- Location
[X] Remain in Mardja and try to find more mercenaries
-[X] With the festival in full swing for another two weeks, there may not be any sizable mercenary companies in the area who are not already bound by contract. If we cannot find any within a day, we will travel to Kelasi to learn more of the conflict between the Emir and Galzerai. Rather than seeking to speak to the Emir himself, we will instead spend the day seeking out more rumors and accounts from those citizens we are able to speak with, along with using Divination magic such as Ears of the City to learn more.
-[X] If there are mercenary companies available to hire, however, we will attempt to arrange meetings with their representatives to learn the size of their companies, the composition of their forces, and the price for their services.
-[X] If you're at the point where available mercenaries have to be hunted down personally because it isn't immediately obvious if there are any mercenaries available, PC or otherwise, you are instead going to use the day to 'instigate' (pay for) a few rumors to be spread yourself, telling prospective champions (individuals selling their premium services) and Free Company captains to offer their services at your Embassy in Vialesk. You will also insert the pay that your two current companies managed to secure (long-term contract at equitable terms plus many, many services from yourself that they couldn't hope to find elsewhere) among those rumors. You will spread similar rumors in Vialesk when you pick up your orders. If that doesn't drive anyone with empty pockets and no contract towards your war, you don't really know of anything that will.
-[X] With the festival in full swing for another two weeks, there may not be any sizable mercenary companies in the area who are not already bound by contract. If we cannot find any within a day, we will travel to Kelasi to learn more of the conflict between the Emir and Galzerai. Rather than seeking to speak to the Emir himself, we will instead spend the day seeking out more rumors and accounts from those citizens we are able to speak with, along with using Divination magic such as Ears of the City to learn more.
-[X] If there are mercenary companies available to hire, however, we will attempt to arrange meetings with their representatives to learn the size of their companies, the composition of their forces, and the price for their services.
-[X] If you're at the point where available mercenaries have to be hunted down personally because it isn't immediately obvious if there are any mercenaries available, PC or otherwise, you are instead going to use the day to 'instigate' (pay for) a few rumors to be spread yourself, telling prospective champions (individuals selling their premium services) and Free Company captains to offer their services at your Embassy in Vialesk. You will also insert the pay that your two current companies managed to secure (long-term contract at equitable terms plus many, many services from yourself that they couldn't hope to find elsewhere) among those rumors. You will spread similar rumors in Vialesk when you pick up your orders. If that doesn't drive anyone with empty pockets and no contract towards your war, you don't really know of anything that will.
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