[] Scholarum and Volantine Mages are now one organization! No one should fear
anything from sorcerers of Valyria's Daughter, we are now
all in the same boat, bound by same principles and laws - and we can assure everyone that the mages of Volantis are some of the best ones we've seen.
(pamper to Volantine egos, while simultaneously reassuring the population - and possibly having Westerosi mages have a second thought or two,).
[] Heart Trees are grown en-masse! The infrastructure they provide greatly helps the developing regions (literally every Healing heart Tree we've dropped this month, all 19 of them).
(Good pr to OGs -
and we can include the imagery of us breaking accursed artifacts to raise the trees, which won't even be a lie, to make them less scary of a concept to any Westerosi readers).
[] The laws of the Empire have been slightly changed. Include the subtle hints that those who are shunned by the Westerosi "traditional" outlook can probably find a
safe haven in the Empire?
[] Cooperation deepens between the Empire and the Djinn/Shaitan! The Order of Cryomancers agreed to hold lectures in Sorcerer's Deep to share their ancient lore - all the while a student exchange is being set up with the Shaitan Academy of War and the Order of Arcane Seal!
(the below are the notes for the
12th month, based off the results from 11th month's negotiations)
[] The expeditions into the depths of Sothoryos are being sponsored by The Empire! Great amounts of resources already extracted, several settlements started!
{who knows, maybe we'd get more daring do-ers from fascinating enough stories - and sending expeditions there
is a viable way of getting moderate-to-high profts).