Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Yeah, maybe that choice would be harder before the BINO mission, but after that... It seems like calling her is a no brainer, only the moratorium stays on the way of that vote. Speaking of the moratorium...

[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?

CRX needs comfort. she already had a shitty day, on top of a shitty week...

[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
I suspect it's about does Ling Qi truly add CRX to her list of friends or not, with all that entails, which uhh...
I'm going to say right now I'm probably horribly biased against Ling Qi's elemental affinities in general, especially since I can't help but think that if we had say, gone for the Nurturing Moon instead of Bloody it would have suited what we wanted more AND likely not backfired as badly as Bloody Moon did- Like I said, I'm biased, and part of my bias is the bitterness of that lasting trauma.

But, my salt aside, I would not be surprised if Ling Qi in general is going to be very slow to make friends and finds it easy to drop old ones if she doesn't spend time around them. Adding CRX to the list is easier said then done, and I suspect Ling Qi has but only so many slots to work with, so to speak.

Don't forget it guys and gals and assorted pals.
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[] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous
Futile but TBH don't actually particularly like CRX, am 100% in favor of a purely mercenary relationship.
No need to dogpile the vote here btw, it's a perfectly legitimate question of if we want to keep the relationship with Cai professional or if we want to get closer and befriend her. That it's likely one-sided doesn't mean it's not something worth a vote.
[] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous
Futile but TBH don't actually particularly like CRX, am 100% in favor of a purely mercenary relationship.
I admire your willingness to stand up to a dominant zeitgeist and assert an unpopular opinion, even though I am opposed to the opinion in question.
This is a really weird voting option, cause I cant see the thread voting any other way then inviting CRX. Like is there really a reason not to do it beside decorum and leaving CRX alone?
If Ling Qi doesn't invite her then the interaction is more focused on ZhenGui and telling him he did good. Though with Meizhen coming later that's an overall minimal loss.

"Cloud barbarians are beaten and broken, let's go fuck em up so they stop raiding us."

"Fighting is fine, but hurting people is so gauche!"

"You consort with ruffians and low-class people!"


Personally I say we view befriending Wang as a learning opportunity for dealing with spoiled children in the future :p

"What did I say about annoying your peers?" Raises eyebrow.

"...not to do it, Miss Ling." Looks down in shame.

"Very good." Nod.
I wonder...

Do our friends notice Sixiang is hibernating?

"Have you notice Ling Qi's speech gotten a"
"You too? Yeah...wonder why."

I do hope that more interaction with Renxiang somehow lets us have spirits in our sword too.
Also make us stockholm the gown that is puppeting us so we can actually be free.
No need to dogpile the vote here btw, it's a perfectly legitimate question of if we want to keep the relationship with Cai professional or if we want to get closer and befriend her. That it's likely one-sided doesn't mean it's not something worth a vote.
It's not an unreasonable position to take i think.
I used to want a more hands off approach, but i kinda feel like at some level we have come to a decision to be more than just an employee, the question is just how much more.
It just feels like where the quest trajectory has gone. It's not too late to change course, but it would feel odd to me at this point.

And from a purely pragmatic standpoint, we're kinda in this ride for life, so might as well try to have as much pull as we can with the boss, and as much personal freedom as we can, and i think being more than just a vassal is a path to that.
So friendship it is.
Personally I say we view befriending Wang as a learning opportunity for dealing with spoiled children in the future :p

"What did I say about annoying your peers?" Raises eyebrow.

"...not to do it, Miss Ling." Looks down in shame.

"Very good." Nod.
I was kinda under the impression we would become a badass spy/assassin when joining with the Cai.
But i guess being a babysitter will do.
I seem to have overestimated Kang Zihao when I wrote that omake dedicated to him all that time ago.

I knew that he was a hardcore royalist, and pretty arrogant/elitist to boot, but I did not expect him to be such a toxic example of xianxia young master.
Ling Qi grimaced, recalling the boy from Cai's parties, he had not left a good impression on her, but… she would try. It felt a little odd to set out to 'make friends' with someone based on a command, but she would just have to do her best. Perhaps she could speak with him at the next gathering? "As you command, Lady Cai."
Weak plan Ling Qi.

Mmm, my thoughts are that we first need to find out more about Wang, and then we need to find a small favor he can do us. Use the classic Ben Franklin effect: said:
In his autobiography, Franklin explains how he dealt with the animosity of a rival legislator when he served in the Pennsylvania legislature in the 18th century:
Having heard that he had in his library a certain very scarce and curious book, I wrote a note to him, expressing my desire of perusing that book, and requesting he would do me the favour of lending it to me for a few days. He sent it immediately, and I return'd it in about a week with another note, expressing strongly my sense of the favour. When we next met in the House, he spoke to me (which he had never done before), and with great civility; and he ever after manifested a readiness to serve me on all occasions, so that we became great friends, and our friendship continued to his death.
Don't just wander up to him at a party hoping to get lucky. Be proactive, and actually do stuff with a plan.
"I am certain that you will," Cai renxiang agreed, and Ling Qi briefly caught a faint upward quirk of her lips before her expression smoothed.
"You performed acceptably, my daughter. I expect you to continue to do so.
Like mother like daughter, I suppose. :V
Very cute.

[] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
Go on, there's no escaping the family trap, our mother's heart could use the exercise as well.
So, the Gnawing Ones are an older threat. I don't know why I was under the impression that they were a recent thing, borne from the Cloud Shaman's ritual that corrupted his surroundings, when in hindsight they were mentioned by Elders to be an ancient enemy, obscure though it is.
"Thank you, Lady Renxiang," Ling Qi replied with some surprise. "I will make sure to build on my victories."

"I am certain that you will," Cai renxiang agreed, and Ling Qi briefly caught a faint upward quirk of her lips before her expression smoothed.
If there is one thing CRX knows about us, it's we turn our absurd luck to our advantage.

[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[x] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?

party hard
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
I suspect it's about does Ling Qi truly add CRX to her list of friends or not, with all that entails, which uhh...
I'm going to say right now I'm probably horribly biased against Ling Qi's elemental affinities in general, especially since I can't help but think that if we had say, gone for the Nurturing Moon instead of Bloody it would have suited what we wanted more AND likely not backfired as badly as Bloody Moon did- Like I said, I'm biased, and part of my bias is the bitterness of that lasting trauma.

But, my salt aside, I would not be surprised if Ling Qi in general is going to be very slow to make friends and finds it easy to drop old ones if she doesn't spend time around them. Adding CRX to the list is easier said then done, and I suspect Ling Qi has but only so many slots to work with, so to speak.
We aren't bloody moon? Like, the three we chose were grinning(sneaky),hidden(lost knowledge), and dreaming(wild parties)? We did a a quest for the bloody moon, and we look up to another disciple who follows it, but it really isn't in our purview.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[x] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?

I am legitimately curious as to how much the vote will win by.