@egoo, I'm rolling your plan into my level up proposal for Moonsong.
Going straight Bard for Moonsong. It's a good class unmodified and works well for her. I'm using this level up to fix some mistakes made when leveling her up; she was missing a feat, a 2nd level spell, and her skills didn't match what she should have as an experienced sea captain. For her spell selection, I'm not necessarily going for what I think the best choice would be (though none of them are bad, by any means), but what I think Moonsong would prefer. Clarion Call to be heard, Charitable Impulse because it's funny and potentially quite deadly, Air of Nobility because it's perfect for her, and Confusion because it seems to fit her style while being a really good spell which most other casters can't access until they learn 4th level spells. Retraining Circle Dance because the Hunter's Moon has been assigned a Wayfinder, making the spell completely obsolete for her and Mirror Image is a great replacement.
[X] Do an interview
-[X] Embra
--[X] Among others questions, ask her to explain who she is (minus sensitive information, such as who she really is, who her father is, that Djinnis can grant wishes, etc), where she comes from, a short description of her people (temperament, goals, etc.), and how she's finding the festival so far.
--[X] Viserys and Embra use full social buffs for maximum audience impact.
[X] Moonsong Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Bard
-[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Perform(Comedy), +5 Knowledge(Geography), +12 Profession(Officer)
--[X] Retrained (+11 points): -2 Hide, -9 Knowledge(Local)
-[X] Feats: Versatile Spellcaster
-[X] Spells:
--[X] 1st Level: Clarion Call
--[X] 2nd Level: Charitable Impulse
---[X] Retrain: Circle Dance >>> Mirror Image
--[X] 3rd Level: Air of Nobility, Confusion