Dragon Blood Tree; CR 10
Bonewrought Willow; CR 3
Advanced; CR +1
Sorcerer Creature; CR +2
Blood Magic Creature; CR +2
+ 8 HD; CR +2
Aquatic Creature; CR +0
Cost 4,800 IM
Neutral Evil Large
plant (
extraplanar, amphibious)
Init +2;
Senses low-light vision, spiritsense
AC 27,
touch 11,
flat-footed 27 (+2 DEX, +8
natural, –1
size, +4 Shield, +4 Mage Armor)
hp 136 (13d8 + 78)
Fort +14,
Ref +6,
Will +7
Defensive Abilities negative energy affinity;
DR 5/bludgeoning;
Immune death effects,
energy drain,
nonlethal damage,
plant traits;
Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Regeneration (equal to 10 points per HD the blood magic creature possess [Maximum 150], this effect costs 6 blood points; bludgeoning, fire, and acid)
Speed 20 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Melee Lance +14/+9 (4d6 + 18; 20/x3); Slam +14 (2d6 + 9)
Space 10 ft.;
Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks bonerattle, spray of splintered bones
Str 23,
Dex 14,
Con 22,
Int 14,
Wis 16,
Cha 30
Base Atk +9
Feats Mounted Combat,
Ride-By Attack,
Mounted Skirmisher
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Skills (61)
Concentration: 16 + 6 (CON) = 22
Knowledge (Martial): 5 + 3 (WIS) = 8
Intimidate: 16 + 9 (CHA) + 8 (Racial) = 33
Ride: 16 + 4 (DEX) = 20
Survival: 8 + 3 (WIS) = 11
Caster Level 11
Spell Save 10 + Spell Level + 10
0th: 9 Spells - 6/day
Mage Armor, 3 Spells - 9/day
Brow Gasher, 3 Spells - 9/day
Dispel Magic - 8/day
Bestow Curse,
Enervation - 7/day
Mages Private Sanctum - 5/day
Note: Spend a blood point and the necessary spell-slot to use Smiting Spell
Bonerattle (Su)
As a
standard action, a bonewrought willow can shake its branches to produce an eerie rattling sound and attempt a single
Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 60 feet who can hear it.
Spiritsense (Su)
A bonewrought willow can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and
undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the
blindsight ability. This sense does not allow it to detect objects, but it does allow it to notice living things that are not creatures.
Spray of Splintered Bones (Ex)
Once per hour as a
standard action, a bonewrought willow can eject a 15-foot cone of bone shards that deal 4d6 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of
bleed damage to all creatures in the area. A DC 18
Reflex save halves the piercing damage and negates the
bleed damage.
Blood Point (Su)
When a blood magic creature inflicts the dead condition upon a non-plant living creature, it gains 1 point in its blood pool. If it kills a creature with blood designated as special (GM adjudication) its blood pool is filled. The maximum number of blood points it can possess in its pool is equal to 10 + its HD + its Cha modifier. Any points above its blood pool's maximum are lost. A blood magic creature can activate this templates special abilities by expending blood points or it can be used to enhance any of the creature's abilities. Spending a blood point is a free action that cannot be used to create the same effect or provide more than one of the benefits listed below in the same round. Spending a blood point grants the creature any of the following benefits:
- +2 to any one d20 roll.
- +2 to the DC of any extrodinary, spell, spell-like or supernatural ability.
- During any round in which a blood magic creature takes a full attack action, it may spend 1 blood point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Blood points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks. This does not stack with haste or the speed special weapon ability
- At the beginning of a blood magic creature's turn, it may spend 1 blood point to gain the benefit of a feat it does not have. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. It gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.
- Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 blood point to recall any spell just cast.
Caustic Blood (Ex)
If an blood magic creature is damaged by a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the wielder must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the blood magic creature's HD +it's Con modifier) or suffer 2d6 points of acid damage, a successful save results in half damage.
As an additional effect a blood magic creature can expend one blood point to make the blood toxic as well as acidic. It may select any one poison it is aware of, the DC of the poison is always 10 +1/2 its HD + its Con Modifier. A common choice is listed below
Black Lotus Extract: Type poison (contact);
Save Fortitude DC 20
Onset 1 minute;
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Effect 1d6 Con damage;
Cure 2 consecutive saves.
Spell-Like Abilities
A Blood Magic creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. Activating a spell-like ability is still a standard action bu it requires it to expend a number of blood points equal to the spell level. CL equals the creature's HD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). See link at the top for available SLAs.