Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Wen Cao
Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Finally got my lazy ass to finish my drawing (it's been a while).

So for this one, now with Huang Da out of the way, it's time for a new secret admirer/stalker to arise. Introducing Wen Cao, professional illusionist, resident sadist. May we welcome him by offering him more Yan Renshus to torture.

So notice at the bottom of Wen there is a set of feet bigger than his? That's the red ogre (I know I suck at feet) he summoned during his fight in the omake. I added ripple effects at the bottom to give it a murky image.
I also decided to not ink the clones cause: 1) To make it clear that they are mirror images, 2) I want the art to be mainly focused on Wen Cao so I made the clones more ethereal (even I know Wen Cao is perfectly capable of making them look more solid than that)

Also need to mention that both Yan Renshu and Wen Cao are bald so I feel the need to distinguish the facial feature/structure a bit in order to not fall for same-face syndrome. Overdid the plant imagery just a tad though.

@yrsillar I'm back for more
Not as I recall it. In fact, in a way it was the opposite - ASA side started leaning towards "we can get ASA now, and then come back for FSA later". I remember because I was on the ASA side until that became endemic, at which point I switched to supporting FSA just so we wouldn't get two non-synergizing arts like that.
Not quite. It was that the FSA crowd was going "even if ASA wins we are going to do a FSA plan next week no matter what", while the ASA crowd was more about "we want an art to plug a hole, and this is the best one, but FSA half work and we aren't going to threaten to make a plan for ASA next week".
wouldn't that make it a super low pressure area though? Sandstorms kicking up and pulling out towards the center of the calamity?

Sort of like it's trying to pull the rest of Golden Fields into it's desolation and waste
still heckin cool though! I'm a big fan :D it's neat because like. We get wind coming down from the South and North due to the mountains and then it flows out to the East and West. Jungles are pretty hot/wet air, which rises and is pushed up by cooler Lake region air, which eventually causes that hot wet air to spill out over the Lakes region and cool, causing lots of rainfall to feed the Lakes/Rivers of that region. Good stuff. <3

Ebon Rivers is probably the endpoint of the Sea Air that sweeps in from the north. It would blow in losing some moisture over Alabaster Sands and then condense and rain against the mountains at Ebon Rivers and Heavenly Peaks. Which also makes sense

which means that Emerald Seas gets almost all of it's water from rivers flowing in from the Mountains, and the forests give us good water retention. If someone were to tear apart the forests I bet the water table would destabilize and we'd end up with shitty dry steppeland everywhere
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Full Scale Map


The lack of rivers in Golden Fields is curious. It implies that they historically got their water from the North and East, while now they get it mostly from the Emerald Seas. It would help explain why the devastation is so deep beyond even the magical taint, the weather systems were broken and now the water for their fields only comes from us. A wind from us that travels on the far side of the Ebon Rivers mountains and thus rains for the habitable areas. Like, with the Grave being probably lower pressure than the Fields beyond, it probably traps any wet air from the East and draws the Northern ocean air to itself as well. Now that we're dabbling in The Diviner's weathermancy I would love to scribble some meteorological flow charts haha big <3's to you @Xephiria
Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Finally got my lazy ass to finish my drawing (it's been a while).

So for this one, now with Huang Da out of the way, it's time for a new secret admirer/stalker to arise. Introducing Wen Cao, professional illusionist, resident sadist. May we welcome him by offering him more Yan Renshus to torture.

So notice at the bottom of Wen there is a set of feet bigger than his? That's the red ogre (I know I suck at feet) he summoned during his fight in the omake. I added ripple effects at the bottom to give it a murky image.
I also decided to not ink the clones cause: 1) To make it clear that they are mirror images, 2) I want the art to be mainly focused on Wen Cao so I made the clones more ethereal (even I know Wen Cao is perfectly capable of making them look more solid than that)

Also need to mention that both Yan Renshu and Wen Cao are bald so I feel the need to distinguish the facial feature/structure a bit in order to not fall for same-face syndrome. Overdid the plant imagery just a tad though.

@yrsillar I'm back for more
He looks like the kind of guy a xianxia protagonist would punch in the face.
Followed by "Impossible!"
The lack of rivers in Golden Fields is curious. It implies that they historically got their water from the North and East, while now they get it mostly from the Emerald Seas. It would help explain why the devastation is so deep beyond even the magical taint, the weather systems were broken and now the water for their fields only comes from us. A wind from us that travels on the far side of the Ebon Rivers mountains and thus rains for the habitable areas. Like, with the Grave being probably lower pressure than the Fields beyond, it probably traps any wet air from the East and draws the Northern ocean air to itself as well. Now that we're dabbling in The Diviner's weathermancy I would love to scribble some meteorological flow charts haha big <3's to you @Xephiria
They might have springs, underground rivers, ponds and streams too small to be see on the map, also rain.
Map of this scale tells only so much about the conditions on the ground, or under it.
They might have springs, underground rivers, ponds and streams too small to be see on the map, also rain.
Map of this scale tells only so much about the conditions on the ground, or under it.
oh yeah. Even though I'm in the midwest I forgot about all them deep aquifer options lol. Good idea <3
The common axis between Dreaming, Hidden and Grinning: Mystery!
If you didn't want mystery, you shouldn't have chosen the moon. Which makes me wonder if the Sun has counterparts that aren't focused on mystery and are actually capable of being direct.

Attempting a non-mystery Sun version of the Moon

Phases would be: night/hidden, dawn, sunrise, rising/morning, (full) day, falling/evening, sunset, dusk.

For names and aspects I focused on Ling Qi's 3.
  • Hidden Moon, remove mystery from "secrets": the Truth Sun focused on learning and sharing truth (e.g., students, teachers, judges, public scientists (more Carl Sagan than Newton (who had to be persuaded to write his Principia after doing the science equivalent of cultivating in a cave)).
  • Dreaming Moon, remove mystery from "creative acts": the Constructive Sun focused on smithing, carpentry, and building.
  • Grinning Moon, remove mystery from "clever trickster": the Performing Sun focused on wowing the audience with skill, clever spectacle, and novelty (probably especially likes magicians, circus performers, and people who do things like those acts that go viral from shows like Insert_Location's Got Talent).

Definitely struggled with Grinning. Could argue that Performing is similar to Dreaming but I think Dreaming is more focused on the mysterious process of creativity and artistry and Muses than it is about sharing the products of that process, and that circus performers (focused on astounding the audience via skilled performance and novelty) are rather different from musicians (focused on expression and skilled creation).

Connecting phases to names and aspects can go either by what makes conceptual sense or by parity with the moon.
  • Truth Sun would be either full day (makes sense) or hidden/night for parity with Hidden's new moon.
  • Constructive Sun would either be sunrise (makes sense) or falling/evening for parity with Dreaming's Waning Gibbous.
  • Performing Sun probably makes sense as either sunset or dusk, but parity with Grinning's waning crescent would put it as dusk.
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If you didn't want mystery, you shouldn't have chosen the moon. Which makes me wonder if the Sun has counterparts that aren't focused on mystery and are actually capable of being direct.

Attempting a non-mystery Sun version of the Moon

Phases would be: night/hidden, dawn, sunrise, rising/morning, (full) day, falling/evening, sunset, dusk.

You couldn't have written this at a better point in time. Been trying myself to figure out some greater Sun spirits but could only think of the four Equinoxes for whenever my negaverse gets to the point of Solar being a big influence, apart from a standard 3 of sunrise/midday/sunset.

And it's entirely possible those equinoxes might not exist in this worlds funky weather and orbital systems (is the planet round?).

Are you happy with me using these spirits in my omake series?

And as to your first point
Which makes me wonder if the Sun has counterparts that aren't focused on mystery and are actually capable of being direct.
we're sure there are Sun spirits that are direct because Sixiang grumbles sometime in the first thread about 'pushy Sun spirits'.

Edit: ah here we are

"Well of course," he replied, sticking out his tongue childishly. "If I was direct, I'd be one of those hard nosed, pushy sun spirits, you know?"
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You couldn't have written this at a better point in time. Been trying myself to figure out some greater Sun spirits but could only think of the four Equinoxes for whenever my negaverse gets to the point of Solar being a big influence, apart from a standard 3 of sunrise/midday/sunset.
Hah, after writing that I went and read your omake and thought about how I'd prefer Ling Biyu to go solar because I'm curious about what commonalities can be found with moon, and in what ways she as a solar cultivator could benefit from a moon cultivator's help, advice, and guidance. If enough commonalities can be found a celestial clan might be possible which could be really cool.

I wonder... are there star cultivators? If there are, how do they differ from the moon? Star cultivation might make more sense for Ling Biyu than solar or lunar, allowing her to be distinct but not antithetical.

In other news, it turns out that any cyclical process can be broken into eight parts, but I'd somehow never noticed this before. Those eight parts being: gone, starting to return, half way there, mostly there, completely there, starting to leave, half way gone, mostly gone, and back to the beginning with "gone". So you've got two complete states, two halfway points, and four partial states ("a bit" and "mostly" combined with direction (filling vs emptying)).

Are you happy with me using these spirits in my omake series?
Feel free. It'd be good for it to be useful.

And as to your first point we're sure there are Sun spirits that are direct because Sixiang grumbles sometime in the first thread about 'pushy Sun spirits'.
Ah, yeah, makes sense sun spirits in general would be direct, sunlight certainly isn't shy about pushing itself into my windows. I do still wonder whether there are eight sun aspects (like with the moon) and whether they corresponded with the moon's aspects.
For aspects of the Sun the first place I'd think of are the Solar castes from Exalted. (And their opposites the Infernal/Abyssal...) That game is already a little bit xian-xia-y.
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I personally think it would be something like: Sunrise, noon, sunset; summer & winter solstice; spring & autumn equinox. For phases.