Voting is open
Count me in the "nuclear weapons are relatively manageable, should they be a priority" camp.

The plan is to enrich natural uranium using a heavy water reactor, similar to Iran's Arak nuclear facility and what the British stopped Nazi Germany from building in the Norsk Hydro raid. What's going on in the fuel cycle is that unenriched U-235 gets bombarded by neutrons, turning it into U-239; that U-239 undergoes beta decay, becoming Pu-239. Now, instead of enriching uranium and having to solve the problem of isotope separation, we can chemically extract the plutonium from our spent fuel rods.

The bomb we make is a Hiroshima-style gun-type device -- we're literally shooting two subcritical pieces of plutonium together to make one critical piece. Nothing sophisticated, just a shitty, simple kiloton tactical explosion, useful to strap to a bridge or mountain pass to keep it from being overrun.

The biggest difficulty here is sourcing the heavy water -- not only is that somewhat expensive, any other state actor that sees a country buying a whole lot of heavy water is going to ask some very pointed questions about proliferation. That's a human problem, though, not a technical problem.

That's far from the biggest problem.

Having the Heavy water is just 1 part of the problem. You also need to have the Heavy water reactor, which has to fulfill some pretty specific design details (high burn-up, rapid refuelling, preferably on line fuel loading) that you just don't see in most modern reactors.

To take your nazi example, the Norsk hydro raid was completely pointless because the nazi nuclear reactor design was fundamentally flawed and never would have worked.

Before you can get started, you need equipment to process the Uranium into your desired fuel. After you've done what you had to do, you need to reprocess the now radioactive fuel in order to extract the plutonium.
That's far from the biggest problem.

Having the Heavy water is just 1 part of the problem. You also need to have the Heavy water reactor, which has to fulfill some pretty specific design details (high burn-up, rapid refuelling, preferably on line fuel loading) that you just don't see in most modern reactors.

Before you can get started, you need equipment to process the Uranium into your desired fuel. After you've done what you had to do, you need to reprocess the now radioactive fuel in order to extract the plutonium.

Right, but none of that is out of reach for our current technical base, assuming we took Universities (which we'd have to for this to work). It doesn't require expensive precision equipment; it just requires some relatively-capable physicists and engineers.
Right, but none of that is out of reach for our current technical base, assuming we took Universities (which we'd have to for this to work). It doesn't require expensive precision equipment; it just requires some relatively-capable physicists and engineers.

Except all of it requires expensive precision equipment? The reactor itself will certainly be neither cheap nor simple, nor will any of it's instrumentation.

Reprocessing radioactive fuel is certainly not a trivial exercise. You need some pretty advanced chemistry and radiation resistant equipment for it.

Heck, the only thing you don't actually need is the Heavy water. Graphite is a better moderator anyway.
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[raises eyebrows]

Keeping a nuclear reactor going for 30-50 years after the total collapse of national infrastructure is going a tad bit beyond what I'd call 'merely well preserved.'

Even without a collapse keeping the currently extant nuclear reactors going through the 2070's is going to be dicey
Except all of it requires expensive precision equipment? The reactor itself will certainly be neither cheap nor simple, nor will any of it's instrumentation.

Reprocessing radioactive fuel is certainly not a trivial exercise. You need some pretty advanced chemistry and radiation resistant equipment for it.

Heck, the only thing you don't actually need is the Heavy water. Graphite is a better moderator anyway.

PUREX is not that complex -- and let's be real, radiation resistant equipment is only a priority if you care about environmental contamination and the lives and well-being of your reprocessing plant workers. If the only thing that you care about is getting devices out the door, a state that cares about it is capable of doing so.

I'm not saying that this is something that should be done, in our situation -- IMO, this is not anywhere close to national priority, and we'd be devoting North Korea levels of resources to what is realistically a prestige project -- but North Korea is a nuclear-capable state, and their industrial base is roughly comparable to ours.

(As for graphite, I didn't think we had access to anything high-purity or the process to make it... but I suppose that's not necessarily the case.)
Quite possibly. Pick the option and find out what I'm talking about, if you're curious.
Well, I'm officially curious enough to approval-vote for any plans that have Well-Preserved and don't have utterly crippling penalties. It sounds like that includes more heavy industrial infrastructure than I would have believed, if "a nuclear reactor" is even remotely kinda sorta on the table.

PUREX is not that complex -- and let's be real, radiation resistant equipment is only a priority if you care about environmental contamination and the lives and well-being of your reprocessing plant workers. If the only thing that you care about is getting devices out the door, a state that cares about it is capable of doing so.

I'm not saying that this is something that should be done, in our situation -- IMO, this is not anywhere close to national priority, and we'd be devoting North Korea levels of resources to what is realistically a prestige project -- but North Korea is a nuclear-capable state, and their industrial base is roughly comparable to ours.
I mean, North Korea pretty clearly has Old World Training or something better, with equipment that, eh, probably actually qualifies as Old World Equipment at the very high end. They have something markedly larger than our Green Water Navy option, and copious supplies of heavy weapons we probably can't duplicate or would struggle to duplicate including stuff like supersonic jets. They are very very Established, they have Rail Companies and as far as we know Widespread Vaccinations. Their Bureaucracy may not be Efficient by First World standards (dunno) but they presumably have a census, taxation, and so on well and truly in place. They have Libraries, Universities, and at least the level of infrastructure we could reasonably hope for out of Well Preserved. And they have a population of roughly 24 million, a lot larger than ours could reasonably be.

Plus, they've had something like 100 turns of buildup time during which they've had all this stuff and been working on their economy. Even laboring under crippling sanctions and all, that's a long list of advantages we can't match.

If they were in close proximity to us, North Korea would roll over Chicagoland easily, even if they weren't an ultra-militarized garrison state.

I suspect North Korea wouldn't have much trouble polishing off Victoria, either, though they might have to throw a lot of bodies at it depending on how hard the 'militia'*actually fight or if they fold quickly under massed assault.


*(Defined by Victorians as every adult male, though they probably only mean the sufficiently white and politically reliable adult males in practice)
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Open of the Faction Build Vote
Alright, folks, we are now voting on faction customization!

The customization options are in the Rules Screen, under Informational threadmarks. Please feel free to consult them in tweaking or building your plans. Please note that you are still at liberty to votecraft at this time; I'm simply not helping to advertise more plans. And speaking of:

You nutjobs submitted over twenty of the bloody things. :p The following eight are the result of me threshing them right on down to a selection of various kinds of plans. This should not be taken as sponsorship; I didn't pick these plans because I disliked the others. I was just selecting a selection of representative examples that jumped out at me. I have also added brief descriptions of the plan, for easier consumption.

With that all being said...

[ ] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
-[ ] Disastrous Start
-[ ] Import Export Professionals
-[ ] Hostile Neighborhood
-[ ] Population Boom
-[ ] Disunited Currency
-[ ] Russian Attention
-[ ] Technological Conservatism
-[ ] Crossed Wires
-[ ] Foreign Sourced Equipment
-[ ] Old World Hardware
-[ ] Old World Training
-[ ] Brown-Water Navy
-[ ] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[ ] Established
-[ ] Independent Merchants
-[ ] Widespread Vaccinations
-[ ] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[ ] Rail Companies

A joke plan which I am choosing to take seriously, Hellfire Burns Vs. The World takes all of the military buffs save Green-Water Navy and a heaping helping of every single economic advantage. It pays for this with a bevy of crushing maluses, including Russian Attention. This is Chaos Mode. Take this if you want to enter with the gas pedal embedded firmly in the floor of the car and stay there until you die or stand atop the ashes of Victoria. The plus side is that you're set up to manage it if you overcome its attendant cavalcade of simultaneous crises.

[] Plan Protector of the Midwest
-[] Old World Training
-[] Foreign-Sourced Equipment
-[] Revivalist Connections
-[] Established
-[] Good Reputation
-[] Independent Merchants
-[] Libraries
-[] Empty Spaces
-[] Population Boom
-[] Crossed Wires
-[] Compromised

A military-heavy start with a secondary diplomatic focus and healthy investment into foundational options in other categories, Protector of the Midwest aims to bounce the initial Victorian attention and thereby leverage the victory into widespread recognition and influence. However, to do this, it accepts two tech penalties, a population boom, and an intelligence fault. This is a start with stiff early-game challenges, but it has a concrete game plan and promises late-game power if it can overcome its difficulties.

[ ] Plan All-Round Start
-[ ] Independent Merchants
-[ ] Established
-[ ] Good Security
-[ ] Libraries
-[ ] Population Boom
-[ ] Disastrous Start

This is a plan aimed at creating a well-rounded state with an advantage in every category. It lacks real punch outside of the baked-in military bonuses and will have little to recommend it in expansion, but it nevertheless has a solid foundation with no real critical faults, which is more than most of these plans can claim.

[ ] Plan All the Economy
-[ ] Brown Water Navy
-[ ] Disastrous Start
-[ ] The Greatest Sin
-[ ] Independent Merchants
-[ ] Rail Companies
-[ ] Vaccines
-[ ] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[ ] Population Boom
-[ ] Disunited Currency
-[ ] Import/Export
-[ ] Libraries

As promised, this start has literally all of the economy, good or bad. This promises a dynamic and challenging early game, but the potential for truly meteoric growth should you overcome your challenges. Along with your leader advantages, this start's addition of Brown-Water Navy also yields a formidable military, albeit one initially backed by a severely troubled economy.

[ ] Plan Entrepot
-[ ] Brown Water Navy
-[ ] Independent Merchants
-[ ] Ear To The Ground
-[ ] Libraries
-[ ] Population Boom
-[ ] Import/Export Professionals

Aimed at creating a specific flavor of start, this plan turns Chicago into a city dependent on and invested in its position along riverine trade routes, one which has gathered wealth and resources from a wide area, along with the natural problems of such a strategy. As this start does not even have Established, it means actions during early terms will be somewhat scarce, but you accept few disadvantages in return and have many of the tools needed to address them.

[ ] Plan Just the Government
-[ ] Disastrous Start
-[ ] Established
-[ ] Efficient Bureaucracy

There were many plans that aimed for just the bare essentials, albeit all with very different ideas on what the essentials are. I have featured two. Here is the first. As its title states, it is focused solely on securing the bare minimum to establish an effective state apparatus, thus completing the Accords and forming a bureaucracy. It pays for this with Disastrous Start, penalizing intelligence. This start would allow you to act efficiently from the word go, aiming to maximize general strength in return for minimal weaknesses.

[ ] Plan Bare Necessities
-[ ] Libraries
-[ ] Independent Merchants

The second bare-minimum plan, this one focuses on foundational economic and technological picks: Libraries and Independent Merchants, in particular. While unexceptional, this start accepts no weaknesses and picks strong long-term assets.

[ ] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[ ] The Greatest Sin
-[ ] Disunited Currency
-[ ] Population Boom
-[ ] Nuke
-[ ] Established
-[ ] Independent Merchants
-[ ] Widespread Vaccinations

This is the plan with the nuke, one of several such plans. I have featured this one after rejecting the others on grounds of niche appeal unlikely to draw votes. This vote accepts a serial killer targeting your leaders and a badly strained economy in exchange for the nuke, completed Accords, and a powerful base of merchants and medical care. If the initial weaknesses are defeated, this promises to be powerful.

And those are the examples! Again, I still welcome additional options, but I'm washing my own hands of helping y'all advertise. ;) Now...go nuts!
[] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
-[] Disastrous Start
-[] Import Export Professionals
-[] Hostile Neighborhood
-[] Population Boom
-[] Disunited Currency
-[] Russian Attention
-[] Technological Conservatism
-[] Crossed Wires
-[] Foreign Sourced Equipment
-[] Old World Hardware
-[] Old World Training
-[] Brown-Water Navy
-[] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[] Established
-[] Independent Merchants
-[] Widespread Vaccinations
-[] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[] Rail Companies


[] Plan All-Round Start
-[] Independent Merchants
-[] Established
-[] Good Security
-[] Libraries
-[] Population Boom
-[] Disastrous Start

I like how few crises there are in this one. Even if it doesn't have some of the good stuff.
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Because government or bust. Try resolve crisis without a government, wouldn't get far.

[x] Plan Just the Government
-[x] Disastrous Start
-[x] Established
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy

[X] Plan: Manufacture and Tax
-[x] Disastrous Start (1 CP)
-[x] Disunited Currency (3 CP)
-[x] Population Boom (2 CP)
-[x] Brown-Water Navy (-2 CP)
-[x] Established (-2 CP)
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy (-3 CP)
-[x] Libraries (-2 CP)
-[x] Well-Preserved (-1 CP)
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[X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
This is my promised meme vote and nothing else.

Now for the serious votes.
[X] Plan Entrepot
This is my preferred option. Trade nation, here we gooooo!

[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest
This is acceptable enough for an approval vote.
Does the voting for factional cusomization have to have a plan name?

Can't we just vote on which choices without having to put a name on the selected group of choices?
[x] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World


[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest

[X] Plan All the Economy
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[X] Plan All the Economy
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Rail Companies
-[X] Vaccines
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disunited Currency
-[X] Import/Export
-[X] Libraries
Hm, let's go for a meme, a conservative but solid start, and the plan with the nuke.

[x] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
-[x] Disastrous Start
-[x] Import Export Professionals
-[x] Hostile Neighborhood
-[x] Population Boom
-[x] Disunited Currency
-[x] Russian Attention
-[x] Technological Conservatism
-[x] Crossed Wires
-[x] Foreign Sourced Equipment
-[x] Old World Hardware
-[x] Old World Training
-[x] Brown-Water Navy
-[x] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[x] Established
-[x] Independent Merchants
-[x] Widespread Vaccinations
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[x] Rail Companies

It will be like playing XCOM on Ironman difficulty. Only worse!

[x] Plan All-Round Start
-[x] Independent Merchants
-[x] Established
-[x] Good Security
-[x] Libraries
-[x] Population Boom
-[x] Disastrous Start

While I'm not overly fond of the disastrous start for intelligence, this does at least give us good internal security and a solid base to work from.

[x] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[x] The Greatest Sin
-[x] Disunited Currency
-[x] Population Boom
-[x] Nuke
-[x] Established
-[x] Independent Merchants
-[x] Widespread Vaccinations

Simply put, I would like for the nuke not to slip into the hands of a hostile actor once its out of our control. Poptart mentioned that there might be a narrow window in which an intelligence action might be able to obtain it, but a bird in the hand, yeah?
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[X] Plan Entrepot

[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy

[X] Plan All-Round Start
Adhoc vote count started by Rat King on Mar 26, 2019 at 12:49 AM, finished with 4097 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
    -[X] Disastrous Start
    -[X] Import Export Professionals
    -[X] Hostile Neighborhood
    -[X] Population Boom
    -[X] Disunited Currency
    -[X] Russian Attention
    -[X] Technological Conservatism
    -[X] Crossed Wires
    -[X] Foreign Sourced Equipment
    -[X] Old World Hardware
    -[X] Old World Training
    -[X] Brown-Water Navy
    -[X] Aerial Reconnaissance
    -[X] Established
    -[X] Independent Merchants
    -[X] Widespread Vaccinations
    -[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
    -[X] Rail Companies
    [X] Plan All the Economy
    -[X] Brown-Water Navy
    -[X] Disastrous Start
    -[X] The Greatest Sin
    -[X] Independent Merchants
    -[X] Rail Companies
    -[X] Vaccines
    -[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
    -[X] Population Boom
    -[X] Disunited Currency
    -[X] Import/Export
    -[X] Libraries
    [X] Plan All-Round Start
    -[X] Independent Merchants
    -[X] Established
    -[X] Good Security
    -[X] Libraries
    -[X] Population Boom
    -[X] Disastrous Start
    [X] Plan Entrepot
    -[X] Brown-Water Navy
    -[X] Independent Merchants
    -[X] Ear To The Ground
    -[X] Libraries
    -[X] Population Boom
    -[X] Import Export Professionals
    [x] Plan Just the Government
    -[X] Disastrous Start
    -[X] Established
    -[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
    [X] Plan Protector of the Midwest
    [X] Plan: Manufacture and Tax
    -[x] Disastrous Start (1 CP)
    -[x] Disunited Currency (3 CP)
    -[x] Population Boom (2 CP)
    -[x] Brown-Water Navy (-2 CP)
    -[x] Established (-2 CP)
    -[x] Efficient Bureaucracy (-3 CP)
    -[x] Libraries (-2 CP)
    -[x] Well-Preserved (-1 CP)
    [x] Plan Go Big or Go Home
    -[X] The Greatest Sin
    -[X] Disunited Currency
    -[X] Population Boom
    -[x] Nuke
    -[X] Established
    -[X] Independent Merchants
    -[X] Widespread Vaccinations

Adhoc vote count started by Rat King on Mar 26, 2019 at 10:33 AM, finished with 99 posts and 62 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rat King on Mar 29, 2019 at 12:46 PM, finished with 4584 posts and 103 votes.
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[X] Plan All the Economy

[X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World

Really wanted a plan with Resistance Contacts but ah well, we can always try that the hard way.

I like how Insane Ironman is winning right out the gate.

Now if we can get ourselves an 80 meter mecha, then we'll really be ready....
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[X] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Established
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start

[Nope] Plan All the Economy

[X] Plan Entrepot
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Ear To The Ground
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Import/Export Professionals

[X] Plan Just the Government
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
And those are the examples! Again, I still welcome additional options, but I'm washing my own hands of helping y'all advertise. ;) Now...go nuts!

There is now zero chance the winning plan isn't one you included in your post. Especially since you "helpfully" included the meme vote, giving it all the legitimacy it'll ever need. I'm giving that one 50/50 odds to win against all the others combined. Baka.

Edit: Removed a vote. Added a vote. Removed a vote. Gah!

[Nvm] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
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Voting for the Plan that I put forward, which is a variant of All-Round Start that puts a greater emphasis on internal infrastructure, and a second malus after Population Boom that doesn't make Population Boom more difficult to address. Among the mainstream options, I went with Just the Government, because that's the only one that doesn't have a red flag jump out at me.

I misread Disastrous Start as Disunited Currency.

[X] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Established
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start
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Voting is open