Seems worth talking to. We sound out the probably-not-actually-a-Reyne to see if he's worth our time and while we're there we figure out if Jeyne got back her memories.
We need to divine if she has regained those memories or not before deciding. It is easier than asking her.

Then we can decide our approach.
So we dropped her in the Stormlands, right? The Stormlands where memory-altering devils were operating? Well, that was Dragonstone but it's just across the pond.
@DragonParadox, does Lanna or Gerion (or Tywin) have Mind Blank? Our House of Mirrors should have noticed by now, at least.

They do not however the walls of both Casterly Rock and Castamere are warded well enough that you cannot scry though them. Lana and Gerion also seem to employ nondetection when not at home which the low CL of the scrying ritual can only rarely beat.
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We should also try to learn if she is really Jeyne. She could be Lanna and Roger could be Gerion.

Gerion: "Why are we going in disguised again?"

Lanna: "That way when he inevitably discovers our identity we will be captured by him and we will have the opportunity to offer our fealty. Otherwise the lawmen are going to fight us and we will have to kill his subjects"

Gerion: "Makes as much sense as that fey curse that gave Tywin golden diarrhea, go on"
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They would if Tywin is holding something over their heads. Wouldn't put it past the bastard.
Thing is Tywin can't and both know it. Lanna already refused him once on the matter of using her as the magic version of the Mountain. And in doing this she proved that yes, she can tell Tywin to go fuck himself if she really wants, and he needs to take it so long as it is not unbearable because he literally has no one to replace her or for that matter kill her.
[X] Artemis1992

There are children who can be taken hostage.
Keeping hostages from a powerful Sha'ir... Ballsy. Although Tywin is rich, has extraplanar contacts and has (at least some) Golden Shields who are probably more loyal to him than to Gerion and Lanna.

No, it's more likely that he makes Gerion and Lanna do stuff out of familial loyalty and duty. Gerion is a Lannister, after all. And perhaps he's stupid enough to make gearing them up conditional on being "useful to House Lannister, if they'll drain its coffers singlehandedly". Idiot. Their only chance against us is serious WBL-mancy!

I wonder if Tywin set up large extraplanar trade deals? He definitely has contacts and portals, after all. Honestly I expected us to find signs of him in the Opaline Vault (he uses plane of Earth shenanigans to awaken his magelings), but it seems more likely that he's mostly dealing with some factions on the Plane of Water.
There are children who can be taken hostage.
Holding hostages against a high level caster can be problematic when your own casters are far lower in level. Remember when we teleported Valaena? Lanna can do that. Then she can move the whole family to the Opaline Vault, where Tywin is a no one because the floors are made of gold but Lanna is a high level caster and can therefore make a good living just by going into crafting.
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Holding hostages against a high level caster can be problematic when your own casters are far lower in level. Remember when we teleported Valaena? Lanna can do that. Then she can move the whole family to the Opaline Vault, where Tywin is a no one because the floors are made of gold, but Lanna is a high level caster and can therefore make a good living.
Tywin has some strong wards though, and definitely has been improving them as much as possible.