I really think this is a bad idea. There is not a lot we could do short of some really crude, ham-fisted posturing. He can lose infinite man/merpower raiding the Plane of Balance and it would still be profitable for him. Short of threatening to skin him for a handbag nothing will keep him out, so he will probably try to bargain for something when he realizes we actually prefer to be somewhat civilized, and there's only the fact that we're from an infamously rapacious dragon breed that might give him cause for restraint.
Eh, we'd have to deal with him possibly releasing raiders on PoB regardless.

Here, the vote goes more along the "look into him - maybe we can work something out"-lines, if there is nothing we can do without losing out - we'll just peace out like with that giant-fielding Dragon last month.

No point in not trying, yes?
Eh, we'd have to deal with him possibly releasing raiders on PoB regardless.

Here, the vote goes more along the "look into him - maybe we can work something out"-lines, if there is nothing we can do without losing out - we'll just peace out like with that giant-fielding Dragon last month.

No point in not trying, yes?
Let me rephrase... unless we're specifically meeting him in neutral territory, he can fuck right off.
suggestions or questions

Alternate Racial Trait: Breath Weapon.
1/day, something like Xd4+X, where 'X' is 1/2 HD from any source and with a Reflex save of DC = 10 + X + Constitution modifier. Can use at-will to light small fires as per flint & steel. Replaces Great Heritage.

On another note, it is 'lose' and not 'loose' on your Giant alternate racial trait.
Alternate Racial Trait: Breath Weapon.
1/day, something like Xd4+X, where 'X' is 1/2 HD from any source and with a Reflex save of DC = 10 + X + Constitution modifier. Can use at-will to light small fires as per flint & steel. Replaces Great Heritage.

On another note, it is 'lose' and not 'loose' on your Giant alternate racial trait.
I'm sticking to the PF power scale and there the breathweapon is fixed at 1d6 damage, which is pretty darn useless.
Eh, we'd have to deal with him possibly releasing raiders on PoB regardless.

Here, the vote goes more along the "look into him - maybe we can work something out"-lines, if there is nothing we can do without losing out - we'll just peace out like with that giant-fielding Dragon last month.

No point in not trying, yes?
@Crake has a good point about meeting in neutral territory. Can you amend your vote to try to arrange to meet with him or his representative in a neutral location, if there is any meeting at all? Preferably Vialesk.
@Crake has a good point about meeting in neutral territory. Can you amend your vote to try to arrange to meet with him or his representative in a neutral location, if there is any meeting at all? Preferably Vialesk.
That wasn't really a suggestion. There is literally no good reason to meet a dragon in non-neutral territory unless we're reasonably certain as to his character and have been provided certain assurances by them beforehand. We do not have a good history of meeting Brines and not at least smashing their snout into the dirt a little before we can move on with business, and I would rather just skip that by virtue of making any more than cursory posturing impractical in the extreme.

[X] Attempt to have a meeting with Althazi the Deathless - learning his price for use of his forces against Deep Ones, and looking for guarantees he won't establish a foothold on Plane of Balance once those are vanquished.
-[X] Seek the meeting with him (preferable) or his representative in a neutral territory.
--[X] If they refuse, move on to dealing with Mrdja - inquiring about mercenary companies they are aware of, making arrangements to build them a Planar Terminus (a month later than one for Vialesk), etc.
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That wasn't really a suggestion. There is literally no good reason to meet a dragon in non-neutral territory unless we're reasonably certain as to his character and have been provided certain assurances by them beforehand. We do not have a good history of meeting Brines and not at least smashing their snout into the dirt a little before we can move on with business, and I would rather just skip that by virtue of making any more than cursory posturing impractical in the extreme.
I will admit I'm hoping for this particular meeting to go sideways. I love fighting dragons, and this would serve the double purpose of us beating a famously powerful Brine and getting the others to sit up and pay attention.
Dragon: "You dare disrespect me!? I am-"
Viserys: "Organ donor?"
Dragon: "What? ... No... ?"
Viserys: "And there you are wrong." :V
Dragon: "You dare disrespect me!? I am-"
Viserys: "Organ donor?"
Dragon: "What? ... No... ?"
Viserys: "And there you are wrong." :V
Fingers crossed. The older a Brine gets the more assholeish it gets.

... Well, that correlation with age and assholeishness is true for basically every kind of dragon, it's just more true for Brines.
Dragon: "You dare disrespect me!? I am-"
Viserys: "Organ donor?"
Dragon: "What? ... No... ?"
Viserys: "And there you are wrong." :V
"Could you by any chance give me the approximate square footage of your hide, preferably divided between heavily scaled and less scaled but more supple sections?"
He is called the Deathless...what the fuck is he?
Althazi himself is only a Very Old Brine Dragon as far as we're aware. He's called the Deathless because these things are his minion -- Scrag Trolls.

Coincidentally it's also the reason he'd be such a pain in the ass if he ever tried to invade Prime Material. We're pretty lacking in terms of underwater PCs who could be spread around to counter this.
Oh, and about that.
Is there any particularly strong desire on Qyburn's part to get his hands on this particular dragon and/or his lore?
[] A Hateful Eye: Go into the Plane of Earth, to take out Thrasyr, The Hateful Eye. His slights against Shaitan and Efreeti alike had made him no friends, but more importantly, he holds many a treasure beyond mere riches – his knowledge on Undeath may prove to be extremely useful against many dangers Garden faces these days.
(Opposition: Very Old Hex Dragon (CR 19), Rewards: ??)
Any possibility of furthering all the Undeath-research projects though that?

Because I think we can reasonably fit that in in 2nd-3rd months if the research-profits are really worth it.
Oh, and about that.
Is there any particularly strong desire on Qyburn's part to get his hands on this particular dragon and/or his lore?
Any possibility of furthering all the Undeath-research projects though that?

Because I think we can reasonably fit that in in 2nd-3rd months if the research-profits are really worth it.
Thrasyr would make an amazing book.
Oh, and about that.
Is there any particularly strong desire on Qyburn's part to get his hands on this particular dragon and/or his lore?
Any possibility of furthering all the Undeath-research projects though that?

Because I think we can reasonably fit that in in 2nd-3rd months if the research-profits are really worth it.
To think, @egoo, one minor change in your vote turned your next action proposal from a minor pain in the ass into a highly amusing encounter wherein one ornery Brine dragon impotently fumes because he can't make any feckless threats and actually has to, you know, use his brain. And negotiate.
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To think, @egoo, one minor change in your vote turned your next action proposal from a minor pain in the ass into a high amusing encounter wherein one ornery Brine dragon impotently fumes because he can't make any feckless threats and actually has to, you know, use his brain. And negotiate.
I'll just remove the "his representative"-part, then.
You know, so that it is he who has to talk to us and not an another face-saving patsy.

[X] Attempt to have a meeting with Althazi the Deathless - learning his price for use of his forces against Deep Ones, and looking for guarantees he won't establish a foothold on Plane of Balance once those are vanquished.
-[X] Seek the meeting with him in a neutral territory.
--[X] If he refuses to meet in a neutral territory or in person, move on to dealing with Mrdja - inquiring about mercenary companies they are aware of, making arrangements to build them a Planar Terminus (a month later than one for Vialesk), handing off Plantforged beasts and offering making more, etc.

...erm, we did make a batch of plant-stuff for Mrdja, right, @Goldfish?
Or am I terribly misremembering things?