Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
As it so happens, we do have a pretty divine propaganda machine waiting in the wings. If we go double or nothing with the Protector, we'd have a good chance of really dealing some grievous blows against the negative perception of wizards.
Stirlandian Peasant/Ulrican 1: I suddenly feel grateful for a wizard.
Stirlandian Peasant/Ulrican 2: Damned Wizards. That's the sixth time this month. Always going around, doing good and tryin' to pretend they're not daemon possessed monsters. Can't trust em.
vote tally for mathilde's upcoming future with the dorfs around her
Adhoc vote count started by Derpmind on Sep 30, 2019 at 11:57 PM, finished with 415 posts and 154 votes.
Scouting has a five vote lead on Friend Visiting, which is much closer than the last tally's lead. The Shrine and the King's Armory look to be pretty set.
Being a court wizard would likely also put us in charge of other wizards living in the kingdom. That means people we can pressure to write our stuff for us!
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[x] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
[X] You've been out of touch for a while. Linger in Altdorf after you visit the College and catch up with what's been happening in the Empire.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.

I absolutely want to remain in Eight Peaks, though it would be nice to pop back into the empire for a bit. Revisit our friends, check around recent events, etc.
[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
The Head Ranger position feels like being put in charge of thousands of dwarves in a mildly different profession than us, all of whom are more familiar with their traditional job than we are. Awkward, and I'd be compelled to spend a lot of actions on learning the dwarf ranger arts to make up for our perceived flaws.

Steward will leave us constantly spending action slots on things we don't want to do, but also force us to regularly interact with numerous other humans and thus is our best chance for finding love. The other positions don't involve a lot of associating with eligible human men. Also we would have the BIGGEST loophole for essentially unlimited funds from now until forever, since we'd be managing dwarfhold-level finances.

Court Wizard is a fun title and the general lack of familiarity with what wizards do beyond "counterspell things and murder people, from what I recall of the campaign" will leave us with a very wide remit and the ability to make our personal investigations and self-improvement count as work, which is great. And if we're called on to counterspell things and murder people, well, we can do that. Also puts us in a good position to regularly visit the Colleges and talk to them about wizardly things, or bother them to send more wizards to dwarfland.

As an alternate radical option, King Belegar could give us a Court Assassin post, scandalizing the Karaz Ankor as much as the Court Wizard position does, but being able to counter their objections at how undwarfly it is by pointing to the ever-growing pile of skulls from greenskin and skaven heroes that Mathilde brings back on a weekly basis like an eager cat returning home with savaged animal corpses.
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I just worry that as a Court Wizard we'd end up spending all our actions shut up inside our tower unlocking the secrets of the universe, and I want to hang out with dwarves
It's kind of odd to name a Sword based on where we got the "funds" to pay for it.
Our sword "Lots o' Dead Orks" is gonna be something special
One thing I keep seeing being brought up: 10 favors is, in no way, shape or form a Runefang.

It's "about ten points in the dwarf army book", which has a bunch of runes with associated costs.

10 favors is the best someone not named Kragg or Thorek can do, and it neatly covers most (but not all) default rune combinations on the army book. So it's "a very nice, but standard, weapon".

More favors means seeing things like a single rune with a double or triple stack effect, or runes that aren't even technically suppose do on go that kind of item, like on our belt.
It's kind of odd to name a Sword based on where we got the "funds" to pay for it. Better to let it get some feats first
Just following the trends of yesterday's post.

I'm now twenty four hours behind the thread... So, fourty fucking pages.
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One thing I keep seeing being brought up: 10 favors is, in no way, shape or form a Runefang.

It's "about ten points in the dwarf army book", which has a bunch of runes with associated costs.

10 favors is the best someone not named Kragg or Thorek can do, and it neatly covers most (but not all) default rune combinations on the army book. So it's "a very nice, but standard, weapon".
I'm not convinced a standard weapon for a Runed Warrior is very standard at all.
I just worry that as a Court Wizard we'd end up spending all our actions shut up inside our tower unlocking the secrets of the universe, and I want to hang out with dwarves
An understandable concern.

That said, I personally am not that interested in such, and not even the hero of the century could get away with giving a manling that sort of position and not seeing results that apply broadly as any advisory position should give.
[x] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
The uppermost chamber of Karag Nar was once beautiful, and enough of that shines through three thousand years of neglect that you can't look past it. A 360-degree view, a commanding position atop what will be the human quarter of the Karak, fully exposed to the sunrise and sunset so there's no shortage of Ulgu, and far enough up the stairs from the inhabited parts of the Karak that anyone approaching could trip any number of alarms, alerts and precautions before they're even able to knock on your door.
If we make these subtle enough we could even do the "Enter" trick without looking.
The bosspole is added to your growing collection of trophies, the Skaven skulls gathered up in a sack and delivered to the Halflings to be ground into bonemeal, and by the time you return to take care of the wyvern rib cage, Wolf has discovered it and is chewing on a rib that outweighs him with enthusiasm and vigour, unknowing or uncaring that all scraps of meat and marrow have long since rotted away.
Mathilde has a bosspole!

I'm assuming unimportant skaven probably don't have a significant warpstone charge, though bonemeal is likely being used as fertilizer, and the trace amounts are likely going to be completely trivial compared to the orc content.
Your haul in silver is another concern, but if it never leaves the Karaz Ankor then it never really breached the Vow of Poverty, right? You've got an established relationship with the Dwarves and part of that is engaging in fair pay for fair work, which is an important part of Dwarven culture. A Magister's tithe is 5%, and you put aside 184 of the silver ingots to be delivered to the Grey College at a later date.

Loopholes you could drive a squig gargant through.

Esbern and Seija return from Ulrikadrin in high spirits, having accounted for a Dragon Ogre between the two of them, and now each sports an armband of draconid talons.
Thats one way to demonstrate that they're now badass enough not to need handholding. With the demigryphs and live battle experience, they're not just dispel-capable-knights, and are full on Hero characters now.
[Amber insight: 49.]
[Jade insight: 77.]
[Gold insight: 97+10(Johann's notes)=107.]
[Grey insight: 52+10(Windreader)=62.]
[Dictating a paper: Learning, 76+20=96.]

The first matter is on Runecraft in general, and unsurprisingly it's Maximilian's insights and Johann's notes that do the heavy lifting, but Panoramia delivers a few details and even Esbern and Seija have something to say. You're not writing a paper yourself if you can at all help it, but you're more than able to boil down the observations into pertinent and potentially useful information and leave it in Maximilian's hands to be converted into a paper later.
Thats REALLY good work on the runecraft. Everyone saw something cool, but I guess Johann did his thing to a couple of runecrafted items to add his impressions on the forging process
[Amber insight: 37.]
[Jade insight: 61.]
[Gold insight: 61+10(Johann's notes)=71.]
[Grey insight: 98+10(Windreader)=108.]
[Dictating a paper: Learning, 95+20=115.]

The Anvil is the next topic, and though you had a spectacular view, perhaps events on the ground were less conducive to careful academic study. The Journeyman's ground-level observations are each rudimentary, but each represents a tangent you're able to build upon and transform into a detailed description into how the power was unleashed, and are even able to make a few guesses into how it was manipulated. The matter of the bolstering of the Undumgi and the possible long-term effects is one you can only really speculate upon, but they're intriguing speculations. If only you could spend an hour with an Anvil... but you doubt there's any amount of assistance you could give to the Karaz Ankor that would make them okay with you spiriting away their deepest secrets to be spread amongst the Umgi. Quite happy with the matter, you move on.
Still, probably far far closer than any wizard got before to how it worked. Its a good paper.

A small step towards using constructed magical effects interacting with each other to produce tertiary effects greater than the sum of its parts?

Actually, I wonder if the runes might well be the dwarf method of performing High Magic effects. Coherent magic being literally hammered together to manifest effects is sort of like Qhyash if you squint.
[Amber insight: 91.]
[Jade insight: 71.]
[Gold insight: 62+10(Johann's notes)=72.]
[Grey insight: 1+10(Windreader)=11.]
[Dictating a paper: Learning, 27+20=47.]
[Amber dictating a paper?: 19.]
{Panoramia? 44.]
[Max? 16.]

Unfortunately, at the third and final topic, you flounder. Perhaps it's a side effect of your unique exposure to it, but any attempts for you to describe the flow of Waaagh energy fall flat, and you keep finding yourself reaching for words that don't exist. Esbern and Seija take the fore, perhaps more used to the crude and animalistic energies of the Waaagh because of their familiarity with Ghur. All you can do is sit back and watch as the Journeymen put their heads together and come up with page after page of notes, but no matter how you try, or how they try, there seems to be no way of sewing together all of these data points into a single cohesive whole. As the conversation begins to get heated you step in to adjourn the topic, and can only hope that Maximilian is able to perform a miracle with the raw material he's been given.
Looking at the rolls, basically everyone understands it. But cannot explain HOW they understand in written words. Especially Mathilde, who understood it bone deep but couldn't pry the words out no matter what(probably not helped by her keeping the possession secret)

Roight proper orky that.
[Amber insight: 99.]
[Grey insight: 71+10(Windreader)=81.]
[Writing a paper: 4+20-10(Practical)=14.]
[Dictating a paper: Learning, 44+20=64.]

Only yourself and Esbern and Seija have seen the Dragon Ogres, so you put your head down with them to try to collate what you've seen into a hypothesis, but it only takes a minute of scowling down at the empty sheet of paper before you call Maximilian back and offer him coauthor credit to take care of writing the bloody thing. With that taken care of, you're able to make quite a few observations of the effects of the volcanic lightning on the Dragon Ogres, and reach a number of speculative theories as to what more conventional lightning provides that the volcano doesn't.
Maxmilian is rapidly becoming Mathilde's favorite Journeymanling because he can banish the hell that is paper writing.

Submitted theory on Azyr and Dragon Ogres.
Might draw some some curious Celestial Order journeymen to the area in the future.

Which incidentally I wonder if our tower might wind up serving as a useful pitstop for journeymen seeking to explore or investigate the area.
[Writing a paper on Runes: Learning, 78+15=93.]
[Writing a paper on Anvils: Learning, 2+15=17.]
[Trying to salvage a paper on Anvils: 75+20-10(Practical)=85.]
[Writing a paper on Waaagh: 37-20=17.]
Writing a paper on Dragon Ogres: 82+15=97.]

When you next see Maximilian several days later, he's got quite a mixed bag of papers to share with you. "Observations on Runecraft Made During The Expedition To Karak Eight Peaks" is an eyebrow-raising page turner, at least to those who share your interest in the details of how magical energies can be gathered and manipulated, and you're delighted to be able to put your name on it as coauthor.
Quite the exciting read, especially for bored journeymen. Like, theres a quote on how the assembled dwarf rune warriors of Clan Angrund had to fight spaced out to avoid their runic gear interfering, how Kragg combined the runecraft of his hammer, anvil and prepared intermediaries to produce literally earthshattering effects, how it backlashed into the anvil(the hairline crack), how her own belt headbutted a shaman.

You could read it as an academic paper peppered with thrilling anecdotes! It'd be like Peter Port's class except not a snoozefest.
Unfortunately, "Deployment of an 'Anvil Of Doom' During The Battle Of Karag Nar" is an absolute wreck of a paper, and it's clear that Maximilian misunderstood several fundamental details and then built on them. With a wince and a sigh you resign yourself to academic writing once more, and you explain to Maximilian where he went wrong as you rewrite pretty much the entire paper from scratch. He's quickly able to grasp the corrections and by the time you've filled the margins with notes and corrections he's eager to throw himself back into the fray, and the second attempt on the paper is greatly improved for it.
Mathilde: "Can I keep him?"

Third, the paper on the Waaagh energy is as terrible as you had feared, and with your own understanding of it continuing to elude anything that can be expressed with Reikspiel, all you can do is consign it to the flames as Maximilian nods in solemn agreement. You've still got Esbern and Seija's notes, so perhaps you'll be able to return to the topic with a fresh perspective after some time has passed.
RIP this topic. Nobody could discuss it in anything but orky jargon
The final paper, "Dragon Ogres and Volcanic Lightning", is a return to the quality of the first, and you're very pleased with how it turned out and are more than happy to give Maximilian part of the credit. You're also quite relieved to be detailing information as to why this isn't a possible existential threat to the Empire, which is quite different to how papers of this sort usually go.
Mathilde: "This paper has challenged my understanding of how reality wants to fuck everyone over. It can sometimes try and fail without any assistance."
The Chiselwards is still a mushroom farm, albeit one under very heavy guard, as transforming the tunnels and chambers into residences is to wait until the spider issue is resolved. Each guard post has been reinforced with stone and cannon, and the report you receive from the currently on-shift commanding officer is concerning - constant observation, and probing attacks from the smaller spiders, while larger ones watch from out of range. This is a level of organization you wouldn't have expected from spiders, and from their frowns, Esbern and Seija think the same.
Spiders with strategy.

The bodies are dragged clear of the firing lines once the probes cease, and Esbern and Seija carefully study them, then begin to cut into them with obsidian knives as the curious Dwarf who followed you hastily returns back to his post.
Curious Dwarf: "What are the manlings doing?"
*Observes scene of spider dissection*
NoLongerCurious Dwarf: "Nope. Nope. Nope."
"Juvenile?" Esbern asks. "No, look at the exoskeletal layers. Continuous growth?"

Seija's concerning herself with the head. "Even for their size, the fangs are unusually large. And look - no autonomic envenoming reaction. Hunters, rather than trappers."

"They've clearly got silk glands. Has there been any webs?" You pass the question on to the guards, and receive a shake of the head. "But from what you said they had a range. They're not trappers, they're not wanderers. They coexist. Sub-social hunters?"

"Brain is small, but always is for bugs. It's distributed through the body."

"It's grown, right?" Esbern asks again, sitting back from the cut he'd made along the spider's abdomen. "Molt marks, developed hairs... maybe not its maximum size but this is an adult, isn't it?"

"Like you said, exoskeleton. Count the molt layers. It's an adult."

"Then why's the ovary underdeveloped? Not even that, it's completely undeveloped. Late-life maturity?"

"Not with this level of density. Check the others."

"Female, female, female..." Seija flips a final unstudied spider. "Female. All similar size, too."

"They're the same size. A litter? Did these all attack together?"
This is sounding a lot like Ant/Bee structure.

The Dwarf in charge is very determinedly not watching, but he hears the question. "They're today's probes from all of the fortified points. We drag them out to the Halflings on shift change."
Halflings apparently can recycle just about anything into fertilizer.

Esbern sighs. "Damn it. I hate hives."

"You hate anything that's not a mammal."

"It's a hive?" you interrupt.

"It's thinking like one," Seija confirms. "These ones are all the exact same size. For spiders, that means the same number of moltings, which means the same age. So siblings. If they attacked together they could be pack hunters, but they attacked different outposts. So either there's a lot that are the same age, or something about this birthing made them less valuable so they were sacrificed for information. On top of that, undeveloped ovaries is something you'd only see in adults if they were part of a hive with castes. These aren't breeders, so they don't develop the equipment for breeding. But if you want proof..." She stands and approaches the outpost, paying no attention to the Dwarves edging away from her. Ghur leaks from her fingertips, then lashes out at an observer far outside the torchlight. "Approach," she says, magic interlaced in her voice, but the creature remains impassive, staring back at her. "Groupmind. My spell doesn't work because the part that's doing the thinking isn't here."
...right, thats pretty scary for mind affecting spells too. The front lines would just shrug off the morale effects because even if the whole mind isn't immune theres not enough in reach to hit.

"Can you communicate with it?"

"There's a spell called The Talking Beast, but I've yet to learn it. I'll need to send to Altdorf for the scroll. If you could write an authorization-"

"Of course."

"And get the Dwarves to deliver the message on one of their spinnythings, I can get started on learning it. It being a hive means we've got more time than I expected - they'll minimize activity and they won't fight over who gets eaten."
Hmm, maybe toss a goat or two in every so often to make sure they don't starve out.

Pretty handy for a Journeyman to have a Magister on call to authorize such things nearby at least. We saved them an action slot hunting down their Master to sign off on it.
King Kazador, you discover, is a simple fellow. He likes fighting, ale, and his children. More than anyone he reminds you of Anton's father, Anton Senior, the Baron of Blutdorf. After you introduce yourself to him, he spends a while trying to figure out what your titles mean without giving up and asking, and then he finally latches on to the half-remembered fact that a Dame is a sort of land-owning Thane, and he slaps you on the back, extends an open invitation to join him in battling the greenskins, which is tied for songs and drinking as his favourite activity, and loudly laments that you were human, because otherwise he'd try to marry one of his innumerable sons off to you. Behind him, his eldest son, Prince Kazrik, is visibly mortified and looks like he wishes he could disappear up his own helmet.
RIP Kazrik. Embarassing parents never change.

"So, what sort of fellow is this Belegar then?" King Kazador asks. "Met him years back when he came to Karak Azul, which is no small feat. Or was, I suppose! Going to be easy as popping down to the Brewer's Guild for a barrel now, or so they tell me. Steamships up the Blood River, what will they think of next? But anyway, he came to Karak Azul and wanted a Throng to take the fight to here. Figured it was a fool's errand - maybe they don't keep track when they're wandering, but Karak Azul sure does, and from my count he's at least the tenth to try." With a grunt, he recocks his crossbow and slots into place a fresh bolt the Dwarf at his side had handed him. Just out of the light of the torches some of his Hammerers were carrying, goblins circled and tried to goad one another into being first to attack the intruders marching through their territory, and King Kazador's aim reducing their numbers by the minute certainly wasn't helping them find their courage. "More fool me, I suppose! We've heard of this 'Empire' of yours, but last time we walked the world your kind had barely started figuring out how to build huts in that overgrown valley. Didn't expect him to find a hundred thousand warriors, half manling and half from Holds that were barely mines when we last heard from them. What was I asking?"
And here we have a counterexample of Traditionalist Dwarf.
Who's traditional enough that he doesn't really need to be concerned about whether he's being traditional. He just Is.
"What sort of fellow Belegar is," you reply distractedly, your pistol tracking a particularly agile goblin who was scampering up a stalagmite with a knife in his teeth. With the clean crack of quality gunpowder igniting, he falls backwards with a squeal.

"Good shot."

"Thanks." You scan the darkness for your next target, your Magesight making it simple as emotion draws the Winds to them and tiny slivers of Waaagh energy, too dispersed to do anything but give the greenskins' locations away, crackles through the air.
Think thats our new trait at work, no numerical bonus for that but we just KNOW they're there on Windreader without needing to make a spot check unless they're acually magically sneaky.
"I've got people for that," he says. "But I suppose not everyone can be me. Sounds like my lad here." He slaps a hand down on Kazrik's shoulder. "He's a thinker, like his mother. Do you think Belegar'd get on with your sister?" Prince Kazrik mutters a distracted response, both hands firmly clutching his axe and focused more on the Goblins than his father's questions. "It sounds like that lass from whatdoyoucallit - Karak Izor? has had a head start. Still, I'd put money on my Kazrina any day. After all," he says, suddenly grinning. "Haven't ever heard of copper beating iron, have you?" Prince Kazrik groans at his father's joke, and you have to raise your pistol again to keep from rolling your eyes. Crack. "Good shot. Maybe there's something to this blackpowder business after all."
I'm missing a Khazalid pun here aren't I?
Also yes, guns are useful. Especially dwarf guns which rarely ever explode and take your hand off.
"I suppose the former Spymaster of Stirland would know such things." He carefully withdraws himself from the machinery, one hand holding his beard safely against his chest to keep it from getting tangled. "Got to be friendly with the High King, and nothing like sending your firstborn to make him feel comfortable. Nobody outright says hostages, but..." know, I'd think sending your innovative high flying crown prince over to Karas-A-Karak is both politically useful as a connection AND a statement of what you think Zhufbar stands for(and its not Traditional).
"I thought the Old Holds got along better than that."

"Hah!" he scowls and wipes his hands on a rag. "'The Old Holds', they say. We trace our Holds all the way back to the Golden Age, whereas the Young Holds only grew to prominence after the Time of Woes. So supposedly we're the template of what a 'proper' Dwarf is supposed to be. But if you actually look at those Holds, it's completely different. Barak Varr is as cosmopolitan as any city I've ever heard of, Karak Kadrin thrives on trade with Ostermark and Kislev - they just built a canal for the former - and my own Zhufbar is the cutting edge of invention and innovation. What does that leave? Karak Azul, who until literally this week nobody but Karaz-a-Karak had any contact with? As far as I can see, the only 'Old Hold' is Karaz-a-Karak, who are so very keen to tell everyone to get to dying so they can cross out Grudges that they can't see, or don't care, that the world is moving and it is going to leave us behind if we don't adapt. Thorgrim's better than some, but he only really cares about innovation if it's new ways of setting old scores."
So from my understanding the dwarf conservative spectrum is:
-Ideological conservatives - Thorgrim. They want it the old way because its the old way, and what they see of the world is that they're on their way out and probably should clean the mess up as much as they can. They believe in the image, and trappings of the traditional ideals.

-'True' Traditionalists - Kragg. They don't need to make showings of how traditional they are. They live it in their very lifestyles and treats new ideas as passing fads which might eventually pass the test of time to become old ideas. They believe in the maintenance, preservation, and restoration of past glories.

-Moderates - Generally still conservative by human standards, they are willing to use cannon, frown at the insufficiently tested things like guns and gyrocopters, and hold fast to traditions without embracing the image of traditions overly.

-Liberals - You got Karak Azul and friends here who're actively trying new thing, if still testing them in proper dwarfly fashion. Traditions remain important, but traditions aren't EVERYTHING.

As well as the authorization for Seija's spell scroll, you bundle up copies of your completed papers. The Grey College isn't quite as focused on academia as some, but it still pays to keep your name in people's minds, and a few fresh insights from the far south should help give people the idea that you're blossoming into a perfectly valid candidate for Lord Magister. You also assemble your cargo of 184 silver ingots to be tithed, which in total weigh almost as much as you do, and once more mentally repeat your rehearsed explanation to the Bursar. You also have to decide whether you'll be remaining here or returning to the Empire in the near future, as the Grey Order does like to be kept abreast of such things.
The Bursar's eyes are gonna pop.

[ ] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[ ] Return to the Empire, either to seek employ there or to return to your holdings in Stirland.

Easy choice here, we got friends here, we got people who need us here, and theres lots more study and glory to be had.

Or not much back home for a while yet.

[ ] Give them away...
- [ ] To the Amber College
- [ ] To the Imperial Zoo
[ ] Keep them to be hatched.

Slightly more difficult choice. I don't think they'd cost a lot of time here, we can have our Amberlings take care of it once they're done with the spiders.

Keeps them around a bit longer that way.
Wouldn't mind just sending them to the college though. AP hell is AP hell.

[ ] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with foreign relations, as a Spymaster focused on threats outside the Karak.

Hmm, I think that while this would be interesting, its of low urgency. Dwarf politics move like plate tectonics, and results speak for themselves a lot of the time. As long as we're avenging Grudges and reclaiming Holds we got time on this.

[ ] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a Spymaster focused on threats within the Karak.

Probably want to do this sometimes. Lots of gribblies in here.

[ ] Try to follow Johann, to see what he's getting up to.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a Spymaster focused on threats within the Karak.

I actually trust him to do things properly...but following Johann might involve "scouting" the Skaven too.
Thread doesn't like him much though.

[ ] Join Karak Azul as they raid and scout in force the other portions of the Karak.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with its reconquest, as a battlefield wizard.

Pass on battlefield wizard, but Karak Azul dudes are coolio.

[ ] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.

We need to build a shrine to him anyway, and while we still have some time the sooner we set it up the better it'd work as a tavern/casino/temple before competitors draw them away.

[ ] Though your future relationship with the spiders is still unknown, they do appear to be a new species and you do have a number of corpses available. Have Esbern and Seija help you autopsy the creatures for a paper.
This suggests a future of investigation and study at Karak Eight Peaks, and perhaps helping Johann poke at Skaven technology.

More Science!
Not super urgent I think, though the corpses won't keep, we'd see how the diplomacy turns out first.

[ ] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
This suggests a future catching up on your pre-existing study topics.

About time to fetch out stuff so we can start researching at the end of the epilogue instead of having them locked away.

[ ] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
This suggests a future in Stirland, whether Roswita likes it or not.

While I'm not quite going back to Stirland to stay its also been very long since we've seen them.

[ ] Make a full report on the geopolitical troubles among the Dwarven Empire, even though some of it was said to you in confidence.
This suggests a future performing an assignment the Grey Order thinks is suited to you.

I'd like to sit on this for a bit yet. Currently the SOLE likely human source of the information is us, so if the Grey Order starts acting on it...well its not hard to figure out who did it.
Sit on it, collect more information, and we can make the report in the future with better data points.

[ ] You've been out of touch for a while. Linger in Altdorf after you visit the College and catch up with what's been happening in the Empire.
This suggests a future seeking employment on the Council of an Elector Count.

Somewhat tempted, but we got a good gig.

[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.
[X] Keep them to be hatched.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends, and you'll be practically next door in Altdorf. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
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Does anyone have a bead on how many months have passed since leaving Stirland the last time? Curious about how much the niter factory has stocked up at 50g/turn.

And I really hope that any visits to Stirland involve leaving obviously-from-Mathilde flowers (or her flamberge as the last Greatsword of Abelhelm, I suppose) on his tomb as a nose-thumbing exercise toward Roswita.
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I just worry that as a Court Wizard we'd end up spending all our actions shut up inside our tower unlocking the secrets of the universe, and I want to hang out with dwarves
I don't think that's a big concern. The thread likes hanging out with dwarfs. Besides, Boney has lots of ways to poke us into action, if we were ever inclined to become a shut-in.
I'd like to vote for the Head Ranger position but I want to deal with both groups of threats.
And I'd not want to strip our good buddy Ulthar of his well deserved position. :)
Does anyone have a bead on how many months have passed since leaving Stirland the last time? Curious about how much the niter factory has stocked up at 50g/turn.
Less than one turn.
but we earned about... 150 years Niter profits in one night of drunken scheming/worship.

Ranaldvangelism is *very* lucrative.
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[X] Remain in Karak Eight Peaks, either in the employ of Belegar or pursuing your research.

[X] Give them away...
- [X] To the Amber College

[X] Speak with King Belegar and King Kazador about the relationships and apparent rifts between Dwarfholds.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Join Karak Azul as they raid and scout in force the other portions of the Karak.
One thing I keep seeing being brought up: 10 favors is, in no way, shape or form a Runefang.

It's "about ten points in the dwarf army book", which has a bunch of runes with associated costs.

10 favors is the best someone not named Kragg or Thorek can do, and it neatly covers most (but not all) default rune combinations on the army book. So it's "a very nice, but standard, weapon".

More favors means seeing things like a single rune wit's a double or triple stack effect, or runes that aren't even technically suppose do on go that kind of item, like on our belt.

Just following the trends of yesterday's post.

I'm now twenty four hours behind the thread... So, fourty fucking pages.

I spend a good 4 hours every day on commute and it's only barely able to keep up with this quest 😢

I don't know how Bonney does it
I'm assuming unimportant skaven probably don't have a significant warpstone charge, though bonemeal is likely being used as fertilizer, and the trace amounts are likely going to be completely trivial compared to the orc content.
At a guess, pretty much everywhere has a level of background charge. Or maybe it sublimates back into magic.
And I'd not want to strip our good buddy Ulthar of his well deserved position. :)
Will he stay? I hope so, but he's from another hold, and might return there.
Voting is open