---Plane of Water Actions: Start---
[X] Visit Vialesk again
-[X] Grab the crafting orders we made, make new ones.
[X] Visit the Emirate of Mardja, inquire about setting up a Planar Terminus station there.
[X] Look further for mercenary companies capable of effectively fighting Deep Ones.
-[X] Asking around in Mardja seems a good start, what with us having made a defense pact.
[X] We already got the crafters and Enchanters from Vialesk and Hampa, now would be the time to try and get more from:
-[X] Dalaqua (focus: crafters/artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Zerbat (focus: artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Dawa (focus: crafters (fishnets), also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Kela (focus: crafters (massive amounts), also any enchanters we can get).
[X] Look into the situation between the Emirate of Kela and the Wyrm Galzerai - learn the truth about their relationship insofar as we can, there is a possibility of us manning a rescue mission of sorts, in order to get Kela's resource support.
[X] Look into the possibility of bringing more Marid Emirates into your war on Deep Ones:
-[X] Dawa (fishnet-wielding units, said to have been excelling in the last war).
-[X] Kela (huge amounts of crafters, so possibly war-machines of sorts..?).
---Plane of Water Actions: End---