----[X] Find the Path (5th), Earthquake (6th), Rain of Roses (7th), Master Earth (7th), Wandering Weather (8th), Undermaster (9th) (Cast as swift action for 1 use of mythic power, alternatively make it last 5 minutes with 3 uses of mythic power).
My suggestion would be to remove Wandering Weather, Undermaster and Find the Path and look at these:

Tectonic Communion – d20PFSRD
Call of the Twilight Defender – Spell – D&D Tools
Wooden Blight – Spell – D&D Tools
Return to Nature – Spell – D&D Tools

All level 6 and 7.
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Using this as a replacement, then.

----[] Treestride through weirwoods (5th), Wooden Blight (6th), Earthquake (6th), Rain of Roses (7th), Master Earth (7th), Tectonic Communication (7th) (Cast as swift action for 1 use of mythic power, alternatively make it last 5 minutes with 3 uses of mythic power).
She would automatically be able to use any spells given by the staff, even ones on the Sorcerer/Wizard list. Just keep things thematic.

Treat it as a Domain Staff in that regard, capable of being used 3/day.

One more update to my plan, removing Legendary upgrade entirely. It's one thing to want something different, y'all, but just making it for Vee without making it something she can actually benefit from is just asinine.

[X] Plan Goldfish
-[X] Get a bonus on all future research in the Fungus Forge by having the Old Gods aid the people working there.
-[X] Turn Reva and Liset into true Greenseers.
-[X] Raise the ancient Green Dragons corpse as a Zomok. to act as a guardian for not only the Heart Tree of the Dawn Age, but for the entire island on which Sorcerer's Deep rests.
-[X] Upgrade the Runestaff of the Old Gods with the following:
--[X] Viserys can use its Tree Stride ability to travel to any Heart Tree, at will, as a Standard Action. The Old Gods are appeased, making this a safe ability to use from this point forward.
---[X] Add the Hammer of the Waters spell to those the staff allows Viserys' to cast.

You are flatly incorrect. She'll be able to access the Legendary Surge whilst non-Mythic, and will gain access to the other abilities after her Mythic Ascension.
I already asked DP if we could do this.

This is part of the reason Lucan still needs to be sacrificed.
If enough power to create a Legendary item isn't enough to cause the OG to chill the fuck out so that we can safely Tree Stride, then I'm much less interested in doing business with them from this point forward. Where's Yss' funnel?
[X] Duesal
Whatever. I'd rather have this for Vee than Viserys though.

Does no one care for how we'll sacrifice everything?
Why is no one adding any precautions to their votes?
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If enough power to create a Legendary item isn't enough to cause the OG to chill the fuck out so that we can safely Tree Stride, then I'm much less interested in doing business with them from this point forward. Where's Yss' funnel?
How much power would Tiamat have to give us to forgive her?

How much if she first killed Dany beyond all hope of recovery?
If enough power to create a Legendary item isn't enough to cause the OG to chill the fuck out so that we can safely Tree Stride, then I'm much less interested in doing business with them from this point forward. Where's Yss' funnel?
Considering that the Seven broke at least one of the six tenants that the Old Gods hold most sacred... yeah I think a couple thousand HD of things isn't enough to satiate their very specific murderboner. I mean this is a class meal but revenge taste much better.
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If enough power to create a Legendary item isn't enough to cause the OG to chill the fuck out so that we can safely Tree Stride, then I'm much less interested in doing business with them from this point forward. Where's Yss' funnel?

It's not a matter of how much power you give them, but who you take that power from. They want the Seven to suffer as they have suffered and that has not happened enough yet.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by egoo on Apr 15, 2019 at 9:52 AM, finished with 300699 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan Unique Opportunity
    -[X] The Erinyes guard the perimeter in case anything tries to approach. Also cast Forbiddance and Hallow spell effects around the whole area. And use a bunch of Refusal spells, too, just to be thorough.
    -[X] For the most part all Companions handle the sacrifice and making sure nothing manages to escape or kill anyone, but towards the end have the Treants bleed the Ala's before the Tree due to the nature of Ala and how they are born, Scarbrand the Winter Hag, then dispel the Amber Sacrophagus while impaling the Wight Lord as the final sacrifice.
    -[X] Take extra care with the Qartheen Lich and the Mythic Ancient Wight Lord, those are particularly dangerous. Make sure they can't teleport away (in the Lich's case) or kill anyone. Also collect all loot from the Lich and the Wight Lord after.
    -[X] Be sure to harvest bits and pieces of the monsters for trophies via Make Whole.
    -[X] Boon 1: Get a bonus on all future research in the Fungus Forge by having the Old Gods aid the people working there.
    -[X] Boon 2: Raise the ancient Green Dragons corpse as a Zomok guardian for the entire island, with the possibility of being restored as a True Green later in the future after the requisite research is complete.
    -[X] Boon 3: Create a second Runestaff of the Old Gods for Vee with the following:
    --[X] Becomes a Legendary Item with uses of Legendary Surge equal to its wielder's uses of Mythic Power, recharging every sunrise.
    ---[X] Has the Metamagician, Perfect Surge and Powerful abilities.
    ---[X] May have any one spell cast into it if it was a Spellstaff, as the spell of the same name.
    ---[X] Runestaff capabilities upgraded with the following at 3/day:
    ---[X] Hammer of the Waters 1/?? (?th) - Mythic
    -[X] Boon 4: Turn Reva and Liset into true Greenseers.
    [X] Goldfish
    [X] Plan Boons
    -[X] Get a bonus on all future research in the Fungus Forge by having the Old Gods aid the people working there.
    -[X] Raise the ancient Green Dragons corpse as a Zomok.
    -[X] Turn Liset and Reva into real girls Greenseers.
    [X] Plan Unique Opportunity
    -[X] Get a bonus on all future research in the Fungus Forge by having the Old Gods aid the people working there.
    -[X] Raise the ancient Green Dragons corpse as a Zomok with the possibility of being restored as a True Green later in the future after the requisite research is complete.
    -[X] Upgrade the Runestaff of the Old Gods with the following:
    --[X] Becomes a Legendary Item
    ---[X] Has the Metamagician, Perfect Surge and Powerful abilities.
    ---[X] May have any one spell cast into it if it was a Spellstaff, as the spell of the same name.
    ---[X] Provides Endure Elements to the wielder.
    ---[X] Runestaff capabilities upgraded with the following at 3/day:
    ----[X] Find the Path (5th), Earthquake (6th), Rain of Roses (7th), Master Earth (7th), Wandering Weather (8th), Undermaster (9th) (Cast as swift action for 1 use of mythic power, alternatively make it last 5 minutes with 3 uses of mythic power).
    ---[X] Hammer of the Waters 1/?? (?th) - Mythic