We got Flame Clove from the City of Brass.
Edited out btw.

And I'm not changing the list of things we are "keeping an eye out for" to a more general "everything" because, well, every time DP will roll for things it will have less of a chance to have things we want (for one reason or another).

@everyone, shall I add a venture to extraplanar markets this month (PoW aside, ofc)?
Edited out btw.

And I'm not changing the list of things we are "keeping an eye out for" to a more general "everything" because, well, every time DP will roll for things it will have less of a chance to have things we want (for one reason or another).

@everyone, shall I add a venture to extraplanar markets this month (PoW aside, ofc)?
Yeah, both for the City of Brass and Armun Kelisk. Crafting materials aside there's no harm in seeing what recruits we can manage from the crafters and mercenaries.
...hey, @Crake, are we translating the speech to the masses over Mirror-vision?
Should we tell Stannis about Cersei not having Robert's children now?

the longer we wait the more pissed he'll be once he finds out we did not tell him for so long.
@Crake, there s also this buff, albeit minor:
Honeyed Tongue is a good one that I forgot to mention, but Adoration is a no-go. Beyond it being a Mind-Affecting enchantment, it provides a Morale bonus, which we're already getting from Greater Heroism. The two don't stack.

@DragonParadox, the Minor Actions list looks great to me. We've gone through it and dialed it in pretty well, I believe. Thanks again, @egoo!
@Duesal, as a sidetrack, do you want to send people over to search for Prime Material griffins?
Bloodraven did tell us we might find some near Griffin's Roost.
11th month's Minor Actions

In-Character actions

(Done by VIserys himself, due to narrative importance, or need for direct player input):
Delegated Actions
(Done by Companions, Vassals or Allies, likely to be done in an Interlude or an Inquisitorial report):
Background Actions
(Done in the background, are likely to appear on-screen if something unexpected happens, otherwise will be but informed of upon completion; possibly in form of a report):
[X] Have our Diplomacy corps make moves to set up a personal meeting with Azure Emperor.
-[X] The goal being us sharing the lore on "Enemies of all" with each-other (Yi-Ti is bound to have unique lore on Void - having lived through the Long Night - and Bloodstone Emperor; whereas we have extensive knowledge of Devils, Illithids and Others (as a new tool of the Void).

[X] The lore Lya uncovered within the Light of Creation is truly fascinating... and opens many magnificent possibilities. Still, the first order of business should probably be seeking out similar sources, now knowing what to look for:
-[X] Ask Bloodraven (and consequently, Old Gods) if through their deep connection to Earth they ever came upon knowledge like such for Earth spirits.

[X] Proceed with the binding of several Valyrian dragons:
-[X] Grey Ghost - Headmistress Teana Strycos,

[X] Have Amrelath, Maelor and Malarys read the Light of Creation (Amy for his upcoming rule on PoF, Maelor and Malarys for dealing with infiltration to CoB)
-[X] Maelor's copy would obviously be disguised and shrouded away from sight in every way we can, and attempts would be made to never be caught reading it.

[X] Assign the 4 Spontaneous Search stations created in 10th month to:
-[X] 1 to Sorcerer's Deep Schoalrum
-[X] 3 to Sorcerer's Deep Extraplanar trade route (one on our side, one in Opaline Vault and Armun Kelish each respectively).

12th month's Minor Actions
In-Character actions

(Done by VIserys himself, due to narrative importance, or need for direct player input):
[X] Resolve to spend some more time with Balerion.

[X] Meraxes being worshipped as actively as she is is a fine thing - except we know of the danger that grows alongside her.
-[X] Talk to Zherys and Meraxes, try to ensure she doesn't "return to life" for a while longer, so that we won't have to worry about the 15th getting proactive.

---Plane of Water Actions: Start---
[X] Visit Vialesk again
-[X] Talk to Star Admiral Kharban of the Splendid Armada, get him more fleshforged creatures if he so desires (likely).
--[X] Attempt to secure a military alliance against Deep Ones.
-[X] Grab the crafting orders we made, make new ones.
-[X] See if the Council of Vialesk has changed their mind about setting up Planar Terminus station - with all the trade we brought in with us.
--[X] Imply that if they don't, they will greatly lose out on the trade, since we'll look into opening one in the Emirate of Mardja anyway.

[X] Visit the Emirate of Mardja, inquire about setting up a Planar Terminus station there.

[X] Look further for mercenary companies capable of effectively fighting Deep Ones.
-[X] Asking around in Mardja seems a good start, what with us having made a defense pact.

[X] We already got the crafters and Enchanters from Vialesk and Hampa, now would be the time to try and get more from:
-[X] Dalaqua (focus: crafters/artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Zerbat (focus: artisans, also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Dawa (focus: crafters (fishnets), also any enchanters we can get).
-[X] Kela (focus: crafters (massive amounts), also any enchanters we can get).

[X] Look into the situation between the Emirate of Kela and the Wyrm Galzerai - learn the truth about their relationship insofar as we can, there is a possibility of us manning a rescue mission of sorts, in order to get Kela's resource support.

[X] Look into the possibility of bringing more Marid Emirates into your war on Deep Ones:
-[X] Dawa (fishnet-wielding units, said to have been excelling in the last war).
-[X] Kela (huge amounts of crafters, so possibly war-machines of sorts..?).

[X] Attempt to have a meeting with Althazi the Deathless - learning his price for use of his forces against Deep Ones, and looking for guarantees he won't establish a foothold on Plane of Balance once those are vanquished.
---Plane of Water Actions: End---

[X] Visit the Gith Monastery again.
-[X] Gather the ordered items.
-[X] Offer more fleshforged creatures
-[X] Gather the promised lore on Psionics (basics) and Aberrations (all they can share).
-[X] Make new item-orders:
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented (7 ML)] item of Zealous Fury (6,854 IM).
--[X] 2 [1/day, Slotless, Unaugmented] items of Hustle. ()
--[X] 1 [1/day, Slotless, Augmented (15th ML)] item of Empty Mind (3,672 IM).
--[X] 1 [Slotless, (15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (24,000 IM).
--[X] TBD-amount of [(15th ML)] Third Eye: Conceal (effective Psionic Mindblank items - 12,000 IM per item).

-[X] Hunt for some Winter-touched creatures Beyond the Wall.
--[X] Variety is the answer here, grab animals, monsters, Fey - anything possible, really. (High-level Divination guarantees some good non-Mindblanked finds right off the bat)
--[X] Have them handed over to Djinn for their research on cleansing Void-corruption.

-[X] If there is time - look into setting up a counter-trap to those Efreeti hunting the Char-Serpent(s) in Oil-seas of Plane of Fire.

[X] You have received reports of Inquisition on the creatures you once encountered beneath the King's Landing. While your Empire is fairly progressive towards the non-humans, same most assuredly can't be said of Westeros as it is now - sooner or later, something will happen, either they'll be discovered and rooted out, or some corruption may get to them, those forced to hide away from the rest of the world in fear.
-[X] Visit the Rat-folk beneath the King's Landing, try to convince them to move cities - Sorcerer's Deep will freely offer them a safe haven if they agree to become your subjects.

[X] Arrange a personal meeting(s) with the remaining 2 rulers of Lorath - attempt to persuade them into joining the Empire, claiming economic growth and stability as reasons, grease the wheels where necessary by bribes.

[X] Meet with the Candlekeep Courtier, hash out what he needs for him and his Fey to be more effective at the task we put him on - we are talking gear, we are talking consumables, we are talking potential House of Mirrors support.

[X] Have the talk with Stannis - the Storm God can do much for the realm, and him personally. So far he seemed a goal-minded man, so we believe he'll see the merit in converting to the just and practical God of First Men.
-[X] In case of success, also retrieve the Heart Tree from the Storm's End - putting an exact fleshforged copy, with permanenced (Diamond dust) Fire Resistance, on it.

[X] Meet Galeneia, the daughter of Merling King.
-[X] If she succeeded in getting the lore on forging the water-spirits, barter for it.
Delegated Actions
(Done by Companions, Vassals or Allies, likely to be done in an Interlude or an Inquisitorial report):
[X] Loot the entirety of Mercury Lake in PoE.

[X] Grow Heart Trees for provinces with active Inquisition Bases (provided enough items are available for that).
-[X] Stepstones
-[X] Tyrosh
-[X] Lys
-[X] Myr
-[X] Braavos
-[X] Pentos
-[X] Mantarys
-[X] Tolos
-[X] Naath
-[X] Eastern Basilisk Isles
-[X] The Three Snakes
-[X] Western Basilisk Isles

[X] Grow "Plant Growth"-type Hearts Trees for the following greens (provided enough items):
-[X] Arkas Grass seeds
-[X] Cassil seeds
-[X] Flame Clove seeds
-[X] Golden Desert Tree seeds

[X] Have someone talk to Laenor - the man clearly wanted time away from troubles, after all, he's been through much... but his knowledge may yet be of use for the coming generations. If he doesn't mind teaching in Scholarum..?
Background Actions
(Done in the background, are likely to appear on-screen if something unexpected happens, otherwise will be but informed of upon completion; possibly in form of a report):
[X] Restore the documents and the lore recovered from Ymeri's mansion in Volantis via the ash-to-book ritual.

[X] Have the library of Storm's End copied.

[X] Recover the lore of the Many-Faced-God written down by Faceless.

[X] Have the 20 lbs of Void-touched Jade handed over to Djinn Cryomancers for their research in cleansing Void Corruption - with the full tale we know of it.
-[X] Preferably, those shouldn't be consumed in the process - but we can live with it if the results would look really promising.

[X] Have the Efreeti Wish-slaves, summoned alongside the Devils last month by their True Names, handed over to Shaitan/Djinn officials - perhaps making them into a propaganda move for all of Genie since the practice is as abhorrent to all of them.

[X] Have school-temples of Zathir opened in Opaline Vault, Armun Kelisk, and Vialesk (and Mardja if possible).

[X] Open a temple of Yss in Vialesk (and Mardja if possible).

[X] With several educational institutions off-plane accepting the offer of student exchange, it would but make sense to keep an eye on it.
-[X] Djinn Criomancers - will read lectures in SD for a month (12th month).
-[X] Djinn Auxiliaries (Mystic Rangers) - lore needed for training acquired, we can train Mystic Rangers (starting, 12th month).
-[X] Djinn Order of Stormweavers (Stormcasters) - agreed in principle, but need to free up a Master to visit beforehand - unknown when available.
-[X] Shaitan War Academy (Warmages, Diviners, Officers, and Engineers) - tentative agreement, bureaucracy needs to be pushed through to start the exchange - either visit the Shaitan leader or send diplomatic envoy throughout several months.
-[X] Shaitan Guild of Shapers (Magewrights) - accepted student exchange.

[X] Have Bloodraven!Varys get all of the Dragonbone outside of the Red Keep and into our possession and replaced with fleshforged fakes so that they can't be ritually used against the resurrected dragons.

[X] On-screen show of efforts against poverty in The Empire.
-[X] Efforts already available in SD - as a general policy kept in mind - are being spread everywhere we can:
--[X] We provide the basics to the needy (food, housing).
--[X] We have a job board for job seekers and employers looking to make job offers more visible.
--[X] We provide various forms of education for children and criminals (reading and writing, a trade skill).
--[X] We run massive businesses and government services that employ people.
-[X] Further ways we can fight poverty:
--[X] Get the Iron Bank to do microcredit (possibly backed by Divination?) or facilitate investor/entrepreneur links.
--[X] Have a vote on how to stop rampant magitech from crashing huge swathes of our economy.

[X] The Faceless Men that left Braavos - and the territory of your Empire - are unlikely to remain civil about practicing their rites with your Empire actively expanding its borders, and leaving them little place to do so. Eventually, they'll have to be dealt with, one way or another.
-[X] Have Inquisition cross-reference cases of Assassinations/"peaceful deaths" that match the patterns of Faceless Men, and work even more closely with House of Mirrors, the Zomok Seer, and even the Divination-capable Companions on free time, if needs be, to find such events outside the Empire's borders.
-[X] Look for a way to contact the "exiles" under the false persona of Liu of Qarth - under the pretenses of relaying to them the research of the tablet you completed.

[X] Grow and assign to teaching in Braavosi Scholarum Branch 32 caster-template Advanced Leshys.

[X] Attempt to summon the familiar Fiend of the Efreeti Sorcerer, one that overtook it's master's empty body and ran from you in Valyria.
-[X] Utilise both it's True Name, and the remaining connection of Efreeti's soul (now a book) to the body (using Yss' curse-staff to pierce the Mindblank/summon effectively)
-[X] To be attempted around the start of the 11th month.

[X] Proceed with the binding of several Valyrian dragons:
-[X] Meleys the Red Queen - Zherys, Malarys, or Ceria depending on the desires of the three.
-[X] Caraxes the Blood Wyrm - Zherys, Malarys, or Ceria depending on the desires of the three.

[X] Dany's birthday is coming up this month. You haven't made a habit of missing them, and you're not going to start that now.

[X] Have Vee, Lya and Dany help Selyse Drekelis, and give all necessary support to give birth to Garin's child(ren?)

[X] Make a massive order of Flesh-crafted and Plantforged creatures (needs a vote and discussion)

[X] Do acts necessary to gain the help of the remaining deities you planned to use against Tiamat (6 total, Yss already contributed):
-[X] Goddess of The Silver Moon (use up the Favor)
-[X] Merling King (Sacrifice: Greater Mind Devourer, +more).
-[X] Jazzirian
-[X] Weeping Lady of Lys (use up the Favor - needs to be met first)
-[X] Old Gods

[X] Ascertain the reliability and the trustworthiness of remaining high-standing mages of Mysterium (the Necromancer, The Fire Caller (Summoner ~7+ level), etc)
-[X] Ensure the gathering of the magical and non-magical lore gathered by Mysterium as per regular Scholarum rules, as well as swift integration of the existing system into one set by our Empire.

[X] Collect on the research done by Shaitan Spire of Wisdom, as a first joint research project between your Empires.
-[X] A possibility exists of starting on a new, much more massive joint project - but the price for exotic and difficult research would be equally exotic lore from our side (Runecrafting, Qyuburn's Undeath research, Saena's draconic fleshcrafting works, etc...)

[X] Collaborate with Extraplanar Empires in order to further joint understanding of various subjects, magic and common (military) alike:
-[X] Accept the offer from Djinn Order of Cryomancers to hold lectures in Sorcerer's Deep, paying fairly for the privilege of course.
-[X] Collect on the lore necessary for training Djinn Auxiliaries (Mystic Rangers) the Captain of Sultan's Bows offered unilaterally but paying fairly for the privilege.

[X] Have Lya transcribe Battlemagic Perception spell for the Jinn Archmage that helped us against the Efreeti expedition into Valyria.

[X] The collection of lore you gathered is vast indeed... And it's about the time those far from matters supernatural started to profit from it.
-[X] Share the lore and books from your Library with your Vassals and loyal Westerosi lords.
--[X] Share the following:
--[X] Canticle of Decay (Daemons)
--[X] Journals of the Betrayed (Others)
--[X] In Memory of Death (Undead and Vampires specifically)
--[X] Reign of Madness (Illithids)
--[X] The Bitter Cub (Undead)
--[X] Bestiary of the Bizarre (Magical animals)
--[X] Notes on Devils, Fey, Demons, Rakshasa, and other assorted beasties (roughly equal in bonus to Canticle of Decay)
-[X] Make it clear for the Westerosi lords, that not only are they to supply their troubleshooters with this knowledge, but to learn it themselves. In this day and age, nothing less can be asked from a person in power than to know how to recognize the signs of dangers lurking near them.

[X] Visit Armun Kelisk and Opaljne Vault, searching for any mercenaries, crafters, or teachers who might be willing to join our service.

[X] Collaborate with Extraplanar Empires in order to further joint understanding of various subjects, magic and common (military) alike:
-[X] Attempt to set up students' exchange with Shaitan Academy of War (Warmages, Diviners, Officers, and Engineers), and the Guild of Shapers (Magewrights).
-[X] Attempt to set up students' exchange with Djinn Order of Arcane Seal (Abjurant Champions) and Order of Stormweavers (Stormcasters).
--[X] Both Djinn and Shaitan establishments will possibly require specific arguments - if any arise, refer from Diplomacy corps to Viserys directly for hashing out an exact deal.

[X] The lore Lya uncovered within the Light of Creation is truly fascinating... and opens many magnificent possibilities. Still, the first order of business should probably be seeking out similar sources, now knowing what to look for:
-[X] Question the Merling King, perhaps through one of his daughters, if he has such knowledge, and what price would he ask for in return for it.

[X] When visiting Armun Kelisk and Opaline Vault for wares, try to find rare resources:
-[X] Entangle Weed
-[X] Livewood
-[X] Obaddis Leaf
-[X] Cassil
-[X] Djezet
-[X] Voidglass
-[X] Mindglass
-[X] Obdurium
-[X] Serren
-[X] Pearlsteel
--[X] Creatures (bodies are acceptable):
---[X] Roseling
---[X] Strangle Weed
---[X] Cassian Angels
---[X] Choral Angel

[X] Curse the 2 knowledge-keepers of Asmodeus you summoned last month to the same form their wretched cousin from Summerhall resides in.
-[X] Have them thoroughly investigated for anything that can help the group sent to Slavers' Bay, immediately notifying them if any relevant information comes to light - but also keeping an eye out for any other plots of Fiends they may reveal.
-[X] To be done at the start of 11th month

[X] Thoroughly question the Gelugons and the Cornugon of Asmodeus summoned and captured last month.
-[X] Any and all information relevant to the task of the group in Slavers Bay is to be relayed to them immediately- but also search for knowledge of powerful magics, rare resources, or nefarious plots unconnected to Slavers Bay.
-[X] To be done at the start of the 11th month.

[X] With the help of Yss, attempt to summon the Advodaza that once slew Thoros and tried to corrupt Westeros through works of Alchemist Guild.
-[X] Have Yss look back into time to the connection Advodaza's summoning amulet once had (6 in 9 chances of succeeding).
-[X] If successful, commence summoning in The Snare, no matter if dead or captured, this thing cannot be allowed to spread it's influence again, as it without a doubt will try.
-[X] To be attempted around the start of the 11th month.

[X] Ask Jazzirian if he would be able to cleanse the corrupted Rose's of Heaven without changing them closer to his nature - like we assume every god would naturally as a part of the process.

[X] Set up a meeting with either a powerful enough servant or manifestation of Weeping Lady of Lys' power.
-[X] Ask for help against Tiamat, via the empowerment of Well of Souls.

[X] Visit Red Priests of Volantis.
-[X] Get the rest of the lore they have, as per Scholarum rules.

[X] Attempt to come in direct contact with R'hlor, seeking out a presence once met before - or inquiring Melisande/Benerro about setting such a meeting up.
-[X] You have questions to him, and a possibility of an alliance (at the moment - mainly against Tiamat, with R'hlor possibly empowering Well of Souls alongside other Gods of the realm - if we can trust him with this, that is) between you exists, but trusting mere priests' word on the matter as delicate as this simply won't do.

[X] Raise Heart Trees:
-[X] Healing Heart Tree (Panacea, Heart's Ease, Healing Warmth) in:
--[X] Stepstones:
---[X] Western Disputed Lands
---[X] Southern Disputed Lands
---[X] Northern Disputed Lands
---[X] The Daughters March
---[X] Eastern Flatlands
--[X] Greater Pentos:
---[X] Western Flatlands
---[X] Velvet Hills
---[X] Nontelos
--[X] Greater Braavos:
---[X] Sweetwater
---[X] Morrogos
---[X] Braavosi Coast
--[X] Greater Volantis:
---[X] Volantis
---[X] Volon Therys
---[X] Orange Shore
---[X] Valysar
---[X] Eastern Disputed Lands
---[X] Selhorys
---[X] Volon Sar
--[X] Northern Valyria:
---[X] Painted Mountains
-[X] Tree of Crows (Positive Energy Aura, Ancestral Gift, Summon Ancestral Guardian) in:
--[X] Nightfort (castle of Nightwatch)
--[X] The Shadow Tower (castle of Nightwatch)
-[X] Philosopher's Heart Tree (Discern Lies, Tongues, Wisdom of the Ages) in:
--[X] Naath (Scholarum branch)
--[X] Tyrosh (Scholarum branch)
--[X] Mantarys (Scholarum branch)
--[X] Volantis (Mysterium/Scholarum branch)
--[X] Tolos (Scholarum branch)
-[X] Total: 26 Tier-3 Hear Trees, the equivalent of 520 CL of items or 1404 HD of sacrifices necessary.

[X] It is long past the time to meet and deal with Faceless Men of Braavos.

-[X] They are a part of the realm now - and so as they fall under the laws of Scholarum, they shall submit all the lore they have.
--[X] Ensure all the lore of Faceless Men is submitted to review.
--[X] Trade for artifacts and/or magic items, if they possess any.
-[X] And while we are at it... Their organization shall either have a tight set of limits on what they can do within the confines of your Empire - or have no place in it at all. We cannot afford the unaffiliated cult of Assasins running around.
--[X] Talk to the leadership of the Faceless Men, and try to find a middle ground - we'd waste far too much time purging them, after all, and there will always be better targets to turn their ire towards, than mere mortal men.

[X] If at all possible, attempt to set up a personal meeting with the Traitor-General of Yi-Ti.
-[X] General purpose: raising awareness on the matters of Golden Company, Illithids, Devils, Bloodstone Emperor acting actively and Long Night coming - ensure that he sees the true dangers to his people - and doesn't interfere with our coming war with Golden Company.

[X] Make sure to take some time to look over the marriage law and the inheritance-related laws of the Emperium.

[X] Have a personal meeting with the Chosen of Smith.
-[X] Extensively divine irregular points of interest about him and his works - just in case, since one favored by Smith can prepare far more of a trap than a regular cleric.
--[X] Check his supply routes, from where he gets the materials for enchanting - and the people he interacts with along the way, including those he gives the items to, and who gave him the order of Dragon-slaying weaponry. Such spell as Hindsight may come especially in handy if he interacted with someone protected by Mindblank, giving us at least a clue to investigate.
--[X] With Chosen of Crone having been helping him, also try to affect the same general points about her and сompany she keeps.
---[X] Learn the interests and priorities of Chosen of Crone, the people they keep company with - a usual thorough investigation in search of clues for a possible trap.
-[X] If no suspicious activity is detected via divination, meet with him - the focus of the meeting is to set up at least mild relationship with the Chosen, and ensuring he focuses on bigger threats to people of Westeros than us.
--[X] Sharing with him our wast array of Lore on Enemies of All (Devils, Demons, Daemons, Others, Illithid, Fey, Rakshasa, Tiamat, etc.-) is a big aspect of this. There is also the potential of directly sponsoring him (see: Warrior's Chosen) if all goes well...

[X] Have Divinations run targeting Denys Mallery - ensuring his safety wherever his father decides to send him.
-[X] It might be a good idea to visit him as the cleric of the Earth Mother in person (be it in reality or but a dream) - in the light of the deal you set up with the Storm God, he is your best chance at reaching his patron... And, perhaps, ensuring that her blessings spread far and wide, ensuring both her and your realm's prosperity.

[X] By sending people to look into Tiamat's Shadow Fortress, you are no doubt setting a very difficult task before them - even if they aren't there to actually get in, but just to learn the plans and a quick way to enter later.
-[X] At the start of the 11th month, ask Undead of Sallosh to assists Melisande, Shadow!Tor and Anu in their task, if only because one of the guarding measures seem to be engaged Undead of their long-lost nation.

[X] Have a report on activities of Court of Stars, and the progress on the task we left him on, by Candlekeep Courtier.

[X] Check the Lys' Flesh-forge's Feywild reflection.
-[X] If possible, have it brought under Imperial supervision and protection, given a possibility of it being able to repeat the feats of Mossforge - but from a whole new angle, so fitting the Feywild it resides in.
--[X] If the situation "on land" proves to be in any way volatile, contact Viserys.

[X] Use Discern Location, Greater Scrying, and Greater Teleport to find and deal with the Wisps that you encountered so long ago in swamps of Braavos... One way, or another.
-[X] It'll be a very short trip for someone of Viserys' power these days unless the Wisps take care to reside in local Feywild.

[X] Ask Siduri for True Names of Devils serving Dispater. Having saved Zathir, and taken Siduri's oath, you all but ensured your eventual enmity. Once he openly makes a move against you, you will have just as little left to lose with him, as you do with Mammon.
--[X] Take care to learn the names of Devils most likely to operate on Plane of Balance, or otherwise hurting our interest, via divination and interference with other sources (Uniila, Erynies, other captives), and target them first if a move is made against you. Continue operations as standard from there, with the questioning of captured Devils leading further into dismantling their operating cells to a maximally available degree.
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@Duesal, as a sidetrack, do you want to send people over to search for Prime Material griffins?
Bloodraven did tell us we might find some near Griffin's Roost.
We've already got Dalla keeping an eye out. @DragonParadox will need to confirm.
  1. OK then vote closed on all counts.
  2. True names today or tomorrow
@DragonParadox, will we get a shot at bookifying the Uniilas and interrogating the other Asmodeus servants as part of getting the True Names?
@DragonParadox, will we get a shot at bookifying the Uniilas and interrogating the other Asmodeus servants as part of getting the True Names?
That would be the gist of it, yes.
Since we got them last month, we will be questioning them in the background this month - and summoning whoever's they know during 12th month.

I was asking DP for names from Mammon's devils and the names on Azatas and Efreeti we got out of our kills during Valyrian raid
Here comes another eight hour drive. Hopefully the dog won't puke any this time.

Family vacations suck. So glad it's almost over.
When did we capture any Slaads by the way?
Really can't remember.
Iirc, those are the ones we summoned after questioning those Tiamat sent after us - as such making these kinda tiny bit bound to her..?

I just generally assumed that sacrifices with connection to her, however tiny, would be better.

I could be wrong in calling them slaads tho, can't check Larder atm, sorry if I am.
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Iirc, those are the ones we summoned after questioning those Tiamat sent after us - as such making these kinda tiny bit bound to her..?

I just generally assumed that sacrifices with connection to her, however tiny, would be better.

I could be wrong in calling them slaads tho, can't check Larder atm, sorry if I am.
Tiamat's Outsider-minions are Abishai.

Slaad are Chaotic Neutral assholes that mostly live in Limbo.