That might be looked at in askance. What do you want that much land for?
The space to set up a viewing area for Mirror Vision that can accommodate foreign nationals and locals without clogging up trade at all. In addition to that, having the ability to peddle our business here through warehouses we own, as well as the ability to streamline setting up people to do their own ventures there, through us. It would raise our stock among the Three Daughters for example if we opened up Yin trade on a scale that doesn't guarantee getting taxed into the ground or losing half their profits to bribery, and Volantis wouldn't complain about the opportunity either. Braavos does have less to gain from Yi Tish trade since it is actually farther away than the Armun Kelisk or Opaline Vault route.
Off topic, quick question from a lurker but how does sorcerers deep look like right now, I'm struggling to picture it in my head.
The space to set up a viewing area for Mirror Vision that can accommodate foreign nationals and locals without clogging up trade at all. In addition to that, having the ability to peddle our business here through warehouses we own, as well as the ability to streamline setting up people to do their own ventures there, through us. It would raise our stock among the Three Daughters for example if we opened up Yin trade on a scale that doesn't guarantee getting taxed into the ground or losing half their profits to bribery, and Volantis wouldn't complain about the opportunity either. Braavos does have less to gain from Yi Tish trade since it is actually farther away than the Armun Kelisk or Opaline Vault route.

I see. All of that sounds doable IC, but it's going to take a full action with its own rolls.
[X] Artemis1992

I agree with @Artemis1992, having an in with the local trade magnates will make for immediate and massive profits, influence we can trade on endlessly too.

It really is hard to raise our political capital any further at court at this point without personally meeting with Bu Gai, something I'd rather not do yet because I want the possibility of integration or at least cooperation to run a bit smoother than us dancing around each other and trying not to make it look like either of us is making demands of the other that we know we can't enforce bloodlessly.
@DragonParadox So is Hua Fen going to smuggle herself into our trade fleet? With the full and gleeful cooperation of the people we sent, obviously, hahaha. Though, that does create some questions.

How is she hiding her movements as Hua Fen? Is she some kind of idiot savant at intrigue in ways that relate to her culture but completely stumped by phenomenon known as 'Gaijin Smash' of the foreign envoys? Or did no one brief her of the concept of basic divination to determine where she's been disappearing off to and if she's still roaming around free it is likely because someone is playing a game with her?

Hell I would not be surprised if her family is using her to keep an eye on our public agents more closely. I expected to be approached by them in a reverse to the usual situation we typically get into in regards to kidnapping maidens, even just by circumstance.
also @DragonParadox didn't we alreaddy move the storms end heart tree to Yin so by grow do you mean concecrate (i don't know how to spell that word i mean turn it into a magical heart tree)?
lay-out wise or architecture wise. becouse we do have a lay-out map under the media tab done by one of the threadgoers
Think stately greco-roman facades in the style of Washington DC. you know, how everything is kind of more muted and not exactly ostentatious, but still grand and regal looking?

Similar, but definitely more archaic as it is not surrounded by modern amenities, either, in fact it probably looks more high-fantasy thanks to roof-top gardens, mage light street lanterns/posts all throughout the city lighting up all roads decently, windows in every building and generally think buildings as being taller than you'd normally find in a medieval city as well. There are also all sorts of minor things, some plazas are more magical than others for example, we have a map of the Planes in the one near the Shadow Tower through a magical illusion. These small shows of magic are likely piling up a bit over time.
Off topic, quick question from a lurker but how does sorcerers deep look like right now, I'm struggling to picture it in my head.

The spiritual basis of SD's architecture is the hodgepodge of Torturer's Deep. Even after it was all torn down people wanted their new homes to look at least a little like their old ones, and then new arrivals copied them so there are still 'high roads' in parts of the city where you can walk from roof to roof to get around, though on actual walkways, not swaying rope bridges.

Public buildings are neo-Valyrian which is to say a more modern and less ornate version of the style that gave us Dragonstone sort of like the Renaissance gave us reinterpretations of greco-roman architecture, in fact renaissance art and architecture as a whole is a very good paralel since a lot of the inspiration for Valyria is classical Greek.

The roads are broad and even as befitting a city that was planed from the ground up, the stonework is mostly fused stone, or at least trying to look like it since that is a sign of magic and therefore status.
The space to set up a viewing area for Mirror Vision that can accommodate foreign nationals and locals without clogging up trade at all. In addition to that, having the ability to peddle our business here through warehouses we own, as well as the ability to streamline setting up people to do their own ventures there, through us. It would raise our stock among the Three Daughters for example if we opened up Yin trade on a scale that doesn't guarantee getting taxed into the ground or losing half their profits to bribery, and Volantis wouldn't complain about the opportunity either. Braavos does have less to gain from Yi Tish trade since it is actually farther away than the Armun Kelisk or Opaline Vault route.
Just a reminder @Everyone, I got confirmation from DP back in early January that anyone affected by a Tongues spell who is broadcast on MirrorVision can be understood by those watching on the receiving MirrorVision. This means we can layer a few Hallow spells with a linked Tongues effect in any broadcasting location in order to completely remove language as a barrier to Imperium-provided entertainment, news, cultural indoctrination, etc., including in such foreign locales as Yi-Ti. :cool:
The spiritual basis of SD's architecture is the hodgepodge of Torturer's Deep. Even after it was all torn down people wanted their new homes to look at least a little like their old ones, and then new arrivals copied them so there are still 'high roads' in parts of the city where you can walk from roof to roof to get around, though on actual walkways, not swaying rope bridges.

Public buildings are neo-Valyrian which is to say a more modern and less ornate version of the style that gave us Dragonstone sort of like the Renaissance gave us reinterpretations of greco-roman architecture, in fact renaissance art and architecture as a whole is a very good paralel since a lot of the inspiration for Valyria is classical Greek.

The roads are broad and even as befitting a city that was planed from the ground up, the stonework is mostly fused stone, or at least trying to look like it since that is a sign of magic and therefore status.
We do try to pass our Titan's Tools over most buildings because it also makes them safer from an architectural stand-point, something we're very concerned about. So if anyone does that, it is likely someone who brought it mostly up to code because they did not want to wait to settle in, therefore the hyper-rich, therefore someone with enough influence and wealth that they probably could have also hired the right kind of Fey from Braavos or maybe some magical masons from OV, too.
We do try to pass our Titan's Tools over most buildings because it also makes them safer from an architectural stand-point, something we're very concerned about. So if anyone does that, it is likely someone who brought it mostly up to code because they did not want to wait to settle in, therefore the hyper-rich, therefore someone with enough influence and wealth that they probably could have also hired the right kind of Fey from Braavos or maybe some magical masons from OV, too.
Speaking of, we got two more sets of Titan's Tool with the latest commissioned order from the Opaline Vault. Dunno if we want to add them into the standard Imperial infrastructure upgrade projects going on or reserve them for special use. I think we might want to simply keep them in reserve until next month so they can be used for construction in the Foreign Quarter of Yin.
@DragonParadox So is Hua Fen going to smuggle herself into our trade fleet? With the full and gleeful cooperation of the people we sent, obviously, hahaha. Though, that does create some questions.

How is she hiding her movements as Hua Fen? Is she some kind of idiot savant at intrigue in ways that relate to her culture but completely stumped by phenomenon known as 'Gaijin Smash' of the foreign envoys? Or did no one brief her of the concept of basic divination to determine where she's been disappearing off to and if she's still roaming around free it is likely because someone is playing a game with her?

Hell I would not be surprised if her family is using her to keep an eye on our public agents more closely. I expected to be approached by them in a reverse to the usual situation we typically get into in regards to kidnapping maidens, even just by circumstance.

Oh they briefed her and then Tyene cast non-detection at her so no easy scrying from mooks. Most Shugenja and Wu Jen can't cast commune equivalent divinations about things not related to the specific spirit they are talking to. Hua Heng could go to a master of oen kind or another but that would reveal that his daughter ran away under a false name.

also @DragonParadox didn't we alreaddy move the storms end heart tree to Yin so by grow do you mean concecrate (i don't know how to spell that word i mean turn it into a magical heart tree)?

You did, but you have not decided anything else about it to it's in limbo OOC ffrom the perspective of the last interlude.
Oh they briefed her and then Tyene cast non-detection at her so no easy scrying from mooks. Most Shugenja and Wu Jen can't cast commune equivalent divinations about things not related to the specific spirit they are talking to. Hua Heng could go to a master of oen kind or another but that would reveal that his daughter ran away under a false name.
So basically... he is not looking for his daughter as hard as he could... because it would result in a massive loss of face.


I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.
We do try to pass our Titan's Tools over most buildings because it also makes them safer from an architectural stand-point, something we're very concerned about. So if anyone does that, it is likely someone who brought it mostly up to code because they did not want to wait to settle in, therefore the hyper-rich, therefore someone with enough influence and wealth that they probably could have also hired the right kind of Fey from Braavos or maybe some magical masons from OV, too.

True, no imitation stonework. I had forgotten how ubiquitous Titan Tools make fused stonework.
Speaking of, we got two more sets of Titan's Tool with the latest commissioned order from the Opaline Vault. Dunno if we want to add them into the standard Imperial infrastructure upgrade projects going on or reserve them for special use. I think we might want to simply keep them in reserve until next month so they can be used for construction in the Foreign Quarter of Yin.

No real point, we're going to commission more, and in fact should get on doing that soon. I would go for another dozen TBH, with as many as we'll need for ongoing projects PLUS the Westerosi Infrastructure Roll-out, that's kind of still not sufficient, but it's a start.
No real point, we're going to commission more, and in fact should get on doing that soon. I would go for another dozen TBH, with as many as we'll need for ongoing projects PLUS the Westerosi Infrastructure Roll-out, that's kind of still not sufficient, but it's a start.
Gotcha. Well, the latest order we just placed had another couple sets of Titan's Tools in it. We can place a larger order next month.
[X] Sell the cargo
-[X] Seeking to maximize profit

[X] Seek out other experts mundane or magical (maximum 2)
-[X] Wu-Jen
@DragonParadox Something I noticed during Valaena's 'exact words' response to the Emperors magical advisor.

The reason I really liked this scene, and didn't know if it was intentional on your part or not, but it shows two character moments at the same time.

For Valaena, it shows she's cannier than even she gives herself credit for, because "personal interests" clause could broadly have been interpreted as a veiled threat, and indeed would have been. We are after all a practioner of "don't make me come over there" politics as much as the much nicer kind we take part in with the greater powers in the Planes.

The second was that the magical advisor was relieved that Bu Gai didn't just pick a fight with us by asking for something which is, without the context of our strength, really audacious. And you didn't show Bu Gai's reaction to the threat, giving the impression if Bu Gai didn't take the dragonlord girl seriously before, he does now.

Whereas the advisor doesn't have a head for that kind of subtlety.
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@DragonParadox Something I noticed during Valaena's 'exact words' response to the Emperors magical advisor.

The reason I really liked this scene, and didn't know if it was intentional on your part or not, but it shows two character moments at the same time.

For Valaena, it shows she's cannier than even she gives herself credit for, because "personal interests" clause could broadly have been interpreted as a veiled threat, and indeed would have been. We are after all a practioner of "don't make me come over there" politics as much as the much nicer kind we take part in with the greater powers in the Planes.

The second was that the magical advisor was relieved that Bu Gai didn't just pick a fight with us by asking for something which is, without the context of our strength, was really audacious. And you didn't show Bu Gai's reaction to the threat, giving the impression if Bu Gai didn't take the dragonlord girl seriously before, he does now.

Whereas the advisor doesn't have a head for that kind of subtlety.

That was intended yeah. I have to say it's very nice for me as a writer to see analyses like this.