You misunderstand. I'm saying that Baelish doesn't need material proof that he was behind a murder : if he wants to prove it to us, he can rely on us having access to a pile of magic which could prove it.
Physical evidence could be fabricated, but it's hard to fake months of detailed memories. IIRC the only way would be godlike levels of Modify Memory (tons of spell slots, high skills) or the spell Programmed Amnesia (which can be dispelled).

IMO Bloodraven should have thought of this possibility. Unless he assumes that Baelish would never let us look into his brain?

True but that would involve you guys looking in Baelish's head, something Bloodraven assumes Baelish would never want because he is a treacherous SoB therefore he must be seeking to offer some kind of material proof.
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True but that would involve you guys looking in Baelish's head, something Bloodraven assumes Baelish would never want because he is a treacherous SoB so therefore he must be seeking some kind of material proof.
He really thinks his credentials are good enough? I mean the only reason he got away with robbing Arryn blind is he was a fancy noble highborn who disdained trade and never even thought to question the provenance by which he acquired gold in the first place.

And the Usurper's Small Council was either permissive of the behavior (Pycelle reserving dirt and not using it immediately and Varys liking the instability it created). Or willfully blind, like Robert.

Viserys has proven to be extremely anti-corruption. That's enough to send a lot of alarm bells ringing, unless he assumes we are "faking" our being anti-corruption and pursuant of justice in a manner similar to Stannis? In some ways Viserys is a scarier "truly just man" as Varys says, because we can be clever about how we pursue it on a macro-level.
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I wonder where Littlefinger plans to go. I mean, I guess he could become a decent accountant for shatian or something.
He has the proclivities and personality to thrive in Heaven's Shore, if not the power. Same goes for the City of Brass.

Armun Kelisk and the Opaline Vault are friendlier to mortal life, but neither would be ripe for Baelish's special variety of slimeball. If he's just willing to live a life of leisure on the stolen wealth of Westeros, either would be comfortable and safe for him, though I don't think that's the kind of lifestyle Baelish wants. That degree of naked ambition isn't going to settle for idling the years away as an insignificant peon, even a wealthy one.

Assuming Baelish isn't willing to risk the Lower Planes or the Broken Celestial realms, that leaves the most likely destination for his evacuation of Planetos as Vialesk. It's not as hospitable to a Muggle Human as the Opaline Vault or Armun Kelisk, but it does make accommodations for non-aquatic mortals and their is magic available for a relatively low price that could overcome his air breathing shortcomings. It's also got the kind of politics and mercantile interests Baelish might see as exploitable, including tensions between multiple large powers and species.

Of course, he would probably end up as a Deep One minion within his first year.
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Hm... I'm with @Goldfish. There is no particular reason to keep Baelish alive any longer, but a whole lot of reasons for making sure he won't be doing something disruptive at a inconvenient time.

The only question is if he should steal the treasury on his way out of Kings Landing...
He really thinks his credentials are good enough? I mean the only reason he got away with robbing Arryn blind is he was a fancy noble highborn who disdained trade and never even thought to question the provenance by which he acquired gold in the first place.

And the Usurper's Small Council was either permissive of the behavior (Pycelle reserving dirt and not using it immediately and Varys liking the instability it created). Or willfully blind, like Robert.

Viserys has proven to be extremely anti-corruption. That's enough to send a lot of alarm bells ringing, unless he assumes we are "faking" our being anti-corruption and pursuant of justice in a manner similar to Stannis? In some ways Viserys is a scarier "truly just man" as Varys says, because we can be clever about how we pursue it on a macro-level.
Honestly I think he's banking on us, to use Azel's vernacular, "pulling a Pokemon."

He's probably assuming that due to his being on the Small Council he's valuable enough to know all the secrets that Robert may have, and that plus his hand in said Robert's murder would be enough for us to take him at his word.

He doesn't realize that we have far more trustworthy assets already within the Small Council let alone within Kings landing proper.

Hell we could kill Robert at any time, we just don't because he's currently more useful alive than dead and we've got other issues to deal with.
You know what? We should ask for body samples of everyone in the Red Keep.

So that we can curse everyone remotely or scry and die those who flee whenever we need to. Don't make the invasion more complicated by, for example, the absence of a King Fatass to beat down.
You know what? We should ask for body samples of everyone in the Red Keep.

So that we can curse everyone remotely or scry and die those who flee whenever we need to. Don't make the invasion more complicated by, for example, the absence of a King Fatass to beat down.
King fatass ain't the brightest but he's not completely inept. He's probably going to be on the lookout for such things, or at the very least have a pet mage or two providing what security he can afford.
[X] Plan All The Little Things - King's Landing Edition, Continued
-[X] The court of Kings Landing
--[X] General information about recent events and trends.
--[X] Rough accounting of which lords are still at court and thus likely loyal to the Usurper.
--[X] Current members of the Kingsguard with how likely they are to stand their ground, flee or surrender when you were to attack the keep with a commando force.
--[X] Recent activities of Cersei in particular.
--[X] The state of the royal coffers and Baelish activities, particularly if he is still doing as the "Ghiscari" want.
--[X] State, location, orders and special equipment of the Royal Fleet.
--[X] Any information on anti-air capabilities of Kings Landing, should such exist at all.
--[X] Any information he has on the situation with the Valeryons would be helpful.
-[X] With all wheels of your economic plot already in motion and not requiring any further input to crash at the right time, Baelish has lost all utility to you. Tell Bloodraven that Baelish can be eliminated at his leisure, but at the latest towards the end of the 3rd month to ensure that he will no interfere with the invasion.I

[X] (Retroactively) Have the Djinn and Shaitan spymasters notified of the fact that a Wyrmling Red dragon had escaped the end of the Golden Company on the Material Plane... and went to Efreeti for safety, of all the beings.
-[X] We would appreciate it if they could forward any intelligence relating to her which they might come across.

[X] Velen Level Up
-[X] Attribute: +1 Charisma
-[X] Feat: Encouraging Spell
-[X] Class: +1 Sublime Chord
-[X] Skills (4 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Perform (Oratory), +1 Sense Motive
-[X] New Spells
--[X] 3rd Level:
---[X] Retrain: Dispel Magic >>> Good Hope
--[X] 4th Level: Song of Healing
--[X] 5th Level: Greater Dispel Magic
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@Goldfish, this is unconnected, but we really should've done that beforehand, and as a completely background stuff, I think we can do it with as much mind to it as we do level-up votes.

[] Have the Djinn and Shaitan spymasters notified of the fact that a Young Red dragon had escaped the end of the Golden Company on the Material Plane... and went to Efreeti for safety, of all the beings.
-[] Expecting dragon-grafted forces, or draconic fleshcrafted monsters appearing on the battlefields in the coming months might be prudent, Efreeti aren't known for good morals after all.

[X] Goldfish
@Goldfish, please add the following:
-[] With all wheels of your economic plot already in motion and not requiring any further input to crash at the right time, Baelish has lost all utility to you. Tell Bloodraven that Baelish can be eliminated at his leisure, but at the latest towards the end of the 3rd month to ensure that he will no interfere with the invasion.

[X] Goldfish
@Goldfish, this is unconnected, but we really should've done that beforehand, and as a completely background stuff, I think we can do it with as much mind to it as we do level-up votes.

[] Have the Djinn and Shaitan spymasters notified of the fact that a Young Red dragon had escaped the end of the Golden Company on the Material Plane... and went to Efreeti for safety, of all the beings.
-[] Expecting dragon-grafted forces, or draconic fleshcrafted monsters appearing on the battlefields in the coming months might be prudent, Efreeti aren't known for good morals after all.

[X] Goldfish
@Goldfish, please add the following:
-[] With all wheels of your economic plot already in motion and not requiring any further input to crash at the right time, Baelish has lost all utility to you. Tell Bloodraven that Baelish can be eliminated at his leisure, but at the latest towards the end of the 3rd month to ensure that he will no interfere with the invasion.

[X] Goldfish
Done and done.
Not wearing a full silk bodyglove when visiting any establishment? Tsk...
Baelish: "No, you simpleton, this is not a gimp suit! It is a highly specialized anti-Divination tool, designed to prevent biological samples from falling into the hands of my many magic-using enemies."

Bystander: "Then why is there a zipper over your mouth and cutouts for your nipples?"