Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.

As much as I REALLY want to start Daddy's Little Girl SW usually gives a clue about a non yellow quest expiring or changing with an update to the flavor text of the mission. We don't have time left in this Arc to finish both BotF and DLG, so we should probably finish off the one we'd already tarted

(My thought last vote was to drop Burn The Sinners after nuking the Simurgh branch and let the Protectorate deal with them, but that's being discouraged by the text of the mission)
@Valdimarian We can leave the Wolfheads alone for a week. Unless you think the Protectorate, PRT and the police can't handle us not holding their hands locally for a week.

Not to mention that the Wolfheads and other gangs are bound to figure out that Arcana's home city is there. And they'd best be on good behavior.
@Valdimarian We can leave the Wolfheads alone for a week. Unless you think the Protectorate, PRT and the police can't handle us not holding their hands locally for a week.

Not to mention that the Wolfheads and other gangs are bound to figure out that Arcana's home city is there. And they'd best be on good behavior.
The problem with that is we have been punished worse for starting and abandoning quest lines mid way through more harshly than just not starting them. Hence Burn The Sinner's stinger "That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?"

We don't have enough time this arc to finish both sub quests, and we don't know the lay of the next Arc, so I'm of the opinion we should finish the one we've started.
The problem with that is we have been punished worse for starting and abandoning quest lines mid way through more harshly than just not starting them. Hence Burn The Sinner's stinger "That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?"

We don't have enough time this arc to finish both sub quests, and we don't know the lay of the next Arc, so I'm of the opinion we should finish the one we've started.
Except Burn the Sinners and the Bone of the Father quests are completely different situations.

1. The Wolfheads are relatively minor new gang.
2. We've already warned the Protectorate and the PRT.
3. We've struck terror into whoever that newbie cape affiliated to the Wolfheads is. Which should be amplified by us exterminating the Simurgh branch of the Fallen.

Potential bad outcomes between the two are NOT comparable.

Also. Please tell me when we abandoned a quest midway through and what happened. Unless you mean the time about the Privateers. In which case IIRC if we had *not* done things partway and had just ignored it entirely we wouldn't have been able to salvage Shipwright from the Privateers and what few members that we could sway to not follow the recklessness of the militant members. I wouldn't call that being punished worse for abandoning midway compared to ignoring outright.

Since one of the potential outcomes had we ignored the situation entirely would have been Taylor ending up hunting down her own father and the Privateers for breaking the Endbringer truce.
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Also. Please tell me when we abandoned a quest midway through and what happened.
A few I can think of is we abandoned the Purity and Coil quests partway through back in Brockton Bay, and the consequences were that we didn't get to recruit Purity as a mage, and we didn't take out Coil early on and gain access to his resources and the Undersiders as allies.
A few I can think of is we abandoned the Purity and Coil quests partway through back in Brockton Bay, and the consequences were that we didn't get to recruit Purity as a mage, and we didn't take out Coil early on and gain access to his resources and the Undersiders as allies.
And in both of those cases starting the line and not finshing it gave us better consequences than not starting them at all.
A few I can think of is we abandoned the Purity and Coil quests partway through back in Brockton Bay, and the consequences were that we didn't get to recruit Purity as a mage, and we didn't take out Coil early on and gain access to his resources and the Undersiders as allies.

Fair. However I wouldn't characterize those outcomes as being punished worse for starting and abandoning a questline midway through than not starting the questline at all. Purity was not and isn't a good candidate for being a ally (being both a adult and a long time neo-nazi member, and iirc homicides on her repsheet), and the Undersiders? People decided to hate on Tattletale so there wasn't much loss there.

@Valdimarian could you please explain your reasoning with evidence that we get punished worse for abandoning quest lines midway compared to not starting the questline at all?

@Silently Watches could you weight in on this line of discussion?
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I know that it's likely never going to succeed, but I want to find out what's going on with Danny.

[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?

[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
If these omakes are enough to earn an XP, put it towards Shipwright.
Ziz canonically communicated with her brothers through patterns of telekinesis affecting their respective media. She no longer has the oomph to do that.

Even when she did, it was less a conversation and more coordinates and instructions. They didn't talk back to
This post inspired the following omake.

An Attempt at First Contact

Dragon was watching Frozen with Cassie when she had a thought.

"Hey Cassiel, is it possible to talk to the endbringers?"

"What do I get in return?"

"Joyride on the Azazel."



Cassiel squealed and flitted around the room.


Hours later******

After Dragon related everything Cassiel told her, Tims was ecstatic.

"If we can replicate her signals, we can control the target and tactics! The enbringers will be more predictable, we will know were they attack. I have ideas. Maybe we could quantum entangle two areas and then...."

"Tim," Dragon said, "Do you really think the endbringers will fall for that?"

"Uh, no?"

During Calamity Witch's hero career thus far, she has had much success. Alexandria explicitly told Calamity Witch that she is the next generation Triumvirate. I wonder when she will be mentioned in history books?

Living History

It was Taylor's eighteenth birthday, and Samantha had no clue what to get her. Samantha had vague plans of a museum visit, so she was idly paging through the museum website when she happened upon a new exhibit.

A cruel smile stretched over her face.


Taylor and Samantha stood outside the Nashville Parahuman History Museum. It was nightime, and rather windy.

"Ah, there it is!" Samantha exclaimed. She pointed.

It was a large statue, floodlights washing over it. Twenty feet tall, with a red domino mask, a hat, a skirt, and a black jacket over a red shirt.

"Uh...they, no! They did not make me a statue!"




"No no no no no!!!"

"Yes yes yes yes yes!"

[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
Not sure if it matters but Kurt made a comment about Captain's power acting weird. At the least checking to make sure nothing is going wrong with that should be put on a list somewhere. Beause as far as I remember we never got an explaination of what was going on with it.
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?

[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
Inspiration just struck me. I called the police, and Inspiration was arrested. I fully intend to press charges for assault and battery.
In the mean time, stay safe, try not to die, and enjoy!

Love Pentagon

It was the first day of school!

Taylor was a bit nervous, but school was nothing new. She could handle it.

Then, she overheard some boys talking.

"I personally think the ice girl is with Calamity Witch. Everyone loves a fire/ice duo."

"Dude! Thats bullshit. Calamity Witch is clearly banging the gun girl. Explosions and guns go hand in hand, after all."

"Oh come on, its obvious that they are in a polyamorous lesbian relationship."

Taylors cheeks were flaming. Literally.

The boys then noticed her.

" is wrong with your face?"

"Solar Wrath!"

Two beams of light lanced out from her cheeks to incinerate them all.
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From the descriptions, I would assume that Cat Sith's and Samantha's Forcefield is comparable to Knight Armour, while Olivia's Forcefield is comparable to Barrier Jackets and Nostromo's and Firefly's Forcefields are comparable to Hazard Jackets. Is this due to the type of Beast they are, with Rifles having Barrier Jackets-levels and Masks having Hazard Jacket-levels for their respective Forcefields?
Would a permanent Boost mutation serum work on a Guardian Beast after it has been transformed or would it only work before the ritual when it is still a normal animal?
It wouldn't work either way. Guardian Beasts can't be mutated because they are no longer purely biological. They are organo-magical constructs.
Nostromo and Firefly currently cannot build hardlight weapons or tools. If we get a mage who learns the Energy Weapons Tech skill (which includes hardlight) can N & F "sit in" on the lesson, presumably from Tim and Sextant, and thus improve their "Merchant of Death" ability?
Sadly no, because those skills are essentially "programmed" into their brains.
SW usually gives a clue about a non yellow quest expiring or changing with an update to the flavor text of the mission
Not… always.
@Silently Watches could you weight in on this line of discussion?
The consequences of not completing a subquest depend more on how important the quest itself is rather than whether you never start it or abandon it partway through.
hence the "Usually"
The fact that Daddy's Little Girl is even showing up does kind of imply that something might be changing soon.

@Valdimarian could you please explain your reasoning with evidence that we get punished worse for abandoning quest lines midway compared to not starting the questline at all?
I was going to say that I couldn't find the exact post due to the volume of posts I'd have to search through (somewhere in the last 300+ pages) but thankfully I was Strangered by SW:

The consequences of not completing a subquest depend more on how important the quest itself is rather than whether you never start it or abandon it partway through.
Hmmm, this makes me very tempted to swap to the other quest, but how long do we have left on this Arc? Or more specifically would it be possible to finish Daddy's Little Girl before the end of the Arc?
I gotta agree with Wyrd, Mal-3 and Kamkong about Danny. One way or another, there should be closure there, and he's been shoved to the back burner quite a lot. Best to rip off that bandage as soon as we can, before we discover that whatever's underneath has festered into something excruciatingly unpleasant and/or painful, if not outright horrific. After all, last I remember (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the guy woke up out of a coma believing that every day was June 1st of 2005, and was left believing that the player avatar was pulling a fucked up joke on him 'claiming' to be his daughter. That was, in story time, back in late May, roughly two and a half months ago. That's a pretty long time, especially in a world full of parahuman (and now magic) bullshit. It could be that he's slowly but steadily recovering from his retrograde amnesia, making it 'temporally graded retrograde amnesia' instead. Or, he could be getting worse.

Either way, better to find out now, then end up getting a message out of the blue later down the road of "Your father's dead." Or, you know, worse. If I can come up with worse, I know Silently Watches can, if we leave that plot hook dangling for too long.
Yet again I want to draw the attention to the Adepts and their untapped potential.

I expect that if we ignore Daddy's Little Girl long enough, Danny will second-trigger with some horrific Master powers, accidentally kill plenty of people, and Arcana will be called to hunt him down.
The saddest thing is that despite such expectations, I'm unwilling to vote for his questline.
Being Danny is truly suffering.
To try and guilt-trip people into voting for Daddy's Little Girl, I wrote this.

Being Danny Hebert is Suffering

A woman who looked much like Lacey Walker sat facing Danny. Except, she had grey hair and wrinkles.
"Can you please stop this damn prank and tell me where my wife is?" Danny demanded.
Lacey shook her head, eyes wet.
"I'm sorry, Danny."
The not-Lacey got up off her chair and left the room.
Danny cried. Where was Annette? And Taylor?
A few minutes later, Danny wondered why he was crying.
He didn't know.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
Honestly I'm trying to remember what I've said on the subject, because this is one of those spells where I keep going back and forth on it and it's never been used where I would have something to go back to. I believe the final decision I made was no, you can't shoot in or out through it.

@Silently Watches This is the way you've answered the question the last few times it's come up. This time around, it sparked an idea for me: Can the spell be modified with small holes to fire out through? I'm thinking like the arrow slits in castles that I know have a name. I know that I know that name. I simply can't get the right word to come to mind. Turning Shell Barrier into a bunker could be useful.

Yeah, not to mention the QM constant mentions on how siding with Danny's Privateers, even when Danny was still around, would have most likely make Taylor look like a villain.

If we hadn't come straight home from getting powers, the Privateers would have become a villain group, or arguably an anti-hero group, according to SW. The consequences of this decision never had a chance of making Taylor seem to be a villain, just giving her lots of angst.
The Privateers were more violent in BB than they would have been with us helping them directly, but never got anywhere close to being a villain group in BB. Interacting with them more may have made them into a villainous organization if the players voted that way, but the fault there would entirely have been with the players, not the QM.
In Philly, the smaller numbers of the Privateers made them more desperate. The members lost when we changed cities were the moderates. The ones most devoted to attacking villains and defending the innocent stuck around. If we had worked with them at this point, we still could have made them a heroic group if we'd just given them back up. Again, not a situation where the QM even hinted that joining with them would make us look villainous.
We scanned the Privateers, found two with magic, gave a Template to Tim, and in the process gave the team access to tinkertech far in excess of their laser rifles. Being more hands on could have stopped them from going bad, but once again, the players voted to ignore them because they had other priorities.
We were then given notice that, because we weren't involved, and because Danny wasn't around to curtail the more aggressive members, the group had begun to go off the rails.
We voted a grand total of once to try to salvage the group, were warned that it would take several votes to recover them, and left them to self destruct.
The Privateers self destructing led to us having to cut ties with them to keep from being tarnished for their actions.

Once, and only once, were we warned that association with the group would lead to us being seen as villains, and that was after the group was pretty much dead. This was the warning that we had passed the point of no return on that plot line. Never again were we given quest options that dealt with them, so saying we were told that associating them would make us look villainous is rather missing the point. The violent faction had become villains. Like the Dragonslayers, they had no powers, but their tinkertech(until Tim revoked their access) meant they had to be treated like capes.

The problem with that is we have been punished worse for starting and abandoning quest lines mid way through more harshly than just not starting them. Hence Burn The Sinner's stinger "That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?"
A few I can think of is we abandoned the Purity and Coil quests partway through back in Brockton Bay, and the consequences were that we didn't get to recruit Purity as a mage, and we didn't take out Coil early on and gain access to his resources and the Undersiders as allies.

The thing with Coil is that the players at the time voted to deal with Coil, but included subvotes that made the attempt half-assed, despite the QM explicitly saying that s/he had intended that vote to be the final needed vote to take him down. That made failing to deal with him before Ziz arrived a double stinger, as they wasted an activity vote to effectively do nothing.

Putting off finishing a plot line has come back to bite us, this is true. Bouncing back and forth between plot lines has allowed extra issues to fester because we weren't dealing with them. In no case do I see these consequences of failing to complete a plot line quickly as being severe, beyond losing Purity as a recruitable character. Then again, we wouldn't have had Cailleach if we had gotten Purity, and I find Laura to be a more interesting character anyway, so I'm fine with how things went.
A mage's Fire and Lightning immunity via mana affinity makes sense to me, since they are both forms of energy they can be absorbed, redistributed, or reflected, but how does Laura's Ice "immunity" function against the physical product itself? The current image I have is her Armour "splits" ice (no heat for melting, just separation of the molecules) it comes into contact with, thus allowing Laura to carve her way out of ice traps, cut footholds in ice sheets with her feet, and bisect an ice boulder thrown at her around her body by bracing her arms in front of her (or leave a Laura-shaped hole as she passes through it).
It wouldn't work either way. Guardian Beasts can't be mutated because they are no longer purely biological. They are organo-magical constructs.
Maybe I phrased it wrong. You've stated that since Zeus was mutated to give him a Lightning MCA, if we converted him to a guardian Beast he would keep the immunity and modifier, regardless of what the mage possesses. I'm asking if we mutated an animal to give it super strength or regeneration, and then transformed it into a Guardian Beast, would it keep those attributes?
@Silently Watches This is the way you've answered the question the last few times it's come up. This time around, it sparked an idea for me: Can the spell be modified with small holes to fire out through? I'm thinking like the arrow slits in castles that I know have a name. I know that I know that name. I simply can't get the right word to come to mind. Turning Shell Barrier into a bunker could be useful.
That… is certainly an interesting and creative idea, and one I don't want to say no to. At the same time, I have to say no, at least for Taylor. That's a degree of modification and personalization that is out of reach of template mages.

I would allow a Device mage to do such a thing.
A mage's Fire and Lightning immunity via mana affinity makes sense to me, since they are both forms of energy they can be absorbed, redistributed, or reflected, but how does Laura's Ice "immunity" function against the physical product itself? The current image I have is her Armour "splits" ice (no heat for melting, just separation of the molecules) it comes into contact with, thus allowing Laura to carve her way out of ice traps, cut footholds in ice sheets with her feet, and bisect an ice boulder thrown at her around her body by bracing her arms in front of her (or leave a Laura-shaped hole as she passes through it).
Yeah, Ice is the tricky one here. Her base Knight Armor does not allow her to do this, though; it gives her unnatural traction on ice so she never has to worry about slipping unless she wants to, but another spell or two would be necessary to effortlessly split natural ice like this.
Maybe I phrased it wrong. You've stated that since Zeus was mutated to give him a Lightning MCA, if we converted him to a guardian Beast he would keep the immunity and modifier, regardless of what the mage possesses. I'm asking if we mutated an animal to give it super strength or regeneration, and then transformed it into a Guardian Beast, would it keep those attributes?
Ah. Uh, I'm going to say maybe, though mutations like this would be limited to their pet form. Mutations to a Linker Core would carry over for sure, but physical ones not so much.
That… is certainly an interesting and creative idea, and one I don't want to say no to. At the same time, I have to say no, at least for Taylor. That's a degree of modification and personalization that is out of reach of template mages.
If Taylor is near the edge of Shell Barrier, is she capable of summoning her Shooters outside of its area and then firing them?
This may have been answered already, but is the spell Cast Fist capable of being a hand in other shapes for manipulation? Say, if we gave it to Kayleigh, could she use the spell to hold and fire guns? I think that you said Telekinesis is too broad in scope to do things like pull a trigger, but I am unsure.
Would Homing Bullet and Trick Shot affect Kayleigh's magical bullets, since they are partially physical?
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