Being the chess master is one thing, throwing it in someone's face is another. Xue is going to use the fact that we admitted our "crime" as a key piece of evidence to puncture any political defense that Pol An Ning will try to put together.I'm okay with being a manipulative chessmaster, but I will point out, as far as Pol An Ning knows, we did not walk up to her and spew lies. A shifty person who was so "loosely affiliated with certain parties in the west", a transparent guise if there ever was one, offered her the world, and she was naive enough to believe him, yet what he offered wasn't a stab in the back. It was hot goods and a way to lie to raise her standing. We were fully transparent as Corlys when we spun a cover story for her. She was fully willing to lie to regain her position at court.
She lost it, and now her new patron is offering to yank her ass out of the fire... keyword, offering. I am actually somewhat expecting her to be resistant to the idea on a number of grounds, but her situation looks quite hopeless without our backing.
The implicit assumption when one makes an under the table deal is that neither party will up and admit it to the first person who asks. We didn't give our word, but she could reasonably view this as a betrayal.
From that point it isn't too much further of a leap to assume this was our plan all along. We give her just enough support to draw her into the open, then provide evidence to her political rivals to burn down her local support to facilitate an attempt to strong arm her into service. That kind of plan is stupid, but not out of the realm of possibility for a greedy and/or arrogant leader.
That kind of resentment is a poor foundation for a working relationship.
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