Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
closest thing she could compare them too were eels or hagfish
"Has too, just needs fertilizing. Might take awhile, but there's been slumps before."
On it;s far side was something like a wood furnace writ large,
It was also thick with what could onyl be soldiers and warriors.

Also there was an overuse of comas the whole chapter
I'm inclined to risk the Wall. I think time inside (where greater dangers are) is worth it, so we dont rush and can choose safer choices inside.

Anyone spot any good loot?
samples of concentrated gunk seem to be somethinf Suling could possibly use.
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One thing that struck her as odd when she glanced down into the streets, was that she saw no children, no elderly or infirm members. Even barbarians or monsters should have had children and elders, right?
Ok. The Gnawing Ones have a problem where they are apparently sexless, and require external aid to reproduce. However, the trueborn births in this settlement have been decreasing. This accounts for the lack of children Ling Qi sees.

However! This does not account for the lack of elders. The problem of birth and awakening does not seem to cause the lack of increasing infirmity with age. I'm not inclined to speculate too wildly, since we know only scraps but—

If everyone seems to be in their physical prime, and their "spirit stone mine" can be replenished with tribute of flesh (and maybe spirit)*, do these people kill their infirm members? If they can contribute, are they sacrificed for all the contributions they have left? They seem to return their dead to the river, after all, so its only a short hop to returning the crippled members also.

*(So that's what happened to the flesh and spirit that Thunder Crow Shaman traded! That's a bit of mystery solved! Even more mystery arises, like, what did that spirit fire do? Burning the offered spirit stones, to collect the distilled impurity or discard it?)

There seemed to be a general malaise about, a concern for the 'haul' from the river shrinking, grumbling about lessening rations, complaints about people in 'the city'.
To sum up, this is a spirit stone mine that's dying, meaning the village built around extracting the spirit stones is also dying.

...That comparison to the worst parts of Tonghou is perhaps more apt than Ling Qi may have thought. Tonghou, after all, is a dying city whose spirit stone mines were plundered to uselessness, retaining little importance. The withdrawal of resources to the slums there and the village here is easily paralleled.

[] Infiltrate the fortress by going over the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
60% chance of success, which is a little too low for my tastes. However, it seems Ling Qi is nigh-guaranteed success at infiltration, with only luck involved in how deep we penetrate.

[] Wait and see if you can spy a group going in or out that you can shadow (Base DC 20, waiting means less time to investigate overall. Failure indicates no opportunity arises)
80% chance of success, which is very high! The problem here is that outright failure means we just fail entirely, and possibly even success involves lesser degrees of success than just flying over.
But peering at those nets with eyes tinged silver, their auras didn't seem like living creatures, or even like the Shishigui themselves. No, if anything they felt like… spirit stones?

"...You think they're still taking volunteers, for up top?" the scrawny one muttered, grinding his teeth in a way that she couldn't help but interpret as anxious. "Just a couple meldings, like the Caretakers don't seem bad."

The brawnier creature remained silent, noisy chewing his sticky tar. He let out a faint whuff, wrinkling his muzzle. "Seems stupid. Hack a hundred years off your life, and for what, a bit of power?"
...She did notice something odd though, the way the weaker Shishigui regarded the ones with higher cultivation… it didn't seem right. There was respect of course, but there was also… pity?

She remembered the words she had heard a short time ago. Did their cultivation actually shorten their lives? How in the world had they produced an expert who could fight Elder Zhou then?

Okay, I think I'm starting to put together an idea of their cultivation. Those eel things they fish up might be a sort of living spirit stone. I'm guessing their energy kind of "clumps" together, like calling out to like, eventually forming these creatures.

From the use of the word "melding" to describe the process, I think it involves taking a Shishigui and fusing together or maybe even implanting the eels(or equivalents) into their bodies. It seems to cost lifespan to do. Without knowing their expected lifespan, we can't be completely sure how much but a hundred years seems significant either way. The way it's phrased though makes it sound like it's easy to pick up. Like this ratman felt he could go to the city and get melds and be fighting in short order.

How far it goes, I'm not sure. I'd say that you probably shouldn't be able to take a rando off the street and get a Yellow or even Green tier fighter right away, but maybe the loss in lifespan balances things out? They can spit out a lot of fighters when needed, but their dudes aren't going to last a super long time even if our guys don't kill them? Producing Violet or Prism level guys might be a matter of industry, rather than cultivation. Get a lot of resources and give one guy a ton of "meldings" for a super weapon. If their cultivation shortening life continues in the same pattern up the various levels, it may mean that their top tiers have a short shelf life and are only "created" when there's an immediate need. Which, if I'm right, would imply that those high ends are much more willing to take on suicide missions and one way trips. If they're not gonna last long anyways, then it makes sense to take as much of the enemy down with them as they can.

I'm hoping I'm wrong though. The idea of the high cultivation equivalent of suicide bombers is......uncomfortable.
If their cultivation shortens their life. Then we can expect them to become much more dangerous as they become more desperate. Right now most are not becoming as strong as they can be in hopes of living a long life. If they start losing that hope however...
Get a lot of resources and give one guy a ton of "meldings" for a super weapon. If their cultivation shortening life continues in the same pattern up the various levels, it may mean that their top tiers have a short shelf life and are only "created" when there's an immediate need.
Would match with the entire "cyan blob" thing we've seen them do before.

Suicide bombers are probably harshly limited by the combination of being fucking expensive for this civilization, and not lasting long enough to provide any kind of defense - if it's an option for them to produce Whites that way, it's more likely a "we've been pushed to the brink, we're taking you down with us" thing than anything they'd ever want to do, 'cause all the damage that could do is coming out of the same resource pile they use to defend their settlements down here and probably at much worse efficiency.

Problem: attacking their outlying settlements means the outlying settlements are going to want the central government to Do Something, and they're going to be more willing to provide bodies for the war machine for vengeance than they will be for the rulers' pocketbooks.
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[] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

Guaranteed success to at least some degree with the chance for total success. Even in the worst case scenario we were getting ready to leave anyway so we won't lose much and we have everything to gain. Plus, this is quite obviously a central command area so chances are high Senior brother whatshisface is in there and can help us.

The shishigui are basically the industrial faction then. It's not a matter of personal excellence and diligent training but industrial power and willingness to sacrifice oneself. That could be absolutely terrifying. Assuming they can increase the number of 'Pups' by 'fertilising' and human corpses work as fertiliser...
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

Moratorium's up. Voting time.
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

Wall hacks! & Spoopy Ling Qi being spoopy, what's not to love?
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
What are the probabilities here?
Average roll is a success with 1 full degree of success on the Infiltrate option and a success on the Shadow option, so the average case and above-average cases for the Infiltrate option are obviously better. What Shadow does that Infiltrate doesn't is provide better outcomes over the 20% odds that we roll a 20-39, i.e. half of the below-average cases.
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

Gonna kill us some rat cultivator's real soon...
The wait is killer
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)

So, here are the places where we placed some of Elder Jiao's spider eyes.

We have a... forge or refinery of some kind.
Covered shishigui hauled crates down from the wagons, and dumped the writhing, squealing things into the flame. There they withered and burned, and from the bottom of the furnace brownish black fluid flowed through a metal channel into a grate set in the floor.

Ling Qi tasted vomit in the back of her throat the second she looked at the stuff, despite her currently immaterial form. She could feel it, instinctively. That was the same gunk she had cleansed herself of in physical breakthroughs, but somehow more… distilled.

Ling Qi shuddered as she slipped out from under the wagon, flitting into the shadows. Carefully, she planted a tiny spider husk on the wall, and left the room behind.

We were able to bug some places where overseers congregated but given that they seem to have a distributed authority structure, it's not going to be as useful as bugging a leading officer, but the fact that it is a distributed authority structure is very useful information to have.
She found places where overseers seemed to congregate to pass reports and records, and dutifully, she 'bugged' them, but she could find no signs of an overall leader. Perhaps since this was a small village, they had their home elsewhere, and subordinates reported in. Unfortunately, even listening in, no one seemed to refer to a king or a chieftain or even a sub-chief. She did find one grouping of overseers arguing about who was going to represent them at 'the city' this year so perhaps that was where their king lived. She bugged that room too.

And then we bugged the bridge which seems to be of at least some importance to the shishigui as a source of resources and they become concerned when that resource drops in availability. Pretty useful information, and maybe Elder Jiao or his subordinates might be able to glean more from observing the river itself.
Once she had carefully mapped out the warren beneath the village, she slipped back out, and placed one last spider husk at about the midpoint of the bridges underside, along the thick beams which supported it.

While it is hard to judge whether this information is more valuable than what was in the Dome, it seems like this information could be extremely useful in figuring out the particulars of their logistics and the value of these resources. Also, the information on the various problems that seem to effect their society could be useful in planning more psychological attacks or even when attempting to broker a peace deal of sorts.

However, the meat of information seems to be within the military fortification. For while it is nice to know more about their supply chains and where they get their resources, it's even nicer to get a better understanding of their military situation and how they fortify their territory. I'm voting this way specifically because it will always at least somewhat successful at getting inside the fort, if to varying degrees. Given the military nature of our mission, it seems prudent to be sure to get what information we can on the place before moving on.
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)
[X] Infiltrate the fortress by using your wisps to move through the walls (Base DC 40 higher degrees of success allow deeper infiltration, degrees of failure shorten time spent before turning back)