lemme be laaaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyy@TehChron There is a space on your social offense vote, behind the X. I don't know if it will be counted like that.
I would suggest spirit enhancement/training as the third keyword choice since a huge portion of Ling Qi's affectiveness is tied into her spirit arsenal, and also given her high Spirit Ken.
Seems like Li Suyin will be joining us in the Bao arc, and chances are, Qingling will too. Oooooh the potentials 🤩🤩Soon enough the gathering reached its end though and people began to take their leave. Ling Qi herself was among them. She had plans, and would probably be buried deep in the archive through the night, and then in the morning she had an appointment, the Bao scion who she was supposed to… get to know, would be arriving. Luckily he wanted to speak with Li Suyin as well, so she wouldn't have to awkwardly meet him alone.
I also gotta mention that I really had a feeling that there was gonna be a subcategory added in this update, and I was right! (although the category was a bit more complicating than I realized)Of course it's not gonna turn that Rank -2 to -1. Our group is composed of Eastern ES nobles, while that ES nobility rank speaks of ES nobles as a whole. I think should we succeed in the cooperation, there's gonna be another subcategory under ES rank added like "Easter nobility" or something like that and will put us in decent terms with them.