Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[x] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?

I want to say 'im not sure why we wouldn't' but upon reflection I CAN see some reasons for it, both meta and in narrative. Choosing to befriend Cai Renxiang would mean she gets consistent non-boss-interaction screentime and occupies some of our already occupied time, likely slowing our cultivation by notable(but not unacceptable) amounts over the long term. It would also make any future changing of loyalties difficult in the event that such a thing becomes necessary.

However I committed to this kinda thing way back when we were first making the decision to accept retainership or not. I did a hell of a lot of arguing back then to make sure people knew what they were agreeing to since I saw this stuff coming. I'm already pretty much in for the long haul, down with the ship etc.

Plus we're already trying to befriend her anyway. If this is the flag we've been waiting for I say plant it like we own the place lets go. The best ship is friendship and im all about that RenZhen. Hidden Art: Forbidden Matchmaker is go.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous

It's not going to win but I have to be honest I find the entire Cai Renxiang subplot intensely boring.

Ling Qi acts like their relationship has changed and they're closer but honestly, there is basically no difference. I went back and read this from Arc 1-3:
Cai Renxiang raised an eyebrow. "Shall I ask now what devilry you have in mind?"

Ling Qi huffed, it had come out mechanically, but that had definitely been a joke. Still, some niggling part of her wondered if the other girl was just getting better at imitating the behavior Ling Qi thought of as friendly. "I thought it would be relaxing. Besides, did you not say that you would teach me about tea blends? You made it seem very important."

"And you expect that I shall serve you tea? How arrogant," Cai Renxiang replied imperiously. For a moment, Ling Qi felt concerned, looking back at the girls affronted expression, but then the corner of the stiff girl's lips quirked up. "I suppose there is only one individual capable of not burning the leaves present however. Tasks should be divided by merit."

Ling Qi narrowed her eyes at the other girl. She wasn't sure how pleased she was to see Cai Renxiang able to fool her like that. She simply bowed her head deeply. "This humble vassal apologizes for her inability," she instead said aloud, allowing a sarcastic edge to touch her voice.

The shorter girl made a brief sound of amusement, before turning her eyes back to her desk. "I shall be sure to remove that inability. You will have to entertain yourself until I have completed these last forms however. Confine yourself to this room however."
If anything it feels like we've gone slightly backwards in terms of socialability with her.

There's no real sense of progress on actually getting to know her since turn 4 (where we had our talk about what she wants) and nothing ever really seems to happen apart from "Shenhua happens, Renxiang looks slightly sad", and "Shenhua orders something, we obey". Even in the event where we got our gown upgraded she felt like a background element and Meizhen felt more in the driving seat.

We were recruited for our sneaking skills and yet have never used those on her orders outside of battle when in the inner sect. Instead we've been put to social tasks and used more for party entertainment. It's great that she's trying to develop Ling Qi's skills as a general spymaster, but combined with the fact that she's only really been a background prescence at best I'm left feeling no sense of momentum or what she's actually really doing apart from "vague politics things, progress". And given the war situation and our latest assignment it doesn't seem like that will change anytime soon.

Maybe becoming Renxiang's subordinate basically solidified the route of becoming her friend properly out of existence? Honestly I am wondering if we should just leave the entire project of getting Cai Renxiang to loosen up a bit to Meizhen, who's a lot closer in status, and who seems to be doing a lot better with it.
Cai Renxiang dipped her head slightly in acknowledgement. Ling Qi got the feeling that Meizhen had said as much before. "I disagree of course. My failures arose from inflexibility, presumption, and compromise of my ideals. As the Scholar Kung said, 'One who has committed a mistake and does not correct it is committing another mistake'."

"A fine statement indeed," Meizhen replied blandly. "Learn from the past certainly, but keep your eyes forward, lest the future plant a knife in your back. The past is inviolate, you cannot change it, only act on things as they are."

"You speak as if I am a madwoman, ready to destroy myself in battling the flow of time, and not one merely engaging in self reflection," Cai Renxiang said with faint exasperation.

"You have corrected your errors in perspective, and reflected quite enough. I merely worry that you will mire yourself in such musing and become your own obstacle," Meizhen shot back.
Oh right, also we need to find out what other people were up to during the attack. Knowing about other people who stood out could be important socially, especially if any of them were people we need to be getting to know. Could be a good conversation starter.

Hmm, @yrsillar are contribution points public? So people and us can look at them to see who made good gains in the recent attack?
Maybe becoming Renxiang's subordinate basically solidified the route of becoming her friend properly out of existence? Honestly I am wondering if we should just leave the entire project of getting Cai Renxiang to loosen up a bit to Meizhen, who's a lot closer in status, and who seems to be doing a lot better with it.
Fundamentally, Meizhen has a much better time relating to Renxiang because they have similar backgrounds and positions. It's always going to be much harder for Ling Qi.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[x] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
Fundamentally, Meizhen has a much better time relating to Renxiang because they have similar backgrounds and positions. It's always going to be much harder for Ling Qi.
There's harder and then there is "actively going backwards". I honestly feel like we're in the second bracket despite what the narritive claims.

It doesn't feel like Renxiang is starting to let down the facade for us and we're finally seeing more of her real self, because we see how she acts with Meizhen, and it's more like she was in those early months. If anything it feels like the barriers are going up with regards to Ling Qi compared to the early months of the inner sect.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?

I think that keeping CRX at arms' length is not why a lot of us want out of that relationship. It's already dangerous as all hell for Ling Qi to be her retainer, so might as well go all out and try to be relevant when it comes to helping CRX grow.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
It doesn't feel like Renxiang is starting to let down the facade for us and we're finally seeing more of her real self, because we see how she acts with Meizhen, and it's more like she was in those early months. If anything it feels like the barriers are going up with regards to Ling Qi compared to the early months of the inner sect.
Whose to say her actions with Meizhen weren't just as manufactured as her actions with us? There is an argument that if there are "walls" going up it's proof that we are getting closer. There is also the argument that there is nothing else underneath, and if we are getting to a personality it's because that's what she thinks we would appreciate.

It's part of why dealing with CRX is a pain, because we will likely never know. Though if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe Sixiang will get swol enough to be able to tell.
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Invited Renxiang to come out with her. Meizhen would be there later as well, so what was one more for the gathering?
[X] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous
[X] Turned away. She had to see to her family first and foremost. Besides, she was sure that Cai Renxiang was too busy to spend the day on something frivolous

The other choice seems to be the objectively better one but I don't want CRX intruding on best snek time. Been rereading the first thread and have been reminded of the friendship before yrs shit all over or hopes and dreams. Best snek deserves our focus :(

Not that it has any hope in winning, this seems like an extremely clear cut choice to the point of not really needing to be a vote. (Not that I'm saying that it's bad it is)