The murderscythe hits for 32 damage on average per hit, and attacks thrice per round.

Given Roose has an AC of 15 and 62 HP, he should really let the undead do the fighting.
Roose really needs some better armor, AC 15 is sad.
It must be enchanted armor though, he can't just take heavier armor without loosing his movement speed.

Ideally, he can attack and then use his superior movement-options to hide behind some of his Black Knights from retaliatory strikes. He is much faster than his foe and can teleport or move as a swift action a few times per fight.
Unfortunatly he can't effectivly defend against AoOs yet, so doing so will still not prevent him from taking that one hit.
Black Knights are solid meatshields. Good AC, will take two hits to bring down (because that thing's DPS is damn high).

If the Cleric is using PF Fire domain, he really should open up with that Fireball, and maybe follow up with a Searing Light. He is sadly very underleveled for this foe.
*blinks with bleary eyes*
Anyone minds phrasing that aMinor Action about Drowny for me?
Otherwise I'd have to (re)read all the chapters in the ark to do so, and I don't really have the time...

[X] Goldfish
Y'all better be ready for a long trip to Plane of Water, @everyone.
We have lots and lots of most varied tasks to do there.
---Plane of Water Actions: Start---
[X] Visit Vialesk again
-[X] Talk to Star Admiral Kharban of the Splendid Armada, get him more fleshforged creatures if he so desires (likely).
--[X] Attempt to secure a military alliance against Deep Ones.
-[X] Grab the crafting orders we made, make new ones.
-[X] See if the Council of Vialesk has changed their mind about setting up Planar Terminus station - with all the trade we brought in with us.
--[X] Imply that if they don't, they will greatly lose out on the trade, since we'll look into opening one in the Emirate of Mardja anyway.

[X] Visit the Emirate of Mardja, inquire about setting up a Planar Terminus station there.

[X] Look further for mercenary companies capable of effectively fighting Deep Ones.
-[X] Asking around in Mardja seems a good start, what with us having made a defense pact.

[X] We already got the crafters and Enchanters from Vialesk and Hampa, now would be the time to try and get more from:
-[X] Dalaqua (focus: crafters/artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Zerbat (focus: artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Dawa (focus: crafters (fishnets), also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Kela (focus: crafters (massive amounts), also any enchanters we can get).

[X] Look into the situation between the Emirate of Kela and the Wyrm Galzerai - learn the truth about their relationship insofar as we can, there is a possibility of us manning a rescue mission of sorts, in order to get Kela's resource support.

[X] Look into the possibility of bringing more Marid Emirates into your war on Deep Ones:
-[X] Dawa (fishnet-wielding units, said to have been excelling in the last war).
-[X] Kela (huge amounts of crafters, so possibly war-machines of sorts..?).

[X] Attempt to have a meeting with Althazi the Deathless - learning his price for use of his forces against Deep Ones, and looking for guarantees he won't establish a foothold on Plane of Balance once those are vanquished.
---Plane of Water Actions: End---

Will add summoning a dozen or so of LE murderblenders, maybe some will agree to serve us loyally. Inquisition and supporting the Legion as elite precision-steike units was indeed my thought process.
*blinks with bleary eyes*
Anyone minds phrasing that aMinor Action about Drowny for me?
Otherwise I'd have to (re)read all the chapters in the ark to do so, and I don't really have the time...

[X] Goldfish
Y'all better be ready for a long trip to Plane of Water, @everyone.
We have lots and lots of most varied tasks to do there.

Will add summoning a dozen or so of LE murderblenders, maybe some will agree to serve us loyally. Inquisition and supporting the Legion as elite precision-steike units was indeed my thought process.

Do we have to specify a shopping trip, or is that just assumed?
Do we have to specify a shopping trip, or is that just assumed?
D'ya really think Goldfish will forget his Precious?

I noted down such trip with Gith because I had some highly-specific items I dug up - and needed to have them kept tracked, otherwise yes, such trips are just assumed - one to Gith, one to PoW, and one to (combined) Opaline Vault and Armun Kelisk.
*blinks with bleary eyes*
Anyone minds phrasing that aMinor Action about Drowny for me?
Otherwise I'd have to (re)read all the chapters in the ark to do so, and I don't really have the time...
I don't think we can act on this directly.
All lore we have on Drowny is likely to be about the post-brainwash version, since the last time he was invoked in his prior form seems to be when some archaic Firstmen-accent was normal on the Iron Islands, so millenia ago.

We could at best try to extract more complete knowledge from the Squids we have here, but them being dead and unlikely to want to be rezzed just for interrogation we don't get much.

I think we'll have to wait if we hear anything more about Deep One dissent or maybe find a source on Iron Island ancient history, otherwise I see nothing we can do.
Alright, here's my "mad science!!!"‐suggestion on the brains.

We know that the illithids are in mostly constant low-key psionic communication, right?

And we have the brains of 8 illithids, too - ones we can preserve and even "freshen up" via reality-fuckery of Miracle.

So, we can fuck with the rest of them if we, say, fleshcraft them all together, slap a whole lot of psionically-connective tissue on top, and have the brain-jar blast the message "The Elder Brain is a lying twat! He'll eat you!" With appropriate psionic proof from the brains, over their network.

Would be just another way to cause chaos when it'll come to our push into their strongholds.

We should probably consult Gith on this, but something tells me, they won't really mjnd, and even will give some nice tips.
With appropriate psionic proof from the brains, over their network.
This is, for me, the tricky part.

We don't have proof. We can't read dead minds well enough to know how they knew.
And I don't think this is something we can bruteforce by miracle either.

We need a living squid for the plan, I believe. Not a coorparative one of course, merely living.
On the topic of squids, I bet that Alhoon could sell us a map of Deep Ones strongholds. Possibly a map of the Celestial Planes, too.
This is, for me, the tricky part.

We don't have proof. We can't read dead minds well enough to know how they knew.
And I don't think this is something we can bruteforce by miracle either.

We need a living squid for the plan, I believe. Not a coorparative one of course, merely living.
Tricky-tricky, resurrecting one of them for this would be as questionable as "questionable morality" ever goes.

Sure, illithids are all cunts of unimaginable proportions - whether or not they answer to an Elder Brain - but Viserys has not been doing "slavery-like" actions IC without really hard reasoning iirc.

...wait a moment.
Where do illithids souls even go after they die, if not to an Elder Brain?
Can we even call out to them with a Resurrection?
I don't think we will, because promising something only to slap them on a pile of fleshcrafted Dark-Elder-style bodyhorror would be OOC - but I'm not sure on the metaphysics here.
Even if the Deep Ones splinter completely, which would be the best case scenario, the Aboleths and the Mind Flayers going their separate ways after putting the kibosh on the Elder Brain, they absolutely still would be all for conquering the universe and enslaving everyone. In fact the Aboleths might not even care and call it an "Illithid problem", and be perfectly happy to continue working with whichever side destroys the other.
On the topic of squids, I bet that Alhoon could sell us a map of Deep Ones strongholds. Possibly a map of the Celestial Planes, too.
We probably can get away with visiting the Hellven if we only visit that Undead Illithid - even in spite of having spited Asmy, and as such people there likely being on watch for us -

But I don't think we can trust an information broker, no matter how much he is hated by living Illithids.

We ask for info and maps ->
He tips off Asmy/Brass Ballsack/Non-Elder Brain illithids (who knows, maybe there are more of such) ->
We have a mess on our hands.

No, I think asking for info should be roundabout as we can manage - better grab unrelated but massive heap of Psionic lore he'd be able to offer.

Would nicely fit whatever the gaps we'll have in the lore promised to be given to us by the Gith - and will allow us much better insight into illithids.

Then again, whatever the price he'll ask...
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 12, 2020 at 4:49 AM, finished with 110 posts and 7 votes.
I'm going to write up another proposal I made a ways back: Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerers. These would be a source of both leadership and spellcasting in our undersea campaign, while retaining value out of the water. Definitely going to need a lot of help picking spells.

Advanced Fire-Souled +8 HD Half Dragon Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerer - CR 15

N Medium dragon (aquatic, fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +11


AC 36, touch 16, flat-footed 30 (+6 Dex, +20 natural)
hp 188 (13d12+163)
Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +11
DR 5/gold; Immune paralysis and sleep, dragon traits, fire


Speed 10 ft.; fly 20 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee bite +20 (1d8+10 plus poison), 2 claws +20 (1d4+7)
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+10), poison, breath weapon (13d6 cone of fire, Reflex half, DC 25), overwhelming passion (7/day, DC 27, Will negates), poison spit (90ft.)

Spells Known (CL 13th)

0th: 8 known - 8/day
1st: Clarion Call, Greater Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Nerveskitter, Shield - 8/day
2nd: Alter Self, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Scintillating Scales, Invisibility, Wings of Cover - 8/day
3rd: Air of Nobility, Dispel Magic, Venomfire, Battlemagic Perception, Hydrophobia - 7/day
4th: Dimension Door, Voice of the Dragon - 5/day


Str 24, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 23
Base Atk +13; CMB +27 (+31 grapple); CMD 36 (can't be tripped)
Feats Swim-By AttackB, Spit Venom, Improved Spitx2, Negotiator, Expanded Arcanax2 (Invisibility, Battlemagic Perception, Hydrophobia, Wings of Cover)
Skills Spot +11, Survival +11, Swim +17, Knowledge: Arcana +7, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +10, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Craft: Alchemy +5
Languages Draconic, Common


Poison (Ex)
Bite–injury; save Fort DC 25; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Wis; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Overwhelming Passion (Su): A fire-souled creature is alive with passion and inspiration, but not all creatures can withstand such intensity. With a successful melee attack against an opponent with an Intelligence score, the fire-souled creature can transfer a bit of its own energy into the target, threatening to overwhelm the target's emotional capacity. Invoking this power is a free action, and it requires a successful melee attack or melee touch attack to deliver. If the attack hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice + the fire-souled creature's Charisma modifier) or lose one special attack with a save DC based on Charisma (fire-souled creature's choice, chosen from abilities it has seen the target use). If the target casts spells as a bard or sorcerer or has several spell-like abilities, overwhelming passion blocks access to a single spell. The creature loses access to this special attack for a number of rounds equal to the fire-souled creature's Charisma bonus (minimum of round). The fire-souled creature may make use overwhelming passion once a day per two HD it possesses, with a minimum of once per day. Overwhelming passion is a mind-affecting ability.

Haste (Sp): Once per day, the fire-souled creature can spur itself into frenetic action. This ability works as a haste spell (caster level equal to the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice). Activating this ability is a standard action.

Inspiring (Su): Each ally within 10 feet of the fire-souled creature gains a +1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and skill checks, and a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects, This ability functions while the fire-souled creature is conscious, but not if the creature is unconscious or dead. Inspiring is a mind-affecting ability.

Unshakable (Ex): A fire-souled creature is so driven that it is immune to all stunning or dazing effects.

I'll fix up the skills tomorrow. @Goldfish, how did you get Venomfire onto the Mind Dragons? I checked, and it's a Cleric/Druid/Ranger spell, not available to sorcerers.
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I'm going to write up another proposal I made a ways back: Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerers. These would be a source of both leadership and spellcasting in our undersea campaign, while retaining value out of the water. Definitely going to need a lot of help picking spells.

Advanced Fire-Souled +8 HD Half Dragon Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerer - CR 15

N Medium dragon (aquatic, fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +11


AC 36, touch 16, flat-footed 30 (+4 Dex, +20 natural)
hp 201(13d12+163 plus 13)
Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +11
DR 5/gold; Immune paralysis and sleep, dragon traits, fire


Speed 10 ft.; fly 20 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee bite +20 (1d8+10 plus poison), 2 claws +20 (1d4+7)
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+10), poison, breath weapon (13d6 cone of fire, Reflex half, DC 25), overwhelming passion (7/day, DC 27, Will negates)

Spells Known (CL 13th)

0th: 8 known - 8/day
1st: 5 known - 8/day
2nd: 3 known - 8/day
3rd: 2 known - 7/day
4th: 1 known - 5/day


Str 24, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 23
Base Atk +13; CMB +27 (+31 grapple); CMD 36 (can't be tripped)
Feats Great Fortitude, Swim-By AttackB, Toughness, Leadership, (5 more)
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +12, Survival +11, Swim +17
Languages Draconic


Poison (Ex)
Bite–injury; save Fort DC 25; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Wis; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Overwhelming Passion (Su): A fire-souled creature is alive with passion and inspiration, but not all creatures can withstand such intensity. With a successful melee attack against an opponent with an Intelligence score, the fire-souled creature can transfer a bit of its own energy into the target, threatening to overwhelm the target's emotional capacity. Invoking this power is a free action, and it requires a successful melee attack or melee touch attack to deliver. If the attack hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice + the fire-souled creature's Charisma modifier) or lose one special attack with a save DC based on Charisma (fire-souled creature's choice, chosen from abilities it has seen the target use). If the target casts spells as a bard or sorcerer or has several spell-like abilities, overwhelming passion blocks access to a single spell. The creature loses access to this special attack for a number of rounds equal to the fire-souled creature's Charisma bonus (minimum of round). The fire-souled creature may make use overwhelming passion once a day per two HD it possesses, with a minimum of once per day. Overwhelming passion is a mind-affecting ability.

Haste (Sp): Once per day, the fire-souled creature can spur itself into frenetic action. This ability works as a haste spell (caster level equal to the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice). Activating this ability is a standard action.

Inspiring (Su): Each ally within 10 feet of the fire-souled creature gains a +1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and skill checks, and a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects, This ability functions while the fire-souled creature is conscious, but not if the creature is unconscious or dead. Inspiring is a mind-affecting ability.

Unshakable (Ex): A fire-souled creature is so driven that it is immune to all stunning or dazing effects.

I'll fix up the skills tomorrow. @Goldfish, how did you get Venomfire onto the Mind Dragons? I checked, and it's a Cleric/Druid/Ranger spell, not available to sorcerers.
DP's kindness, basically.

EDIT: The only issue I see with this, @JamesShazbond, is the DP doesn't use the Leadership feat in this setting. We'll also need to convert the poison from working on Pathfinder rules to D&D 3.5 (primary and secondary damage rather than damage per round for a certain number of rounds).
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DP's kindness, basically.

EDIT: The only issue I see with this, @JamesShazbond, is the DP doesn't use the Leadership feat in this setting. We'll also need to convert the poison from working on Pathfinder rules to D&D 3.5 (primary and secondary damage rather than damage per round for a certain number of rounds).

Fair enough, I'll cash it in for something Charisma based tomorrow. It came with Fire-Souled.

Haven't seen the 3.5 poison rules. I'll look at it.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 12, 2020 at 4:49 AM, finished with 110 posts and 7 votes.
Now with another 4 HD. Upside is that they can have a single 5th level spell, allowing them to establish a warded base of operations with Mages Private Sanctum.
Best thing would be a spell-storing weapon, then he could cast swanky stuff like Enervate or Bestow Curse into it before charging his victims.
Dragon Blood Tree; CR 10
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
+ Advanced; CR +1
+ Sorcerer Creature; CR +2
+ Blood Magic Creature; CR +2
+ 8 HD; CR +2
+ Aquatic Creature; CR +0
Cost 4,800 IM
Neutral Evil Large plant (extraplanar, amphibious)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, spiritsense

AC 27, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+2 DEX, +8 natural, –1 size, +4 Shield, +4 Mage Armor)
hp 136 (13d8 + 78)
Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +7
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, nonlethal damage, plant traits;
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Regeneration (equal to 10 points per HD the blood magic creature possess [Maximum 150], this effect costs 6 blood points; bludgeoning, fire, and acid)

Speed 20 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Melee Lance +14/+9 (4d6 + 18; 20/x3); Slam +14 (2d6 + 9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones

Str 23, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 30
Base Atk +9
Feats Mounted Combat, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Trick-Riding, Mounted Skirmisher
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Skills (61)
Concentration: 16 + 6 (CON) = 22
Knowledge (Martial): 5 + 3 (WIS) = 8
Intimidate: 16 + 9 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 33
Ride: 16 + 4 (DEX) = 20
Survival: 8 + 3 (WIS) = 11

Caster Level 11
Spell Save 10 + Spell Level + 10

0th: 9 Spells - 6/day
1st: Shield, Mage Armor, 3 Spells - 9/day
2nd: Brow Gasher, 3 Spells - 9/day
3rd: Fly, Hydrophobia, Dispel Magic - 8/day
4th: Bestow Curse, Enervation - 7/day
5th: Mages Private Sanctum - 5/day
Note: Spend a blood point and the necessary spell-slot to use Smiting Spell

Bonerattle (Su)
As a standard action, a bonewrought willow can shake its branches to produce an eerie rattling sound and attempt a single Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.

Spiritsense (Su)
A bonewrought willow can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.

Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a standard action, a bonewrought willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 18 Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the bleed damage.

Blood Point (Su)
When a blood magic creature inflicts the dead condition upon a non-plant living creature, it gains 1 point in its blood pool. If it kills a creature with blood designated as special (GM adjudication) its blood pool is filled. The maximum number of blood points it can possess in its pool is equal to 10 + its HD + its Cha modifier. Any points above its blood pool's maximum are lost. A blood magic creature can activate this templates special abilities by expending blood points or it can be used to enhance any of the creature's abilities. Spending a blood point is a free action that cannot be used to create the same effect or provide more than one of the benefits listed below in the same round. Spending a blood point grants the creature any of the following benefits:
- +2 to any one d20 roll.
- +2 to the DC of any extrodinary, spell, spell-like or supernatural ability.
- During any round in which a blood magic creature takes a full attack action, it may spend 1 blood point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Blood points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. This does not stack with haste or the speed special weapon ability
- At the beginning of a blood magic creature's turn, it may spend 1 blood point to gain the benefit of a feat it does not have. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. It gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.
- Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 blood point to recall any spell just cast.

Caustic Blood (Ex)
If an blood magic creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the blood magic creature's HD +it's Con modifier) or suffer 2d6 points of acid damage, a successful save results in half damage.
As an additional effect a blood magic creature can expend one blood point to make the blood toxic as well as acidic. It may select any one poison it is aware of, the DC of the poison is always 10 +1/2 its HD + its Con Modifier. A common choice is listed below
Black Lotus Extract: Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude DC 20 Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds Effect 1d6 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves.

Spell-Like Abilities
A Blood Magic creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. Activating a spell-like ability is still a standard action bu it requires it to expend a number of blood points equal to the spell level. CL equals the creature's HD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). See link at the top for available SLAs.
I'm on my computer now (if freshly awake) so I can take a closer look at stuff now.

Caster level should be 10th 13 rather than 11. (Oops, just remembered something, see EDIT below)

Unfortunately, it will only be able to cast up to 4th level spells since it has 13 HD. It would need 14 HD to gain access to 5th level spells. That's a bummer, because I was gonna recommend Blood Tentacles (reskinned to be Blood Roots) in place of Mage's Private Sanctum. It would have been super thematic.

A neat spell for an underwater combatant, especially one that is mounted and potentially leading others in combat, is the 4th level Tail Current spell. With a 120 foot area of effect and a duration of one hour/level, it would allow the Tree to buff a lot of allies.

Boneshaker is a solid choice for a 2nd level spell, and I think Aboleth's Lung would be fitting for the Tree, too. It's great as an attack on land, since it renders the victim unable to breath air, and as a utility spell for allies who cannot naturally breath underwater, and it lasts for one hour/level. It's hard to go wrong with Mirror Image as a 2nd level spell, IMO.

For 1st level spells, Blurred Movement is great for a mounted combatant, as you're going to be moving as much as possible, so you'll basically be benefiting from the Blur effect constantly without needing to know a 2nd level spell. With an Undead mount, and likely being in command of a large number of other Undead, Repair Undead is another good 1st level spell for the Tree. The healing isn't huge, but it's better than nothing and the Tree will have plenty of 1st level spell slots not being used on other stuff. I would finish off the Tree's 1st level spells with Wings of the Sea, which it can use to further increase its mount's or its own Swim speed.

EDIT: @Azel, One thing you can do is wait until the Fungal Forge is upgraded (most likely this month), so the CR cap on it is raised to 15. That would give you a bit more wiggle room with HD, spellcasting, and feats.

Something that came up when we were designing the creatures we grew last month is that it would be very easy to make creatures with a caster level well above 20th, so DP agreed to limit caster level to the CR of the Forge which grew the creature. With that limit, the Dragon Blood Tree would cap out at 10th caster level right now. That doesn't stop it from learning the same spells, though. It's another reason to maybe wait another month to grow them, though.
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@Goldfish, then I'd wait with actually making them until next month. I wanted a Greater CR 15 version for the Greater Bloodsharks anyway.

Shame about the 5th level spells, but then I'd put MPS on the Greater Version. Tailwind too, as I'm not sold on giving up Enervate or Bestow Curse and 120 feet spheres fit a ton of creatures.

Going to finalize the spells later.

What would be really great is to get some Desecrate somewhere, but I'm hesitant to make them Clerics due to the much lower.

Now, if had Paladin Creature and could swap it to Paladin of Tyranny Creature...
I'm going to write up another proposal I made a ways back: Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerers. These would be a source of both leadership and spellcasting in our undersea campaign, while retaining value out of the water. Definitely going to need a lot of help picking spells.

Advanced Fire-Souled +8 HD Half Dragon Gilded Sea Serpent Sorcerer - CR 15

N Medium dragon (aquatic, fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +11


AC 36, touch 16, flat-footed 30 (+4 Dex, +20 natural)
hp 201(13d12+163 plus 13)
Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +11
DR 5/gold; Immune paralysis and sleep, dragon traits, fire


Speed 10 ft.; fly 20 ft. (average), swim 40 ft.
Melee bite +20 (1d8+10 plus poison), 2 claws +20 (1d4+7)
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+10), poison, breath weapon (13d6 cone of fire, Reflex half, DC 25), overwhelming passion (7/day, DC 27, Will negates)

Spells Known (CL 13th)

0th: 8 known - 8/day
1st: 5 known - 8/day
2nd: 3 known - 8/day
3rd: 2 known - 7/day
4th: 1 known - 5/day


Str 24, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 23
Base Atk +13; CMB +27 (+31 grapple); CMD 36 (can't be tripped)
Feats Great Fortitude, Swim-By AttackB, Toughness, Leadership, (5 more)
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +12, Survival +11, Swim +17
Languages Draconic


Poison (Ex)
Bite–injury; save Fort DC 25; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d4 Wis; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Overwhelming Passion (Su): A fire-souled creature is alive with passion and inspiration, but not all creatures can withstand such intensity. With a successful melee attack against an opponent with an Intelligence score, the fire-souled creature can transfer a bit of its own energy into the target, threatening to overwhelm the target's emotional capacity. Invoking this power is a free action, and it requires a successful melee attack or melee touch attack to deliver. If the attack hits, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice + the fire-souled creature's Charisma modifier) or lose one special attack with a save DC based on Charisma (fire-souled creature's choice, chosen from abilities it has seen the target use). If the target casts spells as a bard or sorcerer or has several spell-like abilities, overwhelming passion blocks access to a single spell. The creature loses access to this special attack for a number of rounds equal to the fire-souled creature's Charisma bonus (minimum of round). The fire-souled creature may make use overwhelming passion once a day per two HD it possesses, with a minimum of once per day. Overwhelming passion is a mind-affecting ability.

Haste (Sp): Once per day, the fire-souled creature can spur itself into frenetic action. This ability works as a haste spell (caster level equal to the fire-souled creature's racial Hit Dice). Activating this ability is a standard action.

Inspiring (Su): Each ally within 10 feet of the fire-souled creature gains a +1 morale bonus on all attack rolls and skill checks, and a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects, This ability functions while the fire-souled creature is conscious, but not if the creature is unconscious or dead. Inspiring is a mind-affecting ability.

Unshakable (Ex): A fire-souled creature is so driven that it is immune to all stunning or dazing effects.

I'll fix up the skills tomorrow. @Goldfish, how did you get Venomfire onto the Mind Dragons? I checked, and it's a Cleric/Druid/Ranger spell, not available to sorcerers.

Pathfinder has a more generous feat progression than D&D 3.5, so you don't have as many feats to work with on this guy as normal. Not counting the Swim-by-Attack bonus feat, it will only have a total of five feats (or six if DP lets you replace Leadership with something else). Losing Great Fortitude doesn't hurt much since it gets a nice Constitution bonus from templates, and Toughness is kinda shitty in D&D 3.5 (it only gives 3 HP rather than 1 per HD like in Pathfinder), so that's another one that can go.

You also have the spells known a bit off. Here's what it should know.

0th: 8
1st: 5
2nd: 4
3rd: 3
4th: 2

Definitely get Venomfire for a 3rd level spell. I would also go with the Spit Venom feat, along with at least one Improved Spit. Combined with Venomfire and its natural poison, this would give it a really effective ranged attack which it could use all day without concern for spell slots or spell resistance.

Maybe something like this;

1st: Clarion Call, Greater Mage Hand, Mage Armor, Nerveskitter, Shield
2nd: Alter Self, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Scintillating Scales
3rd: Air of Nobility, Dispel Magic, Venomfire
4th: Dimension Door, Voice of the Dragon

Good mobility, utility, and defense, while letting it act as a "Face" unit. Venomfire + Spit Venom/Improved Spit would be its main method of offense.

If you wanted to use a feat to pick up an Expanded Arcana, I would use it to add Invisibility and Battlemagic Perception to its spells known for even more utility.