The Seeker is neither mindless nor something to feel sorry for, it's origins may be heinous but not it's existence.

I think it should be given the opportunity to be useful but even that is mostly projection on my part because it's quite happy standing still in a closet for the next 2000 years.

In the worst case if we did somehow manage to "Awaken" it when it already has intelligence we may be doing it a disservice, it's kinda like Awakening a centuries old gallows to live with the purpose it had been put to.

I wouldn't bet on this working out like the Adamantine Golem because that had "Int -" when directed by its masters, The Seeker had an intelligence the whole time.
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It does not have construct immunities anyway, it's a living being.
Bio Construct Traits: Bio-constructs possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry):
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immune to mind-affecting effects with the charm and compulsion descriptor.
+6 save bonus vs. morale effects.
Immunity to magical sleep and possession.
Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
Since it does not have a soul, a bio-construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
Am going off the front page. While such has lost most construct immunities, the mental ones largely remain.
@Crake, again, anything specific you would like to ask Bloodraven about, concerning Westeros?
Was there something about Kingsguard?
All my vote does, is leave DP with an inpunity to throw plot-hooks at us.

Edit: lacking a response, to sleeeeeeeep I go.
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So, with even the OGs thinking they should give up on the Trees north of the Wall, should we really try a conventional war against Winter?

I'm still very much in favor to go North with an oversized party and try to kill the Fey King or Queen behind this. Ultimatly the Others are just another Fey Court, no matter how twisted, so that has a reasonable chance of ending or at least seriously reducing the threat.
And it would cost infinitly less lifes and ressources than trying to hold lands against an endless tide of the dead.
If we can learn where the Others keep their portal(s) between Planetos and whatever realm they call home, there's a chance we could permanently sever the connection between the two. The last time the Others were defeated, they were beaten back then mostly corralled into the Land of Always Winter. The magic of the Wall keeps them from exiting their realm anywhere they wish and maybe even from opening further portals between it and Planetos. If we're lucky, there might only be a handful of such portals left intact.

Although we aren't likely to be able to amass the kind of power and armed forces used in previous wars against the Others, we will have options of our own that the Reds and the Heroes of the Dawn Age did not. We'll soon be capable of orbital bombardment. While we can't just bombard the entire area known as the Land of Always Winter, we don't exactly have to worry about collateral damage up there, either. Close the portal(s) and suddenly thinks are looking much more reasonable, as we'll only have to worry about the forces already present on Planetos.
If we can learn where the Others keep their portal(s) between Planetos and whatever realm they call home, there's a chance we could permanently sever the connection between the two. The last time the Others were defeated, they were beaten back then mostly corralled into the Land of Always Winter. The magic of the Wall keeps them from exiting their realm anywhere they wish and maybe even from opening further portals between it and Planetos. If we're lucky, there might only be a handful of such portals left intact.

Although we aren't likely to be able to amass the kind of power and armed forces used in previous wars against the Others, we will have options of our own that the Reds and the Heroes of the Dawn Age did not. We'll soon be capable of orbital bombardment. While we can't just bombard the entire area known as the Land of Always Winter, we don't exactly have to worry about collateral damage up there, either. Close the portal(s) and suddenly thinks are looking much more reasonable, as we'll only have to worry about the forces already present on Planetos.
We are not sure there are Portals.

It might be like Valyria, where the border between reality and other Planes is rather indistinct.
Although we aren't likely to be able to amass the kind of power and armed forces used in previous wars against the Others, we will have options of our own that the Reds and the Heroes of the Dawn Age did not. We'll soon be capable of orbital bombardment. While we can't just bombard the entire area known as the Land of Always Winter, we don't exactly have to worry about collateral damage up there, either. Close the portal(s) and suddenly thinks are looking much more reasonable, as we'll only have to worry about the forces already present on Planetos.
Only if these portals are not in the vicinity of the rip in heaven. There must be a reason the Other's still exist, and the Wall was build; it cannot be that easy to just do a commando raid and be finished.
There's some news related to what blocked two thread pages and killed the tally.

I think someone may have run the tally pointing back to an early quest threadmark and it couldn't handle the many 5500+ unique votes, so it's brain exploded.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 21, 2019 at 8:16 AM, finished with 102 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Ask about Boltons. Their house is said to go way, way back, and unsavory as some practices may be, you are more interested in knowing if you have to keep them and Old Gods away from each-other.
    [X] Ask about OGs ability to grow/create a vessel for a Wish/Miracle spell, not unlike the one Tiamat granted for Shadow Dragon... and how much would it cost/how long would it take.
    [X] Ask for his/OG's understanding on what would happen if:
    -[X] We attempt to sacrifice the king of the fey court. Would the Old Gods take control or would the court dissolve?
    -[X] We sacrifice a Lord of Hell to the Old Gods.
    [X] Ask OGs what other gods existed in the early age of man, other than the Storm Lord and Mother Earth.
    [X] Ask Bloodraven on the current state of affairs in Westeros - how things are going in King's Landing, Lannisters, Robert, reaction of the public to recent events, etc.
    -[X] Ask if he found any troublesome rumors about the rat-creatures we know to live beneath King's Landing. We left them in peace for now, since Inquisition had more important matters to attend to - but they are still an unknown element, and we wish to know if they are deserving of an immediate action.
    [X] Ask about the Giants that have been gathering aroudn the Fist of First Men - if he knows how close are they to deciding something, and what are they inclined to do exactly.
    [X] Duesal
Part MMMXVIII: What the Raven Hears
What the Raven Hears

Eighteenth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

"So weirwood trees cannot be grown in the soil of dreams. Can dreams be sown to grow upon the call of their bearers in the waking world?" you muse, thinking back to Tiamat's gift that had allowed you to untether the Shadow Tower from its foundations. Being able to bind and hold such power, to grant it out to those heading into peril would be of almost immeasurable worth, though if it could be done you know that it would be measured just the same, in blood or in treasure.

"Alas, Your Grace, such grand powers are not lightly bound even by the gods," Bloodraven replies. "Should there be need of magic beyond the bounds of invocations and limitations of form then you must set about the task yourself."

The realization that he knows what powers your dreams had unveiled is startling, but not unpleasant as it might have been hearing from another. "Did you see what I saw?" you ask curiously.

"I know only that it was a revaluation of fire as are many of the Dragon Dreams..." the Last Greenseer replies, the words trailing off in unspoken invitation.

Seeing no reason to hide what the dream had revealed you recount the tale of the Red God's birth in full together with what you had guessed about his nature, just as you had to Dany.

Soon enough however you leave talk of gods and powers behind, though not history. Ever since Malarys' revelation of ancient Bolton magics and taking the oath of the current lord of the Dreadford you wondered how deep those roots went and whence that knowledge ultimately springs.

"The Boltons are... older than the Starks, older perhaps than all the Houses of the North," Bloodraven speaks slowly, half his attention given over to listening for voices only he can hear. "The words upon their banners name them butchers, albeit diligent ones, but there is an older phrase that reveals more by far: 'a naked man has few secrets, a flayed man has none'. The secrets they sought in those elder days were not only common dross, words of crime or rebellion torn from bloody lips, but rather the secrets of sorcery, of necromancy taken from the servants of the Enemy. I cannot say much more for the Boltons of old did not discuss these matters before the Heart Trees and none of their sons and daughters became Greenseers, save the a pair of exiles spread out over the span of two hundred summers..." a painful rattling cough cuts him off. "My apologies, Your Grace, my time within the flesh puppet has made me forgetful of the limitations of my own body."

You wince inwardly, careful to keep your expression to one of neutral interest. Brynden Rivers is not a man to welcome pity over the choices he had made in life and the place they had led him.

Alas that you are not quite as skilled as you had thought. "I'm not dead, Your Grace, far better to know pain than to lay unfeeling in the dirt while worms gnaw at my innards."

"And glad I am that you are still here to offer counsel and aid, Lord Bloodraven," you say with simple sincerity that draws forth another brief smile. "Speaking of counsel, should we continue the Bolton practice of... discretion before the gods?"

"Where the practice of necromancy is concerned, yes," he replies.

"Did House Boltons keep to the gods the First Men brought with them across the sea longer than most then?" Dany asks after a moment. "Perhaps we can find something of Mother Earth still in their keeping, knowing or unknowing."

"No, they abandoned them as soon as most of their neighbors had, for you see there were three gods in those days of old: The Storm God, the Earth Mother, and the Ferryman who alone of all of them bridged the gulf of years."

"The Ferryman?" you ask intrigued.

"You know him and have offered up sacrifice before his altars. The Merling King he is named now, for the spirits of the seas and the fishermen who depended upon its bounty kept his faith alive."

"Speaking of sacrifice..." you trail off, unsure if the question you are about to ask does not sound overly ambitious even for you. "How grand a sacrifice can the Old Gods consume and how much of their authority do they gain there by? Should a Fey King or a Lord of Hell breathe his last before the Heart Tree for instance?"

The pale throne creaks as Bloodraven's head falls to the side, eye closed for a moment. "It depends upon the nature of the Fey King and his court, mighty spirits would be able to break any lingering connection by will alone, whereas those not aligned with the domains of the Old Gods will slip away as easily as oil and water separate. As for the devils I can offer only speculation, for no great Lord of Hell has ever spilled his heart's blood thus. So long as the being is not a true god, able to hear the thoughts of its faithful and grant their prayers, the sacrifice would be no different from any other, but should you somehow capture one of the Lords of the Nine I advise caution."

"That is not something you have to worry about, my lord, I have no plans top capture a god," you laugh.

"Think back to three years ago, Your Grace, would not the spirit you sacrificed in Gogossos have seemed like onto a god to you then?" Bloodraven replies. "Better to speak a warning and not need it, than to need it and never to have spoken it."

After that proclamation silence falls for a long moment, to be broken again by Dany. "What have you seen of the Houses of Westeros? How are they moving in the wake of the Hand's death?"

"The Usurper King has crawled deeper into the wine barrel, the Lannisters sink their claws ever deeper into the court and plan increasingly frantic appeals to the Faith that proves for the first time resistant to their blandishments. Of the lesser Houses, there are Crownlanders too 'honorable' to take Lannister bribes but not so much that they would keep to old oaths, reactions have been varied."

This time he deliberately pauses for breath. "Lady Milah Chelsted has been swift to assure the court of her continuing support by sending her cousin and heir to squire under Ser Richard Horpe of the Kingsguard. Lord Talbert Chyttering has been keeping his own counsel, though he did send his younger brother Elbert to Braavos and I very much doubt it is from a sudden love of Braavosi roast clams. Lord Goddar Farring has grown reclusive and suspicious, certain that the Hand has been assassinated, even banishing his maester from his lands. Rumors of madness abound..."

"He was assassinated," Dany snorts.

"But not in a way that can be proven, and most lords would rather believe it an accident than admit to how vulnerable they are," you state, making a mental note to see if the business with the maester had been more than simple paranoia. After all you have learned of them you would not be surprised to find some deeper treachery.

"Houses Rambton and Sunglass remain content in their faith for the future," Bloodraven finishes. "One might consider them part of the High Septon's faction at court."

About what you had expected, much as you disliked the man for the hand he had in both your exiles, Jon Arryn was one to inspire more loyalty than the likes of Tywin Lannister. Still, the opportunity awaits.

Lastly you ask of the giants and receive confirmation of what Maester Aemon had said, the moot approaches its end, relatively speaking. It will be done in a month, perhaps two.

What do you do next?

[] Ask more questions
-[] Write in

[] Leave
-[] Write in where to go

-[] Write in

OOC: Well here we are, it jumps around a lot, but I hope I got the connection points right to smooth it out at least somewhat.
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I'm rather glad the OG can't give us a bound up Wish, I would really prefer not to see what move the Others would get to make in return. If a resurrection is worth a frost dragon, what in God's name is a Wish worth?
@DragonParadox, what about this one?
-[X] Ask if he found any troublesome rumors about the rat-creatures we know to live beneath King's Landing. We left them in peace for now, since Inquisition had more important matters to attend to - but they are still an unknown element, and we wish to know if they are deserving of an immediate action.
and yes, sorry about making the vote a mess.
All questions were kinda disjoint, weren't they..?
I'm rather glad the OG can't give us a bound up Wish, I would really prefer not to see what move the Others would get to make in return. If a resurrection is worth a frost dragon, what in God's name is a Wish worth?
They can still give us wishes if we need them, we just have to make a Heart Tree, that has Wish as one of its spells, sure the price will probably be between 10 and 20 HD for each wish, but I don't think there's a limit, to what spells they can imbue Heart Trees with, it's just that the greater the spell the greater the price.
[X] Leave
-[X] With the truths revealed to you, there is is no more time to wait or be overly careful - Seek meeting with Gith - the forces of illithids upon Plane of Balance can be allowed no quarter - not with their empires spreading upon Broken Heavens itself.

From egoo's list.

Not a fan, personally, but we wanted to meet them, so now we should.
Since they already attacked our convoy it's open war anyway.
[X] Artemis1992
I think Yi-Ti group will manage for now. We'll meet their Emperor once they arrange things.
Okay, our check-ins are done. What's next on the agenda?

EDIT: Ah, Gith time!

[X] Artemis1992
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[X] Artemis

Let's go visit the lil' murderhobos that make most cults look tame in comparison. Happily, can perhaps divert the tendencies to common foes and even snag a monk or two!
So hard no on yi ti then?

Shaaaame. But that's fine.

Somebody make a note to look into the high septon eh? I realized we don't really know Jack about him.
Didn't we want to ask Blood raven about stuff going on with the Starks? Like what mages the have and general megical shenanigans? We were originally gonna ask Jon but DP said Bloodravne would be better.