[X] Plan Easy Does It
-[X] Viserys
--[X] Uses bracers for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Major Creation for a bit of phosphorus.
--[X] Uses Bracers again for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Symbol of Sleep. Set it so the Erynies aren't affected, and some trigger he can use as a free action, such as scuffing the symbol with his foot.
--[X] Discreetly uses his item to heal the charisma damage.
--[X] Assay SR on the Abishai, Triggers the Symbol and Wild Arcana a Potent (+2 CL/DC) Antimagic Ray on the Abishai and casts Arcane Spellsurge.
--[X] Stays at the ready with Mythic Initiative + Belt of Battle and Celerity if something unexpected happens, especially if he makes his save.
-[X] Vee & Malarys
--[X] When Viserys signals he is ready, they both Greater Dispel the Abishai as an opener (before Viserys uses AMR). Be ready to Alter Fortune if need be, such as in case of the AMR failing. Malarys can use a Quickened Boneshatter, too.
-[X] Ser Richard and the Furies
--[X] Charge and subdue it
-[X] Pick a monotonous bit of the sermon to act, at least a point where everyone is seated.
[X] Plan Easy Does It
-[X] Viserys
--[X] Uses bracers for a Silent Stilled Ancestral Awakening: Still Spell
--[X] Use bracers for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Major Creation for a bit of phosphorus.
--[X] Cast a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Symbol of Sleep. Set it so the Erynies aren't affected (everyone else is too strong), and some trigger he can use as a free action, such as scuffing the symbol with his foot.
--[X] Make Varys invisible, and have her hold onto an AMF.
--[X] Discreetly uses his item to heal the charisma damage.
--[X] Triggers the Symbol and change into LHD and move to subdue the Abishai.
-[x] Malarys and Vee
--[x] If Viserys noticed any other protections, they Greater Dispel it just before Varys triggers the AMF. Otherwise, just be ready to react to something unexpected, like catching straglers.
-[X] Ser Richard and the Furies
--[X] Charge and subdue it
-[X] Pick a monotonous bit of the sermon to act, at least a point where everyone is seated.
-[x] Varys just has to stay within 10 ft of it, should be easy as she can fly very fast, and hover.
Wild Arcana (Su): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your arcane class spell lists, must be of a level that you can cast with that arcane spellcasting class, and must have a casting time of "1 standard action" (or less). You don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. When casting a spell in this way, you treat your caster level as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total adjusted level can't be greater than that of the highest-level arcane spell you can cast from that spellcasting class.
Also, can we Still and Silent it? Don't think so, as we don't know both metamagics.
It's alright, the only fiddly bit is:
- What do Malarys/Vee do, and that depends if anyone will make the sky-high save for the Symbol.
- If you can Wild Arcana the Symbol, but even if we can, we shouldn't, as we don't know both Silent and Still.
Wild Arcana (Su): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your arcane class spell lists, must be of a level that you can cast with that arcane spellcasting class, and must have a casting time of "1 standard action" (or less). You don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. When casting a spell in this way, you treat your caster level as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total adjusted level can't be greater than that of the highest-level arcane spell you can cast from that spellcasting class.
[X] Plan Easy Does It
-[X] Viserys
--[X] Uses bracers for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Major Creation for a bit of phosphorus.
--[X] Uses Bracers again for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Symbol of Sleep. Set it so the Erynies aren't affected, and some trigger he can use as a free action, such as scuffing the symbol with his foot.
--[X] Discreetly uses his item to heal the charisma damage.
--[X] Assay SR on the Abishai, Triggers the Symbol and Wild Arcana a Potent (+2 CL/DC) Antimagic Ray on the Abishai and casts Arcane Spellsurge.
--[X] Stays at the ready with Mythic Initiative + Belt of Battle and Celerity if something unexpected happens, especially if he makes his save.
-[X] Vee & Malarys
--[X] When Viserys signals he is ready, they both Greater Dispel the Abishai as an opener (before Viserys uses AMR). Be ready to Alter Fortune if need be, such as in case of the AMR failing. Malarys can use a Quickened Boneshatter, too.
-[X] Ser Richard and the Furies
--[X] Charge and subdue it
-[X] Pick a monotonous bit of the sermon to act, at least a point where everyone is seated.
[X] Plan Easy Does It
-[X] Viserys
--[X] Uses bracers for a Silent Stilled Ancestral Awakening: Still Spell
--[X] Use bracers for a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Major Creation for a bit of phosphorus.
--[X] Cast a Silent Stilled Bloodwish: Symbol of Sleep. Set it so the Erynies aren't affected (everyone else is too strong), and some trigger he can use as a free action, such as scuffing the symbol with his foot.
--[X] Make Varys invisible, and have her hold onto an AMF.
--[X] Discreetly uses his item to heal the charisma damage.
--[X] Triggers the Symbol and change into LHD and move to subdue the Abishai.
-[x] Malarys and Vee
--[x] If Viserys noticed any other protections, they Greater Dispel it just before Varys triggers the AMF. Otherwise, just be ready to react to something unexpected, like catching straglers. Don't forget Beads of Karma. Malarys also triggers his Sign spell.
-[X] Ser Richard and the Furies
--[X] Charge and subdue it
-[X] Pick a monotonous bit of the sermon to act, at least a point where everyone is seated.
-[x] Varys just has to stay within 10 ft of it, should be easy as she can fly very fast, and hover.
The runes along your braces warm as you call upon their power, casting a spell not of flame or fury but memory. You remember in full the subtlety and skill that served you so well in Braavos, two spells you cast one upon the other, first a wish to conjure a piece of waxy white fire-stone, then as the sermon goes on promising wealth and power sweet lies upon the ears of fools, you draw a stream of diamond dust from your cloak and crush the fire-stone in your fist to mix them all together before your magic grips the faintly luminous dust and slowly lays it upon the stone in arcane patterns: His'Vash, the mark of slumber. Again your hand slips into your cloak, this time seeking the renewing orb, that the price of wishcraft not lessen your power.
Lost 200 IM
When it is done you will a glamour to fall upon Varys and gift her another mantle to call on when she wills it, a rift in the very fabric of magic. "Stay close to our 'friend' there when the time comes."
"Watch the room, keep them in here if any resist the magic," you send to the Vee and Malarys. "Now," you call across links to friends near and far as you deliberately scuff the rune. Misty green light emanates from the stone beckoning irresistibly to slumber.
The congregation all collapses like puppets with their strings cut, one struck twice as an echo of the spell falls upon them then speaks a syllable of command upon time itself to heed his will... but the moments flow as ever they had done for Varys was in place to shackle the good septon in time and space.
Perhaps it is only your imagination but it feels as though Ser Richard takes particular interest in carving into the monster that had so long eluded you... no its definitely not your imagination, Leto is giving him an admiring look between the blows and flying blood.
Somehow the demon is still standing after first first attack, though it would not be standing long. A twisted dagger, smoking as though dipped in vitriol... a weapon of deep power and deeper malice.
A chill runs down your spine as the fiend lunges at Varys, but the blade barely touches her and her scales turn it aside before the Furies shear through its wings and Ser Richard smashes the false septon to the ground of the sept he had defiled. Amid the blood and bile the weapon sizzles and vanishes into smoke, seeking another bearer once this one had been defeated. Something the Bitch Queen would do alright.
Turning on your heel you conjure a false seeming to be seen from the street, then you wait as the others secure the prisoners, all looking tense andwanting to know what the others had done, but knowing that to call out now while battle still rages would be foolish.
Finally you hear Dany's voice "We are done... We have Lormar, and apprentice and his sellswords. Eleven of them tried to fight, six surrendered. One even tried to warn us about the sept. I think we should work out some kind of deal with Lord Hightower..." The thought cuts off as she senses your nervousness. "Waymar?" she calls out, but there is no answer to be had.
You are about to travel to the townhouse in person when a slightly unfocused mental presence interjects: "Almost bloody died... Almost."
The words are perhaps unreasonably proud given the context, but you do not begrudge him for it. He and Tyene has had by far the hardest fight and they were not able to secure the element of surprise to anywhere near the same level as you and Dany. Only the Deep Ones' pride and unwillingness to abandon their 'toys' had kept them from escaping through the sewers.
Alas that the absolute profusion of captives is not without its complications, for one the Lantern Bearers would much rather run any Farsapwn through and it was all Tyene could do to keep them from doing so on the spot. If you are to sacrifice the body-snatchers you must do so soon and in full view. On the other hand the Golden Company's warriors and mages present a different conundrum, do you ask for them to be released into your care or allow them to be tried under the laws of the realm, to be given the choice of death or the Wall? And then there are the fools currently littering the floor of the Sept of the Smith, your enemies by the nature of their investment and their company, but under the custom and law of Oldtown deserving only of stiff fines... probably stiffer than they can pay once the speculative bubble bursts.
What do you do about the fate of the various prisoners?
[] Write in
OOC: I know this is short but there was a lot of rolling and I do not feel up to giving the political vote the detail it deserves if I push through.
Damn he got swole since he entered our world.
Now that's someone worth carving up, mindreading, dominating to make him answer any questions we didn't think of, and then sacrificing.
Too bad the Artifact could escape our AMF, next time we see it we will Dimensional Lock the entire area. That should work?
Honestly think we were able to act at all due to him helping out we should let Lord Hightower handle the mortals by laws of Oldtown and have Lantern Bearers claim credit publicly, would help both out in the cred they will receive from it.
@DragonParadox, curious how close was fight with Waymar, Tyene, and Lantern Bearers? How many causalities did they take and any corpses to recover and victims to save?
I say, lets sacrifice these Deep Ones right away...
By Latern-bearer's hands.
I propose having them sent to our altar to Merling King, and getting themselves some healthy boosts from these.
Well, after having them questioned of course. And keeping the skulls to ourselves.
As a neat side-effect, it is us who end up feeding MK (if by proxy) and we get some good rapport with him after all the time we foregone sacrificing to him.
Honestly think we were able to act at all due to him helping out we should let Lord Hightower handle the mortals by laws of Oldtown and have Lantern Bearers claim credit publicly, would help both out in the cred they will receive from it.
@DragonParadox, curious how close was fight with Waymar, Tyene, and Lantern Bearers? How many causalities did they take and any corpses to recover and victims to save?
Well no one actually died, Tyene is a decent healer but Waymar came close when the Greater Devouter unleaded and augmented Energy Wave on him. The Lantern Bearers were lucky they were not there since they would have died.
The only member of House Sherner who did not have her brain eten was lord Robert's only daughter.
I say, lets sacrifice these Deep Ones right away...
By Latern-bearer's hands.
I propose having them sent to our altar to Merling King, and getting themselves some healthy boosts from these.
Well, after having them questioned of course. And keeping the skulls to ourselves.
As a neat side-effect, it is us who end up feeding him (of by proxy) and we get some good rapport with him after all the time we foregone sacrificing to him.
We should prostelyze to the Lantern Bearers about the Merling King. I imagine that both factions would greatly appreciate each other. However I do want the Greater Intellect devourer for science purposes.
@DragonParadox am I correct in saying that the Merling King would take sacrifices of Deep Ones from the Lantern Bearers assuming we could convince them to do so and give them instructions on how to do so?
We should prostelyze to the Lantern Bearers about the Merling King. I imagine that both factions would greatly appreciate it. However I do want the Greater Intellect devourer for science purposes.
Fair enough,those Psion abilities look shiny...
Perhaps even too shiny, truth be told. Itis far from guaranteed for Mossforge to successfully go through this thing.
@DragonParadox am I correct in saying that the Merling King would take sacrifices of Deep Ones from the Lantern Bearers assuming we could convince them to do so and give them instructions on how to do so?
I honestly want the Golden Company Wizard and his apprentice. Since that army has only on Wizard capable of casting at fifth circle/level and this Wizard is level 11 he is probably that Wizard. Meaning he is high up there and we can interrogate him for everything. We could know movements about Tiamat's ideas for Westeros.
I honestly want the Golden Company Wizard and his apprentice. Since that army has only on Wizard capable of casting at fifth circle/level and this Wizard is level 11 he is probably that Wizard. Meaning he is high up there and we can interrogate him for everything. We could know movements about Tiamat's ideas for Westeros.
Oh goody. We will put Malarys on this man in good order. And take his spell book. Also what happened to the Drakenbeast? Did we find it? Is it still hidden?