Would drop our odds of B Wits (ignoring event gains) to ~70%. Athletics softcap drops from 90% to 29%, though we do often get event xp there, and arguably we don't particularly want to overcap.
Event gains are pretty likely to the tune of maxing these though. Wits has in the past 7 months gained 0, 3, 0, 6, 2, 0, 3 from events. If we take that set as an approximate probability distribution, then the true chance of leveling Wits is (3*26/36 + 1*33/36 + 2*35/36 + 1)/7 =
Similarly, for Athletics, its 0, 5, 3, 3, 1, 0, 6. That implies a true probability of (2*10/36 + 1*15/36 + 2*26/36 + 1*33/36 + 1*35/36)/7 =
61.5%. Athletics also has the issue of being lossy if it gets pushed past C, though we do want to get it to cap.
As for why we want War, why wouldn't we want War? We're in the
middle of an actual War so it seems pretty good to push it up high. Our War is all the way down at E 5/15 now so there is a lot of space to go, 30 points before we even get to C. We don't want to neglect it again and again, especially when every month in the War events will presumably involve the War skill. Lots of times in past battles Ling Qi has gotten some awkward strategic choices, and there is a strong argument that low War has contributed to that (this was referenced pretty directly in how the tourney played out in the first round with Shen Hu.)