So, the jeweled necklaces of Perfect Storm and Raging Heart make it clear enough devices have a stealth mode.... I assume Armed Device also has something subtle enough Kayleigh isn't worried about scenarios she can't have guns or "gun" with her? Is there a concern about having to hold a gun-style Armed device getting in the way of her Magi-Tinkertech guns, that isn't present with a Card-style storage device?
The advanced AI of an Intelligent device vs the Knight Armor of an armed device (SW's told us more or less to not care about the cartridge side-option, but meh even one in a breast pocket for Nova-Sniper moments or the like might be a thing? ) is a tough choice though ..... probably want the former, and just build her a separate Super-Smart-Phone tinkertech with an AI like Tim made to replace Danny loaded on it?
A question for
@Silently Watches , normally I'm all fine for making votes that the characters retroactively agree with (this is a Quest, not a story) , but..... with Maclibuin didn't you tell us ICly AND have Tim tell us not to make a Device for someone before it was discussed what they wanted from it? We even ended up having to spend two actions on the initial meeting then handing the stuff over, if I remember right....
I don't know what to vote for anyone anymore, with Silently Watches having pre-done ideas before we confirmed it an option for ourselves

but with Missy and Kayleigh locked, and Laura's core at least already pre-set because we hadn't yet scanned.... seems like Standstill is an obvious case for a Template to give her the furthest thing from her current powers (and pair nicely with a Shield Beast in mirror of Samantha's Sword with Taylor) , and Laura getting a normal Device to figure out a nice slew of Ice themed spells for her hopeful A+ rank that she couldn't get anyways with a Template <3
Why not build generic-parts devices for a Template to be given later, if there is any question of not doing Kayleigh's Device till after we scan?
[X] Plan More Mages
Will toss my vote here for now anyways, I'm far far less interested in that grey-goo mess than getting Moar Magical Girls for the team (what
has Circus been up to lately?

EDIT: Probably the reason I was so late jumping in on discussion this time was avoiding the people who seemed to view an eager desire for body-improvement surgeries as sick-in-the-head monsters >_> So I'll toss my vote in with Wyrd on easily thinking of half a dozen mutations I'd cheerfully jump at the risk odd's for. How about some variety of photosynthesis or chemical-fuel lifeform to toss out any worries of weight-and-diet management when you've got some flavor of hyposmia making food a nuisance anyways? Save a loooot of money as a bonus! )