- Location
Honestly I would be wary of just being Scry and Died on Golarion or Faerun because some particularly enterprising faction wanted to peel my brain layer by layer for all the juicy knowledge of a vulnerable realm of modern convenience, even if I truly knew minimal useful information. That and it's a hyper-deathworld but without all the modern support infrastructure and cruise missiles to tell kaiju or extraplanar invaders to fuck right off.By year five I would be able to use Plane Shift as a self only SLA. "Self only" travel magic typically allows 50 pounds of cargo to be carried as well
It would be easy to travel to Golarion with some modern day Earth stuff to hock for cheap magic items, such as single-user Plane Shift charms. I could do that, come back and retrieve my dog (and loved ones and friends if they're interested), then evacuate.
Actually, that would be a fair way to make some good cash to set myself up on Golarion. You know what's better than being a powerful adventurer? Being a rich, powerful adventurer, with a lot of nice gear.
Modern weapon in general would tell most extraplanar invaders to fuck right off, actually... there are some spells that can no-sell, but it's not like the world wouldn't have PCs who like all the modern conveniences not being skullfucked by a busy-body apocalypse bringing fiend or aberration.