Part MMMXVII: Of Root and Branch
Of Root and Branch

Eighteenth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

The cave under the hill is unchanged, black earth and pale roots, the sound of water rushing over stones in the chasm below, the soft songs of the Children echoing from some other chamber as they go about their tasks. They sound a touch less mournful than before, though less sure also. As you and Dany step closer to the Weirwood throne, you both politely take a bowl of goat's milk before taking your accustomed places upon benches shaped from the granite of the hill.

"Hail and well met, Your Grace, Your Highness," Bloodraven greets you both formally, though his bloodless lips twitch into a moment's smile when Dany answers with 'Uncle Brynden'. "If you want to know more on the matter we discussed last, I fear I must disappoint. I have not yet found any hints of how far diabolic corruption runs in Slaver's Bay. I fear it is somewhat akin to looking for soot upon a wall already painted black."

"It has only been two days," you note, surprised the matter had even been brought up.

"The passage of days is less relevant here." The words are spoken almost without inflection, but they still make you glad to have crafted the false Varys for reasons beyond its undeniable utility.

"Are there other places like this, ones that might be restored like the once petrified tree in the Stepstones?" Dany asks, glancing around the chamber with renewed interest.

"The Old Gods do not know of any such remnants, but then they did not recall the dead tree," the Last Greenseer replies. "The pain of losing a Heart Tree, particularly one that is old and strong is not something most of the Dreamers wish to recall."

"Speaking of loss..." you hesitate a moment, not entirely certain how to address the matter without seeming reproachful. "What did you and They plan for Heart Trees remaining beyond the Wall when Winter comes?"

"There never was much of a plan there, unfortunately. Even the most troublesome of the voices of the Gods are resigned to losing that which has grown in these lands, though with your plans to move the Heart Tree of Storm's End to some other place, perhaps there is hope for some of them at least to be moved. The others are to be destroyed before the Enemy may claim them," he replies, not unexpectedly.

Although Bloodraven's voice is calm and collected, the air in the chamber is heavy with unspent wrath. Yet even as the Old Gods had accepted Brynden Rivers to be their voice, you have no doubt they would cut off a branch, no matter how precious, to save the whole.

"Where would we move these trees to?" you ask, an old question rising in your thoughts. "So far we have planted godswoods where it would be convenient for men to reach them, but would it be of any use instead to plant them over Ley Line nexuses like the Weirwood Heart Trees of Lys and Gogossos?"

"It would be helpful, yes, though the existence of trees outside the major Ley Lines is just as important for safety, a thousand small anchors so that the destruction of one deep pivot does not cast the Green Dream into disarray."

"What if we planted a seed in the Dreamlands themselves?" Dany asks after a moment. "I could carry a seed there easily enough."

For the first time, Bloodraven falls silent and closes his eye, seeking answers among the voices of those who had come before him. At last his crimson eye opens once more. "It would not grow, sadly, no more than a sapling uprooted and planted upside-down would. The physical world reflects upon the Dream, not the reverse."

What do you ask next?

[] Write in

OOC: I put in a break point here because the questions in the minor action list jumps around a lot and I don't want to jam them together too much particularly this late.
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Depends on the system, really.

For example, SV has one of the best xianxia stories around: Forge of Destiny (also rewritten in story format) and its sequel, Threads of Destiny. It's fantastic for actually doing away with most of the nonsense that plagues the genre, and it's far, far tamer, even if it follows the trope of the radical, exponential escalation as you go through tiers of cultivation. White-level (the setting's highest tier) are walking gods, yes, but so is, say, a Solar, or a Mythic Pit Fiend, or a Great Wyrm of almost any variety.

Another good xianxia story is Savage Divinity, and it's also far saner and tamer than the usual dross.
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[X] Ask about Boltons. Their house is said to go way, way back, and unsavory as some practices may be, you are more interested in knowing if you have to keep them and Old Gods away from each-other.
[X] Ask about OGs ability to grow/create a vessel for a Wish/Miracle spell, not unlike the one Tiamat granted for Shadow Dragon... and how much would it cost/how long would it take.
[X] Ask for his/OG's understanding on what would happen if:
-[X] We attempt to sacrifice the king of the fey court. Would the Old Gods take control or would the court dissolve?
-[X] We sacrifice a Lord of Hell to the Old Gods.

[X] Ask OGs what other gods existed in the early age of man, other than the Storm Lord and Mother Earth.
[X] Ask Bloodraven on the current state of affairs in Westeros - how things are going in King's Landing, Lannisters, Robert, reaction of the public to recent events, etc.
-[X] Ask if he found any troublesome rumors about the rat-creatures we know to live beneath King's Landing. We left them in peace for now, since Inquisition had more important matters to attend to - but they are still an unknown element, and we wish to know if they are deserving of an immediate action.
[X] Ask about the Giants that have been gathering aroudn the Fist of First Men - if he knows how close are they to deciding something, and what are they inclined to do exactly.

The new color pallete leaves me in disarray when it comes to making pastel-based votes >_<
Re-learning would be annoying.

@Crake, @Duesal, any additions?
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Of Root and Branch

Eighteenth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

The cave under the hill is unchanged, black earth and pale roots, the sound of water rushing over stones in the chasm below, the soft songs of the Children echoing from some other chamber as they go about their tasks. They sound a touch less mournful than before, though less sure also. As you and Dany step closer to the weirwood throne, you both politely take a bowl of goat's milk before taking your accustomed places upon benches shaped from the granite of the hill.

"Hail and well met, Your Grace, Your Highness," Bloodraven greets you both formally, though his bloodless lips twitch into a moment's smile when Dany answers with 'uncle Brynden'. "If you want to know more on the matter we discussed last, I fear I must disappoint. I have not yet found any hints of how far diabolic corruption runs in Slaver's Bay. I fear it is somewhat akin to looking for soot upon a wall already painted black."

"It has only been two days," you note, surprised the matter had even been brought up.

"The passage of days is less relevant here," the words are spoken almost without inflection, but they still make you glad to have crafted the false Varys for reasons beyond its undeniable utility.

"Are there other places like this, ones that might be restored like the once petrified tree in the Stepstones?" Dany asks, glancing around the chamber with renewed interest.

"The Old Gods do not know of any such remnants, but then they did not recall the dead tree," the Last Greenseer replies. "The pain of losing a Heart Tree, particularly one that is old and strong is not something most of the Dreamers wish to recall."

"Speaking of loss..." you hesitate a moment, not entirely certain how to address the matter without seeming reproachful. "What did you and They plan for Heart Trees remaining beyond the Wall when winter comes?"

"There never was much of a plan there, unfortunately. Even the most troublesome of the voices of the Gods are resigned to losing that which has grown in these lands, though with your plans to move the Heart Tree of Storm's End to some other place, perhaps there is hope for some of them at least to be moved. The others are to be destroyed before the Enemy may claim them." he replies, not unexpectedly.

Although Bloodraven's voice is calm and collected, the air in the chamber is heavy with unspent wrath. Yet even as the Old Gods had accepted Brynden Rivers to be their voice, you have no doubt they would cut off a branch, no matter how precious, to save the whole.

"Where would we move these trees to?" you ask, an old question rising in your thoughts. "So far we have planted godswoods where it would be convenient for men to reach them, but would it be of any use instead to plant them over ley line nexuses like the trees of Lys and Gogossos?"

"It would be helpful, yes, though the existence of trees outside the major ley lines is just as important for safety, a thousand small anchors so that the destruction of one deep pivot does not cast the Green Dream into disarray."

"What if we planted a seed in the Dreamlands themselves?" Dany asks after a moment. "I could carry a seed there easily enough."

For the first time, Bloodraven falls silent and closes his eye, seeking answers among the voices of those who had come before him. At last his crimson eye opens once more. "It would not grow, sadly, no more than a sapling uprooted and planted upside-down would. The physical world reflects upon the Dream, not the reverse."

What do you ask next?

[] Write in

OOC: I put in a break point here because the questions in the minor action list jumps around a lot and I don't want to jam them together too much particularly this late.
Made a few edits to the chapter, DP.
Depends on the system, really.

For example, SV has one of the best xianxia stories around: Forge of Destiny (also rewritten in story format) and its sequel, Threads of Destiny. It's fantastic for actually doing away with most of the nonsense that plagues the genre, and it's far, far tamer, even if it follows the trope of the radical, exponential escalation as you go through tiers of cultivation. White-level (the setting's highest tier) are walking gods, yes, but so is, say, a Solar, or a Mythic Pit Fiend, or a Great Wyrm of almost any variety.

Another good xianxia story is Savage Divinity, and it's also far saner and tamer than the usual dross.

Yeah, me and @Duesal have followed Savage Divinity for a while now.
[X] Ask about Boltons. Their house is said to go way, way back, and unsavory as some practices may be, you are more interested in knowing if you have to keep them and Old Gods away from each-other.
[X] Ask about OGs ability to grow/create a vessel for a Wish spell, not unlike the one Tiamat granted for Shadow Dragon... and how much would it cost/how long would it take.
[X] Ask for his/OG's understanding on what would happen if:
-[X] We attempt to grow a Weirwood in the Dreamlands.
-[X] We attempt to sacrifice the king of the fey court. Would the Old Gods take control or would the court dissolve?
-[X] We sacrifice a Lord of Hell to the Old Gods.

[X] Ask OGs what other gods existed in the early age of man, other than the Storm Lord and Mother Earth.
[X] Ask Bloodraven on the current state of affairs in Westeros - how things are going in King's Landing, Lannisters, Robert, reaction of the public to recent events, etc.
-[X] Ask if he found any troublesome rumors about the rat-creatures we know to live beneath King's Landing. We left them in peace for now, since Inquisition had more important matters to attend to - but they are still an unknown element, and we wish to know if they are deserving of an immediate action.

The new color pallete leaves me in disarray when it comes to making pastel-based votes >_<
Re-learning would be annoying.

@Crake, @Duesal, any additions?
You can remove the question about Weirwoods in the Dreamlands since Dany already asked it. I would also remove the question about Wish receptacles. That's kinda out of left field at the moment.

[X] egoo
Well there goes the Dreamlands plan of giving them a new realm to play around with. Looks like we will have to carve a realm out there without any gods.
Looking into the Seeker now.
Yeah, me and @Duesal have followed Savage Divinity for a while now.
I think I recced it here a long while ago?

Reminds me to catch up, there was a Jorani chapter a short while ago that I stopped reading midway to do something, and haven't picked it up since.

I really love how Rain's blind stumbling reveals interesting aspects of the setting's metaphysics, I recall some great chapters exploring it back at the Wall.

On that note, @egoo didn't you rec a manga these days?
On that note, @egoo didn't you rec a manga these days?
Yeah, Beastars really got me hooked, but I really can't say it's anywhat close in genre to recommendations flying around the thread now :tongue:
Characters are just great imo, I've not read something that inspired me to sketch again for... 5 or 7 years now, give or take.
(it's also getting an anime adaptation in but October, and is a winner of multiple awards... But I can't really care for the latter, I just really liek the story and the characters :3 )
I would also remove the question about Wish receptacles. That's kinda out of left field at the moment.
Eh, I'm largely counting on DP to phrase it in a way that wouldn't feel much forced.
It's kinda important to know I think, just in case.
Having euqivalent of an XP-powered Miracle/Wish on hand can really change some shitty situations, and spending Viserys' XP is just... not really optimal, yes?
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[X] egoo

Bolton question seems quite strange to me, is it the undead thing?

Bloodraven, the OG chosen champion is basically a Lich.
When are we going to plant it on the plane of Earth or on the plane of Fire? Are the Old Gods excited by the prospect?
We should ask if he knows what the giants have decided and what he thinks is the best way to get them to agree to leave the north with us to another place in our empire. It's prob easiest to talk to them now when they are gathered together
We should ask if he knows what the giants have decided and what he thinks is the best way to get them to agree to leave the north with us to another place in our empire. It's prob easiest to talk to them now when they are gathered together
Added asking about Giants.
The Seeker

Medium Advanced Commando Bio-construct
Hit Dice:
14d12+70 (167 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft (average)
AC: 35 (+5 Dex, +12 natural, +8 Mwk Plate), touch 15, flat-footed 30
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+22
Attack (imbued +3 Keen VS Thinblade): Split Arm +25 (1d8+11/15-20 x2) or Fused Arm +25 (1d8+15/15-20 x2) or Tentacle +22 (paralysis)
Attack (VS Claws): Split Arm +24 (1d6+10/20 x2) or Fused Arm +25 (1d8+14/20 x2) or Tentacle +22 (paralysis)
Full Attack (imbued +3 Keen VS Thinblade): Split Arms +25/+25/+25/+25 (1d8+11/15-20 x2) or Fused Arms +25/+25 (1d8+15/15-20 x2) or Tentacle +22/+17/+12
Full Attack (VS Claws): Split Arms +24/+24/+24/+24 (1d8+10/20 x2) or Fused Arms +24/+24 (1d8+14/20 x2) or Tentacle +22/+17/+12
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks: Brutal Attack, Retaliatory Strike, magic disruption, paralysis, Sneak Attack 8d6,
Special Qualities: Bio-construct traits, DR 10/chaotic or good, arcane sight, arcane consumption, SR 26, vulnerability to chaos, Quad-weapon Arm Upgrade, Energized Alacrity, Tactical Awareness, Penetrating Strike
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +14
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +22, Listen +18, Move Silently +22, Spot +18, Tumble +22, Spellcraft +5, Knowledge (Arcana, Planes, Religion, Dungeoneering, Nature) +5
Skill Trick: Clarity of Vision (Benefit: As a swift action, you can attempt a DC 20 Spot check. If successful, you focus your vision so clearly that you can pinpoint the location of invisible creatures within 30 feet. This clarity lasts until the end of your turn.)
Feats: Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster, Mage Slayer, Darkstalker, Staggering Strike, Combat Reflexes, Telling Blow, Double-Hit, Law Devotion
Lawfully Neutral

Bio Construct Traits: Bio-constructs possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry):
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immune to mind-affecting effects with the charm and compulsion descriptor.
+6 save bonus vs. morale effects.
Immunity to magical sleep and possession.
Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
Since it does not have a soul, a bio-construct cannot be raised or resurrected.

Quad-Weapon Arm Upgrade: This upgrade grafts an additional pair of arms onto the Seeker. Instead of the bone sword and shield, each of his arms ends in a fully functional hand that possesses retractable Valyrian Steel Claws (1d6 + STR damage). Each of the four arms arm can hold a single, surgically grafted one-handed weapon of no larger than Medium size. As a Swift Action, the Seeker may extrude one or more of these weapons simultaneously. Claws and grafted weapons are all treated as Primary Natural Attacks, though an arm using an extruded weapon cannot also make a Claw attack.

As a Standard Action, the Seeker may fuse each pair of arms, or a single pair on a chosen side, in order to increase the power of its blows. Attacks made by a pair of fused arms deal increased damage (1.5 x STR).

Alternatively, the Seeker can use two arms or a fused pair in order to wield a shield more deftly. As part of a Full Attack Action, it can make a Shield Slam at its highest attack bonus with a -5 penalty without losing the shield bonus to AC.

Brutal Attacks (Ex)
When a commando construct makes two successful melee attacks against the same target in 1 round, its attacks either rend flesh or crush bones. This deals an additional amount of damage equal to the damage dealt by its highest-damage successful melee attack plus twice the commando construct's Strength modifier.

Retaliatory Strike (Ex)
Whenever an enemy makes a successful melee attack against a commando construct or an adjacent ally, the enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from the commando construct.

Energized Alacrity (Su)
Once per minute as a swift action, a commando construct can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached to its body. When doing so, the commando construct gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the commando construct can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunityas normal.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
A commando construct gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

Penetrating Strike (Ex): When flanking a creature normally immune to sneak attack, you still deal half your sneak attack dice in damage.

Magic Disruption (Su): Seekers feed upon magic. Merely touching or being touched by a seeker requires a spellcaster to make a concentration check (DC 15 + highest level prepared or spell slot available) or loose one memorized spell or daily allotment starting from highest level available.

Arcane Consumption (Su): Seekers automatically consume a portion of any continuous arcane effects of levels 0 to 2 that take place within 20 feet of them. Duration is reduced as follows:

Level 0: 25%
Level 1: 50%
Level 2: 75%

Spells of third level and above are exempt to this ability

Paralysis (Ex): An Seeker's tentacle has a paralytic slime that paralyses for 1d4+1 rounds (DC 21 Fort save).

Arcane Sight (Su): Seekers are always aware of magical auras within at 60 foot radius. Treat this as a continuously active detect magic spell.

Vulnerability to Chaos: Seekers are held together by the purely logical minds that drive them. As such they take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from spells with the chaotic descriptor or weapons with the anarchic special ability, regardless whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure. Spells with the chaotic descriptor ignore a seeker's spell resistance and the Magic Disruption special ability. Magic weapons with the Anarchic special ability are immune to its Magic Disruption special ability, as are intelligent weapons with a Chaotic alignment

Saves: Seekers receive a +4 racial bonus to Will saves. Spell Resistance: A seeker's spell resistance is equal to its Hit Dice + 12.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14): Dimension Door (at will); Greater Blink, Orb of Force 3/Day; Antimagic Field 1/Day

I think that's most of it.

@Goldfish needs gear. I'm assuming +3 Keen VS thinblades as starter imbued weapons, and didn't add anything extra as I don't know what can be immediatelly fitted. He really needs some mithral armor so he can fly.

@DragonParadox Some notes/questions:
- The idea here is that the Seeker gets (1+DEX mod) AoOs a turn, due Combat Reflexes, and every time he makes an attack of opportunity, he gets to hit twice due Double Hit. Every time someone successfully hits him, or someone adjacent, they trigger an AoO from him due Retaliatory Strike. That's the basic 'trick'.
- Brutal Attacks means that whenever he hits the same guy twice or more in the same round, he deals a bonus damage equal to the hardest hitting attack, plus STRx2. He is going to trigger it often, I suspect. Reminder that this would include crits and SA.
- Critical hits automatically add Sneak Attack damage, due Telling Blow (it's effectively another trigger for it, besides flanking/flatfooted/invisible)
- Rememeber that Greater Blink makes his attacks count as invisible for sneak attacks.
- Another SA trigger for him is that everyone is flatfooted until they act, and he not only always acts on the Surprise Round, but he can move his full speed + 30 ft and still full attack by triggering energized attack as a swift action, which he'd have even on the surprise round. So that's a great strategy for him, effectively giving him a 1/minute pseudo-pounce that he can conveniently trigger on a surprise round.
- Staggering Strike is something that will almost always trigger, as only enemies immune to precision damage can't suffer from it, it otherwise has no cost or limits to its activation. So keep it in mind.
- I assumed the Paralysis' DC was based on his CON mod + flat DC, as is usual to these things, to give its new DC.
- He has Darkstalker, maxed Hide/MS and high DEX. He is a fantastic Sneak.
- Can he get more uses out of Law Devotion? Normally clerics get to trade 3 uses of Turn Undead for an extra use of Law Devotion. If we give him a +6 CHA item, it'd give him just enough Charisma that, if he had TU, he could trigger it one additional time. Can we do it? I'm assuming he gets the full +7 from it from his CR/ECL, tho I don't mind him getting +5 and another use of it instead (and it even keeps things saner).
-- Incidentally, using a Swift action to trigger Law Devotion is the first or second thing he should do in combat (competing with Energized Attack).
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The Seeker

Medium Advanced Commando Bio-construct
Hit Dice:
14d12+70 (167 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares); fly 60 ft (average)
AC: 35 (+5 Dex, +12 natural, +8 Mwk Plate), touch 15, flat-footed 30
Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+22
Attack (imbued +3 Keen VS Thinblade): Split Arm +25 (1d8+11/15-20 x2) or Fused Arm +25 (1d8+15/15-20 x2) or Tentacle +22 (paralysis)
Attack (VS Claws): Split Arm +24 (1d6+10/20 x2) or Fused Arm +25 (1d8+14/20 x2) or Tentacle +22 (paralysis)
Full Attack (imbued +3 Keen VS Thinblade): Split Arms +25/+25/+25/+25 (1d8+11/15-20 x2) or Fused Arms +25/+25 (1d8+15/15-20 x2) or Tentacle +22/+17/+12
Full Attack (VS Claws): Split Arms +24/+24/+24/+24 (1d8+10/20 x2) or Fused Arms +24/+24 (1d8+14/20 x2) or Tentacle +22/+17/+12
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks: Brutal Attack, Retaliatory Strike, magic disruption, paralysis, Sneak Attack 8d6,
Special Qualities: Bio-construct traits, DR 10/chaotic or good, arcane sight, arcane consumption, SR 26, vulnerability to chaos, Quad-weapon Arm Upgrade, Energized Alacrity, Tactical Awareness, Penetrating Strike
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +14
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +22, Listen +18, Move Silently +22, Spot +18, Tumble +22, Spellcraft +5, Knowledge (Arcana, Planes, Religion, Dungeoneering, Nature) +5
Skill Trick: Clarity of Vision (Benefit: As a swift action, you can attempt a DC 20 Spot check. If successful, you focus your vision so clearly that you can pinpoint the location of invisible creatures within 30 feet. This clarity lasts until the end of your turn.)
Feats: Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster, Mage Slayer, Darkstalker, Staggering Strike, Combat Reflexes, Telling Blow, Double-Hit, Law Devotion
Lawfully Neutral

Bio Construct Traits: Bio-constructs possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry):
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Immune to mind-affecting effects with the charm and compulsion descriptor.
+6 save bonus vs. morale effects.
Immunity to magical sleep and possession.
Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
Since it does not have a soul, a bio-construct cannot be raised or resurrected.

Quad-Weapon Arm Upgrade: This upgrade grafts an additional pair of arms onto the Seeker. Instead of the bone sword and shield, each of his arms ends in a fully functional hand that possesses retractable Valyrian Steel Claws (1d6 + STR damage). Each of the four arms arm can hold a single, surgically grafted one-handed weapon of no larger than Medium size. As a Swift Action, the Seeker may extrude one or more of these weapons simultaneously. Claws and grafted weapons are all treated as Primary Natural Attacks, though an arm using an extruded weapon cannot also make a Claw attack.

As a Standard Action, the Seeker may fuse each pair of arms, or a single pair on a chosen side, in order to increase the power of its blows. Attacks made by a pair of fused arms deal increased damage (1.5 x STR).

Alternatively, the Seeker can use two arms or a fused pair in order to wield a shield more deftly. As part of a Full Attack Action, it can make a Shield Slam at its highest attack bonus with a -5 penalty without losing the shield bonus to AC.

Brutal Attacks (Ex)
When a commando construct makes two successful melee attacks against the same target in 1 round, its attacks either rend flesh or crush bones. This deals an additional amount of damage equal to the damage dealt by its highest-damage successful melee attack plus twice the commando construct's Strength modifier.

Retaliatory Strike (Ex)
Whenever an enemy makes a successful melee attack against a commando construct or an adjacent ally, the enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from the commando construct.

Energized Alacrity (Su)
Once per minute as a swift action, a commando construct can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached to its body. When doing so, the commando construct gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the commando construct can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunityas normal.

Tactical Awareness (Ex)
A commando construct gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks. Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

Penetrating Strike (Ex): When flanking a creature normally immune to sneak attack, you still deal half your sneak attack dice in damage.

Magic Disruption (Su): Seekers feed upon magic. Merely touching or being touched by a seeker requires a spellcaster to make a concentration check (DC 15 + highest level prepared or spell slot available) or loose one memorized spell or daily allotment starting from highest level available.

Arcane Consumption (Su): Seekers automatically consume a portion of any continuous arcane effects of levels 0 to 2 that take place within 20 feet of them. Duration is reduced as follows:

Level 0: 25%
Level 1: 50%
Level 2: 75%

Spells of third level and above are exempt to this ability

Paralysis (Ex): An Seeker's tentacle has a paralytic slime that paralyses for 1d4+1 rounds (DC 21 Fort save).

Arcane Sight (Su): Seekers are always aware of magical auras within at 60 foot radius. Treat this as a continuously active detect magic spell.

Vulnerability to Chaos: Seekers are held together by the purely logical minds that drive them. As such they take half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from spells with the chaotic descriptor or weapons with the anarchic special ability, regardless whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure. Spells with the chaotic descriptor ignore a seeker's spell resistance and the Magic Disruption special ability. Magic weapons with the Anarchic special ability are immune to its Magic Disruption special ability, as are intelligent weapons with a Chaotic alignment

Saves: Seekers receive a +4 racial bonus to Will saves. Spell Resistance: A seeker's spell resistance is equal to its Hit Dice + 12.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14): Dimension Door (at will); Greater Blink, Orb of Force 3/Day; Antimagic Field 1/Day

I think that's most of it.

@Goldfish needs gear. I'm assuming +3 Keen VS thinblades as starter imbued weapons, and didn't add anything extra as I don't know what can be immediatelly fitted.

@DragonParadox Some notes/questions:
- The idea here is that the Seeker gets (1+DEX mod) AoOs a turn, due Combat Reflexes, and every time he makes an attack of opportunity, he gets to hit twice due Double Hit. Every time someone successfully hits him, or someone adjacent, they trigger an AoO from him due Retaliatory Strike. That's the basic 'trick'.
- Brutal Attacks means that whenever he hits the same guy twice or more in the same round, he deals a bonus damage equal to the hardest hitting attack, plus STRx2. He is going to trigger it often, I suspect. Reminder that this would include crits and SA.
- Critical hits automatically add Sneak Attack damage, due Telling Blow (it's effectively another trigger for it, besides flanking/flatfooted/invisible)
- Rememeber that Greater Blink makes his attacks count as invisible for sneak attacks.
- Another SA trigger for him is that everyone is flatfooted until they act, and he not only always acts on the Surprise Round, but he can move his full speed + 30 ft and still full attack by triggering energized attack as a swift action, which he'd have even on the surprise round. So that's a great strategy for him, effectively giving him a 1/minute pseudo-pounce that he can conveniently trigger on a surprise round.
- Staggering Strike is something that will almost always trigger, as only enemies immune to precision damage can't suffer from it, it otherwise has no cost or limits to its activation. So keep it in mind.
- I assumed the Paralysis' DC was based on his CON mod + flat DC, as is usual to these things, to give its new DC.
- He has Darkstalker, maxed Hide/MS and high DEX. He is a fantastic Sneak.
- Can he get more uses out of Law Devotion? Normally clerics get to trade 3 uses of Turn Undead for an extra use of Law Devotion. If we give him a +6 CHA item, it'd give him just enough Charisma that, if he had TU, he could trigger it one additional time. Can we do it? I'm assuming he gets the full +7 from it from his CR/ECL.
Can you PM this to me? I'll pretty it up this weekend and apply the gear we're going to craft for it next month.

As for the +3 Keen VS Thinblades, what would you prefer over the Keen ability? We can craft it an On Command item of Keen Edge for just 2,700 IM.
Can you PM this to me? I'll pretty it up this weekend and apply the gear we're going to craft for it next month.

As for the +3 Keen VS Thinblades, what would you prefer over the Keen ability? We can craft it an On Command item of Keen Edge for just 2,700 IM.
I prefer to have them Keen already as crit-fishing it's a very important part of his strategy.