[X] "There are dozens of second and third sons by now who dabble in matters the commons would mutter over, and more for fear of the unknown than fear of what they've gotten into."
-[X] "Noble scions of Great Houses who's sons and daughters practice sorcery. We live in the South, aye, but what mutters of the South could effect Denys if he was sent, say, North, where they care little for baseless superstition, only what's practical and real? Wyman Manderly is a man of the Seven, a Lord from an honorable lineage, and he shelters mages in good standing himself."
-[X] "The Lannisters don't offer us anything, just a threat we must grin and bear with, only
must we? The Targaryen grows stronger in the east and he doesn't particularly fear the slander Tywin Lannister has been slinging far and wide as could be heard, and even if we did not raise the Dragon Banner when the time comes, if they have Denys in their hands by then they'll force
us to raise ours for Lions."
-[X] "Don't make us spill blood for the unworthy, and keeping Denys in Castamere will have that result one way or another. Call him back, or foster him somewhere that won't kill him for swords and gold and suspicion of what he
might do."
It's not what Edric wanted, but the implicit idea is that it would only be as long as Tywin Lannister means to threaten House Mallery and Viserys can't personally defend their reputation and lands from agitators. Meaning that Viserys implicitly
would do so even if Edric couldn't convince his father to side with the Dragons. Viserys can of course explain that to him
@DragonParadox but I didn't feel it added anything to the vote.