Part MMDCCII: Wizard's Gambit
Wizard's Gambit
Twenty-Seventh Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
By the time you and Garin return from Braavos, Moonsong had won the first match of the day with as many flashes and japes to satisfy even her. That she was also beaten bloody with a Valyrian Steel sword seems to matter very little to the sprite, save insofar as impelling her to honor her former opponent with a drink or twenty. Seeing the young Inquisitor struggle to find a way out and knowing your own presence probably would not be any help with her peace of mind, you send Dany off to distract Moonsong while you find your seat for the next fight. Mia against a Volantene mage who tried to smuggle in a demon... You find yourself most curious to see just who Zherys had sent to represent the Mysterium. Likely not the best for they likely cannot be spared from protecting the city, not to mention their own political interests to follow...
Aemon Naremos makes a striking figure in his billowing crimson robes, one who might have stepped forward in time from the days of the Freehold, while the Inquisitor before him comes draped in the grey and black of her calling... or at least what most people ever see of her calling. An Inquisitor's true veil is a glamour... a familiar face. Still, Mia does nothing to remind the crowd of that particular fact, waving at the crowd like a legionnaire on parade, bowing to her opponent courteously. It would take ears as sharp as yours to hear: "May the best prepared mage win."
At that the Volantene's lips twitch upwards in a faint smile, but he does not reply aloud.
By silent agreement when the fight begins the two mages allow each other a handful of moments to cast in peace. Aemon takes the moment to armor and shield himself in magic, and to cast a shifting veil over his features. Mia meanwhile appears to be doing nothing, the fitful wind snatching her words away, her hands still as she uses the power of her gloves to substitute for gestures... or so it seems to eyes not sharp enough to pierce veils of glamour woven. Twin owl-headed hippogriffs manifest above the sands, high enough that the sweep of their wings will not disturb the sands, their claws poised to strike, a deception she had spent months in perfecting, and one she had not used before in the Circle. Naremos should be flattered, but somehow you doubt he will take it that way when the beasts descend.

As her foe veils himself, she calls upon her earrings to see past it. Three bolts of translucent heat barely more than a shimmer in the air fly from her fingers, but this time her foe can read her gestures. He calls out a word of power in the tongue of dragons, like thunder in the ear but infinitely louder for she for whom it is meant: "Deafen."
Still a pair of them fly true, setting his robes aflame, and then with high shrill cries the circling hippogriffs dive... yet just as they are about to strike Naremos plucks at the very threads of time, and in that stolen instant utters a spell of flame. Blazing white as the heart of a furnace, the flames consume the conjured beasts.
Mia knows as well as you do that time's price must be paid. She casts at once a veil of poisoned vapors over her foe, a spell that had ended many a previous fight before it could even properly begin.
For a long moment the Volantene mage is nothing but a shadow among the sickly green fumes, pelted again with bolts of unseen flame. He staggers, but does not fall. Then he does something to surprise even you, he breathes in the noxious fumes, swallowing them whole. And so he stands again in full view. "Thank you, that was most useful," he says politely, wisps of dark green mist escaping his mouth as he speaks.
Undeterred and not sparing a word for banter, the young Inquisitor seeks to bind him in place with conjured webs so that he may not use his stolen spell, but through what looks more like good fortune than skill the Volantene mage evades the trap, rushing forward as he does so. Before his foe can move aside he spews the noxious fumes right back in her face.
Struggling to keep down the contents of her stomach, Mia cannot do anything more than rush out of the cloud, coughing and sputtering. She somehow manages to dodge one of the four rays of brazing flame the other mage rains down upon her, but still by the time she regains her breath her robes are just as charred and blackened as his.
Three more bolts of shimmering heat fly from her fingers, two deflected by his wards... but the third hits him full in the face. The Volantene mage trembles, on the brink. One final spell passes his, among the first battle spells most battle mages learn, but one that does not miss. Four arrows of shimmering light strike Mia in the chest, and the Inquisitor finally falls as the healers rush forward and the crowd goes wild.
What do you do next?
[] Speak to Aemon Naremos, unknowing smuggler or no the man is clearly skilled and has nerves of steel
-[] Write in
[] Do an interview
-[] Write in
[] Speak to Ser Darry to see if he wishes you to try to resurrect his uncle
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: This was really fun to write hope you guys enjoy.
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