Reminder here that the turtle-ships are actually ships, not aircraft. They swam in the boiling see of the Plane of Fire.

Those things can't enter the PoA.
In that case:

1) Will the court mage have an honor guard of Turtle Ships that we can loot?
2) Will the Doomship have an honor guard of flying ships that we can call dibs on? And if so, what are they made out of?
3) Any news of devils minding their own business who we can fight?
Or she is the one who curses it off to punish him for something.

Sure, she would restore it after a while, but we might go half a year without legitimizing any daughters that way!

I think that's too cruel for Tyene to ever do to a member of her family. Threaten it, sure. Actually carry through? Not seeing it unless he actually did something along the lines of full tilt betrayal.
I think that's too cruel for Tyene to ever do to a member of her family. Threaten it, sure. Actually carry through? Not seeing it unless he actually did something along the lines of full tilt betrayal.

But I can see her giving him a Greater Curse of Impotence, though, if he gets on her nerves badly enough.

But I can see her giving him a Greater Curse of Impotence, though, if he gets on her nerves badly enough.

I still think that would take something he knows her too well to ever actually do, but it's more in line with her sense of humour. And can be temporary pretty easily.
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Don't we have an undead god that hates devils swimming in that place?

Seems to me opening a portal to hell is basically just ringing the poor bastard's dinner bell.
Don't we have an undead god that hates devils swimming in that place?

Seems to me opening a portal to hell is basically just ringing the poor bastard's dinner bell.
I still want to feed him. Maybe we can contact him after getting a generous helping of Efreeti.
Why not send our dragon after the lesser prizes while we work with the djinn to capture the doom ship?
Because those "lesser prizes" are still amazing and I have no intention to share. I'd be more in favor of keeping those all to ourselves while letting Amrelath fight with us against the Doomship and claim a few of the escort ships as his prize.
Some raids on the mine-transports would be right up Amy's size.
I support putting him on that.
He can help us, but I wouldn't assign anything to him alone.

Depending on the timeline, we should be able to handle everything. With Viserys, Amrelath, the Harbinger, and our Companions, I think we'll have things covered.
[X] Talking to Knights Mk. 2
-[X] Send someone to congratulate Ser Harras Harlaw on his performance, and ask for updates on the Reader's situation. Anything he needs, information he wants to share, the readiness of the Iron fleet, etc.
-[X] Send Waymar to meet with the Redforts and hopefully set them at ease. Find out why exactly they showed up, if they're receptive to further ties, a son being granted land in Essos, that sort of thing.
-[X] Connington's house is ultimately too minor to contribute much immediately, but Bloodraven mentioned the possibility of griffon's near their sole holding. Send Ser Richard and Vee both to receive their declarations of allegiance and raise the possibility of finding the creatures.
-[X] Send a messenger to fetch Karyl Grafton. Technically, King Viserys has made no official contact with house Grafton. Now's as good a time as any to change that.

@Goldfish - here you go.
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Plan updated, now including @LonelyWolf999's addition.

BTW, @LonelyWolf999, you're currently voting just for your addition rather than the whole plan.

[X] Plan Doing All the Things
-[X] Question Yrten further
--[X] What do they know of the Sultan's Court Wizard?
--[X] Do they know when the Brazen Fleet escorting Doomship is set to be launched?
--[X] What news of the news of the war do they bring? (Extraplanar Rumor Post?)
--[X] With the advent of the Planar Terminus, how are the extraplanar markets adjusting to the influx of goods from the Plane of Balance? (Info on what goods are of higher value, what goods are losing value, etc?)
-[X] Blood Wish a Sending spell to Embra's father, requesting an urgent meeting as soon as can be arranged in Sorcerer's Deep. We have information of great importance to the Djinni war effort.
--[X] Plan to share news of the Efreeti Doomship and offer our assistance in dealing with it when the time comes, if we are available.
-[X] Continue with the Jousts, but first;
--[X] Send someone to congratulate Ser Harras Harlaw on his performance, and ask for updates on the Reader's situation. Anything he needs, information he wants to share, the readiness of the Iron fleet, etc.
--[X] Send Waymar to meet with the Redforts and hopefully set them at ease. Find out why exactly they showed up, if they're receptive to further ties, a son being granted land in Essos, that sort of thing.
--[X] Connington's house is ultimately too minor to contribute much immediately, but Bloodraven mentioned the possibility of griffon's near their sole holding. Send Ser Richard and Vee both to receive their declarations of allegiance and raise the possibility of finding the creatures.
--[X] Send a messenger to fetch Karyl Grafton. Technically, King Viserys has made no official contact with house Grafton, now's as good a time as any to change that
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He can help us, but I wouldn't assign anything to him alone.

Depending on the timeline, we should be able to handle everything. With Viserys, Amrelath, the Harbinger, and our Companions, I think we'll have things covered.
Not alone, but he can lead an attack.
Especially if he frees the slaves it will help laying the foundation for his future fiefdom on PoF.
Guys. There is no way we can raid the PoF next month.

We've got Varys cleanup, the invasion of Pentos and the conclave in the Reach. It's flat out impossible.