[X] Resolve to spend some more time with Balerion.
[X] Meraxes being worshipped as actively as she is is a fine thing - except we know of the danger that grows
alongside her.
-[X] Talk to Zherys and Meraxes, try to ensure she doesn't "return to life" for
a while longer so that we won't have to worry about
the 15th getting
---Plane of Water Actions: Start---
Visit Vialesk again
-[X] Grab the crafting orders we made, make new ones.
[X] We already got the crafters and Enchanters from Vialesk and Hampa, now would be the time to try and get more from:
Dalaqua (focus: crafters/artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
Zerbat (focus: artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
Dawa (focus: crafters (fishnets), also any enchanters we can get).
Kela (focus: crafters (
massive amounts), also any enchanters we can get).
[X] Look into the possibility of bringing
more Marid Emirates into your war on Deep Ones:
Dawa (fishnet-wielding units, said to have been excelling in the last war).
Kela (huge amounts of crafters, so possibly war-machines of sorts..?).
---Plane of Water Actions: End---
[X] Visit the Gith Monastery again.
-[X] Gather the ordered items.
-[X] Offer more fleshforged creatures
-[X] Gather the promised lore on Psionics (basics) and Aberrations (all they can share).
-[X] Make new item-orders:
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented (7 ML)] item of
Zealous Fury (6,854 IM).
--[X] 2 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented] items of
Hustle. ()
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Augmented (15th ML)] item of
Empty Mind (3,672 IM).
--[X] 1 [Slotless, (15th ML)]
Third Eye: Conceal (24,000 IM).
--[X] X-amount of [(15th ML)]
Third Eye: Conceal (effective
Psionic Mindblank items - 12,000 IM per item).
-[X] Hunt for some Winter-touched creatures Beyond the Wall.
--[X] Variety is the answer here, grab animals, monsters, Fey - anything possible, really. (High-level Divination guarantees some good non-Mindblanked finds right off the bat)
--[X] Have them handed over to Djinn for their research on cleansing Void-corruption.
If there is time - look into setting up a counter-trap to those Efreeti hunting the Char-Serpent(s) in Oil-seas of Plane of Fire.
[X] You have received reports of Inquisition on the creatures you once encountered beneath the King's Landing. While your Empire is fairly progressive towards the non-humans, same most assuredly can't be said of Westeros as it is now - sooner or later,
something will happen, either they'll be discovered and rooted out, or some corruption may get to them, those forced to hide away from the rest of the world in fear.
-[X] Visit the Rat-folk beneath the King's Landing, try to convince them to move cities - Sorcerer's Deep will freely offer them a safe haven if they agree to become your subjects.
[X] Arrange a personal meeting(s) with the remaining 2 rulers of Lorath - attempt to persuade them into joining the Empire, claiming economic growth and stability as reasons, grease the wheels where necessary by bribes.
-[X] Additionally, look into "the Shadowbinder" who started a school in Lorath - while the regulations used in it clearly make it seem like a preparation for joining The Empire, we are curious about sich a mage - since we had only limited contact with Shadow-mages so far.
[X] Meet with the Candlekeep Courtier, hash out what he needs for him and his Fey to be more effective at the task we put him on - we are talking gear, we are talking consumables, we are talking potential House of Mirrors support.
[X] Have
the talk with Stannis - the Storm God can do
much for the realm, and
him personally. So far he seemed a goal-minded man, so we believe he'll see the merit in converting to the just and practical God of First Men.
-[X] In case of success, also retrieve the Heart Tree from the Storm's End - putting an exact fleshforged copy, with permanenced (Diamond dust) Fire Resistance, on it.
[X] Meet Galeneia, the daughter of Merling King.
-[X] If she succeeded in getting the lore on forging the water-spirits, barter for it.
[X] Look for a way to contact the "exiles" of Faceless Men under the false persona of Liu of Qarth - under the pretenses of relaying to them the research of the tablet you completed.
[X] Visit the Dornish tourney in a guise - the lords shall be
properly briefed on many a thing.