Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[x] An interesting fact and a useful observation [No insight]
[x] A song must have listeners to have value, music is a shared experience at heart.

The problem wasn't that it was used, the problem is that it made zero impact. I just read its name and I already don't remember it.

Like, let's be real, I don't even know how many times we trained it or at what point it got better because I don't get involved in the planning votes anymore. Can anyone point me to just one instance where I can go: 'ah, yes, Ling Qi meditated on the themes of this art and it meant something to her' because honestly I'm racking my brains and I can't.

Don't get me wrong, I personally love the insight, but unless you can convince me that this art had a clear progression and clear impact on Ling Qi herself that I somehow completely missed and that would justify Ling With obtaining the insight she did, I gotta vote no.
That's fair. It had no presence for a long time. The big opportunity for it to show its stuff was probably Luo's hunting party, but unfortunately the way he decided to jerk us around meant it was an evasive one. It still contributed to Ling Qi's preconceptions of noble gatherings thawing a bit. She realized they were still people, not just ranks or faces for their clan.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by naths on Mar 4, 2020 at 8:48 AM, finished with 154 posts and 95 votes.
Harmony of the Dancing Wind was a bright song with a strong spring and summer theme, expressing the complex feelings of connection in a small community. After her recent lessons, Ling Qi felt that her rendition of the song was colored somewhat. The image that formed in her mind's eye was of people pulling together, surviving a harsh winter, and celebrating the warm winds that followed..
Note this is during the time when we just finished perfecting FSS and started learning HDW and told Zeqing our ending insight. Bit of a rough time but these were her immediate thoughts after she left the mountain and Zeqing turned into even more of a statue than normal and Hanyi was noticing Zeqing looked sick from both of us growing stronger.
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[X] Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing
[X] One note never exists in isolation, its meaning is found in the whole composition
I have a big question:

We know that you become a less complicated individual as you climb in power, eventually needing to become a single concept if you want to reach the greatest heights of power.

We also know that Insights are permanent.

So what happens if our insights don't fit into a single concept (as they already really don't)? Do we slowly discard them along the way? Are we just locked out of the highest Realms?
The very basis of it is wrong. You do not become less complicated as you rise in power. You shift from a human, a mostly physical complex phenomenon running on biology, to a living story, a mostly spiritual complex phenomenon, all the Cyans and above we've seen are basically living legends, tethered to varying extants to their physicality until ascension where they are integral enough to sever their physicality entirely and still remain a coherent entity. Its a bit like piecemeal cyber conversion until you become an upload, without losing continuity at any point from a biomorph to an infomorph.

It is preferable if the insights interrelate and build into more advanced concepts, but as long as they don't contradict this isn't a problem. If they do, then finding a means to reconcile the contradiction gives both concepts more depth, as your understanding becomes richer.
Been thinking.

>Though a path might be hard and lonely, it has worth if you can present something of beauty to those you care for at the end.

>Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing

These two insights' wordings are very related. How would they feel together?

A theory: footsteps propagate in every direction, including forward. You are not just presenting something at the end of the road, with details and nuances of how you got there forgotten and forgiven, but your every action will echo in the end. Therefore, your every action should be something you are proud to present in the end.

That is a very harsh reading though. I'm not a fan.
Naw, keep HDW's themes in mind: Harmony of the Dancing Wind is about how everything is interconnected.
Just because you are alone in the cold right now doesn't mean that there aren't others who are affected, even if they aren't immediately present.

Just because it happens outside your immediate senses doesn't mean its not happening.
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Harmony of the Dancing Wind is about how everything is interconnected.

Well yeah. It can be read as a disagreement with the other insight that says "it's fine as long as you achieve something by the end". It teaches that the process is important too, precisely because everything is interconnected and superficially same results may actually be different if you look at how you got to them.

Like, you can obtain a beautiful painting by drawing it yourself, by commissioning it, by buying it or by stealing it - the result is the same, you have a drawing, but the process of getting it may put different emotions into exactly same piece of art.
[X] Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing
[X] An interesting fact and a useful observation [No insight]
I find it similar to the swamp episode in avatar, the theme and lesson it teaches is worthy for us to slot it in as though you are alone you are never truly alone like with the mountain spirits or the little sprites in the forest the company might be different but they are there all the same if you but look/listen.
The very basis of it is wrong. You do not become less complicated as you rise in power. You shift from a human, a mostly physical complex phenomenon running on biology, to a living story, a mostly spiritual complex phenomenon, all the Cyans and above we've seen are basically living legends, tethered to varying extants to their physicality until ascension where they are integral enough to sever their physicality entirely and still remain a coherent entity. Its a bit like piecemeal cyber conversion until you become an upload, without losing continuity at any point from a biomorph to an infomorph.

This isn't about cyan or even indigo. If I recall correctly it is the barrier you have to cross to become violet. We are becoming less complicated, but at our stage its more about getting rid of stuff that we don't particularly want to be part of us to begin with, so it reads as purely positive.
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[X] An interesting fact and a useful observation [No insight]

The insight actually looks super useful, but like.

I have no idea what art it came from. I'm guessing it's our social music art that lets us eavesdrop, but, I'm sorry, but it didn't have enough impact on the narrative to really matter. I remember the argent arts better than I remember this art and we literally have not used them for the entirety of this thread.

It just doesn't make sense to me that Ling Qi would have learned anything from it.
Its not really a matter of whether it was important to her or not. This is a quest and the reason she's mastering it is because we as voters decided to vote for a month plan that included mastering HDW. Thats one of the disconnects b/w quest format and story format. In-story you may be able to justify it by saying that LQ is ambitious enough that she wants to master most of her arts and that includes HDW bc of its usefulness. Also you can gain insights by mastering an art, even if you don't personally connect or value the art that much. Its still possible to gain insights just by deciding to master it. Only in dramatic, serious situations like CRX's would there be a situation where one masters an art but is unable to find insights. It hints at the issues CRX has with her mother, the disconnect b/w her mother's philosophy and CRX's own.
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[X] Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing
[X] One note never exists in isolation, its meaning is found in the whole composition
This isn't about cyan or even indigo. If I recall correctly it is the barrier you have to cross to become violet. We are becoming less complicated, but at our stage its more about getting rid of stuff that we don't particularly want to be part of us to begin with, so it reads as purely positive.
Veekie is correct. It's increasing complexity while we increase our simplicity.
For example: Othello is a simple board game that is often Complex to play.
so too do cultivators become "simpler" as they affirm their story but also more complex as they explore the nuance of what their beliefs mean

The simplicity is one of values, beliefs, desires and focus.
The complexity is of nuance, capacity, scope and execution
Inserted Tally
Adhoc vote count started by LightLan on Mar 4, 2020 at 1:16 PM, finished with 172 posts and 105 votes.