Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
To be fair, if you are talking about 'introduced characters', this is Sixiang vs Xin vs Jiao.
Jiao's relationship to the Grinning Moon is far different from Xin's or Sixiang's relationship with their phases. While there was a flicker of 'we could be a prankster like Jiao' in this vote, he's never promoted the Grinning Moon actively the way that Xin and Sixiang have. It's explicit that Xin and Sixiang are on the campaign trail. Jiao sent us on a pranking spree for his own amusement. Cai, Gan, and Meizhen all campaigned for Cai. Xiulan was explicitly sorry for making her family's offer.

The lesson I've taken away from modern political democracy is that results of votes are far more a function of how the options are presented than of the options themselves. That's probably a large part of why I feel the way I feel. But it is inching into territory that shouldn't be discussed here.

The second half of your post is in my view circular, from the breakthrough vote...and at least partially a function of Sixiang's campaigning. But anyway, I don't want to argue with someone about why I can tell them why they feel what they feel because I can't tell them that.
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I would've honestly voted for Grinning if Dreaming wasn't there. This was a more decisive choice in my opinion than the whole Cai vote drama.
The Art of Horror
The Art of Horror

Shi Wu walked underneath the looming shadow of a mountain as the sun was setting, and with sunset's arrival, the sky glowed in reds and purples. The valley he traversed, however, did not share the sky's enthusiasm for the day's end. It was well shaded with twisted and gnarled trees covering the slopes contrasted by a single path of striking white winding through the valley's floor. And with each step on the trail Shi Wu was reminded what, exactly, the trail was paved with. Bone. Bleached bone distorted and warped to provide a well-made path to Sect Brother Li's workshop.

The disturbingness of the bone trail was only heightened by the clear effort and care that went into making sure it would have some semblance of beauty. But that was the way of things with Sect Brother Li, horror transformed into beauty and beauty twisted into horror. While anybody with sense was careful in their dealings with Brother Li, his products demonstrated the efficacy, efficiency, and potency that had made Clan Li's products sought after for generations. Which meant, of course, that people sought Brother Li's products. And while Shi Wu would have killed to get one of the vaunted Corruption Cleansing Tablets, there was a bigger prize to be sought. An apprenticeship under Brother Li.

Meeting him in person though, was quite different than ordering his products through letters. There were few people who had actually walked this path of bones, which meant that Shi Wu didn't have a lot of information to plan his first impression. Even though the sect had given their blessing to pursue this apprenticeship, it would require actually getting the attention, acknowledgment, and acceptance of Sect Brother Li. This would not be a simple matter of showing up to the workshop though. In addition to himself, there were seven of his fellow brothers had shown the skill and talent with the mysteriously corrupted beast cores to be given the Sect's blessing in pursuing this opportunity. However, it was likely that only one of them would be chosen, making this entire experience more stressful than it already was.

Even now Shi Wu's senses were telling him of unnatural things creeping and hidden among the gnarled trees. Constructs crafted from flesh and stone tended the twisted groves and ensured that none disturbed their growth while providing, presumably, an early warning system against intruders and guests. The sight of those soulless eyes embedded in marble faces sent shivers down his spine. He knew, however, that these constructs would be the least of the horrors that lay in store within Brother Li's workshop, and so with firming resolve, Shi Wu locked his head in place and muted his senses and simply walked. Eventually, he would reach the entrance of the workshop and then the real trials would begin.

As the sun fully set behind the horizon, a cave roughly hewn from the side of a cliff appeared at the end of the trail. From within the cave, an unearthly blue glow emanated casting sickly light on the ground. Standing guard in front of the entrance were two large constructs of stone and iron. A full head and shoulders taller than Shi Wu, they wielded rough spears and shields. Halting before them, Shi Wu materialized his instructions to reassure himself of the specific greetings needed, and then proceeded to begin introductions.

"Greetings guardians, my name is Sect Brother Shi and I am here to present myself to Sect Brother Li for the apprenticeship trials."

With the sound of grinding bone, one of the guardians looked at him and responded, "You are early, the Master expected arrivals for his trial when the moon reached its zenith."

"I am aware."

There was a beat of silence that stretched uncomfortably long in Shi Wu's opinion, but then the guardian resumed his scanning of the valley and said, "Proceed until you reach the vault door, then wait until the trial begins. Do not disturb the fungi."

And with those instructions, Shi Wu entered the cave. The only illumination at first was a strange bioluminescent lichen which made strangely hypnotic patterns on the ceiling and walls of the cave. However, other light sources soon began appearing in the form of mushrooms as he proceeded deeper into the cave. All were giving an unearthly blue glow. Eventually though, the cave opened up into a large cavern with vaulted ceilings. Stalactites hung from that ceiling and the sound of slowly dripping water could be heard. At the opposite end of the cavern stood a vault-like door made of polished ebony wood. To either side of the room grew groves of large other-worldly mushrooms. Washed in sickly blue light, the mushrooms had flourished in the damp dark conditions that existed in the cavern.

It would be hours until the trial began, and so, with nothing better to do at the moment, Shi Wu began to inspect the tools he brought. There was likely nothing wrong with them, but it was better than letting his mind wander and ponder what lay behind the door. Other competitors soon began percolating in, and with each, he would give a nod of acknowledgment and then return to his self-assigned task. After a couple of hours had passed, all eight of them stood in front of the vaulted door. Some, like himself, were nervously doing habits to pass the time while others simply stood placidly by and waited. No one talked.

A chime reverberated throughout the cavern, and everyone hastily stopped what they were doing. Slowly the wood door rolled open revealing a tall man who appeared of middling age clothed in the uniform of a Core Sect Disciple. Light blue hair was kept short on his head and his green eyes seemed hard and jaded. Sect Brother Li had arrived. Behind him came eight lumbering giants, seemingly crafted from ivory and jade, each carried a chest made from the same black wood as the vault door.

"In these eight chests are some of the reagents you have demonstrated skill at utilizing," began Sect Brother Li, "while also containing reagents that you likely never have seen. Identify the ones you should know accurately while categorizing the ones you do not know by how dangerous they could be if improperly handled. You have one hour. Those who do not show satisfactory results will be dismissed. Begin."

Shi Wu nervously gulped as the ivory giant placed a chest in front of him, and then stepped back. It was time to shine, and demonstrate that he deserved to be an apprentice of the Artesian of Horror.

A/N: @yrsillar have another omake for the omake throne!

This one is inspired by the idea of Li Suyin's clan in the future being focused on production work and this descendant really going after the idea of contrasting horror and traditional beauty. I hope that people enjoy the omake, and, as always, critiques and criticisms are welcomed.
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Still loving the omake and art guys :)

That said the week has been real busy for me. SO sorry for the slowdown in update speed. Things should get back to normal next week. That said ETA for the coming update should be tomorrow.
This one is inspired by the idea of Li Suyin's clan in the future being focused on production work and this descendant really going after the idea of contrasting horror and traditional beauty. I hope that people enjoy the omake, and, as always, critiques and criticisms are welcomed.
I find it a bit strange to go down that path when Suyin's original goal was that mysterious healing art suite. maybe the Clan separated in two branches, one for each of these major interests ?
I was hoping for spymaster cause we are going to the army after training and there no avoiding that.
Doesn't being Cai's vassal avoid that? Cai already cancelled the debt so after the two years in Sect, we would be getting our fief. Unless you meant something else?
We're going to deal with military stuff no matter what. Yrs has been setting up the Cloud Barbarian invasion since the last thread, and it can happen just about any time after the Tournament starts.
I find it a bit strange to go down that path when Suyin's original goal was that mysterious healing art suite. maybe the Clan separated in two branches, one for each of these major interests ?

Li Suyin's art isn't healing, it's surgery. And now she's adopting necromancy into it as well, meaning that she'll be able to experiment on and modify flesh to death and back. She can make abominations of sculpted flesh and bone, woven together with spider silk and qi. She uses poison in combat and has the book of a guy who made a necromantic plague. She is thought by a girl on the further end of the spectrum. Seriously, she's Wildbow's Bonesaw and Twig but with a conscience, and worse she's disappointed in society and wish to change it to fit her view of virtues. A hundred years from now she'll be one of the most horrifying villains to ever grace the lands of the empire.
There's an idea I've been thinking about. It's been confirmed that Dreamscape exploration is possible (Here: Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny) - Original | Page 405), and Ling Qi apparently saw other civilizations' versions of the Dreaming Moon (or some other Great Spirits related to dreaming) when she took a dip in Sixiang's memory sea:
And, to her growing incomprehension, she found that this was only the face which looked upon the empire, a spike of pain shot through her mind, and she saw in the blurry distance; a green skinned man of with beard bound in a strange stiff coil, holding a strange golden scepter in his hand, another with gleaming silver helm and shining ruby who soared through the stars, and beyond even that an androgynous figure with eyes of purest flame that danced in cruel merriment, and...
So there's some global connectivity within the dream world. What I'm wondering is if there's a way for us to communicate with people from other civilizations through dreams, or at least other Dream cultivators. I'm thinking we could create a map of the world with this, or at least the beginnings of one. I'd also love to learn about all the other civilizations that exist in this setting, and their different approaches to cultivation.
I've been anonymously lurking for a while and love this quest. I just caught up, in fact. Thank you, yrsillar, from the bottom of my heart, for creating something so amazing.

Also, as a side note; Bai Meizhen is best snek, and I shall not be convinced otherwise.
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Turn 4: Arc 3-1 Growth
"So, I think I would call my outing with Xuan Shi a success," Ling Qi finished, drumming her fingers on the arms of her chair. She'd left the exact details out of her report, but she had parted with the Xuan scion on good… if awkward terms. She supposed that it wasn't like she was ever really alone anymore though

"Very good, he is an important contact," Cai Renxiang replied crisply, capping the scroll case in her hands with a snap. It soon joined it's brothers on a pyramidal stack. "We should be on our way."

Ling Qi eyed it, and the stack of unfinished documents covered in unfamiliar numbers and names. She stood, and Cai Renxiang did the same as they left the girls office. "You know," Ling Qi said casually. "What is all of that back there about? I can't imagine that taking care of finances for a handful of people and a small gathering requires that much paperwork."

"Somewhat more than you might imagine," Cai Renxiang replied in that way she had, that made Ling Qi unsure if she was being sarcastic. "What brings the question?"

Ling Qi gave a small awkward shrug as they made their way out of her lieges residence. "Just curious I suppose. I was wondering what has you busy."

"It is merely another set of tasks mother has set me," Cai Renxiang replied. The Light that had once clung to her head and shoulders seemed to suffuse her more fully now, gleaming from the folds of her gown and leaving a faint shimmer in her wake. "I am to mirror the role of the minister of one of mother's minor holdings."

Ling Qi blinked, staring at the back of the girls head blankly for a moment. "How are you to do that from here?"

"Only the administrative portion of the role obviously," Cai Renxiang replied, glancing back at her. "I receive the same reports, requests, and other information that he does. Of course, the budgets, reviews, and legal rulings I create are for Mother's eyes alone. I have not been reprimanded for errors yet, so I can only assume that I am performing adequately."

"Only adequately?" Ling Qi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Cai Renxiang did not visibly react to her words, but when she spoke, Ling Qi did hear a tinge of frustration to her words. "I will not presume. I will admit however, that it is somewhat vexing to see a new month's reports and find inefficiencies I had uncovered continuing unobstructed, and certain short sighted decisions being repeated again and again."

"Such a nice family your boss has," Sixiang whispered dryly. Her head felt oddly quiet with only the muse and herself present.

Ling Qi had to admit, she would not say that she knew her liege's mind perfectly but… that seemed like something deliberately designed to agitate her. She supposed she couldn't exactly know the Duchess' mind however. "The Duchess is not the sort to hide her displeasure, I think," Ling Qi replied carefully. "Or to accept adequacy."

"I am aware. I simply fail to understand her intentions," Cai Renxiang said, the irritation in her voice subsiding. They lapsed into companionable silence as they reached the cliffside of the mountain and took flight, heading for the building her liege had rented for the month's gathering. They needed to be there first after all, to greet guests as they arrived.

The hall was much the same as it had been each time before. Stone walls hung with colorful tapestries and strings of flowering plants, a table laden with treats from all over emerald seas, attended by minor sect workers, only a single stage for entertainers, which she would be spending a large portion of her time on.

For now though, she stood near the entrance behind and to the right of Cai Renxiang to greet their guests as they arrived. She had done this a couple of times now and had prepared herself mentally for a good half hour of dull greetings and pleasantry. However, she found herself surprised a little by the first ones to arrive. While Bai Meizhen arriving early to claim and dominate a corner of the hall was not unusual, the one with her was. Bao Qingling was not a common sight period, the tall, gangly girl had shown up briefly at the first one give Cai Renxiang some face but never again.

She was also missing the shapeless smock and other accessories Ling Qi had always seen the girl wearing. While the thick padded clothes, gloves and boots remained, the top layer at least was made of silk in shiny black and green rather than dull brown leather.

"... the qualities, texture and toughness of the silk is a significant divergence. How is the retention of the toxin potency?" She heard Bai Meizhen say as they approached.

"Seventy Five percent," Bao Qingling replied gruffly. Her gaze remained straight ahead as she spoke, though her fingers twitched with a certain nervous energy. "Still needs workshopping, but progress has been satisfactory so far."

"The work reminds me of the crafts of certain family artifacts," Bai Meizhen replied smoothly. "While the quality is not quite there, obviously. It is an intriguing project, the use of treated spider webbing rather than traditional silk is an interesting twist however."

"You're too kind," the taller girl said, a bit of pride creeping into her dry voice. "The works of Bai Xiong are treasured masterworks for a reason." Their conversation fell silent as they approached the hall however.

"Miss Bai, Miss Bao," Cai Renxiang greeted formally as they stepped inside. "Welcome to my hall. You honor me with your presence."

"Thank you very much for coming," Ling Qi echoed. "I hope that you find the afternoon enjoyable."

"And I am honored by your invitation," Bai Meizhen replied evenly. She cast Ling Qi an amused glance, but Ling Qi retained her pleasant mask. They had to go through the motions after all, she could chat with her friend a bit later.

"As am I," Bao Qingling added stiffly, dipping her head with a twitchy jerk. "You've outdone yourself, Lady Cai."

"Thank you for your kind words. Please partake as you will of refreshments while the other guests arrive," Cai Renxiang replied, gesturing that they were free to pass.

There was another exchange of bows and the two passed them by. Ling Qi glanced back at them as their conversation resumed.

"I would be interested to see the reaction of your silk to some Bai venoms," Bai Meizhen began.

Then Cai Renxiang shot Ling Qi a look, and Ling Qi smiled apologetically. They already had more guests coming. Eyes up front. She would have to figure out what those two were up to later. Guests trickled in, coming in ones and twos and threes. Gu Xiulan arrived, as well as Xuan Shi, and some of Ling Qi's former tutors. Shen Hu drifted in alone, still seeming awkward in nice dress.

However as the arrivals were beginning to taper off, Ling Qi found herself facing the day's second surprise. As a head of red hair came into view, she caught even Cai Renxiang's lips briefly twitch down in a frown.

Yet, nonetheless as Sun Liling came to a stop in front of them, her hands tucked into her pockets, and her shoulders casually slouched, Cai Renxiang did not miss a beat. "Welcome Princess Sun. It pleases me that you have deigned to accept one of my invitation."

"It really is a pleasure," Ling Qi added blandly. She knew in a vague sense that Cai Renxiang regularly invited everyone above a certain status, to avoid giving offense, but she supposed that she had never considered that this would include Sun Liling. "I hope you have managed to cure your restlessness Princess Sun."

"Hah, suppose I have," she laughed. "Apologies if my presence disturbed your delicate sensibilities the other day. I hope ya remembered my message."

"I wonder if you humans have invented an art to make words into actual knives," Sixiang mused silently in her head.

"She did," Cai Renxiang replied evenly. "Your concern is appreciated princess."

"I'm glad," Sun Liling replied agreeably. "I've been reminded that we can't let little grudges and indiscretions get in the way of cooperation. We're all servants of one empire after all," she added with a drawl.

"An admirable view," Cai Renxiang replied as Ling Qi tried to keep the dubious expression of her face. "You are welcome to my gathering then, Princess Sun. I hope that you find it satisfactory."

Sun Liling nodded agreeably, then passed them by. Ling Qi shared a long look with her liege. It looked like she wasn't alone in not buying that for an instant. For now though, there was little to do about it. She remained by Cai Renxiang's side until the greeting was done.

As Ling Qi mounted the steps to the stage and withdrew her flute to begin playing the first of her new pieces, her thoughts wandered to the party ahead. While she would observe everyone as well as she could from the stage. She had to consider how she could would spend her time in the intermission between performances.

[] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome
[] She would seek out Meizhen. What was she up too with the Bao scion?
[] She should look into what Sun Liling was doing. She was obviously up to something.

AN: Alrighty folks, we're having a short intermission arc here, and right now you get to decide the focus of the next scene, this one is going to be at least a few updates long, so don't get too wound up on only getting to interact with one person.
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[X] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome

Stick with the bosslady I imagine, Sun is just going to needle us and draw us away, and we'll just be a third wheel getting involved with cultivator science chat.
[X] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome
[X] She would seek out Meizhen. What was she up too with the Bao scion?
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[X] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome

As much as I enjoy our interactions with Best Snek, we should choose Cai. Present a united front, and all that. Also, trying to poke the Sun might get us burned, and even if it doesn't she's annoying.
[X] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome
[X] She would seek out Cai Renxiang. Surely another friendly face in the sea of masks would be welcome
UGGGGH. Look. I'll be honest. I want to spend time with Meizhan. But, talking to Sun could be... interesting.