By year five I would be able to use Plane Shift as a self only SLA. "Self only" travel magic typically allows 50 pounds of cargo to be carried as well

It would be easy to travel to Golarion with some modern day Earth stuff to hock for cheap magic items, such as single-user Plane Shift charms. I could do that, come back and retrieve my dog (and loved ones and friends if they're interested), then evacuate.

Actually, that would be a fair way to make some good cash to set myself up on Golarion. You know what's better than being a powerful adventurer? Being a rich, powerful adventurer, with a lot of nice gear.
Honestly I would be wary of just being Scry and Died on Golarion or Faerun because some particularly enterprising faction wanted to peel my brain layer by layer for all the juicy knowledge of a vulnerable realm of modern convenience, even if I truly knew minimal useful information. That and it's a hyper-deathworld but without all the modern support infrastructure and cruise missiles to tell kaiju or extraplanar invaders to fuck right off.

Modern weapon in general would tell most extraplanar invaders to fuck right off, actually... there are some spells that can no-sell, but it's not like the world wouldn't have PCs who like all the modern conveniences not being skullfucked by a busy-body apocalypse bringing fiend or aberration.
Honestly I would be wary of just being Scry and Died on Golarion or Faerun because some particularly enterprising faction wanted to peel my brain layer by layer for all the juicy knowledge of a vulnerable realm of modern convenience, even if I truly knew minimal useful information.

It is also dangerous because if it is the Starfinder era, Golarion has vanished entirely and there is a gap in history centuries wide. You don't know if you will be floating in space or not, if you are not auto-sent to a station full of magi-tech you don't understand.

Then again, people here talked about Wisdom being a dump stat for many spellcasters, and Starfinder's main magic class uses it as their stat for magic.
It is also dangerous because if it is the Starfinder era, Golarion has vanished entirely and there is a gap in history centuries wide. You don't know if you will be floating in space or not, if you are not auto-sent to a station full of magi-tech you don't understand.

Then again, people here talked about Wisdom being a dump stat for many spellcasters, and Starfinder's main magic class uses it as their stat for magic.
You can't planeshift to an anchored point in space that isn't there. The spell has safeties built in. And if you're porting into somewhere obstructed by wards you bump your metaphysical head and the spell fails.

Surprisingly D&D spells don't typically have to worry about things like tele-fragging unless you're using it in a way it was never designed to be used so far and away from its intended purpose that you are basically using unchained Wishcraft or wild magic.
It is also dangerous because if it is the Starfinder era, Golarion has vanished entirely and there is a gap in history centuries wide. You don't know if you will be floating in space or not, if you are not auto-sent to a station full of magi-tech you don't understand.

Then again, people here talked about Wisdom being a dump stat for many spellcasters, and Starfinder's main magic class uses it as their stat for magic.
Golarion during the Pathfinder game takes place at the same point in time right corresponding to early 1900s Earth. The Rasputin Must Die adventure path established that.

Starfinder is thousands of years later.
So how should we handle this, y'all?

Polite, but business-like would be my preference, after standard Draconic greetings are exchanged.

Would it be considered a social faux pas if we outright tell him we will murder him if we catch him or his people raiding our planet?
So how should we handle this, y'all?

Polite, but business-like would be my preference, after standard Draconic greetings are exchanged.

Would it be considered a social faux pas if we outright tell him we will murder him if we catch him or his people raiding our planet?
We can be more or less oblique but aggressively polite about it. Talk about where we come from and how we've defended pretty much every major landmass and people on it from Deep One and fiendish predations like they were part of our hoard. The inferred bit being that they ARE which he should understand is either us just telling the sheer scale of our ego, or that we match up to it considering we aren't telling him about how we would take all comers, we're telling him we would find them in their sleep and TAKE THEM without warning. And being a dragon, that's just a standard 'keep one eye open, got it'.
[X] Plan Dragon Diplomacy
-[X] In addition to their normal longer-term combat and social buffs (anything that lasts 10 minutes/level or longer), Viserys and Lya will each cast Moment of Prescience on themselves, her via prepared spell and Viserys via Wild Arcana, Lya will cast Energy Immunity (Acid) on each of them (prepared ahead of time for this meeting in place of Banishment and Chains of Light). They will engage their full suite of shorter term buffs immediately before the meeting if possible, prioritizing sensory spells like True Seeing and Greater Arcane Sight.
-[X] Viserys will assume his True Dragon form for the meeting with Althazi.
--[X] When Althazi arrives and is introduced, Viserys will greet the Dragon as is considered proper between Dragons of similar standing and influence (he knows the customs and expectations to follow better than I can articulate here). He will be polite, but formal, saying nothing that could be deemed an insult by even the most prickly of Brine Dragons, a breed known for just such a disposition.
---[X] In broad terms, Viserys will speak of our realm, the Garden, which is both our home and our hoard. It has unfortunately picked up an infestation of Deep Ones, the same creatures who were recently defeated here on the Plane of Water. Our investigations have revealed that Althazi and the forces under his command were among those powers responsible for the defeat of the Deep Ones. In the interest of shortening what promises to be a protracted war and mitigating the loss of resources and subjects which could damage the value of our hoard, we are seeking out those who may be interested in fighting the Deep Ones again, this time in the Garden itself. The inhabitants of the Plane of Water are uniquely suited to this task, due not only to their recent experience fighting them, but for the Deep Ones' preference for aquatic environments.
----[X] Attempt to learn if Althazi would be willing to lend us his aid for a generous price, and if so, what exactly that price may be.
Don't forget how expensive the normal mercenaries were. I'm expecting a painful price tag here. Let's please not be overly generous.
We've got to start somewhere. He can make his first offer, we can counter, and negotiate from there. If he doesn't accept our final offer, then we part ways, likely with a politely worded death threat if he attempts to raid our planet.
We've got to start somewhere. He can make his first offer, we can counter, and negotiate from there. If he doesn't accept our final offer, then we part ways, likely with a politely worded death threat if he attempts to raid our planet.
I for one would object just as much if he were to try to invade our moon. Or our solar system in general.
If he doesn't get the implied message, that just means @Duesal gets to add another Dragon to the Trophy Room.
It is just too bad we can't kill him here without losing our good standing with a whole bunch of Marid emirates we actually care about, including Mrdja.

If he so much as moves to Plane of Balance he's free game, tho.
Honestly I would be wary of just being Scry and Died on Golarion or Faerun because some particularly enterprising faction wanted to peel my brain layer by layer for all the juicy knowledge of a vulnerable realm of modern convenience, even if I truly knew minimal useful information. That and it's a hyper-deathworld but without all the modern support infrastructure and cruise missiles to tell kaiju or extraplanar invaders to fuck right off.

Modern weapon in general would tell most extraplanar invaders to fuck right off, actually... there are some spells that can no-sell, but it's not like the world wouldn't have PCs who like all the modern conveniences not being skullfucked by a busy-body apocalypse bringing fiend or aberration.
That is a concern. One of my first priorities upon reaching Golarion would be to acquire a Mind Blank item. If I dedicated most of my time and resources to that, it should be possible within a relatively short span of time.

I would have to be careful not to attract too much attention before then, doing low key adventuring, exploiting my meta-knowledge of Golarion (if any of it is still relevant), and so on.

The way Invested Regent powers work, I might also be able to develop Mind Blank as a personal SLA. It definitely fits the theme of the archetype.
...tbh, with this stuff from Talon, and all the other settings brought up along the way, I kinda wish for ASwaH-spin-off set in Faerun.

With Viserys dealing with Faerun's bullshit ancient magic empires, malicious Gods and secretive cults of Evul., me re-playing "NWN 2: Storm of Zathir" recently, has nothing to do with it.

I seem to be in dire need of another Sothoryos/Valyria delve.
And yet we have other things taking up all of our time.