It depends entirely on your propulsion tech. If you need any kind of fuel, you can calculate the economy of building the elevator vs. using a shuttle fleet. But the AG-Engines need no fuel, making them always more efficient then the elevator due to their additional utility in orbit.

Also keep in mind that the elevator has to go all the way to Planetosi Stationary Orbit and is a giant target for every enemy out there.
Yeah I don't actually disagree with Javik. The only argument Humanity in that fic came back with was that they had functionally no resource bottlenecks, and could repair any and all damage that was done to their planets, oh and they're functionally all immortal in the literal sense, since they can't permanently be killed. Collateral damage done to their infrastructure means little.

It's not superior to a less risky shuttle fleet, and then you have a fleet of shuttles that can zoom around the system and do stuff.
The hypothetical shipyard should go to the L4 or L5 Lagrange points of the Planetos - Moon system by the way.

Stationkeeping would otherwise be a pain in the ass when building a city-ship.
Sword without a hilt, start as a beggar armed with nothing but a dagger, end as a superpowered Dragon Not!God with orbital starship manufacturing facilities and satellites armed with Rod's of God technology.

A Game of Thrones quest.
Okay, here's what I have for the next round of action. Nothing complicated, but not wasting time either. We might have to wait until the enemies of consequence make their presences known, but that doesn't mean we can't show the Golden Company the error of their ways.

Thoughts and suggestions?

Team Viserys: This is sheer provocation. It might not have much effect, but it is sure to piss off the devout Tiamat worshipers (and the Bitch Queen herself) and maybe draw them out. Everyone will of course be on high alert, ready to counter enemy actions should they take any against us.
  • Viserys Blood Wishes a Mage's Decree spell which he allows to be heard out to the full 20 mile radius: "Servants of Tiamat, the Bitch Queen has lead you to ruin in her hatred and greed. Surrender or die. This will be your only warning." He then uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage caused by Blood Wish.
  • Lya turns the full strength of her previously cast Control Winds (Tornado force, 175+ mph winds) spell against the Temple of Tiamat, then target it and its surroundings with a Greater Black Tentacles spell.
Team Malarys: Malarys, Waymar, Amrelath, and their other forces keep waiting for things to get serious (enemy Dragons, high level mages, etc.) while remaining vigilant for any enemy counterattack. They send a Herald over to join the Harbinger to begin helping it heal via magical fire.
  • Tyene casts another Sunburst, this one targeting another large section of the camp. The damage is minimal for anything except a mook, but very few beings within the 80 foot radius are going to be able to avoid being Blinded.
  • Rina re-targets her Fell Drain Boreal Wind on another section of camp then casts her Summon Giants spell to Summon a Fiend Frost Giant.
  • Nettles uses one of their assigned Greater Black Tentacles scrolls targeted on the Necromancer's tent. That will keep him distracted if he's actually still in the tent, plus it will occupy any Undead monstrosities he has stored inside.
Team Havoc continues fucking up the war elephants and their mages.

Team Vee keeps on Summoning but stays on guard for an enemy counterattack. Team Minotaur should be fully hulked out by now and eager to wreck anything that looks crosswise at Team Vee. They also send a Herald over to help the Harbinger heal.

Team Wyvern begins hitting the Drakes with Teleporting Beetle Bombs.

Team Moonchaser waits for an enemy Dragon to show up, then opens up on that poor unfortunate creature with its Magic Army spell enhanced Steam Cannons while bombardiers target enemy Dragon(s), remaining Drakes, and anything else that looks hostile with a full spread of Teleporting Beetle Bombs.

Team Yss waits for shit to get serious.
Interlude DCCXXVII: Strange Grace
Strange Grace

Thirteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

The Shadow of Old Sarnor, Plane of Shadow

The Thrice-Forged Bloom burned upon the threshold of the temple, her flames shifting wildly from the oranges and reds of battle to the gold of contemplation. She could not hear the Dark Goddess' gloating herself as her mortal companions could, for her soul was guarded against unwelcome communions of the Powers, but she could see the stone coils shifting, the Shadow Dragons slithering from the darkness.

"Light, they don't fight well in it!" she called out to the the red-robed priest. The corpse-stitched horrors we brought with us probably don't either, Bloom was unpleasantly reminded, but she pushed the thought aside. They had no minds to suffer or revel in the suffering of others, only macabre tools in the hands of her allies.

Benerro had not needed her encouragement. As the Shadow Dragons half-leapt half-flew the last few yards, deadly vapors spilling from their maws, the light of R'hllor the Red burned back the shadows, clear and unwavering as the noonday sun. That was not the only light that erupted forth. Walls of arcane powers blunted the arcane smoke that would have sapped the life from them to nothing, Zherys, Anu, and Wyla all casting shattering shield charms for the task.

"The barriers will not last long if they start tearing at them," one of the pair of Erinyes that had flown in with them said, her bow steady, the nocked arrow never wavering.

"They don't have to," the pale Lady of Naath said, some spell of death or ruin upon her lips. Bloom spun fire and molten stone between her fingers ready to do her own part, but the Shadow Dragons did not break through the barrier.

The shadows all around them came alive with tooth, claw and lashing tail, and for one terrible moment among the pain and confusion it seemed as though there were not three Shadow Dragons but a dozen, all taunting them with hissing whispers, until the Devil, Reilith that was her name, Bloom recalled, spoke without voice again. "Warding glamours, look through..."

Even as arrow after arrow flew from the Devils' bows, some to strike true, others to shatter against iron-hard scales, Bloom invoked the power of the small golden earring she had received from the King among many other works of artifice. Now she could see them... The Dragons seemed to have decided of common cause that they would have to deal with the Erinyes first, perhaps not realizing that all of them could see through shadow and trickery at least for the span of one battle.

Bloom rushed under one of the Dragons, practically pressing the handful of flames into his face rather than throwing it. Why did its eyes burn amethyst like the flames in the idol's eyes? The thought was gone almost as quickly as it had arisen. The Baatezu were almost as skilled with blade as they were with bow and they were resilient as only veterans of the First War could be, but against three Dragons empowered by their own magics and the dark blessings of this place they did not fare well. One was bleeding profusely from her side and the other had a wing torn off and flung aside.

Bloom reached out with her other hand, only the golden light of healing in it as she pressed it to the warrior's back. A look of gratitude flashed over Reilith's expression for a moment. Then a grim nod of understanding that Bloom found herself returning without thought. There was work yet to be done here.

OOC: A bit short again but it's getting really late for me. For anyone that is wondering the mages are still casting on the second round, it's just that Bloom is not in position to see them as she rushes to heal the back line.
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That was an awesome fight, and I always love how we are an equally opportunity employer. Undead, Azatas and Devils fighting alongside each other.

It must be utterly terrifying and confusing to behold
Strange Grace

Thirteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

The Shadow of Old Sarnor, Plane of Shadow

The Thrice-Forged Bloom burned upon the threshold of the temple, her flames shifting wildly from the oranges and reds of battle to the gold of contemplation. She could not hear the Dark Goddess' gloating her mortal companions could, for her soul was guarded against unwelcome communions of the Powers, but she could see the stone coils shifting, the dragons slithering from the shadows.

"Light! They don't fight well in it!" she called out the the red robed priest. The corpse stitched horrors we brought with us probably don't either, Bloom was unpleasantly reminded, but she pushed the thought aside. They had no minds to suffer or revel in the suffering of others, only macabre tools in the hands of her allies.

Benerro had not needed her encouragement, as the dragons half leapt half flew the last few yards, deadly vapors spilling from their maws, the light of R'hlor the Red burned back the shadows, as clear and unwavering as the noonday sun. That was not the only light that erupted forth. Walls of arcane powers blunted the arcane smoke that would have sapped the life from them down to nothing. Zherys, Anu, and Wyla all casting shattering shield charms for the task.

"The barriers will not last long if they start tearing at them," one of the pair of Erynyes that had flown in with them said, her bow steady, the nocked arrow never wavering.

"They don't have to," the pale lady of Naath said, some spell of death or ruin upon her lips. Bloom spun fire and molten stone between her fingers ready to do her own part, but the dragons did not break through the barrier.

The shadows all around them came alive with tooth and claw and lashing tail, and for one terrible moment among the pain and confusion it seemed as though there were not three dragons but a dozen, all taunting them with hissing whispers, until the devil, Reilith that was her name, Bloom recalled, spoke without voice again, "Warding glamors, look through..."

Even as arrow after arrow flew from the devils' bows, some to strike true, others to shatter against iron hard scales, Bloom invoked the power of the small golden earring she had received from the king among many other works of artifice. Now she could see them... The dragons seemed to have decided of common cause that they would have to deal with the Erinyes first, perhaps not realizing that all of them could see though shadow and trickery, at least for the span of one battle.

Bloom rushed under one of the dragons, practically pressing the handful of flames into his face rather than throwing it. Why did its eyes burn amethyst like the flames in the idol's eyes? The thought was gone almost as quickly as it had arisen. The baatezu were almost as skilled with blade as they were with bow, and they were resilient as only veterans of the First War could be, but against three dragons empowered by their own magics and the dark blessings of this place, they did not fare well. One was bleeding profusely from her side and the other had a wing torn off and flung aside.

Bloom reached out with her other hand, this one glowing with the golden light of healing, as she pressed it to the warrior's back. An expression of gratitude flashed over Reilith's face for a moment. Then a grim nod of understanding that Bloom found herself returning without thought. There was work yet to be done here.

OOC: A bit short again but it's getting really late for me. For anyone that is wondering the mages are still casting on the second round it's just that Bloom is not in position to see them as she rushes to heal the back line. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.

Looking good so far, Bloom. Can't wait to see her unleash a Consecrated Fire Storm on Tiamat's Dragons. :evil:

EDIT: I really, really wish we had crafted more of those Brilliant Barrier charms last month. There will definitely be more of them added to the crafting schedule for this month.
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Preliminary plan. Thoughts and suggestions welcome.

[X] Plan Escalation
-[X] Team Viserys: This is sheer provocation. It might not have much effect, but it is sure to piss off the devout Tiamat worshipers (and the Bitch Queen herself) and maybe draw them out. Everyone will of course be on high alert, ready to counter enemy actions should they take any against us.
--[X] Viserys Blood Wishes a Mage's Decree spell which he allows to be heard out to the full 20 mile radius: "Servants of Tiamat, the Bitch Queen has lead you to ruin in her hatred and greed. Surrender or die. This will be your only warning." He then uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage caused by Blood Wish.
--[X] Lya turns the full strength of her previously cast Control Winds (Tornado force, 175+ mph winds) spell against the Temple of Tiamat, then target it and its surroundings with a Greater Black Tentacles spell.

-[X] Team Malarys: Malarys, Waymar, Amrelath, and their other forces keep waiting for things to get serious (enemy Dragons, high level mages, etc.) while remaining vigilant for any enemy counterattack. They send a Herald over to join the Harbinger to begin helping it heal via magical fire.
--[X] Tyene casts another Sunburst, this one targeting another large section of the camp. The damage is minimal for anything except a mook, but very few beings within the 80 foot radius are going to be able to avoid being Blinded.
--[X] Rina re-targets her previously cast Fell Drain Boreal Wind on another section of camp then casts her Summon Giants spell to Summon a Fiendish Frost Giant.
--[X] Nettles uses one of their assigned Greater Black Tentacles scrolls targeted on the Necromancer's tent. That will keep him distracted if he's actually still in the tent, plus it will occupy any Undead monstrosities he has stored inside.

-[X] Team Havoc continues engaging the war elephants and their mages.
-[X] Team Vee keeps on Summoning but stays on guard for an enemy counterattack. Team Minotaur should be fully Enlarged by now and eager to wreck anything that looks crosswise at Team Vee. They also send a Herald over to help the Harbinger heal.
-[X] Team Wyvern begins hitting the Drakes with Teleporting Beetle Bombs.
-[X] Team Moonchaser waits for an enemy Dragon to show up, then opens up on that poor unfortunate creature with its Magic Army spell enhanced Steam Cannons while bombardiers target enemy Dragon(s), remaining Drakes, and anything else that looks hostile with a full spread of Teleporting Beetle Bombs.

-[X] Team Yss waits for shit to get serious.
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I wonder what blessing Tiamat has given the various dragons.
I would expect Mind Blank, enhanced Spell Resistance, enhanced Damage Reduction, and Fast Healing or even Regeneration while they remain in the temple, probably along with some mechanical bonuses.

I'm glad Team Zherys is stacked with lots of powerful people who possess a lot of diverse abilities, along with a large contingent of meat shields and fodder.
I would expect Mind Blank, enhanced Spell Resistance, enhanced Damage Reduction, and Fast Healing or even Regeneration while they remain in the temple, probably along with some mechanical bonuses.

I'm glad Team Zherys is stacked with lots of powerful people who possess a lot of diverse abilities, along with a large contingent of meat shields and fodder.
There's no Mind Blank. We know that there are three Adult Shadow Dragons in addition to the female Mature Adult Shadow Dragon that we already knew about specifically because they don't have a mind blank. DP gave us the info after I asked if it could be divined.