A Quarry Twice Hunted
Fifth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
Though you would much rather deal with the cult of Tiamat at once, caution wins out. As far as you know the enemy is blind to you and you still have eleven days until the conclave begins in earnest. Better by far to know what you are walking into, especially if you intend to call upon the Lantern Bearers to obviate your own involvement.
First to see what foresight reveals....
The House of Mirrors spins riddle after riddle, all easily unwound by Lya and yourself as from the scattered threads you weave a tapestry of what must have happened at the Sept of the Smith and how. A well loved preacher with little stake in the current theological upheaval was captured in the night, the Abishai taking his place.
The fiend has been using its magics to slowly turn his flock to heresy even while it continues to torture the septon, now more for entertainment than information. By far the most important revelation about the cult is that only a fraction of them know they are worshiping the Mother of Wyrms at all. Most believe Tiamat is the secret name of the Smith revealed to them as part of their initiation.
Another surprise is that they have not performed any blood sacrifice in public yet, with the fiend desecrating the sept in secret. That is not to say that they have not caused harm. The goldsmiths affiliated with the cult in particular have used their status as trusted moneylenders stoke the fires of financial speculation. Master Lormar is supposedly planning an expedition to the east 'to eclipse the one that set sails from Sorcerer's Deep' with the implication that it might even overtake and capture your ships.
Divining the matter demonstrates that there is no such endeavor and never has been, but a combination of greed, ambition, and subtle sorcery has nonetheless swept up part of Oldtown's mercantile elite, pushing them into pledging significant sums on the venture, even with a bare three ships in port. More will join along the way, the sorcerer insists.
"So once it's clear they won't get anything they'll just blame it on you, say you swept in and stole all the gold," Vee shakes her head in annoyance that credulity should make you more foes.
"Conveniently forgetting that they are planing the same thing in reverse, yes," you finish. "Strange that Varys did not know about this part of the plan..." You have to cast the next few auguries yourself as they concern matters which no seer of the House of Mirrors may know.
Alas the answer is as simple as it is infuriating, the mages and dragon fiend between them had sought to keep the plot from Varys that they may reap the profits.
Enemy incompetence really should not be making your task harder...
Lastly you ask if your foes have infiltrated the Lantern Bearers or have some other means of spying on the. The answer is more palatable than you had feared, there is no rot with the ranks of Oldtown's protectors, but the Golden Company mages divine the possibility of an attack from that quarter six times every day. If you do make use of the Lantern Bearers then you must ensure that four hours do not pass between telling them the plan and putting it into action.
Unfortunately that is as far as sorcery will take you. Thus while Lya continues her questions in the matter of the Shermer household's enthrallment and the others keep watch on the manse, you take to the streets of the city up the River Road to the sept itself. You should be just in time for the end of the noon ceremony, in time to see the men and women partaking in noon service.
You pause under the overhanging roof of a shoemaker's shop and watch as they emerge, you mark their faces well, though you do not yet have the names to place to them.
How many of them have begin to understand the horror they have sworn themselves to and which are willfully blind...?
The thought cuts off abruptly as you make another sweep of the scene before you and you realize that you are not the only watcher of the scene. The sun glints gold off the edge of a Myrish glass in a grimy window of a house across the street. Looking more closely you see a one-legged man in the characteristic wide-brimmed hat of a Lantern Bearer looking very carefully at the profaned sept and those emerging from it. With utmost care he begins to draw symbols in the air behind the glass, the gestures meaningless to most eyes, though to your sight blood-red shadows hang in the air, too indistinct through the wavy glass to read. It is clear the Lantern Bearers are not so ill prepared as one might have thought.
The question now is do you risk introducing yourself to one you do not know or seek out a member of the order you have found reasonable in the past? Given what you have gleamed for the workings of their order you suspect this one far more aware than his brethren on the matter of the Smith's Sept, on the other hand you know nothing of his temperament or likely reaction upon being found out while stalking his foes.
What do you do next?
[] Speak to the watching Lantern Bearer
[] Return to the others and learn what Lya's divinations showed
[] Write in
OOC: I hope abstracting this many divinations works.