Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 23, 2019 at 2:32 PM, finished with 37 posts and 11 votes.
[X] "Tell me true, my Lord--ordinarily I would offer counsel, but I feel I must know. Do you truly not wish to rule the lands of your birthright? More of my own right to rule I believe to be founded on my capability to rule where all in the realm know Baratheon to be unsuited, indolent even, refusing to take up the basic burdens or bare minimum of his duties to which he is obliged, much as the reason I refuse to resort to butchery and barbarism to impose my claim as many Lords might expect of a conquering king."
-[X] "So what manner of Lady would your mother make? What rule would she bring to these lands? What I have seen is that she has allowed your name to be run aground, even though this weakens her own right to rule as she derives her power through your claim, nearly allowed this treachery to take place, and opened up your Keep to internal dissent for petty reasons."
-[X] "Advice I can avail you to, tools and resources so that you might weather the storm, but one has to begin to try before one can start at any undertaking."
[X] However ill prepared he might be for the task, he was at last not cruel to the people of his fief nor even to Janna when she admitted having known about a plot to poison him. Offer counsel on how best to rule wile not losing the things that are important to him
-[X] The time of Lords ruling through fear and might of arms is near at an end, the realm will soon have need of Lords who are good administrators and well versed in the law, if that doesn't seem enough for him, there is might to be found in books as well, though that particular sort of training might have to wait.
-[X] However, the execution of the law is itself a test of character as much as a battle might be, he has a choice to make about a conspirator's fate, if he can do that he might yet regain his people's respect.