It looks like I actually misread the plan a little at the start, but I think it ended up flowing better as written. Might cut back on moment to moment details for fight plans in the future
Mmm. I would be concerned about cutting back on details. It depends what you mean, but the system right now is built off discrete techniques that have very specific effects. How they are combined and built upon is important - as you showed in this fight with Echoes.
While that kind of thing would work fine in a vaguer, more narrative system, I'm not really sure how to engage with the current function of arts without that context.
Indeed, the showcasing of Echoes here kind of illustrated the reason why we wanted to open with it. It was precisely because we
were taking him seriously that we wanted to open with it to reduce his damage and boost our own. A plan that didn't do that, and just tried to burst him with HR immediately actually lost because of that.
Again, I don't have a problem with the fight. As you say, this way actually worked really well, and it was super cool to read. I don't even have a problem with Ling Qi being portrayed as overconfident - it's a reasonable narrative and characterisation decision similar to her (poor) decisions in the Meizhen spar - even if it is somewhat contradicted by our actual planning. I'm more than happy for you to adjust our plans to make a better story, or because there are nuances to how things work that we don't appreciate and Ling Qi would know that doing things differently works better (though in that case it would be nice if it were explained).
I am, however, somewhat concerned about quest communication and our ability to engage with the Art system. Like with our desire to get PLR out early in the Ji Rong fight, decisions about techniques are important, and we generally make them for good reasons. Moreover, as I noted, the "overconfident" plan that just tried to burst him down with HR actually lost quite decisively, with the main argument being over whether or not Mist would increase our dodge enough to justify its use. If, in this case, it was simply a communication failure on our part though then I would be happy to ask about how we could describe our plans more clearly in the future.