[X] Luo Zhong has invited you to join his clique on a hunt, it is an opportunity to learn more of the factions which divide the emerald seas
this should be 'she' since nobody else would need to say the line before aside from Ling Qi.
To be honest... I'm slightly surprised that more people aren't voting for the Luo SL option. All the options are tempting me, but it just feels to me that the Luo hunt option is of some import if we want to start actually making headway in the political mess we are in.
Man, the Cai haven't let me down yet.It still took another minute before he spoke again, looking down at the ground. "Some of the older folks still tell stories about the time she came down to the rootways," he finally said. "And I don't mean she sent a bunch of guards. She came in person. It terrified people. People disappeared in the thousands. It wasn't just thugs and smugglers either. Gramps said that of the whole ministry of trade, only him and a couple other junior clerks were left. Something like two thirds of the guards ended up with their heads on spikes over the barracks. Something like one in ten people got shipped off, and only maybe half of 'em showed back up in the army later."
Ling Qi's eyebrows climbed toward her hairline. "...I guess things got pretty chaotic after that."
"It didn't though," he said with a shrug. "Folks say she ran everything herself for years and it worked just as well as before. Things got better far as I can tell. I used to think things were just normal but… I've talked to people from other cities. Other cities don't have kitchens that'll serve you three meals a day and dorms full of beds to sleep in without asking for a coin. They don't get physicians coming through every other month to check up the wounded and the sick. There's a bunch of things that just… don't exist in other cities, so even if I didn't before..."
No-one's suggesting we're going to lose the option. That is not the concern. We have, however, been criticised for all our friends being foreigners. Going and actively reinforcing that by sending the message that, yes, we don't consider our fellow emerald sea nobles important is really not going to start us off on the best footing. Like, I would consider "Ling Qi makes some excuse to snub them" to be the worst scenario here. Alectai's "Luo is having difficulties" would be vastly preferable.@yrsillar Is the Luo hunting invite a time sensitive option or no? It all comes down to that, frankly--which options we'll have the chance to do again.
Edit: To fellow voters: would it really be so bad if we told Luo we'd like to come next month instead? I'd imagine LQ would say she's busy cultivating or something--which is a perfectly valid excuse. Surely Luo and his buddies would know how busy a cultivator's schedule can be? If they're really snubbed and retract the invite, I'd see that as a little oversensitive and unrealistic.