[] Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing
Out of sight doesn't mean they aren't there. You are connected, even if you can't see how or who.
Do not stop seeking even if it seems bleak.
This might pose some issues with the Silence/Void type stuff, because it says that theres always a sound/person, you just aren't there to hear it.
[] One note never exists in isolation, its meaning is found in the whole composition
Every note, every thread, every person and every action, no matter how alone it seems, has a meaning beyond the individual.
The child starving on the streets is a personal tragedy, a local event, and when there is more than one, it speaks of things such as poor governance, lack of charity, and misunderstandings. Its like....look to the bigger picture. Even the Great Spirits, alone as they might seem, aren't truly in solitude, their actions interact with each other.
This could be a problem with the more ego focused insights, but we don't have any of them in our current or upcoming arts. We always liked team arts and Me's A Crowd stuff.
[] A song must have listeners to have value, music is a shared experience at heart.
Music is to be shared, actions must be known to have worth. This builds upon our FVM insight and advanced insight: after you suffer, you get a thing, the person who you got it for's opinion matters, and matters a lot.
The risks here lies in the synergy, it really emphasizes that the opinions of others matter when you have two insights operating on the same idea, and I think some of us might have issues with Ling Qi starting to put more value on the opinions of others over herself.
[X] One note never exists in isolation, its meaning is found in the whole composition
[X] Even walking alone, footfalls echo beyond your hearing
I like this one, though I understand the guys wanting to save slots for the future, remember, insight quality is independent of art quality, art quality simply means you have a deeper pool to poll from. If you have a SPECIFIC set of future insight themes you're looking forward to, then by all means withhold the slot, but if you're just hoping the higher quality art is going to give a more appropriate insight then it's not really that significant.
Personally the One Note insight > No Insight > the other two insights, which may complicate our lives a fair chunk
E: Some of the discussion made me a lot more okay with the footfalls insight, so adding it as approval.