longer journeys to see to far to the North where the Children of the Great King wander without succor."

A chill runs down your spine at these words. The remaining triton tribes not gathered in Sorcerer's Deep are split between the Jade Sea and the Shivering Sea. Just yesterday you recall telling Black Walder to watch for Deep Ones from that quarter, but there is another darkness near at hand there. The Ice, the Others on their frozen thrones. Had the wanderers fallen afoul of Their schemes? "Who calls for your aid, my lady? How desperate is their plight?"

"The ones who wander. Their Nights grow long," the herald replies.

What do you do?

[] Pledge to send Blight's Bane north with her alongside a company of tritons and flesh-forged beasts

[] Let her depart, if the Ferryman judges Aife's strength alone sufficient or has other forces to join with her you have no reason to meddle

[] Write in

OOC: So as I was writing this I was considering 'what might the Merling King do with a herald', so I rolled some background dice for this month and the above happened. On the plus side you did get a stronger herald than anticipated. Sublime creature synergizes well with cleric creatures.
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The Sun in the Sea

Second Day of the Second Month 294 AC

The sea heaves and roils as the black blood of devils, the fetid ichor of Daemons, and the entrancing bright poison vitae of the asura flows into the surf. Foam crowned waves tall enough to scrape the overhanging stone of the sea caves rise from the depths as the Ferryman takes what is his, the deathless and the damned down into his watery halls. Though they are not his foes and he does not know well the taste of their blood, the Lord of the Depths drinks deep for from their deaths so will be born a Herald of the of the Deep Waters.

The sea cat is the largest beast of its breed you have ever seen, its claws like swords, it's bite heavy enough to shear through steel. If you were asked what such a creature might feed upon, you would guess the leviathans of the depths without any hesitation. Yet still it sleeps surrounded by a translucent membrane grown by the forge. Its eyes would not open until the Ferryman makes it so, invested with His power and will upon the Spheres.

As the beast is lowered into the water with an odd but surprisingly sturdy Bulabar-crafted crane, so that no living thing might touch the Herald-to-be in the moment of its awakening.

For a long moment there is silence, as though even the sea itself is hushed, then light shines from the waters, golden and orange like the dawn in the depths. A creature arises from those waters, like and unalike to the embryonic being you had seem moments before. While you can still see its countenance, feline and piscine grace melded into one, diaphranous fins like veils shroud it as clouds shroud the face of the sun. The god of the depths has wrought more than you anticipated. This is not a being meant for battle against the Deep Ones, though it would be skillful in the task, but rather to hunt those lost souls who escape his grasp and wonder the sea in sorrow and rage.

"Hail, Viserys King, I am Aife, Keeper of the Ways below." Not it but 'she' you realize from the timber of the voice speaking the Old Tongue in a manner more ancient than any now alive do. "I know it is in your mind to ask my aid against the Scourge of Madness, for you have spoken of these hopes with those who honor my Maker. This I may do when battle is near but now I have other tasks, other longer journeys to see to far to the North where the Children of the Great King wander without succor."

A chill runs down your spine at these words. The remaining triton tribes not gathered in Sorcerer's Deep are split between the Jade Sea and the Shivering Sea. Just yesterday you recall telling Black Walder to watch for Deep Ones from that quarter, but there is another darkness near to hand there, the Ice, the Others on their frozen thrones. Had the wanderers fallen afoul of Their schemes? "Who calls for your aid, my lady, how desperate is their plight?"

"The ones who wander. Their Nights grow long," the herald replies.

What do you do?

[] Pledge to send Blight's Bane north with her alongside a company of tritons and flesh-forged beasts

[] Leave her to depart, if the Ferryman judges Aife's strength alone sufficient or has other forces to join with her you have no reason to meddle

[] Write in

OOC: So as I was writing this I was considering 'what might the Merling King do with a herald' so I rolled some background dice for this month and the above happened. On the plus side you did get a stronger herald than anticipated. Sublime creature symergizes will with cleric creature. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.

Oh nice, Aife turned out really well. Neat picture, too. Way better than the stock picture I found from the Pathfinder material.

Sublime is an awesome template. With that, Aife is CR 22. I'll make a sheet for her in the next day or two.
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Oh, so pretty. Such a cute kitty!
Yss should be jealous. Even his own pet snek God isn't as cute.

That's an interesting set of background rolls. I think that sending mere mortals alongside this absolute beast will mostly make things harder for the kitty, though. Aife should go alone!
Does she want to be Teleported part of the way?
Oh, so pretty. Such a cute kitty!
Yss should be jealous. Even his own pet snek God isn't as cute.

That's an interesting set of background rolls. I think that sending mere mortals alongside this absolute beast will mostly make things harder for the kitty, though. Aife should go alone!
Does she want to be Teleported part of the way?

She was thinking of plane-shifting, but teleportation would save her a bit of time so yes.
@Goldfish, I hope they're getting basic anti-Deep Ones gear, too.

[X] Goldfish
The Grand Dragon Turtles and Aife are Immune to Mind-Affecting effects by default, so that will help a lot, but we can equip the others with PfE Rings for general protection and some other goodies we have on hand. I'm going to build Aife capable of Divine Metamagic and get her the ability to use the Mind Blank spell, so she'll be able to Reach and Chain Mind Blank herself and her entire entourage.

@DragonParadox, how long would Aife be willing to delay the start of her mission?