[X] The Snake and the Spider(Bai Meizhen and Bao Qingling)
I am just super excited for the reactions to thunder dome 2 civil war. I can't wait!It's really fun going on Royal Road and reading the comments of people complaining that Ling Qi is going to be a pure support character
Jeez. Just thinking about that group is mean. That's almost an old school MMO party group comp; Meizhen tanking alongside Zhengui, Xiulan DPSing down the boss while Qi and Hanyi just eats the adds, and then Suyin providing support and more allies for Ling Qi to buff, while debuffing the enemy.You know what would be cool? Having Xiulan, Meizhen, and Suyin all in a single group for a group adventure. They are the three friends outside of our spirits who have four rank relationship with and I think it would be fascinating to do a trial or event with the three of them. Although, to be honest, I kind of figure that it would have to be a significant threat to impose some kind of risk to the four of them working together.