If you have any assassinations you would like to conduct, the next couple months would likely be the time to pull them off. Preferably we would make sure they are as deniable as possible and we only do it a couple times, as well as reserving them for the most troublesome targets, the ones that cannot be disposed of by unilateral decree, or whom leave behind political issues only compounded by their absence. I.E ones we can resolve opportunistically in our favor.
That's the general idea, though I don't think we have anyone who falls into that category, except maybe Clegane and Lorch.

The vast majority of lords does not warrant the effort needed to quietly dispose of them and the few whom I'd like to get rid off are too high profile to get away with it, such as Gerion / Lanna or the Tyrells.
That's the general idea, though I don't think we have anyone who falls into that category, except maybe Clegane and Lorch.

The vast majority of lords does not warrant the effort needed to quietly dispose of them and the few whom I'd like to get rid off are too high profile to get away with it, such as Gerion / Lanna or the Tyrells.
We have taken care of the worst of our issues already, I guess, at least vis a vis Westerosi nobility.

The main problems left are the Fey and the Deep Ones who will get the final word in during the invasion, unless we discombobulate them.
The only ones who could do that are the Court of Stars and the Illithid.
Sure. I wouldn't mind them doing it. I just wish to see a real drag out total war. Legions clashing against the shark men. Drag9n hounds and sun wolves dueling the fae knights in the wild. Beetle bomb strikes against millennia old warded castles.the dauntless dominating kings landing and providing close fire support as Robert leads a doomed charge against our dragon form. The seeker hunting tywin Lannister through the halls of his ancestral home.

Your very first use of magic was also the first instant which set you along the Path you have walked since the dawning of a new age, all to stand in the defense of others. The deeds which followed flowed onward in that vein, from leaving the shelter and safety of home for the sake of kith and kin, to over-powering the first great foe you had ever come across, turning its very strength against it. You have slain fiends and eldritch horrors alike, rescued maidens and stood up for your ideals even when they had proven inconvenient, but moreover have remained humble, clear-sighted and loyal throughout. You walk upon a long and winding Path that has known few happy endings, but are steadfast despite it. People will sing of your tales throughout the annals of history as you stride into the new age, yet your true concern be that they have the chance to sing at all.

Because you are a Hero.


Path Features​


Mage Strike, Path ability​


Enduring as Bronze​


Ride the Lightning​


Path Ability​


Path ability​




Path ability​


Path ability​


Forged in Bronze​


Path ability, Remember the Royce​
Enduring as Bronze (Ex): Bronze will never rust, and just so, neither shall you.

You benefit from Longevity whilst still alive, and you do not suffer the penalties of old age, yet still accrue its benefits with time.

Ride the Lightning (Su/Ex): Like all good heroes, arriving on time is essential, as is reacting in an instant in response to deadly peril. You see things with a unique perspective, heir to the skyfire and herald of thunder. Should anyone come to underestimate you, calamity will strike upon them in an instant at the end of your bolt and blade.

At 3rd Tier, you gain the ability to travel to the point of impact of any of your Lightning Lance spells and make a single melee attack upon the target without provoking attacks of opportunity, and furthermore add your Tier to your movement speed in 10 ft/Tier increments for a number of rounds equal to your Tier afterwards as your body is partially transmuted into lightning. In addition, foes attempting to grapple you or strike you while unarmed or with metal weapons take 2d6 Electricity damage for the duration of this state. This includes any of the secondary lances from the Augmented variant, though you may only travel to one point of impact per casting.

Dauntless (Ex): Many are the trials you have overcome, and fearless in the face of evil you have been. You have been through countless battles and straddled the thinnest line between triumph and damnation, and will continue to do so through all time no matter the foe which besets you or the obstacles in your path. For your family, for your friends and for your Kingdom, come to that.

At 6th Tier, you stand to benefit from Mettle. In addition, non-mythic Fear effects do not hold sway over you. You gain a bonus equal to your Tier/2 toward Will saves, but only against Mythic and Non-Mythic effects from a creature equal to or lesser than your own current effective Tier.

Forged in Bronze (Ex): After so many years fighting enemies clad in the metal wielded by your ancestors, it has become more than a second skin, you have taken on some of its most enduring properties.

You benefit from DR 15/epic, your unarmed strikes may count as Lethal, and you no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe to live. You're immune to inhaled poisons and any spell or effect that requires breathing, though you are still affected by any food or drink you intake.

Remember the Royce (Ex): You have reached the pinnacle of what it means to be a paragon of heroics, but moreover you have left an enduring legacy which will stand long after you have fallen in battle. Yet even with that promise of immortality in legend, it has left you unsatisfied. As is the fate of all heroes, you know even the unaging would eventually fall to wide-reaching disaster or under the blades and barbs of their innumerable enemies, and though your legend may endure not another life shall you save and only inspiration in song and story will be left to speak of the mark you've left upon the world.

With this step you shall be as tangible upon the world of form as the day you first took up the sword in defense of others, an eternal guardian upon the dreamers of the Spheres against all which imperils it.

At 10th tier, whenever you make an attack roll against a non-mythic foe and miss, you may immediately roll again. You must take the second roll, even if it's lower. Once per round when you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll, you regain one use of mythic power.

Additionally, even should you perish beyond all recall, a figment of you may be summoned as an Outsider via the use of the Gate, Wish or Miracle spell from the Dreamlands, retaining all of your abilities as in life though not your Mythic ones. If the spell is Augmented with Mythic Power, your figment may be summoned as a Mythic creature instead. You will fight any battle should it cleave to the ideals you held in life, and right any immediate injustice within your sight, but will eventually dissipate from the world of form within a number of rounds equal to the spell's Caster level, equivalent to the Gate spell. Your figments are always summoned as Unique creatures, only one may be summoned at a time, and thus cannot be controlled by the summoner through the effects of that spell. They will be clad in a panoply of war equivalent to the state upon which it was summoned. Any abilities locked within a Legendary Weapon for example would not be accessible in a Non-Mythic state.

Even in the darkest of days, you will still be there to hold back the night.
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I thought it was a laughing shame for Waymar not to have a unique Mythic path so I took the liberty of writing one.

Your very first use of magic was also the first instant which set you along the Path you have walked since the dawning of a new age, all to stand in the defense of others. The deeds which followed flowed onward in that vein, from leaving the shelter and safety of home for the sake of kith and kin, to over-powering the first great foe you had ever come across, turning its very strength against it. You have slain fiends and eldritch horrors alike, rescued maidens and stood up for your ideals even when they had proven inconvenient, but moreover have remained humble, clear-sighted and loyal throughout. You walk upon a long and winding Path that has known few happy endings, but are steadfast despite it. People will sing of your tales throughout the annals of history as you stride into the new age, yet your true concern be that they have the chance to sing at all.

Because you are a Hero.


Path Features​


Mage Strike, Path ability​


Path ability​


Ride the Lightning​


Path ability​


Path ability​




Path ability​


Path ability​


Forged in Bronze​


Path ability, Remember the Royce​

Ride the Lightning (Su/Ex): Like all good heroes, arriving on time is essential, as is reacting in an instant in response to deadly peril. You see things with a unique perspective, heir to the skyfire and herald of thunder. Should anyone come to underestimate you, calamity will strike upon them in an instant at the end of your bolt and blade.

At 3rd Tier, you gain the ability to travel to the point of impact of any of your Lightning Lance spells and make a single melee attack upon the target without provoking attacks of opportunity, and add your Tier to your movement speed in 10 ft increments for a number of rounds equal to your Tier afterwards as your body is partially transmuted into lightning. In addition, foes attempting to grapple you or strike you while unarmed or with metal weapons take 2d6 Electricity damage for the duration of this state. This includes any of the secondary lances from the Augmented variant, though you may only travel to one point of impact per casting.

Dauntless (Ex): Many are the trials you have overcome, and fearless in the face of evil you have been. You have been through countless battles and straddled the thinnest line between triumph and damnation, and will continue to do so through all time no matter the foe which besets you or the obstacles in your path. For your family, for your friends and for your Kingdom, come to that.

At 6th Tier, you stand to benefit from Mettle. In addition, non-mythic Fear effects do not hold sway over you. You gain a bonus equal to your Tier/2 toward Will saves, but only against Mythic and Non-Mythic effects from a creature equal to or lesser than your own current effective Tier.

Forged in Bronze (Ex): After so many years fighting enemies clad in the metal wielded by your ancestors, it has become more than a second skin, you have taken on some of its most enduring properties.

You benefit from DR 15/epic, your unarmed strikes may count as Lethal, and you no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe to live. You're immune to inhaled poisons and any spell or effect that requires breathing, though you are still affected by any food or drink you intake.

Remember the Royce (Ex): You have reached the pinnacle of what it means to be a paragon of heroics, but moreover you have left an enduring legacy which will stand long after you have fallen in battle. Yet even with that promise of immortality in legend, it has left you unsatisfied. As is the fate of all heroes, you know even the unaging would eventually fall to wide-reaching disaster or under the blades and barbs of their innumerable enemies, and though your legend may endure not another life shall you save and only inspiration in song and story will be left to speak of the mark you've left upon the world.

With this step you shall be as tangible upon the world of form as the day you first took up the sword in defense of others, an eternal guardian upon the dreamers of the Spheres against all which imperils it.

You benefit from Longevity whilst still alive, and you do not suffer the penalties of old age, yet still accrue its benefits with time.

Moreover, even should you perish beyond all recall, a figment of you may be summoned as an Outsider via the use of the Gate, Wish or Miracle spell from the Dreamlands, retaining all of your abilities as in life though not your Mythic ones. If the spell is Augmented with Mythic Power, your figment may be summoned as a Mythic creature instead. You will fight any battle should it cleave to the ideals you held in life, and right any immediate injustice within your sight, but will eventually dissipate from the world of form within a number of rounds equal to the spell's Caster level, equivalent to the Gate spell. Your figments are always summoned as Unique creatures, only one may be summoned at a time, and thus cannot be controlled by the summoner through the effects of that spell. They will be clad in a panoply of war equivalent to the state upon which it was summoned. Any abilities locked within a Legendary Weapon for example would not be accessible in a Non-Mythic state.

Even in the darkest of days, you will still be there to hold back the night.
Very nice, dude. It fits Waymar like a bronze shonen protagonist glove. The only aspect that might not fit is delaying Longevity to the 10th Tier. Don't let me forget to link it to Waymar's sheet next time I update it.

Once Crake finalizes this, @TalonofAnathrax, you should add it to your Mythic Path info post. And add Dany's to it as well.
Very nice, dude. It fits Waymar like a bronze shonen protagonist glove. The only aspect that might not fit is delaying Longevity to the 10th Tier. Don't let me forget to link it to Waymar's sheet next time I update it.

Once Crake finalizes this, @TalonofAnathrax, you should add it to your Mythic Path info post. And add Dany's to it as well.
Seemed a bit awkward to fit it in elsewhere. I could place it at 9th I suppose, thematically speaking?

Edit: Moved it to the 2nd Tier.
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Seemed a bit awkward to fit it in elsewhere. I could place it at 9th I suppose, thematically speaking?
It probably doesn't need to be built in at all. There aren't so many really tasty Path abilities that we would need to push back selecting Longevity for more than two or three tiers, IMO.

For Remember the Royce, what about including Legendary Champion (Legendary Hero?), the 10th tier Champion Path capstone? That would give him a nice thematic effect, since becoming one with the Throne of Heroes doesn't really do much for Waymar in life.

Legendary Champion (Ex): At 10th tier, whenever you make an attack roll against a non-mythic foe and miss, you may immediately roll again. You must take the second roll, even if it's lower. Once per round when you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll, you regain one use of mythic power.

EDIT: Ah, just saw your edit, @Crake. That'll work for the Longevity.
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I just realised that we probably should have warned the Djinn and the Shaitan of the fact that the Efreeti got a hold of a young Red, and may or may not start fielding dragon-grafted forces soon-ish.

Shall we maybe vote on that, as an afterthought?
I just realised that we probably should have warned the Djinn and the Shaitan of the fact that the Efreeti got a hold of a young Red, and may or may not start fielding dragon-grafted forces soon-ish.

Shall we maybe vote on that, as an afterthought?
What? What young red did they get?