I'm sympathetic to
@yrsillar's surprise over our choices here, honestly. The sequence went a bit like this: voted to stick together with 3 underlings for scouting -> voted to investigate earth spirits and discovered weird otherwordly tainted region; moon sempai dumped some lore on similarities to Cloud Nomad founding myth -> voted to split off and scout to the south for barbarian activity near the border; saw some barbs and ranked up Steatlh -> voted to break off instead of tailing them.
It's a
little bit all over the place, and the coherent thread there was to follow... we snipped off before its end.
That's not to say we chose wrongly. We're being supervised, we were explicitly advised not to attempt to bite off more than we can chew, Ling Qi's ability to accurately gauge cloud nomad cultivation isn't, and there was ambiguity over whether the pursuit would violate a serious face sect rule re: the border. Since that didn't actually come up in her reasons to withdraw in this past update, I assume the "Imperial Borders" rule is more related to the inter-provincial borders(which makes sense since the Great Sects are direct arms of Imperial authority that not all provinces have assented to) than the external borders which have no relevant political body to complain about. Still, the concern was valid. More immediate concerns over our ability to stay concealed and performance if it came to a fight played a part too.
Nonetheless, our decisions lead to an awkward situation where all of the accumulating plot points were pointing in the one direction we ultimately decided not to travel. It's no surprise the narrative's inertia is spent.