Bladeleaf is horrifically OP for the CR it gives, and I'm sad we haven't been spamming it sooner.

It blows Advanced out of the water, IMO.
I know right?!
Just imagine having one or two units with this in a keep or castle it would be hell on invading forces trying to take a position!
In fact i think we should send some to the Wall, one for each manned keep?(which i think is three or four at this point?)
There's some granularity, it's true, but thus far the 1st Air Group is just sort of part of the Imperial Navy. Which is in itself a separate institution from the Royal Navy (not the BLAST one), because a sailing ship is completely different in operation to our magitech flying ships.

Imperial High Command can forward requests for fire missions to naval vessels, and lower officers can request air support. Eventually communication using the Anchor system to the Gemstone network will allow for a lot of inter-service support aspects.

Edit: And to answer the inevitable question, I don't know what we're going to do about traditional sailing ships. Probably nothing, they're still useful for hauling freight across the continent and they're cheap to manufacture parts for now. In the far future, who can say? It was pointed out that it is unreasonably risky to move things to the point where giant, heavy flying ships have been commercialized, but maybe we can lease our own cargo haulers to companies who want to scale back on admittedly very risky voyages? Even if divination and magic in general makes it a lot safer.
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There's some granularity, it's true, but thus far the 1st Air Group is just sort of part of the Imperial Navy. Which is in itself a separate institution from the Royal Navy (not the BLAST one), because a sailing ship is completely different in operation to our magitech flying ships.

Imperial High Command can forward requests for fire missions to naval vessels, and lower officers can request air support. Eventually communication using the Anchor system to the Gemstone network will allow for a lot of inter-service support aspects.
So I kinda sped through the quest trying to catch up so I missed ALOT of the talk in between posts so I probably missed it but what is the Anchor system and Gemstone network?
Sound like they would shred regular armies, slap the swarm onto a creature template that could withstand regular weaponry or just avoid attacks entirely by flying or teleportation and mortal armies would drop like flies especially considering army formations and the ten feet attack radius on it, too bad were not that kind of conqueror.


For the purpose of Guerilla warfare, for now the focus would be on assisting our Westeros sided agents from being pushed out of their forested holdfasts.

-[X] 500 Bladeleaf Children of the Briar (CR2) - 90 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM)

While the swarms aren't quite as hard to get rid of, they're still swarms so any muggle army still has no recourse.
I know right?!
Just imagine having one or two units with this in a keep or castle it would be hell on invading forces trying to take a position!
In fact i think we should send some to the Wall, one for each manned keep?(which i think is three or four at this point?)
It should be way more than three or four.

It was three manned keeps before we contacted them -- the Shadow Tower (yes it shares the name with our portable demiplane), Castle Black, and Eastwatch by the Sea.

Since then we've provided arms and armor, miscellaneous supplies, Weirwood Heart Trees, Valyrian Steel for their leaders, and very generous monetary support. The last one was 50,000 IM.

Something is very wrong if they've only refurbished and manned three of their castles.

As for Bladeleaf, yes, this is a fantastic template. We should absolutely be spamming it and having several of them in each castle of the Night's Watch.
Would things like Nature's Wrath,
Nature's Purity, or Zone of Natural Purity be useful add ons to these guys? Relatively low level, do their best work against aberrations, and fit the theme.

If we could get the zone spell on a small support chassis to deploy them for alpha strikes and ambushes we could avoid wasting space on the main combat unit's SLA list.
Nature's Purity and Nature's Wrath seem especially nice.
So I kinda sped through the quest trying to catch up so I missed ALOT of the talk in between posts so I probably missed it but what is the Anchor system and Gemstone network?

It's kind of complicated, but basically, you know RTS mechanics, the fluff of them usually being the commander having access to advanced mapping and command and control software that allows them to prosecute a war with a minimal number of staff officers on hand?

Basically that, being about a step away from augmented reality. Which we joked about introducing as some sort of Astral Network that allows people to shape (just spit-balling) maybe partitioned slices of the Dream guarded by our Imperial Deity network. @egoo, take note. The Aethernet Is Real!

That's actually how I think the Valyrians governed their vast colonial holdings, using Glass Candles to shortcut Dream journeys so they could avoid the nasties in-between locations and still have a conversation in an intimate setting with someone else, albeit far lesser in scope as a concept. Basically controlled and instant linkable lucid dreaming.
Bladeleaf is horrifically OP for the CR it gives, and I'm sad we haven't been spamming it sooner.

It blows Advanced out of the water, IMO.
It's strong, but not necessarily better than Advanced. They have different uses. Advanced, for example, is preferable for spellcasting creatures.
So I kinda sped through the quest trying to catch up so I missed ALOT of the talk in between posts so I probably missed it but what is the Anchor system and Gemstone network?
@Duesal, @Diomedon, @TotallyNotEvil, @Goldfish
This is what I have planned for our War Room and to coordinate our armies and defenses.

I see it as the original design of which the painted table is a pale imitation.

Gemstone Table
The surface of this finely made stone table looks as if it was made of powdered rubies, emeralds and saphires, yet is perfectly solid to the touch. If the right command word is spoken, the powderer gems flow like water to form a detailed miniature of the area within 50 miles of the table. The user can also add minor illusions to this landscape if he so desires. The user can display any area in range and with as much details as he wishes.

But the true power of this item is only revealed when coupled with linked stones, called anchors. These offer additional abilities and extend the range of the table. Anchors must be attuned to a given Gemstone Table with a ritual. This is not permanent and the user of the table can disconnect any anchor again. Some anchors may temporarily loose the connection for other reasons. All connected anchors and their positions can be seen as glowing dots on the map.
Market Value - 50,000 GP

Fortress Anchor - 4,000 GP
This anchor looks like a small copy of a true Gemstone Table. When linked to one, the user of the table can see and hear any person near this anchor and vice versa. It also allows to show a ghostly image that matches the map currently shown on the Gemstone Table. Lastly, the Gemstone Table treats the area in a 50 miles radius around this anchor as part of it's range.
If this anchor is moved, it looses the connection to the Gemstone Table temporarily and can't be used for a day and a night.

Generals Anchor - 8,000 GP
This works like a Fortress Anchor, but can be moved freely without loosing its attunement.

Officers Anchor - 1,000 GP
These anchors are made to be carried by a single person and allows to send and receive spoken messages to or from the Gemstone Tablet, Fortress Anchors or Generals Anchors.

Border Anchor - 500 GP
As the name implies, these anchors are mostly used along borders. They extend the range of the Gemstone Table to include a 50 miles radius around the anchor. If disturbed, it ceases to function for a day and a night.

Soldiers Anchor - 10 GP
This least of anchors is usually a small pebble worn on a amulet. It offers the wearer bo direct benefit, but can be tracked by the Gemstone Table like all other anchors. If it's wearer dies, the anchor ceases to function.

Thoughts? Pricing advice?

@DragonParadox, approval?

This thing is the Gemstone table and its intent was to allow for us to have absolute battlefield control and knowledge. Among other things.
It's kind of complicated, but basically, you know RTS mechanics, the fluff of them usually being the commander having access to advanced mapping and command and control software that allows them to prosecute a war with a minimal number of staff officers on hand?

Basically that, being about a step away from augmented reality. Which we joked about introducing as some sort of Astral Network that allows people to shape (just spit-balling) maybe partitioned slices of the Dream guarded by our Imperial Deity network. @egoo, take note. The Aethernet Is Real!

That's actually how I think the Valyrians governed their vast colonial holdings, using Glass Candles to shortcut Dream journeys so they could avoid the nasties in-between locations and still have a conversation in an intimate setting with someone else, albeit far lesser in scope as a concept. Basically controlled and instant linkable lucid dreaming.
Thats way more advanced than what I had in mind I thought it was just a glorified telephone network jeez!
This thing is the Gemstone table and its intent was to allow for us to have absolute battlefield control and knowledge. Among other things.
I really wanted to get started crafting it this month, but we had too many other priorities. Next month should be better, as all of our new crafters will have the full month available. Our capacity will increase considerably.
Gonna need more votes, ya'll. Feel free to contribute some write-ups for additional options for me to add to my plan. I'm working on something more substantial to add to the list at the moment.
@Goldfish, I've been toying with this idea:

Mighty Feral Flame Drake

A total of CR 8.

Mighty gives it DR 2/-, +10 bonus hit points per Hit Die (minimum +50), +5 dodge bonus to AC, +5 bonus to initiative, all saving throws, damage, ability checks, and skill checks. It also gains a +30-foot bonus to its speed (to a maximum of double), +10 to all attack rolls and CMB, and +15 to CMD.

Feral of course makes it non-sentient so we can sell it without issue.

Being a Flame Drake gives it the following:
A flame drake can, as a standard action, breathe a ball of flame that explodes like a fireball. This attack has a range of 180 feet and deals 5d6 points of fire damage (DC 16 Reflex half) to all creatures within a 20-foot-radius spread. Once a flame drake has used its fireball breath, it cannot do so again for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Relatively inexpensive for the kind of worth it brings to the table. It serves as a versatile mount and long-range siege weapon, and it's definitely a problem for anything that tries to get close. The only potential issue is mind control, but that could be covered by PfE items.
And here's my final addition to my plan. I'll be online for another half hour or so if ya'll come up with any others to add.

This creature uses a modified version of the Bladeleaf template to create what feels like a seriously tough living siege engine. It's big (Gargantuan) and not particularly speed, but it's extremely tough and packs a big punch in melee and at range. I might want to make some of these for ourselves.

Dire Greenbound Bladeleaf* Ankylosaurus (*Modified) CR 10
N Gargantuan Plant (augmented)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft., scent; Perception +14

42, touch 7, flat-footed 41 (+1 Dex, +35 natural, -4 size)
HP 275 (20d8+180)
Fort +25, Ref +17, Will +9
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 10/Slashing & Magic & Cold Iron, Fast Healing 10, Plant Traits, Immune: Cold, Electricity, Fire

40 ft.
Melee tail +31 (3d8+2d6+22 plus Stun) OR slam +30 (2d8+2d6+15)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tail)
Special Attack Razorleaf Bombard

41, Dex 12, Con 29, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 16
Base Atk +15
Feats Ability Focus (Razorleaf Burst), Ability Focus (Stun), Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (tail)
Skills Spot +19, Racial Modifiers +16 Hide & Move Silently in forested areas

Plant Immunities (Ex): Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). Immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 10th Caster Level: At-Will: Entangle (DC 14), Pass Without Trace, Speak with Plants, 1/Day: Wall of Thorns

Stun (Ex): The Razortail Ankylosaurus' tail can deliver a powerful, stunning blow. A creature struck by this attack must make a DC 37 Fortitude save or be Dazed for 1 round. If the strike is a critical hit and the target fails its save, it is instead Stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Sundering Armor (Su): A Razortail Ankylosaurus deals +2d6 slashing damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Creatures that hit a Razortail Ankylosaurus with a melee attack must make the same Reflex save or suffer 1d6+9 (CON modifier) damage unless they are using a reach and/or cold iron weapon.

Razorleaf Bombard (Su): The Razortail Ankylosaurus can launch from its razorleaf-studded tail a churning bundle of leaves and magical power which travels up to 1,000 feet with unerring accuracy. Upon striking a target, the bundle explodes into a 20 ft. radius cloud of slashing leaves which inflicts 15d6 damage (damage-type is Slashing and counts as Magic, Cold Iron, Silver, and Adamantine for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction) to everything within the area (Reflex DC 31 halves damage). The Razortail Ankylosaurus can use this ability as often as once per minute, but no more than three times per hour.
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