The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Jin after failing his charm for Mo is already under immense social stress and now being called the "moth" which isn't flattering to say the least.

I'm not sure at all Jin is the one being called the moth ! :lol:
From the reaction to our name we have seen in the creation garden our familly isn't really liked, and with us stepping to get the shinie during the duel, imo the moth is likely a derogatory term for us.

[X] Plan The Box Waits

Would it be possible to turn the Shouxi's social into a Mo social inviting Shouxi ? It's a social gathering so there wouldn't be anything strange with us bringing one of our friends, and Shouxi specifically asked us to introduce him to Mo so I think if we want to deepen our relationship with him that might be better than just drinking tea with him.
And I would also favor DangerKitty's proposition of advancing Siani's quest rather than two hunts.
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I think I may have figured out Jin Yazhu's real play here.

The Judges.

"Do you attest that this Charm is worked by your own hands?"

"Yes, of course"

"Alright, let's see the diagrams then just to be sure."


It's been regularly stated that Kong Zhi doesn't show his work, and disdains even the idea of sketching out his idea and planning everything ahead of time. It's been telegraphed that most Charm crafters don't do that--and indeed most people with an understanding of it go 'Alright let's see the diagr... Wait, what you do itin your head? That's crazy!'

If part of the duel involves 'You need to prove that the Charm was made by you' to get it to count... I don't think "I totally made it though" is going to be good enough.

@Vesvius , are there any ways in construction that Kong Zhi can mark down or otherwise prove that the Charm we're about to build was his own work in a way that can't be trivially dismissed? Like a maker's mark or signature integrated into the Charm design? A way that he won't find innately repulsive? Or is this a trap we just have to take on the chin?
@Vesvius , are there any ways in construction that Kong Zhi can mark down or otherwise prove that the Charm we're about to build was his own work in a way that can't be trivially dismissed? Like a maker's mark or signature integrated into the Charm design? A way that he won't find innately repulsive? Or is this a trap we just have to take on the chin?
I don't think it's just the judges we need to worry about.

While we have set up decoys, my worry is that Jin might find one/more of our charms at some point, swipe them for the duel, and pass them off as his own work. We need some way to mark or protect them in case he tries that.
I don't think it's just the judges we need to worry about.

While we have set up decoys, my worry is that Jin might find one/more of our charms at some point, swipe them for the duel, and pass them off as his own work. We need some way to mark or protect them in case he tries that.

Most of the Charms of our own design are kept on our person and attached in a way that'd be tricky to pinch from us, the only ones otherwise would be the one we're making for sail-boy and Shouxi's rod, but the latter is weak enough to not be a decisive factor.
Most of the Charms of our own design are kept on our person and attached in a way that'd be tricky to pinch from us, the only ones otherwise would be the one we're making for sail-boy and Shouxi's rod, but the latter is weak enough to not be a decisive factor.
It's mainly the box and glove I'm worried about.

While the box will be a tricky item to steal (especially if we can train the Demon to eat Jin if he touches it), I'm seeing hints that we may not be able to wear the glove 24/7.

Yeah, it's relying on a lot going right... But I want to actually take a risk, maybe fail and see what happens. Let's get it done 🔥
@Vesvius , are there any ways in construction that Kong Zhi can mark down or otherwise prove that the Charm we're about to build was his own work in a way that can't be trivially dismissed? Like a maker's mark or signature integrated into the Charm design? A way that he won't find innately repulsive? Or is this a trap we just have to take on the chin?
Luckily for you guys, the way the anam is infused into the charm serves as it's own maker's mark. As yours is infused with the Kong Family Cycling technique, you are in good in the authentication department. So sadly, even though that's a good trap, it's not one that's in the cards.
Picking up on the "Craft for utility/love of crafting" chain of thought, what do people think of making a set of tools that do the opposite of miststeel? Miststeel is apparently valued because it's devoid of anam that could contaminate charms, but the idea here would be to make a set of tools with a wide variety of anam types, so that for any given charm a tool with the right anam type to constructively interfere with the charm would be available.

It would essentially allow Kong Zhi to learn/memorize a great deal of interactions between types of anam, so that they could craft charms using the medium of anam interactions rather than just interactions between a given anam type and physical structure.

I have no real idea what sort of mechanical effect this would produce, or even if it would work - but it seems kinda neat to me.
Luckily for you guys, the way the anam is infused into the charm serves as it's own maker's mark. As yours is infused with the Kong Family Cycling technique, you are in good in the authentication department. So sadly, even though that's a good trap, it's not one that's in the cards.

Good to know that this is a risk that we don't have to be concerned about at this juncture.
Good to know that this is a risk that we don't have to be concerned about at this juncture.

I know Vesvius said this isn't an issue, but let's consider the world where that wasn't the case and we lose because of that.

1. Our friends will definitely say that it is our charm, and have evidence for that.
2. Everyone knows that the charms we provided for the duel were goddamn terrifying.
3. We get a big drive bonus until we show up Jin Yazhou.

It would be straight up preferable to lose because of that sort of bullshit as it would minimize the negative consequences while still counting as a failure.

Let's be willing to take risks. Please.
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Can we make saying this a tradition? Like, say it every time someone has some impending catastrophe they think we've missed?

Also, your idea was very insightful, even if it didn't turn out to be plausible. I found your description very vivid too. Thank you.

I know Vesvius said this isn't an issue, but let's consider the a world where that wasn't the case and we lose because of that.

1. Our friends will definitely say that it is our charm, and have evidence for that.
2. Everyone knows that the charms we provided for the duel were goddamn terrifying.
3. We get a big drive bonus until we show up Jin Yazhou.

It would be straight up preferable to lose because of that sort of bullshit as it would minimize the negative consequences while still counting as a failure.

Let's be willing to take risks. Please.

Okay, I'm all for taking risks, but come on. This is a trap that we might have been able to avoid without even taking another action (adding a maker's mark doesn't feel like an action). Besides, if someone sees a potential trap, I want to hear about it. Alectai did the right thing in bringing it to our attention. If we decided that it was a trap we didn't want to avoid, that would have been our decision. It's better to be informed.

Also, here's a tally.
Adhoc vote count started by bookofportals on Jun 14, 2020 at 12:29 PM, finished with 135 posts and 24 votes.

    -[X] You have begun work on the charm for Xu Yun's commission. All it needs now is for you to finish infusing it.
    --[X] Cloud's Breath
    -[X] You will go hunting for a beast whose parts can quickly be sold for Talents.
    --[X] Invite Nokai
    -[X] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a moderate cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
    --[X] 5th Circle (6 talents, Counts as 3 Actions, 1d8+3 training roll)
    ---[X] Craft (Woodworking) (DEX): 2
    -[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (1)
    --[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (2)
    -[X] You have been challenged to a duel of champions by the fiend Jin Yazhu. For that to happen, you must secure a champion. You will attempt to decide on who that shall be.
    -[X] Jai Shouxi has moved on from pills and is trying his hand at medicinal teas. He would welcome your assistance as a test subject once more.
    [X] Plan: THE BOX BECKONS Alternative
    -[X] You have begun work on the charm for Xu Yun's commission. All it needs now is for you to finish infusing it.
    --[X] Cloud's Breath
    -[X] You will go hunting for a beast whose parts can quickly be sold for Talents.
    --[X] Invite Nokai
    -[X] The Archives of the Delving Heart also offer to connect disciples with tutors in their discipline for a moderate cost. You will take advantage of the wisdom of your seniors.
    --[X] 5th Circle (6 talents, Counts as 3 Actions, 1d8+3 training roll)
    ---[X] Craft (Woodworking) (DEX): 2
    -[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (1)
    --[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (2)
    -[x] Jin Yazhu has likely already selected his champion. You will attempt to follow him and glean who it will be.
    --[x] Request Mo Hanying to aid you in this. She clearly has people already monitoring everyone of note, including that Jin dog. It should be a trivial matter for her to tell you who his champion is. Offer her a favour of her choice to be repaid in the future for this information.
    -[x] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
    --[x] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action)
    ---[x] Invite both Jai Fa and Shouxi
    [X] Plan The Box Waits
    -[X] You have begun work on the charm for Xu Yun's commission. All it needs now is for you to finish infusing it.
    -[X] Cloud's Breath
    --[X] Do not use Rainbow Eyes
    -[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work (4)
    -[X] You have been challenged to a duel of champions by the fiend Jin Yazhu. For that to happen, you must secure a champion. You will attempt to decide on who that shall be.
    -[X] Jai Shouxi has moved on from pills and is trying his hand at medicinal teas. He would welcome your assistance as a test subject once more.
    -[X] You will go hunting for a beast whose parts can be sold for Talents.
    --[X] Invite Nokai
    -[x] You've been tasked with impressing an Elder if you wish to rise to the Eighth Circle. You have recently met Elder Siani, an Elder who seems to handle problems and rare situations around the sect. Elder Siani seems very interested in the Armory Map you fixed, and completing its tasks will likely draw further attention.
    -[X] You will seek out the point on the map closest to the surface (Counts as One Action).
    --[X] Invite Jai Fa
    [X] Plan Not That Attached to the Box
    -[X] You have discovered some talent in the physical arts, but talent is useless if not honed. You will find an empty training field and work on your martial skills.
    -[X] You may now take assignments at the Delving Heart Assignment Hall. You will go, take one, and carry it out to the best of your ability.
    -[X] You have begun work on the charm for Xu Yun's commission. All it needs now is for you to finish infusing it.
    --[X] Your Core
    -[X] You are close to completing your glove of bone and wood. All that it requires is a few finishing touches. Time to get to work
    -[X] A true charmcrafter always has a ready supply of materials ready to go. You will go out and add to your collection.
    --[X] You will go scavenging for new materials.
    -[X] There are other disciples you have yet to meet, and you would like to change that. You'll mingle with your fellows.
    -[x] Jin Yazhu has likely already selected his champion. You will attempt to follow him and glean who it will be.
    --[X] You have some measure of stealth. Observe where he frequently goes and who he talks to.
    -[X] Jai Shouxi has moved on from pills and is trying his hand at medicinal teas. He would welcome your assistance as a test subject once more.
    --[X] Mention to Jai Fa we will be occupying her brother's time, and that she should swing by to talk with Xu Yun during his break. He does miss his spars.
    -[X] Xu Yun will be working at the docks once again, and you found the process relaxing and not unenjoyable. You shall join him once more.
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For choosing a champion, do you have to add in who your going for in the plan? Or are we just picking from a list once a plan wins for picking a champion?
Okay, I'm all for taking risks, but come on. This is a trap that we might have been able to avoid without even taking another action (adding a maker's mark doesn't feel like an action). Besides, if someone sees a potential trap, I want to hear about it. Alectai did the right thing in bringing it to our attention. If we decided that it was a trap we didn't want to avoid, that would have been our decision. It's better to be informed.

We should definitely not have anyone hold back information. However our trait basically adds 3 successes towards cycling towards a technique for every action we take. More dice will rapidly turn that to 4. Once our athletics improves to 6 it will become even more valuable.

Being able to have that for the foreseeable future for the mere price of likely some social stress? While everyone important knows the truth and we still get all the commissions we could ever want from curious onlookers? We should be actively looking for those kinds of opportunities.

I don't want us to lose opportunities to get that sort of free buff in the future. Ideally we would always be operating in the shadow of one failure or another.
We should definitely not have anyone hold back information. However our trait basically adds 3 successes towards cycling towards a technique for every action we take. More dice will rapidly turn that to 4. Once our athletics improves to 6 it will become even more valuable.

Being able to have that for the foreseeable future for the mere price of likely some social stress? While everyone important knows the truth and we still get all the commissions we could ever want from curious onlookers? We should be actively looking for those kinds of opportunities.

I don't want us to lose opportunities to get that sort of free buff in the future. Ideally we would always be operating in the shadow of one failure or another.
I'm not in favor of deliberately failing in order to try to game the drive mechanic. Sounds like a great way to end up getting some negative traits. Keep in mind that there aren't any hard and fast rules for trait gain, so abusing the system could create one. We basically got our current trait because the QM wants us to take risks. Let's not prompt a trait to avoid deliberate failure.

I also think your misinterpretating how the trait works. Failing at crafting challenge will not help us cycle the dance or cow horn pokey.
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