We currently have 12,840 doses of Alchemist's Fire and one Industrial Alchemy Facility producing more each month. I think that's more than enough of the common stuff. If we're going to produce a fire-based Alchemical product form this point forward, it should be Wildfire.

I think we should shut that production line down and retool it for Wildfire. It will only take two weeks to retool the facility for Wildfire, allowing us to get half a month of production in. Then we'll have two facilities running full bore starting in the 2nd month.
Depends on how much Wildfyre we can get per production line and month. If production is too slow, I'd rather keep the Alchemist Fire line and prepare to use mixed bomb loads.
Depends on how much Wildfyre we can get per production line and month. If production is too slow, I'd rather keep the Alchemist Fire line and prepare to use mixed bomb loads.
We also have 11,273 doses of Liquid Ice and two production lines working on the stuff. If we retool one of them for Wildfire next, between the two retooled lines we could get the equivalent of one full production line worth of Wildfire completed, then that would go to three lines running in the 2nd month.
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We really should get Rina's eidion soon.
I agree. That's something we should really do next month if at all possible. She's on the cusp of reaching her final Rimefire Witch level and she needs her Eidolon to do so. The window of opportunity to retrieve it is rapidly shrinking, however, so the sooner we can handle it the better.
I agree. That's something we should really do next month if at all possible. She's on the cusp of reaching her final Rimefire Witch level and she needs her Eidolon to do so. The window of opportunity to retrieve it is rapidly shrinking, however, so the sooner we can handle it the better.
I'm confused. Her class doesn't say anything about her actually needing her Eidolon for the transformation, just that the pre-existing bond would be the focus for the transformation.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 19, 2020 at 4:30 PM, finished with 28 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Ancient Lore
    -[X] Elder Arts: An in-depth study of Runelore.
    --[X] Research the Landwards in Thenn's holdings (Progress: ??/15 Cost: 6000 IM)
    ---[X] Velen (4d6 Progress), Bloom the Bridjidine (4d6 Progress) --8d6 Progress total.
    -[X] Waves of the Sea, on Depths and Fire Turned: research the wardings if the Marid house of Mardja.
    --[X] Wards that would be able to protect the coastal regions and cities of Plane of Balance (Progress: ??/30, Cost: 80.000 IM)
    ---[X] Breath Taker (4d6 Progress), Stepstones Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress), Naria Loreseeker (4d6 progress) - 10d6 Progress Total
    -[X] The Stone of Memories, The Stone of Visions: The mysterious Serpentstone Projector you recovered from the deeper parts of Riz'Neth's city may not look like much... But you have learned quite well how much but a little show before the audience as large as cities could mean for a ruler.
    --[X] Research the Serpentstone Projectors, emphasizing the function of recording visual and auditory signals - something that may well be priceless if a way is found to make more of such "recorders" cheaply, and also searching for a way to integrate them with the MirrorVision network - allowing to both (hopefully) make MirrorVision sets cheaper and easier to make, and to store transmissions shown - perhaps allowing for plays and speeches to be replayed in the future? (Progress: ??/45, Cost: 50.000 IM)
    ---[X] Riz'Neth (4d6 Progress), Tyrosh Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress) -- 6d6 Progress total.
Interlude DCCLXVIII: Elder Craft and Ages' Turning
Elder Craft and Ages' Turning

Twentieth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Valley of the Thenns, Frostfangs, the Far North

Like most of those born in the to the Thenns, Styr had imagined what it would be like to rediscover the old arts, what it might mean for his people if their knowledge did not fade to Winter as the old withered while the young were away keeping the clan fed and protected. He had thought perhaps the Secret Gods would speak again or the Children of the Forest would walk out of the pine groves. He had not imagined spirits of fire descending from the Lands of Always Summer or places even further than that to pick through the frayed threads of the past. He had not thought that the answer would be the last thing his people would learn here in the Vale before the Long Night came again.

Yet so it was and so they must leave, the Old Gods had spoken in the voices of ravens and in the bloody tears of the Heart Trees, in the coming of the Dragon who gave them weapons with one hand, but told than plainly that they could not hold against the Enemy here. It was hard to believe sometimes, seeing fire made flesh wandering through the longhouses of his folk or flying high above through clear skies. But the mountains loomed ever above them, crowned in ice and baleful light. The dead walked abroad at night ever closer to the walls of Thennhold itself. Without the aid they had been given they would likely have been hungry and going without already, for all it had been the courage of the Thenns that bore those weapons.

Elder Arts Complete 32/15. Gained Knowledge of First Men Runewards

Damaged Great Ward Effect Revealed:
All non-mythic Winter-Touched and Undead must pass a DC 20 Will save or take gain 1d3+1 negative levels within the wards. If this is more negative levels than the target has HD than they are instantly destroyed.

Much as some of his warriors counseled him to ask the Dragon for more time or at least a chance to leave a few skilled hunters behind to watch their most hallowed places Styr knew it was not to be and that it should not be. Even the Heart Trees that were the bones of the land would walk and so would the Thenns.


Twenty Fifth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Sea Quarter, Sorcerer's Deep

Since returning to the waters of home Breath Taker had done many things he had never imagined he would, bargained with dragons and helped raise a temple of the Last Lament to minister to the souls of landwalkers, he had swam through the boiling depths of the Sea of Sighs to call forth an old guardian and nearly paid for it with his life. Yet that which still seemed strangest to him was that he called upon his people to settle in these waters, to build and to grow always in one place. Only corpses are still floating to the surface or sinking into the depths, so said the old wisdom, but in this place in this time it was wrong and so he had bid the tribes to come here and so he had done all in his power to keep them safe.

Walls of spellcraft they would raise here, like the shell of the nautilus coil upon coil and layer upon layer to break the teeth of the foe. Unlike those simple beasts the people of the sea would be ready spear in hand to strike their weakened foe and drive them back into the depths.

Waves of the Sea, on Depths and Fire Turned Complete 38/30

Marjan Wards Effect Revealed:

Passive: All aberrations and beings touched by the Far Realm must pass a DC 13 Wis save or be overcome with fear and unable to approach for 24 hours
Active (Requires recharging through ritual when used): All aberrations and beings touched by the Far Realm must pass a DC 23 Will save or take a 4 Point Drain on their lowest ability store. This damage cannot be reversed while within the fully powered wards through any magic short of Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle


Thirty First Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Scholarum Laboratory, Tyrosh

The Two had never considered the value of the vision stone beyond the knowledge of the Ancients they held. All that the vision could transmit so might a message carved upon stone or even wood. The People were not simple beasts of the jungle to think only in images and sounds and need such guides to understand the thought behind them, thought One alone and dismissive. Yet as the Other pondered cities full and living he realized there was much need to keep minds sharp, through all manner of instruction. The swifter and more faithful this could be carried from one to many the more the city would prosper and therein lay the worth of the stone, the same one the Ancients had put it to no doubt.

Through much trial, hardship and repeated loss of sight to excessive activation of faulty samples they had at least managed to produce a simple light stone that shone consistently, but their efforts were still a long way off from crafting images of light and bearing sound with it.

The Stone of Memories, The Stone of Visions progress 21/45

What next?

[] Write in

OOC: And here we are. Hope it does not jump around too much.
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Well, that's quite decent progress, I wasn't expecting Svitran+Tyrosh to do 21 in one go.
The mirrors may just be available for a Moon-voyage in as soon as two months... Hmm...

@DragonParadox, what's the pricing on placing the wards of Marid, and the Thenn-wards?
Remaining RAs:
[] The Final Contravention: With how far you have come, and how many you broke off from Hells' leash, perhaps you can go around the Pact Primeval in a way none before you had - and utilise the Lawful nature of all Devils to create a Ritual that would be capable of severing their connection to Hells regardless of their exact kind, or strength. (Progress: 23+??/30, Cost: 20.000 IM)
----Lya [Second body] (4d6 Progress)

[] Dreamscaping: The realm of dreams is an odd thing, shaped by the minds of mortals and shaping them in return, though some beings such as Yss have shown you that it can be altered in more direct ways. You will need to learn about such shaping before you can hope to leverage the dreamscape for your grand work. (Progress: ??/20, requires Dany, progress added by other characters is halved)
-----Aenie Caleris (4d6 Progress + 1d6 for specialization)

[] The Heavy Thoughts: The Mindspeak that some creatures wield in this day and age has proven it's utility time and time again - and finding a way to grant the ability to use it holds great promise in most various fields.
-[] Find a way to evoke the ability for Telepathy in those without innate talent for it.
(Progress: ??/8, Cost: 7500 IM)
----Svitran (4d6 Progress)

[] Watchful Eyes, by Aeons Untouched: Attempt to create the Watchman-Creature template (Progress: ??/25, Cost: ??)
----Volantis Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress), Naath Scholarum branch (2d6 Progress) -- 4d6 Progress total.
The ?? signifies we haven't had a number put on the action this month yet.
@Goldfish Keep in mind, if we're grabbing the Eidolon, it is absolutely going to come to battle. Not a small one either, it's gonna be a nasty brawl. We should cheat like motherfuckers.

Edit: Depending on how bad it is, we should maybe consider bribing Yss to chow down on whatever they send. Bet they wouldn't be expecting that.
We're doing all sorts of science.

Since we've ungated the Fungus Forge, allow me to repost my Verdant Phoenix:

LN Huge plant CR 15
+5; Senses low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 100ft.


AC 38, touch 15, flat-footed 33 (+5 Dex, +25 natural, -2 size)
hp 192 (14d8+126+3)
Fort +27, Ref +12, Will +5
DR 15/slashing, magic and cold iron
fire resistance 10, fast healing 20, regeneration 5 (fire or cold)/regeneration 14 (death effects & negative energy) (see Verdant Healing below), Rejuvenating Seed

Rejuvenating Seed (Ex)
A moss lich can spend 1d10 days growing a rejuvenating seed. After death, the moss lich fully regrows from this rejuvenating seed in 1d10 days. A moss lich can have only one mature rejuvenating seed at any one time. A moss lich that is destroyed again before his rejuvenating seed matures is permanently destroyed, but his remains may give birth to one or more lesser plant creatures in 1d10 years.

Verdant Healing (Ex)
A moss lich in contact with moist, fertile soil gains regeneration equal to his HD. This regeneration is stopped by death effects and negative energy damage. An hour spent in contact with moist, fertile soil counts as a single meal and an adequate amount of drink for one day.


Speed 20ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws +21 (2d6+11), 1 slam +21 (2d6+11), natural attacks treated as magical
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks renew deadwood (CL 14), entrap (hp 28), wild shape (effective druid level 11+1 (Natural Druid) = 12)

Renew Deadwood (Su)
Once every 1d4 rounds, a green warden can produce an effect like that of a warp wood spell (caster level equals green warden's racial Hit Dice), except it affects only dead wood. Any wooden objects affected by this ability turn into living plants that root themselves when they come into contact with the ground. A green warden cannot "unwarp" wood or return it to its normal shape with this ability.

Entrap (Su)
Any living creature struck with the moss lich's slam attack is infected with magical spores that immediately grow into a tangle of vines covering the target's body, acting like the entrap special ability with permanent duration, hardness 5 and two hit points per the moss lich's HD. The vines can be killed with any effect that kills plants.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14, DC 14 + spell level)

At willcalm animals, create water, pass without trace, purify food and drink, tree shape, tree stride

1/dayanimate plants, barkskin, commune with nature, endure elements, goodberry, liveoak, plant growth, quench, transmute metal to wood, wood shape (living wood only)

Spells (CL 14, Spell level 5+1 (Natural Druid) = 6



Str 32, Dex 21, Con 28, Int 18, Wis 33, Cha 19
Base Atk +10; CMB +21; CMD 36
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Diehard B, Endurance B, Great Fortitude B, Toughness B, Negotiator(2 more)
Skills Fly +11, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (nature) +10, Perception +17, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +4 on all Knowledge skills, +4 Perception, +8 Stealth (84 total, +8 racial to Perception, Stealth, & Survival)
Languages Sylvan, Common, First Man; animal telepathy (30 ft.)
SQ insightful senses, piercing stare, favored terrain, natural druid, trackless step, verdant stride, animate leaves, sundering storm


Animal Telepathy (Su)
A giant owl can telepathically communicate with other animals as if under the effects of speak with animals.

Insightful Senses (Su)
A giant owl's senses are particularly well honed to sensing danger or locating prey. It adds its Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus (+3 for most giant owls) on its initiative checks.

Piercing Stare (Su)
Up to three times per day as a swift action, a giant owl can gain the effects of true seeing (as the spell) for 1 round.

Aura of Wild Growth (Su)
A moss lich's presence makes local vegetation more vibrant but more wild as well. Plants within one mile of a moss lich grow twice as fast, but produce half the normal yield of crops due to an abundance of weeds and wild plants spreading through the fields and orchards.

Moss Magic (Su)
A moss lich gains a +1 bonus to caster level checks in areas of thick vegetation. When a spell allows the moss lich to utilize or affect trees, he may also utilize or affect patches of moss occupying at least one square.

Moss Shape (Ex)
At will as a standard action a moss lich can transform itself into a patch of moss his size or meld with an existing patch of moss at least his size at will as if using the tree shape spell.

Verdant Stride (Ex)
A moss lich can pass through natural vegetation of any type without leaving a trace, and he ignores vegetation-based difficult terrain both mundane and magical. A moss lich may selectively ignore any plant-based effects he created.

Favored Terrain (Ex)
The environment a green warden inhabits is considered favored terrain (as the Ranger ability) for that green warden. If the green warden has ranger levels, this stacks with similar favored terrains chosen by this ability. A green warden must reside in its particular territory for more than half of the year to gain and maintain this ability.

Natural Druid (Su)
If a green warden has druid levels, its effective level is one higher for gaining druid spells and other abilities.

Trackless Step (Ex)
A green warden leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. It may, however, choose to leave a trail if it desires.

Animate Leaves (Su)
A bladeleaf can shed its leaves as a standard action. When shed, the leaves often change to autumn colors and become hard and sharp as steel, animated into a swarm by the will of the bladeleaf. The animated leaves are treated as a swarm (see below). If the swarm is destroyed, the bladeleaf can completely re-grow all its lost leaves in 1 minute. The bladeleaf may reattach these shed leaves as a standard action, in which case they return to their normal color and texture. The bladeleaf controls the swarm as a free action and can maneuver it out to a distance of 300 ft. Animated leaves create the statblock below.

Sundering Storm (Su)
A bladeleaf creature that has not shed its leaves deals +1d6 slashing damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by the animated leaves swarm attack must also succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bladeleaf creature's HD + its Con modifier) or any unsheathed non-cold iron manufactured weapon they carry suffers the swarm damage as well. Creatures that hit a bladeleaf creature with a melee attack must make the same Reflex save or suffer 1d6 + the bladeleaf's Con modifier damage unless they are using a reach and/or cold iron weapon.

Still need help with the skills and spells, if anyone knows how to build a Druid.
Well, that's quite decent progress, I wasn't expecting Svitran+Tyrosh to do 21 in one go.
The mirrors may just be available for a Moon-voyage in as soon as two months... Hmm...

@DragonParadox, what's the pricing on placing the wards of Marid, and the Thenn-wards?

I'll have to think about it in the morning, it's a bit late for maths right now. It should be a meaningful cost on the scale you operate on but not prohibitive/
I'm confused. Her class doesn't say anything about her actually needing her Eidolon for the transformation, just that the pre-existing bond would be the focus for the transformation.
Huh, you're right. Just went back and reread @TotallyNotEvil's version of the PRC and the original source material and the Eidolon itself isn't required for her transformation. I'm not sure where the wires in my head got crossed to end up this confused... :oops:

I would still like to retrieve the Eidolon, or at least help it move to a safer locale, but I guess it's not quite so urgent that it needs to happen next month.
Elder Arts Complete 32/15. Gained Knowledge of First Men Runewards

Damaged Great Ward Effect Revealed:
All non-mythic Winter-Touched and Undead must pass a DC 20 Will save take gain 1d3+1 negative levels within the wards. If this is more negative levels than the target has HD they are instantly destroyed.
@DragonParadox, if these wards are made by a Mythic crafter with a Mythic Crafting focus (Lya), would they be able to affect Mythic Winter-Touched as well?
Waves of the Sea, on Depths and Fire Turned Complete 38/30

Marjan Wards Effect Revealed:

Passive: All Aberrations and beings touched by the Far Realm must pass a DC 13 Wis save or be overcome with fear and unable to approach for 24 hours
Active (Requires recharging through ritual when used): All aberrations and beings touched by the Far Realm must pass a DC 23 Will save or take a 4 Point Drain on their lowest ability store. This damage cannot be reversed while within the fully powered wards though any magic short of Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle
While this is useful, is the extent of it? A Marid city has more to worry about than just Deep Ones. Brine Dragons, for example.
Two had never considered the value of the vision stone beyond the knowledge of the Ancients they held. All that the vision could transmit so mite a message carved upon stone or even wood. The People were not simple beasts of the jungle to think only in images and sounds and need such guides to understand the thought behind them, thought One alone and dismissive. Yet as the Other pondered cities full and living he realized there was much need to keep minds sharp, though all manner of instruction. The swifter and more faithfully this could be carried from one to many the more the city would prosper and therein lay the worth of the stone, the same one the Ancients had put it to no doubt.

Through much trial, hardship and repeated loss of sight to excessive activation of faulty samples they had at least managed to produce a simple light stone that shone consistently, but their efforts were still a long way off from crafting images of light and bearing sound with it.
The Stone of Memories, The Stone of Visions progress 21/45
This is one I'm very excited to see complete. Imagine our library stocked with video lectures. Imagine mirror vision speeches recorded for generations to come. Plays, propaganda, etc, everything preserved against time.
Huh, you're right. Just went back and reread @TotallyNotEvil's version of the PRC and the original source material and the Eidolon itself isn't required for her transformation. I'm not sure where the wires in my head got crossed to end up this confused... :oops:

I would still like to retrieve the Eidolon, or at least help it move to a safer locale, but I guess it's not quite so urgent that it needs to happen next month.
Yeah, I was pretty confused about why people thought it was urgent.
@DragonParadox, if these wards are made by a Mythic crafter with a Mythic Crafting focus (Lya), would they be able to affect Mythic Winter-Touched as well?

While this is useful, is the extent of it? A Marid city has more to worry about than just Deep Ones. Brine Dragons, for example.
  1. Lya isn't sure the only example she has to work on is very timeworn
  2. Fighting dragons is what they have an army for. Deep Ones are ones that could bury them in cannon fodder or turn their own civilians into enemies
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  1. Lya isn't sure the only example she has to work on is very timeworn
  2. Frighting dragons is what they have an army for. Deep Ones are ones that could bury them in cannon fodder or turn their own civilians into enemies
Okay. So for the Landwards against Winter, I imagine we'll see a far far stronger and outright Mythic version once we start studying the Wall.