Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Kayleigh
-[X] "Y'know, you're my only friend not involved with cape life? I have no idea what that's like."
She needs more social points.
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According to the Youth Guard stuff Wildbow put out for PRT Quest, one of the first "punishments" the YG can put on a misbehaving PRT branch is restricting the Wards' on call schedules to just five days a week. Which raises the implication that even in cities where everything is on the level, the Wards may still be expected to be on base every day.
Looking over the PRT Quest it is actually worse then I you may first think. For starters we have the implied hours:
Wards are typically only available from four in the afternoon to midnight. Government agencies may levy fines or penalties should you regularly deny Wards their education or sleep.
4pm to 12am leaves essentially zero free time. School, in the US, generally starts at 8am so unless the Wards are teleporting from base to bed to school they aren't getting the recommended 8 hours sleep a night. On top of that school generally ends around 3pm to 3:30pm and depending upon traffic and other concerns to get to base by 4pm means heading straight there from school.

Basically a Ward's hours consist of:
Wake up -> school -> work -> sleep.​
that just isn't healthy. About the only release valve I see here is that there is no mention of weekends so the Wards hopefully have most of the weekend free to catch-up on lost sleep and social activities. Still very isolating though.

[X] Cassiel

I like Cassiel and she could make for a good Unison Device for Taylor, assuming we don't create a dedicated one for us, so socializing with her is a good idea. Besides I'd like to see that loosely associated tag cleared up to firmly associated.
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Though choice, really curious what Mini-Ziz is up to and she'll make a great if terrifying (for others) unison partner.

On the other hand deepening relations with Kayleigh and Laura is important as well. We discussen bringing them into the fold earlier and I agree with that discussion.

Going to go for Kayleigh on this one

[X] Kayleigh
4pm to 12am leaves essentially zero free time. School, in the US, generally starts at 8am so unless the Wards are teleporting from base to bed to school they aren't getting the recommended 8 hours sleep a night. On top of that school generally ends around 3pm to 3:30pm and depending upon traffic and other concerns to get to base by 4pm means heading straight there from school.

Basically a Ward's hours consist of:
Wake up -> school -> work -> sleep.that just isn't healthy. About the only release valve I see here is that there is no mention of weekends so the Wards hopefully have most of the weekend free to catch-up on lost sleep and social activities. Still very isolating though.
Mmhmm. Oh, and now you see why I said your earlier analysis of Vista's social isolation started off right then veered off. She's been socially isolated since she became Vista in the first place; she only just now realizes it.
Rough choice.... we've somehow technically socialized with Laura more (likely more on-screen), and I think it could be interesting to aim Kayleigh at Missy to see if she could provide any of the same help she's aimed at us (would Taylor be that self-aware?).... and admittedly, any vote to interact with her is a good thing with some of the past dislike among voters.

Buuut damn if i don't want to push interaction with Laura for my own shipping reasons xD. Hey Taylor, if you're making assumptions about her disinterest in beach-boys based on her dance partners..... hows that awareness doing? :V

[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.
@Racoras I like the cut of your jib.

[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.
[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.
Ooh, tough

On one hand, Kayleigh might push her shipping as part of her conversation with Taylor, and the last time we saw (on-screen) Laura denied being into girls, so she wouldn't steer the convo in that direction

On the other hand, Laura's advice on civvy/cape life balance could be really helpful for Missy (and Taylor!).

In the end, I'm picking
[x] Kayleigh
-[X] "Y'know, you're my only friend not involved with cape life? I have no idea what that's like."

1. Kayleigh introduced Taylor to Laura bc she thought they were similar in how they don't have an "off" switch. So Laura might not have good advice
2. Kayleigh is #1 shipper, if she doesn't at least suggest Taylor and Laura should spend some quality time together, I'll be disappointed.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really can't think of anyone in Taylor's life who isn't a cape, was met through caping, or a space wizard.
You now understand what it means to be a superpowered child soldier.
Prepare for glomping and headpats. Therapy is now mandatory.
This honestly might've been a realization that actually leads to her understanding Chevalier's side of things and staying in the Wards. That might not be a bad thing.

[X] Laura.
This honestly might've been a realization that actually leads to her understanding Chevalier's side of things and staying in the Wards. That might not be a bad thing.

[X] Laura.
On the other hand that might just perpetuate the situation, and all of her current non-cape social ties and activities are running through Calamity Witch...

Sure, she probably understands what's going on in Chevalier's head a bit better now, but that doesn't mean that she agrees with his response.

I'm also pretty sure that understanding isn't going to do anything about her frustration or resentments with him, at least short term, and teenagers did write the book on perpetuating pointless grudges over stupid stuff...
[X] Kayleigh

1. I actually really like her. She's just that right mix of quirky and selectively insightful for me.
2. I feel (partially because I think it would be hilariously awesome) that she's one of our better choices for recruiting a new templated mage. And easily the best fit for Extinction Knight amongst the people we know.
3. That talk with Missy has reinforced in me the belief that we need to hang out with "normal" people more. Even if we do hand her a template and she joins the team, Kayleigh seems like the type of person to not get changed by that to much. Taylor, despite not being a cape, has a background fitting of one (obviously), so in terms of mentality, she still falls closers to the cape side of things. Kayleigh, I feel, would stay in that "civilian" mindset. A mindset I think we (Taylor and Vista) need around frequently.
[X] Kayleigh

I agree we need to hang out more with normal people, and she is as close as we are going to get and be completely normal. Mossy is having a realization moment and needs to think, though she might come to us for advice later on, and Laura we can chat with tomorrow, Cass as well
"Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't figure something out, but not because it's hard or complicated? It's just that you were so stupid you couldn't see the answer staring you in the face?"

The first complicated situation that comes to mind is the fall of the Privateers, but you cannot see a simple answer to that even in hindsight.
Taylor was absent-mindendly petting Sam, who was lying on Taylor's lap in her raccoon form.

"It's sad Dad's team fell apart," Taylor said thoughtfully. "But I don't see how could I prevent it. They didn't consider me a part of the team, didn't respect me and my opinion. I couldn't do anything."

"You know," Sam raised her head and looked at her mistress, "if you had spent more time with them, joining their attacks on gangs or just hanging out with them, they would have respected you more."

Taylor looked at the raccoon incredulously. "What, you're telling me I should have talked with them? Communicate with them, socialize?"

Sam nodded and Taylor laughed, shooking her head. "Silly Sam, as if talking ever solved anything!"

According to the Youth Guard stuff Wildbow put out for PRT Quest, one of the first "punishments" the YG can put on a misbehaving PRT branch is restricting the Wards' on call schedules to just five days a week. Which raises the implication that even in cities where everything is on the level, the Wards may still be expected to be on base every day.
Looking over the PRT Quest it is actually worse then I you may first think. For starters we have the implied hours:
Wards are typically only available from four in the afternoon to midnight. Government agencies may levy fines or penalties should you regularly deny Wards their education or sleep.
4pm to 12am leaves essentially zero free time. School, in the US, generally starts at 8am so unless the Wards are teleporting from base to bed to school they aren't getting the recommended 8 hours sleep a night. On top of that school generally ends around 3pm to 3:30pm and depending upon traffic and other concerns to get to base by 4pm means heading straight there from school.
As far as I understand, 'Wards being available' doesn't mean they should spend 8 hours every day sitting at the base.
It means that if the PRT Director wants to assign a Ward to a patrol or some event, they should remember to schedule it for the afternoon or face the Youth Guard scrutiny.

Also, I'm pretty sure the Wards have only half of school day with the other half they supposedly spend on 'internship'.

So, while a Ward is available for 8 hours every day, on practice he spends, say, two hours patrolling with another two hours training every other day with some PR event every other week. All other time he's free to do what he wants.
But then we have problems with feeling of detachment from 'civilians' and maybe bad home situation, and so he spends most of his free time at the base, but hey, it's his own free choice, so it's okay, right? :whistle:

A thought about Vista and mutagens:

She'll want them, without doubt, but every one of them will give her a mutation. She would be able to claim that, for example, green hair is just a dye, but it will be more difficult to hide, say, a tail or claws.
So, to fully use mutagens, Missy needs to either ditch school and become Vista full-time (which she's already doing) or unmask (thankfully, she doesn't have a family or friends vulnerable to kidnapping).

[X] Cassiel