Yes, but you're focusing on the wrong thing. I'd suggest industrially farming them so I could get those nice big Linnorm corpses.

You better believe I'd exploit something like that.
Honestly I didn't think this would involve him allowing us to ask questions...
1. Ask about the legend of Azor Ahai, Nissa Nissa, and Lightbringer.
2. Ask about the first Long Night.
3. Ask about the Great Other.
4. Ask what he remembers of how mankind prevailed against the Red Dragon Empire
5. Ask about the process of becoming a god, the details of how it happened, etc. We witnessed the moment but that's only a part of the puzzle. Anything he's willing to share on that front would be useful.
6. Get a general feel -- carefully -- of how he's changing. That whole "I am the only god" thing needs to go, as does the "all mortals are my slaves" thing.
7. Scope out how he'd like to help against things like Ymeri, the Efreeti (unclean flames), and Tiamat (ultimate enemy)
8. Make sure he's at least willing to work with the other gods against mutual enemies.
I could easily make this list number in the 50s or 60s, but that would mostly be miscellaneous lore. This is the stuff that's actually important to us.
@Crake, one important thing. We need to get some form of mechanic out of DP for sacrifice rules if we ever choose to do so with R'hllor in the future. The Old Gods have pretty established rules with Day of Blood and Day of Change and using the Tree of the Dawn Age as a benchmark for sacrifices, and Yss has his own rules. We need to know OOC what R'hllor would work with.