Mmm, I mean these villages are valuable enough to be worth multiple Green's time defending them. They gotta be producing something.
So you think the barbarians seen by the other village were just a red herring then?
Yeah, Raiders excel at running battles. Bait out detachments of heavy hitters or swift pursuers to lure them away from entrenched defenses, then divide and conquer.
My expectation is that this larger detachment is, as previously speculated, to be a chance for a young talent to blood himself with a relatively easy side job with little consequence for the sake of racking up experience.
Look at the initial scout for this town. He got drawn out of position, isolated, and BTFOd. Shen Hu mightve suffered a similar fate were it not for his own experiences and specialities lending themselves so well for this exact scenario, frankly.
Like...Ling Qi played into their hands
Except for the part where she turned the tables and forced them to switch gears through sheer T-Posing. Forcing a response like this actually indicates just how bad a matchup she is for them, as letting her close the distance even once lets her pick off any one of them virtually at will. Its a scenario the barb group wants to avoid, and why I favor hunting them down as Ling Qis stealth makes her continued presence essentially a lose condition for them. If they had a way to prevent her ganking them, itd have been deployed.
But thanks to how they had to collectively buff their perception
just to fire arrow volleys at her, we already know that those Barbarians dont meet the threshold necessary to counter her stealth.
already were doing everything they could to keep an eye on her, after all.
100 raiders is gonna be the majority of any one tribes force by dint of sheer numbers. Unless this was a coalition of tribes acting in unison, theres just little chance of there being forces deployed of similar level elsewhere. If anything, Ling Qi is an abnormality, and this force likely intended to bait out individual officers to strike them down, then hit the village, then rinse and repeat for the remaining two afterwards. Theyre just as mobile as Ling Qi is, so itd work as they just seem to be pillaging and burning, rather than doing any serious looting or hunting for specific targets.
That speaks to a modus operandi rather than any specific plan on their part.
Why commit to these villages at all instead of the newly settled mountain top?
Maybe they expect imperials to focus on the mountain top so the villages would be lightly defended, so hit all three in force and then slip away.
Why would they commit multiple tribes worth of raiders to such a thing?
Especially in such close proximity to the Sect.
Recall that this conflict is hardly new. Theyd know that Third Realms are far from the most dangerous things that can be fielded against them here. Theres just no reason to commit such a large number only for a Core Disciple to be randomly present to wipe them out with impunity.
As the Sect has adapted to the Barbarians, so too in turn have the Barbarians had an opportunity to adapt to the Sect.