How about no? In fact, how about hell no, using freaking Rakshasa like that and expecting the whole thing to become anything but a shit show is insane. I'd say that they'd go off the reservation and do whatever they wanted, but to actually succeed in that mission they'd need to do enough crazy shit that it wouldn't even count as them deviating from our orders.
If we recruit someone to work for us it's generally implicit that we've vetted them for loyalty. Picking people who want to do the job we assign them is just good management. We'd need to monitor them, and a single group effort would probably be an issue, but they are specialists at blasphemy.

If your issue is with the particulars of the idea rather than who is executing it, that ship has already sailed. We tried something close to this in the past, and are actively supporting baby schisms across SD.

It's part of the reason I don't think we can ever get along with them; even during our most cordial negotiations we still had people actively attempting to lobotomize them via heresy in SD. How can they possibly trust us after that, no matter what we say?

Granted, we don't have time to take up a serious fight right now, but almost anything is better than continuing to do something that'll piss them off without actually getting anything out of it.
If we recruit someone to work for us it's generally implicit that we've vetted them for loyalty. Picking people who want to do the job we assign them is just good management. We'd need to monitor them, and a single group effort would probably be an issue, but they are specialists at blasphemy.

If your issue is with the particulars of the idea rather than who is executing it, that ship has already sailed. We tried something close to this in the past, and are actively supporting baby schisms across SD.

It's part of the reason I don't think we can ever get along with them; even during our most cordial negotiations we still had people actively attempting to lobotomize them via heresy in SD. How can they possibly trust us after that, no matter what we say?

Granted, we don't have time to take up a serious fight right now, but almost anything is better than continuing to do something that'll piss them off without actually getting anything out of it.
We're supporting naturally emerging schisms as done by normal preachers. Trying to super-accelerate it using Rakshasa and expecting it not to get bloody and messy (both because of the Rakshasa seeing killing inconvenient people as a perfectly natural part of the process and because of people seeing the Rakshasa as obviously suspicious and also trying to kill them) is the part that bothers me.
We're supporting naturally emerging schisms as done by normal preachers. Trying to super-accelerate it using Rakshasa and expecting it not to get bloody and messy (both because of the Rakshasa seeing killing inconvenient people as a perfectly natural part of the process and because of people seeing the Rakshasa as obviously suspicious and also trying to kill them) is the part that bothers me.
That's a a fair enough assertion about the rakasha, but I think you're underestimating both what we're tried in the past and what that means for gods.

We didn't just support those heresies, we encouraged them, and for the gods that's somewhere between poisoning their food and casting mindrape on them. It wasn't a big enough blip to require so much as a will save, but this is the kind of thing where it's the thought that counts.

Even if we set aside the many ways our interests conflict, they have good reasons to be disgusted with us personally and no reason to trust us on a professional level.

If the Rakasha are a poor tool we should find another, but it's a mistake to ignore how our past conflict will inform our present relationship with them.
That's a a fair enough assertion about the rakasha, but I think you're underestimating both what we're tried in the past and what that means for gods.

We didn't just support those heresies, we encouraged them, and for the gods that's somewhere between poisoning their food and casting mindrape on them. It wasn't a big enough blip to require so much as a will save, but this is the kind of thing where it's the thought that counts.

Even if we set aside the many ways our interests conflict, they have good reasons to be disgusted with us personally and no reason to trust us on a professional level.

If the Rakasha are a poor tool we should find another, but it's a mistake to ignore how our past conflict will inform our present relationship with them.
Well yes, I don't think using Rakshasa will piss off the gods more. I think they'll piss off everybody else, including many of the people we want to bring around to our point of view. Most of those people do not have a big problem with normal schisms, not understanding what those do to a god, but do have a problem with violence and scary creatures messing around to encourage divergent cults. And they'd be right to, normally a Rakshasa messing with your religion is a very bad thing.
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They still couldn't do anything. Covering divine intervention needs for all of Westeros south of the Neck (and Whiteharbor) with seven people and no static infrastructure (like heart trees, which can provide beneficial effects without requiring a caster) is a logistical impossibility. They can't be in enough places and don't have enough spell slots to do all the small-cleric work that comprises 90% of the demand. Every damn village in Westeros needs to be covered by someone, they need healing, esoteric knowledge and leadership.

That's why the new tactic is to conscript mages into covering the short fall while taking the credit.
Lik weeeeee do?
*Scripples the 15th tally on "chosen killed by bloodraven scoreboard"*


Maybe if someone wasnt smashing them in the nutts with a baseball bat every moment of every day since before magic came back?

9. He has killed only 9.
Tysa the Chosen of the Maiden died to Vale clans.
A chosen of the Warrior died to brain-eaters while watching his friends drown. Another died to poison.
A Smith Chosen was killed by Redcaps and a Chosen of the Crone was killed by Edmure Tully's friends.
The rest are unknown in terms of cause of death.
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This here was my originally proposal as riders for the Greater Bloodsharks in the Iron Isles force:
Dragon Blood Tree; CR 10
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
+ Advanced; CR +1
+ Sorcerer Creature; CR +2
+ Blood Magic Creature; CR +2
+ 8 HD; CR +2
+ Aquatic Creature; CR +0
Cost 4,800 IM
Neutral Evil Large plant (extraplanar, amphibious)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, spiritsense

AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+2 DEX, +8 natural, –1 size, +4 Shield, +4 Mage Armor)
hp 136 (13d8 + 78)
Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +7
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, plant traits;
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Regeneration (equal to 10 points per HD the blood magic creature possess [Maximum 150], this effect costs 6 blood points; bludgeoning, fire, and acid)

Speed 20 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Melee Lance +14/+9 (4d6 + 18; 20/x3); Slam +14 (2d6 + 9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones

Str 23, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 30
Base Atk +9
Feats Mounted Combat, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Trick-Riding, Mounted Skirmisher
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Skills (61)
Concentration: 16 + 6 (CON) = 22
Knowledge (Martial): 5 + 3 (WIS) = 8
Intimidate: 16 + 9 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 33
Ride: 16 + 4 (DEX) = 20
Survival: 8 + 3 (WIS) = 11

Caster Level 11
Spell Save 10 + Spell Level + 10

0th: 9 Spells - 6/day
1st: Shield, Mage Armor, 3 Spells - 9/day
2nd: Brow Gasher, 3 Spells - 9/day
3rd: Fly, Hydrophobia, Dispel Magic - 8/day
4th: Bestow Curse, Enervation - 7/day
5th: Mages Private Sanctum - 5/day
Note: Spend a blood point and the necessary spell-slot to use Smiting Spell

Bonerattle (Su)
As a standard action, a bonewrought willow can shake its branches to produce an eerie rattling sound and attempt a single Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.

Spiritsense (Su)
A bonewrought willow can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.

Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a standard action, a bonewrought willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 18 Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the bleed damage.

Blood Point (Su)
When a blood magic creature inflicts the dead condition upon a non-plant living creature, it gains 1 point in its blood pool. If it kills a creature with blood designated as special (GM adjudication) its blood pool is filled. The maximum number of blood points it can possess in its pool is equal to 10 + its HD + its Cha modifier. Any points above its blood pool's maximum are lost. A blood magic creature can activate this templates special abilities by expending blood points or it can be used to enhance any of the creature's abilities. Spending a blood point is a free action that cannot be used to create the same effect or provide more than one of the benefits listed below in the same round. Spending a blood point grants the creature any of the following benefits:
- +2 to any one d20 roll.
- +2 to the DC of any extrodinary, spell, spell-like or supernatural ability.
- During any round in which a blood magic creature takes a full attack action, it may spend 1 blood point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Blood points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. This does not stack with haste or the speed special weapon ability
- At the beginning of a blood magic creature's turn, it may spend 1 blood point to gain the benefit of a feat it does not have. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. It gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.
- Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 blood point to recall any spell just cast.

Caustic Blood (Ex)
If an blood magic creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the blood magic creature's HD +it's Con modifier) or suffer 2d6 points of acid damage, a successful save results in half damage.
As an additional effect a blood magic creature can expend one blood point to make the blood toxic as well as acidic. It may select any one poison it is aware of, the DC of the poison is always 10 +1/2 its HD + its Con Modifier. A common choice is listed below
Black Lotus Extract: Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d6 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves.

Spell-Like Abilities
A Blood Magic creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. Activating a spell-like ability is still a standard action bu it requires it to expend a number of blood points equal to the spell level. CL equals the creature's HD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). See link at the top for available SLAs.

The new thing:
Necrotic Mold
This writhing black mass of slime moves with surprising speed, crawling along the ground while looking for a new host. When it latches onto a creature, it's shape splits into distinct, vein-like tentacles that dig into the flesh of it's victim and control it's

Necrotic Mold; CR 2
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
+ Amalgam Creature (Mindslaver Mold); CR +2
+ Size -2 (Large -> Small); CR -2

Neutral Evil Small plant (extraplanar)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, spiritsense

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 32 (5d8 + 5)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity, avoidance;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, plant traits, cold;
Resist electricity 10, acid 10;
SR 11 + 3 (CR) = 14

Speed 30 ft., climb 5 ft.
Melee slam +1 (1d6-3)
Ranged spore pod +7 touch (spores)
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones, infestation, spores

Str 4, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +3
Feats Improved Initiative, Charnel Soldiers (the host is also affected by this feat, even if not an undead creature), Ally Shield
Skills Survival +8, Intimidate +2; Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan (can't speak any language); mold mindlink
Skills (10)
Intimidate: 2 + 2 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 12
Survival: 8 + 1 (WIS) = 9
Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate

Bonerattle (Su)
As a standard action, a Necrotic Mold can grind against itself to produce an eerie screeching sound and attempt a single Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.

Spiritsense (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.

Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a standard action, a Necrotic Mold willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 14 Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the bleed damage.

Avoidance (Ex)
When a Necrotic Mold is infesting a living or undead creature and would be hit by an attack, it can make a Reflex save as an immediate action. If the mold succeeds, the attack doesn't harm it and instead harms the infested creature—the mold effectively slithers out of the way of the incoming attack so that the blow strikes the creature it controls. The Necrotic Mold must choose to attempt avoidance after the attack roll is resolved but before damage is rolled.

Infestation (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold can climb onto and attach itself to a willing or helpless host as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. As long as the mold infests its host, the mold shares the same 5-foot square with its host's space; this does not negatively impact the host or the mold. An implanted Necrotic Mold's mass infiltrates the host's nervous system, controlling the host as dominate person, even if the host would normally be not affected by this spell. This control is not prevented by protection from evil or similar effects, nor does the host receive saving throws to resist control. Each day, an attached Necrotic Mold deals 1d4 points of damage to its host as it feeds on the host's blood, other bodily fluids or other matter that makes up it's body. A Necrotic Mold can be torn free of a host with a successful DC 15 Strength check as a standard action—doing so deals 2d6 points of damage to the host as the mold's tendrils tear free. A dead Necrotic Mold deals no damage in this way.

Mold Mindlink (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can communicate telepathically with any other Necrotic Mold within 10 miles, and knows the condition of all other Necrotic Molds in this area as if it had a status spell in effect on all other molds.

Spore Pod (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold's sole physical attack is to launch a spore pod the size of a sling bullet. This is a ranged touch attack that has a range increment of 20 feet.

Spores (Su)
Whenever a Necrotic Mold hits a creature with its spore pod, or whenever a creature touches a Necrotic Mold (including when a creature hits the mold with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural attack), the creature must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage as the mold's spores swiftly drain away the victim's willpower and sense of self. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Combine the two and you get:
Blood Clot Mold; CR 10
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
+ Amalgam Creature (Mindslaver Mold); CR +2
+ Size -2 (Large -> Small); CR -2
+ Advanced; CR +1
+ Sorcerer Creature; CR +2
+ Blood Magic Creature; CR +2
+ 8 HD; CR +2
+ Aquatic Creature; CR +0

Neutral Evil Small plant (extraplanar, amphibious)
Init +9; Senses low-light vision, spiritsense

AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size)
hp 123(13d8 + 65)
Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +7
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity, avoidance;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, plant traits, cold;
Resist electricity 10, acid 10;
SR 11 + 10 (CR) = 21

Speed 20 ft., swim 30ft., climb 5 ft.
Melee slam +9 (1d6-1)
Ranged spore pod +15 touch (spores)
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones, infestation, spores

Str 8, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 27
Base Atk +9
Feats Improved Initiative, Charnel Soldiers (the host is also affected by this feat, even if not an undead creature), Ally Shield
Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan (can't speak any language); mold mindlink
Skills (78)
Concentration: 16 + 6 (CON) = 22
Knowledge (Martial): 14 + 3 (WIS) = 17
Intimidate: 16 + 9 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 33
Ride: 16 + 4 (DEX) = 20
Survival: 16 + 3 (WIS) = 19
Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate

Caster Level 11
Spell Save 10 + Spell Level + 8 (CHA)

0th: 9 Spells - 6/day
1st: Shield, Mage Armor, 3 Spells - 9/day
2nd: Brow Gasher, 3 Spells - 9/day
3rd: Fly, Hydrophobia, Dispel Magic - 8/day
4th: Bestow Curse, Enervation - 7/day
5th: Mages Private Sanctum - 5/day
Note: Spend a blood point and the necessary spell-slot to use Smiting Spell

Bonerattle (Su)
As a standard action, a Necrotic Mold can grind against itself to produce an eerie screeching sound and attempt a single Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.

Spiritsense (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.

Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a standard action, a Necrotic Mold willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 14 Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the bleed damage.

Avoidance (Ex)
When a Necrotic Mold is infesting a living or undead creature and would be hit by an attack, it can make a Reflex save as an immediate action. If the mold succeeds, the attack doesn't harm it and instead harms the infested creature—the mold effectively slithers out of the way of the incoming attack so that the blow strikes the creature it controls. The Necrotic Mold must choose to attempt avoidance after the attack roll is resolved but before damage is rolled.

Infestation (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold can climb onto and attach itself to a willing or helpless host as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. As long as the mold infests its host, the mold shares the same 5-foot square with its host's space; this does not negatively impact the host or the mold. An implanted Necrotic Mold's mass infiltrates the host's nervous system, controlling the host as dominate person, even if the host would normally be not affected by this spell. This control is not prevented by protection from evil or similar effects, nor does the host receive saving throws to resist control. Each day, an attached Necrotic Mold deals 1d4 points of damage to its host as it feeds on the host's blood, other bodily fluids or other matter that makes up it's body. A Necrotic Mold can be torn free of a host with a successful DC 15 Strength check as a standard action—doing so deals 2d6 points of damage to the host as the mold's tendrils tear free. A dead Necrotic Mold deals no damage in this way.

Mold Mindlink (Su)
A Necrotic Mold can communicate telepathically with any other Necrotic Mold within 10 miles, and knows the condition of all other Necrotic Molds in this area as if it had a status spell in effect on all other molds.

Spore Pod (Ex)
A Necrotic Mold's sole physical attack is to launch a spore pod the size of a sling bullet. This is a ranged touch attack that has a range increment of 20 feet.

Spores (Su)
Whenever a Necrotic Mold hits a creature with its spore pod, or whenever a creature touches a Necrotic Mold (including when a creature hits the mold with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural attack), the creature must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage as the mold's spores swiftly drain away the victim's willpower and sense of self. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Blood Point (Su)
When a blood magic creature inflicts the dead condition upon a non-plant living creature, it gains 1 point in its blood pool. If it kills a creature with blood designated as special (GM adjudication) its blood pool is filled. The maximum number of blood points it can possess in its pool is equal to 10 + its HD + its Cha modifier. Any points above its blood pool's maximum are lost. A blood magic creature can activate this templates special abilities by expending blood points or it can be used to enhance any of the creature's abilities. Spending a blood point is a free action that cannot be used to create the same effect or provide more than one of the benefits listed below in the same round. Spending a blood point grants the creature any of the following benefits:
- +2 to any one d20 roll.
- +2 to the DC of any extrodinary, spell, spell-like or supernatural ability.
- During any round in which a blood magic creature takes a full attack action, it may spend 1 blood point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Blood points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. This does not stack with haste or the speed special weapon ability
- At the beginning of a blood magic creature's turn, it may spend 1 blood point to gain the benefit of a feat it does not have. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. It gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.
- Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 blood point to recall any spell just cast.

Caustic Blood (Ex)
If an blood magic creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the blood magic creature's HD +it's Con modifier) or suffer 2d6 points of acid damage, a successful save results in half damage.
As an additional effect a blood magic creature can expend one blood point to make the blood toxic as well as acidic. It may select any one poison it is aware of, the DC of the poison is always 10 +1/2 its HD + its Con Modifier. A common choice is listed below
Black Lotus Extract: Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d6 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves.

Spell-Like Abilities
A Blood Magic creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. Activating a spell-like ability is still a standard action bu it requires it to expend a number of blood points equal to the spell level. CL equals the creature's HD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). See link at the top for available SLAs.

I'll call it a day now, since my concentration is beginning to waver.
@Goldfish, your input would be appreciated. I want to use these molds as commanders for the more autonomous undead forces and especially as controllers of the to-be-stated whale monsters.
Well yes, I don't think using Rakshasa will piss off the gods more. I think they'll piss off everybody else, including many of the people we want to bring around to our point of view.
More than the actual devils we've been parading around? I'm not fixated on a particular creature for this, but I'd like to point out that Rakasha aren't omnicidal berserkers, they can be used for plenty of subtle things. If something else would work better I'm all for it, I just think we should be doing something to stop our future problems from getting bigger if we can.

Maybe as management? They'd certainly have the experience, but the skull throne seems like a bad way to convert anyone other than the Dothraki.

To be fair to the Seven they look good in a vacuum, the only problem being we fucked up that little system for them.

When you're the only game in town you look good by dint of being the only game in town, SD has changed that, hard.

We've got gods on every corner offering power, actual power, and answering prayers of their faithful. For the price of a cut palm and some gardening you can be healed of all ailments and be fed more than you ever thought with a single grape.

Hell head over to Yss's corner and he'll actually write up a contract, a fair contract for your service in his name.

We've basically set on the Seven the worse enemy they could ever face, one Luther (the fucker) feared and was quite willing to throw down over, a buyer's market.

To be fair to the Seven they look good in a vacuum, the only problem being we fucked up that little system for them.

When you're the only game in town you look good by dint of being the only game in town, SD has changed that, hard.

We've got gods on every corner offering power, actual power, and answering prayers of their faithful. For the price of a cut palm and some gardening you can be healed of all ailments and be fed more than you ever thought with a single grape.

Hell head over to Yss's corner and he'll actually write up a contract, a fair contract for your service in his name.

We've basically set on the Seven the worse enemy they could ever face, one Luther (the fucker) feared and was quite willing to throw down over, a buyer's market.
The Seven being Divine Comcast isn't really a compelling argument in their favor.
More than the actual devils we've been parading around? I'm not fixated on a particular creature for this, but I'd like to point out that Rakasha aren't omnicidal berserkers, they can be used for plenty of subtle things. If something else would work better I'm all for it, I just think we should be doing something to stop our future problems from getting bigger if we can.
We have not been parading them around that much. We've been using them with some measure of discretion, in disguise and what not. Also importantly, we tend to put them in posts where their task are simple and support is nearby, on guard duty somewhere or assisting someone who knows about them. Rakshasa infiltrators scattered across the Seven kingdoms with a mission to spread religious turmoil would get a lot more attention and have less backup, needing to be more self reliant. This would lead to them acting like Rakshasa in a distinctive way to those who have the requisite knowledge skills, and also leave them susceptible to being put in a bind by the merely suspicious.
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...I can only assume your hatred here is directed at Lucan, and not at... another religious historic figure?

@everyone, ya'll won't mind if we pop the Red Dragon Orb next month as a dedicated "free" action?
I'd like to feed the sneak, but at our chances (5/9 iirc) to succeed, we better prepare for it coming loose and us having to gun it down, anyway.
The Seven being Divine Comcast isn't really a compelling argument in their favor.
Had Comcast for over a decade, can confirm. Once my family could switch, we did. I can definitely see that sort of thing being persuasive to a lot of Westerosi peasants. Especially those who, if Westeros is anything like Medieval Europe, practiced semi-pagan folk beliefs and rituals in private, beyond their main faith.
We have not been parading them around that much. We've been using them with some measure of discretion, in disguise and what not. Also importantly, we tend to put them in posts where their task are simple and support is nearby, on guard duty somewhere or assisting someone who knows about them. Rakshasa infiltrators scattered across the Seven kingdoms with a mission to spread religious turmoil would get a lot more attention and have less backup, needing to be more self reliant. This would lead to them acting like Rakshasa in a distinctive way to those who have the requisite knowledge skills, and also leave them susceptible to being put in a bind by the merely suspicious.
We openly sent them on a diplomatic mission to Yi Ti, where their nature at the very least was recognized. Westeros may not know about it, but we still trusted them enough to act relatively openly.

You have a point about letting them run wild in Westeros, but that isn't what I was suggesting. I proposal was to use them is Essos, to be somewhere far from their center of power and close to ours. Reporting and management would have to be a part of anything they did no matter where they did it, but that's true of many productive imperial citizens.
We openly sent them on a diplomatic mission to Yi Ti, where their nature at the very least was recognized. Westeros may not know about it, but we still trusted them enough to act relatively openly.

You have a point about letting them run wild in Westeros, but that isn't what I was suggesting. I proposal was to use them is Essos, to be somewhere far from their center of power and close to ours. Reporting and management would have to be a part of anything they did no matter where they did it, but that's true of many productive imperial citizens.
I thought we wanted to grow the schism? Doing it in Essos would just be ineffective and risky, since while it'd cause the schism problems to get bigger, it'd also add to their worshiper base and take out of gods who we already have an understanding with, and if they turn it around on us before it works we've screwed up big time. Doesn't seem worth it, even if it is safe.
...I can only assume your hatred here is directed at Lucan, and not at... another religious historic figure?

@everyone, ya'll won't mind if we pop the Red Dragon Orb next month as a dedicated "free" action?
I'd like to feed the sneak, but at our chances (5/9 iirc) to succeed, we better prepare for it coming loose and us having to gun it down, anyway.
Ah right that's the bitch. You have to forgive me I pretty much wiped that part of my memory after we were done dealing with the bastard.

Still want to nail his skin to a Tree mind you, but I can be patient. He goes right after the cheese fucker.

On to more cheerful matters I wouldn't mind popping the Orb so long as we can stack the odds in our favor. Call me paranoid but if that Dragon is a worshiper of Tiamat in any fashion I wouldn't put it past her to Overhaul the fuck out of it the second it gets out of the orb (if it does).

Hell I wouldn't put it past her to just steal the bastard so she has an agent on the Plane of Balance again, and this time it wouldn't be a bunch of worthless squishy monkeys and a couple of newborns.
I honestly find that disappointing but if that is what most people want I guess it doesn't matter what I think as long as others have fun with it.
Nothing says that Viserys can't go on extended extraplanar "vacations" in the future, once the existential threats taper off and Planetos is largely secure. There is a lot of existence to explore, and who better to explore it than an Immortal Mythic Dragon Sorcerer and his Companions on a holiday? It sounds like a great Mirrorvision series to me.

[X] Azel